Indescribable cyberpunk

Chapter 45 External Recruitment

In the office, the police officer looked at the inspector with a gloomy face, his head lowered and silent.



"You must take the video down!"

"So what's the reason?"

Zhu Jue asked confidently.

The inspector couldn't give a reason, because the video itself was not illegal, it was just a self-made horror short film. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of this type of video on the shelves every day, not to mention that Yuntu has already It was processed.

"He couldn't ban our videos online through legal channels. He wanted us to take down the videos voluntarily, so he did it in this way. I am a platinum member of Yuntu and I have already said hello to them, but you don't want to Too tough, reject him politely, after all, he is from the Public Security Bureau."

Wu Tong was beside him, typing on the computer screen.

Since he has asked Zhu Jue to cooperate, I dare say that all matters in this area will be handled by him, so of course he is prepared.

The annual fee for this platinum membership is no joke.

"This video of yours will attract the attention of some special forces. They will find you because you killed monsters and make you..."

The inspector pursed his lips mid-sentence. He was afraid that saying the second half of the sentence would cause this man who could independently kill sources of mental pollution to discover a new way to make money.

The government now pursues these sudden monsters, hoping to destroy them and get something special from them.

But it’s not just the government that has this idea, major top technology groups also have similar ideas.

As far as the funding for the laboratory alone is concerned, we can know from the equipment sales in the government order watch or other ability injection sales that need to be entrusted to the machinery group and the chemical industry group. They really dare to throw gold and silver into it. !

Capital means everything in this era.

At least now, he is still willing to hand over the corpses of those monsters to the Public Security Bureau.

If the other party's way of making money is really cut off, there is no guarantee that he will not take risks.

Thinking about it this way, instead of letting him go down the road that he doesn't want to see, it's better to let him take a video, right?

It is not advisable to lose big because of small things.

"Let's each take a step back. I won't interfere with your video production, but you must ensure that once you encounter this kind of monster in the future, no matter what the result is, whether you kill it or escape, you must inform the Public Security Bureau as soon as possible. How about it?"

After deliberation, the inspector proposed a new agreement. He was worried that this video would attract the attention of some people and then spend a lot of money to attract this guy who appeared out of nowhere.

The Order Watch is not a controller. Neither the government nor the Public Security Bureau can control these people through this piece of equipment.

Not to mention that the other party is just an informant and has not even been reported to the government. Now that he has said he quits, the Public Security Bureau can't do anything to him.

But as long as he agrees to his request, it doesn't matter whether he has this video or not.

Zhu Jue on the other side glanced at Wu Tong and touched his chin.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Jue could vaguely guess what the Public Security Bureau was worried about from the other party's words. In order to make his plan go smoothly, it would be okay to give them a guarantee in this regard.

"I agree, that's it, bye."

Hang up the phone and stuff the phone back into your pocket.


"Of course, I agreed to the Public Security Department on one condition. The inspector over there said that he would no longer interfere with our video. In short, just do your best. Take a look at the video. How is it now?"

Looking at the pinned video on Yuntu's homepage, Zhu Jue cared more about his money-making tool than the verbal agreement just now.

"Don't worry, our video has skipped the application step and been directly included in the paid channel. This is what I asked the people at Yuntu to prepare for a long time ago. As soon as the video becomes popular, it will stop playing for free immediately. This way, we can It saves us a lot of trouble. At least the children can't see this video. Even if something goes wrong, it must be someone else's account. We don't have to take any responsibility. Now our videos are purchased by ordinary people. 6 yuan, unlimited viewing for two days, halved for members, 3 yuan, only two days of viewing time, 20 yuan to buy the entire movie unlimited times. Now the number of ordinary purchasers has exceeded 3250, and there are 1607 members, who have purchased the entire movie The number of people is 879, it’s only been half a day, let’s send it out!”

Wu Tong twisted his body excitedly. The popularity of the video had exceeded his expectation. He thought it would take some time to ferment, but he didn't expect it to be so hot as soon as it started.

"Are we going to prepare to shoot the second video? Let's shoot the content of the second video while the first video is still popular. When we are looking for news, we can also spend as much money as possible to ensure The accuracy of the news or simply train a few people to help us find this information."

Dragging the mouse down, I looked at the comments under the video. Many of them were comments that wanted the second video to be released as soon as possible.

Before this, Zhu Jue just regarded this as an attempt to make money. Even if it failed, it would not have any impact on him. But now that the video has achieved unexpected success, he suddenly realized that this might be a real success. Become an aid in finding those monsters yourself.

"Don't wake up, believe me, what we need now is not to shoot a second video immediately, but to use the popularity of this video to quickly establish a reliable studio. As you said, we must have monster intelligence collectors .Now that we have achieved initial success, it is very important whether we can continue to replicate this success with the second video.

Whenever he talks about these tasks, the smile on Wu Tong's face will disappear unconsciously, and he will become more rigorous. This is his idea. Even though it is preliminary, he also has his own plans and thinking.

"How do you say we should do it?"

Zhu Jue has never been a dictator or someone who likes to take over everything. He is absolutely right to leave professional matters to professionals.

In terms of operational preparations, he believed in Wu Tong. After all, Wu Tong had never let Zhu Jue down so far.

Of course, there must be some discussion.

"We are just starting out now, so we don't need too many people, but there are only two of us. We are too few. I am going to publish an external recruitment information and ask them to send their resumes to my mailbox and conduct online interviews. At present, we urgently need to find someone who can compare with the Internet. Someone who is proficient and good at collecting information is very important. I have been busy making videos recently and have no time to find monsters.”

As Wu Tong spoke, he used his own account to post in the comment area. The content was very simple, just what he said just now.

By the way, I would like to add two sentences about the relaxed working atmosphere, comfortable working environment, and the salary is negotiable, but never low.

Pin it to the top, add more details, and get popular comments.

"I have to prepare a test question, and I already have a feeling my mailbox will be filled with resumes."

Looking at the comments under his post, Wu Tong turned around and said.

Ding dong~ding dong~

Before he finished speaking, the mailbox notification tone was already ringing.

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