Indescribable cyberpunk

Chapter 62 Deep in the Shadows

Ahead is the inner layer of Fangdoushan Nature Reserve, no entry is allowed!

Metal warning signs stand in the forest and are surrounded by special fluorescent lights to ensure that people approaching can see them immediately.

The entire Fangdoushan Mountain has four mountain tops and a central valley. Only one mountain is truly open to the outside world, so it is called Fangdoushan Mountain.

The other three were set aside by the federal government to protect the few remaining natural resources in this era.

On the mountain peak about a few hundred meters away from the warning sign, red and blue lights flashed alternately. They were the warning lights of the Public Security Department.

Below the high slope, a large number of Public Security Department personnel gathered.

There was someone standing in the forest, wearing a mental protection device, looking at the mutant body in the open space about ten meters in front of him, but did not step forward. The same was true for the police officers from the Public Security Department beside him.

The reason is very simple. Even if you look at these monsters from a distance, their hue values ​​are in a relatively unstable state. There is no problem if you get close, but direct contact or too close, even through the gloves specially equipped by the Public Security Department. Utensils like this still cannot guarantee safety.

If a problem suddenly occurs during the use of the mental protection device, one more corpse may be carried out, and no one wants to lie on the stretcher where the corpse is placed.

Li Jin stood at the front of the team, wearing a Bluetooth device on his ear and turning on the order watch on his left wrist. As an inspector of the Public Security Department, his permission interface was very different from that of an informant like Zhu Jue. .

"Permission Checking"

"Level 3 Federal Inspector Li Jin passed the test and the order has been issued."

"Do you want to enable Alpha intelligent robot?"

"Confirm activation. Password: stand at attention."

Blue light flashed in his eyes, and the electronic brain connected to Yecheng's core artificial intelligence - Alpha.

"Yes, Sir!"

Suddenly, there was a uniform sound of feet hitting the ground behind him. A group of 10 "police officers" wearing simple blue uniforms spoke out behind Li Jin.

If it weren't for the two thumb-sized blue apertures on the left and right sides of the temples and the electronic eyes in their eyes, these simulated robots would be just like ordinary people.

"The source of mental pollution No. 5 is known, and the collection of corpses has begun!"

There is no need to enter any instructions. The moment these robots are activated, they are already connected to artificial intelligence and can independently analyze Li Jin's orders.

As the supreme commander on site, he has sole command authority over these robots.

"As you command, sir!"

Without any protection, these robots carry refrigerated boxes of different sizes to ensure that every piece of the body maintains a certain level of activity.

Under the watchful eye of humans, they entered a polluted place full of dangers for humans, and their work was carried out in an orderly manner.

"Li Jin, come and take a look."

On the other side, Qin Chengren, who had been looking for friends for a long time, also participated in this operation and was responsible for collecting the bodies of the Faceless Cult members. This part did not require the use of robots.

"Are you crazy? Why don't you wear protective gear?"

As soon as he got closer, he saw Qin Chengren, who was not wearing a mental protection device, looking at a corpse.

"That's why I asked you to come over. Take a look at the hue value in the protection device for yourself."

"The hue value doesn't fluctuate?"

With a quick glance, Li Jin quickly discovered that the hue value on the mental protection device did not fluctuate at all, which meant that the existence of these half-human and half-monsters would not cause mental pollution to humans.

"Yes, although these guys have mutated limbs, they are not like the monsters over there that will make people feel uncomfortable just by looking at them. Then again, aren't the monsters over there just the integration of these people's limbs? , why do they produce mental pollution when they are together, but normal when they are separated?"

Why does the Federation specifically designate these monsters as sources of mental pollution? Isn't it because these guys cause far more mental damage to humans than physical damage?

How to solve this kind of mental pollution has been the top priority of the Federation in recent years. In fact, as long as this kind of mental pollution, which is more terrifying than some radiation, is solved, the lethality of these monsters currently encountered will be reduced. In fact, they are not much better than those federal wanted criminals.

"This is not something we are considering. Pack up these corpses and send them back quickly. The people who really want to consider this matter are probably in a hurry."

Giving up her position to the person handling the corpse, Li Jin turned to look at the traces of battle and some wounds on the corpse.

"I have looked carefully. The man numbered 527 should have used a long knife, and he was also equipped with firearms. A lot of bullet casings can be seen on the ground, and there are knife marks on the body. These people should have gathered together at that time. Yes, that is to say, he faced the siege here alone, and then killed them all without leaving a single one. Also, look at these two corpses."

As a front-line executive, Qin Chengren's basic ability is to accurately judge the traces of battle.

The two corpses he pointed out were a mutant monster with wings that had been chopped off at the waist, and the other was a mutant monster with two legs that had its neck kicked off.

"He must be able to cut in half those whose bodies have been strengthened to a certain extent with one knife, break their necks with one kick, and also make the opponent's entire body fall uncontrollably and cause external injuries when they hit the ground." He has received C-level or above body modification or has special ability injections, but the data shows that he is only a first-level informant. Two weeks ago, he was only a third-level informant, and what I mentioned above is a second-level investigation. Have you ever thought about things that only officials and above can have access to, and how he obtained this level of ability?"

It was just speculation in the Public Security Department before, but now through on-site investigation, Qin Chengren confirmed his idea.

"Are you saying that someone is providing him with private weapon transformation or ability injection production?"

Federal law stipulates that any private armed transformation and injection production are illegal.

Of course, to put it this way, in many cases the federal government is simply unable to stop the actions of those consortiums. The question is, is there a consortium behind this third-level informant who appears from nowhere?

The discussion between the two continued on Fangdou Mountain, and on the other side of the mountain, a bird was standing on the previous warning sign.

A bird with three scarlet eyes and a strange bulge of flesh behind its wings. It stared at the red and blue lights in the distance for a while, then turned and took off, deep into the no-man's land of Fangdou Mountain.

Under a large banyan tree with several people hugging each other, a giant snake covered in pitch black scales with a pair of sharp claws sprouting from the front half of its body was climbing up the trunk.

In the canopy of the tree, there was a night dire several times larger than the mutant Zhu Jue had killed before, squatting among the branches, its barbed tail swinging around. It was staring at a bull-sized creature that was retreating to the other side. A creature that is as big as a horse, with a head similar to that of a horse, two claws in the middle of its limbs, and a pair of broad bat wings on its back.

Please collect~Please recommend~

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