Indescribable cyberpunk

Chapter 70 The soaring hue value

"Zhu Jue?"

"Mr. Zhu Jue?"

"What’s wrong with you?"

When Ye Yun noticed that the young man on the bench sat upright and stared at somewhere in the room, she realized that something was wrong.

This situation is very common in some patients. Due to the high degree of mental confusion and oppression, they will actively imagine a powerful image to oppress themselves or a being that is dependent on themselves to support and fight with each other.

The tense vigilance and sense of crisis displayed by Zhu Jue in front of him at this time proved that what he imagined should be of the former category.

This is Ye Yun's understanding, but in Zhu Jue's eyes, she no longer exists at this moment.

There was a biting cold wind blowing by my side, blowing into my ears uncontrollably. I glanced back and saw that the bench I was lying on was covered in ice and snow.

The coldness that surged up from deep inside his body made Zhu Jue frown.

This coldness quickly affected his movements, and even his fingers had a clear sense of sluggishness when moving. He was like a robot stored in the ice and snow.

The cold tolerance is not bad, the brain can still function, but the body parts are frozen by the ice and snow.

Zhu Jue's eyes returned to the front, staring directly at the twisted phantoms around him.

Yes, this time, except where his body was, the ice field in the dream did not appear.

At first, he thought it was his memories of the amorphous monster that made it start to intrude on his mental will again, but after waiting for a while, those twisted black mist-like existences that covered everything in sight let him know, What will come out this time is his "old rival".

Chirping sounds appeared around him. When Zhu Jue was concentrating, he didn't know when there was a little penguin beside him. It had gray fluffy hair and a circle of short black hair on its head. This was a little penguin that had not yet grown up. The molting juvenile penguin was looking at him, his body swaying, first on the left side, and soon he moved his small and short paws, changing positions and continuing to look at him, turning his head from time to time and slapping his palms twice.

The little penguin's bright eyes always reminded Zhu Jue of wind chimes. It seemed to be sizing up Zhu Jue and thinking about what kind of existence the big guy in front of him was.

"Why are you here?"

Zhu Jue looked at the penguin, asked subconsciously, and tried to reach out to touch it.

He thought it was just his fantasy, but when Zhu Jue's fingers touched those hairs and the little penguin took the initiative to come closer, his mood was like seeing a penguin in a dream for the first time.

Relaxation and pleasure.

At this time, Ye Yun, who was outside Zhu Jue's consciousness, felt more and more surprised and excited. As a psychiatrist, there was no one who could stimulate her thirst for knowledge more than this special patient.

At first she was on high alert and nervous, but then she saw Zhu Jue reaching out to touch something in front of him, with a smile on his face. She knew that this should be the emergence of another consciousness of his.

Quietly stood up, walked to the bookcase next to him, reached through the holographic projection, and took out a special pair of glasses. This is a hue value evaluation instrument specially created by Crown Machinery Group for psychiatrists. It can not only measure your own hue value, but also measure your line of sight. The current hue status of the creature being touched.

Wearing glasses to observe Zhujue, the data obtained after a series of data and ripples: Clear 3!

Such data proves that there is nothing wrong with the mental state of the person in front of him. It can even be said that he is healthier and more stable than most people.

The hue value of ordinary people generally remains between clear 20 and 60, which is a normal fluctuation range. If it exceeds clear 60, it means that the person has a tendency to develop mental illness. At this time, he needs to receive psychological treatment. If If it is lower than clarity 20, it means that the person's willpower toughness is beyond ordinary people. To put it simply, he is not surprised by changes.

Zhu Jue's Clear 3 can be said to be extremely rare, and can even be included in personal files and included in resumes as an advantage.

Will such a person have psychological problems?

Ye Yun didn't believe it.

She stared at Zhu Jue, a little annoyed. On the one hand, she hated men who used performances to get close to her or have contact with her. On the other hand, she was also angry that she actually believed the other party's performance.

She raised her hand to take off her glasses to see off the guests, but the moment her palms touched the frame, the data in her field of vision began to change like she had never seen before.

Clear 10 Clear 30 Clear 50 Clear 100!

Chaos 20 Chaos 50 Chaos 80

Still rising!

Entering chaos means that a person's mental state has become extremely unstable, and some dangerous thoughts and tendencies may appear at any time.

Ye Yun has seen many typical or special cases, but she can say that she has never seen anyone's hue value soar from clear 3 to chaotic 89 in ten seconds, and it is even rising!

As a professional psychiatrist, when faced with this situation, the first thing to do is to immediately start the mental protection program for the patient, and then try to soothe the patient's mental state as much as possible and immediately notify Yecheng No. 3 Hospital so that they can respond as quickly as possible. Speedy sent a professional team.

She stood up and rushed to the instrument next to her. However, before she could touch the control button next to her, Zhu Jue, who had been sitting on the bench, suddenly raised his hand and patted the weapon box next to him. He pulled out his long knife and threw it in Ye Yun's direction. go.

Impartially, it was inserted right into the mental protection device in front of her. The force was so strong that the blade of the knife was halfway in, and the handle of the knife was still trembling slightly.

"If a crisis situation is detected, should we call the police immediately?"

I don't know where the electronic sound came from again.

"Don't move, I'm fine, don't move anything!"

Zhu Jue's sudden words interrupted Ye Yun's next move.

Normally, Ye Yun would have ignored this request. The patient's mental safety is what a psychiatrist needs to pay most attention to. She doesn't think the patient can make any accurate judgments when the hue value reaches the chaotic stage.

But the current situation is beyond her control. The fact that he can swing the knife accurately through the holographic projection and directly hit the device he is about to use without looking back means that even in his current mental state, He is also capable of harming himself.

Before protecting the patient's mental state, she had to protect her own life.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

In Zhu Jue's perception, he was holding the restless little penguin in his arms and staring at the shadow furbolg in front of him.

It appeared this time largely because of hunger. The two pieces of meat Zhu Jue collected have not been eaten yet.

But at the same time, Zhu Jue also felt another emotion conveyed by it.


Guys, a new week has begun, let’s vote for recommendations~~~

In addition, there are only 12 people left to reach 100 rewards. When will it be reached? I will add another chapter to thank you all~~

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