Infinite Beast Control: The Starting Pet Is A Stone

Chapter 215 Ghost Mother Evil Spider

The bat monster was chopped into four pieces by Su Lansheng, so it was not evenly divided into four pieces. This part of the old city is actually not that big. But coincidentally, the two largest pieces among the four were later divided into two parts and went to different areas.

So the old city area becomes the largest area. The primitive cells contained in it are quite abundant. With the help of these primitive cells, even if he wants to transform himself into Bo Ya, it will not be a big problem.

Of course, Fu Han didn't want to be like Boya. He just used the original cells to strengthen his body functions, senses, reactions, etc. Fu Han's method of transforming his body is still very gentle. These transformations are not very powerful and will not take effect immediately. Such transformation requires very few original cells.

These were the enhancement plans that Fu Han had planned for a long time, but before, Fu Han only had a few original cells obtained from the [Deer Headed Demon Lord]. On the one hand, the implementation of the transformation plan is not complete enough. On the other hand, Fu Han was worried that the original cells would be needed in an emergency, so he kept them without using them.

Now that the original cells were abundant, Fu Han immediately carried out the transformation. His current actions can make the transformation take effect faster, and also allow his body to adapt to the transformation faster.

After doing this, Qiqilu finally thought of a way to put out the fire. Therefore, Fu Han continued to move towards the primitive cells in the induction.

The next closest place is in a corner on the edge of North City. Fu Han sensed that the original cells there had begun to disperse, which meant that the orangutan rot had begun to spread. But they seemed to be blocked by something and were running around in an area.

At first, Fu Han thought it was the hunting god's religious army that was resisting the Corruptors. When we got there, we discovered that it was actually the Salt God Priest who was dealing with some palm-sized spiders.

At this time, the priestess of the Salt God had used sulfur salt to seal the spider group in a small residential area. There is also a pair of twin priests who are directing their [Monsoon Fairy] to blow sulfur salt into the blockade area.

If Fu Han's guess was correct, those spiders should come from the diseased priests who had previously monitored most of the Yanyan City. Obviously, this guy was much stronger than the one Fu Han had dealt with before.

It is certainly a good idea to block the insects with sulfur salt, but the salt powder will at most make the rot priest inside sneeze twice. The reason why he hasn't rushed out yet is probably because he is using Orang Fu to make some kind of preparation. When he finished preparing and rushed out brazenly, it was hard to say that all the female salt officers would suffer.

However, Fu Han didn't know if the Hunting God Sect had any backup plan.

At present, the situation has been controlled in a small area, so Fu Han would naturally go in quickly and take away the original cells. Therefore, Fu Han quickened his pace and bypassed the female salt officers and entered the blockade area.

This diseased priest who is good at manipulating spiders is named Pu Tan. This name was actually acquired after she showed her talent in beast control, so the name fits her beast control talent very well.

Her talent in beast control is commonly known as "Spider Trainer". In the textbook of Chasing Star Academy, this talent is called [Spider Star Beast Affinity]. It is easier for a beast master with this kind of talent to contract a spider star beast. His Star Beast has a higher chance of learning skills from the Spider Shattered Star. At the same time, the skills of spider-like star beasts are upgraded faster.

All affinity beastmasters have one thing in common: whatever they are affinity with, they will love it sincerely.

Pu Chu loves spiders so much that he even begins to think that he is a spider. When she became a priest of the disease, she prayed to her superiors for the ability to fuse with spiders. It just so happened that the high-level priest who granted her the ape rot liked this twisted transformation, so he used the ape rot technique to fuse her with his spider star beast.

Compared with the [Star Beast Fusion] talent, the fusion method of the Orangutan Rot Technique is crude and primitive. Most likely, after discarding her lower body, the organs necessary for survival were sewn to the Spider Star Beast's body. After this suturing was completed, she could not undo the fusion, and from then on she became a half-human, half-spider monster.

The strange thing is that both she and her star beast are very satisfied with this stitching, and she has maintained this half-spider form for more than ten years.

Pu Tan was very lucky. With her talent, she contracted a [Ghost Mother Evil Spider], and it was this Ghost Mother Evil Spider that was sewn to her.

[Ghost Mother Evil Spider] is a notorious star beast. This star beast is unique to the rotten land. Its habits are as twisted as the rotten sect.

Hermaphroditic ghost mothers can reproduce both themselves and cross-breeding. When it reproduces itself, it will produce a large number of low-level ghost spiders. These ghost spiders are small, have low intelligence, and do not have an inner core. The baby ghost spider will go out to hunt other creatures and then return to the nest, while the ghost mother will eat the ghost spiders she gave birth to to survive.

If two evil spiders meet, a fierce battle will ensue. The winner forces the other to impregnate themselves and then eats the other after impregnation.

And what is born after this cross-breeding is the real ghost mother evil spider larvae. But the ghost mother doesn't care about the life and death of the larvae. It's already pretty good if she doesn't eat the larvae. Therefore, a clutch of nearly a hundred larval ghost mothers can only fight and devour each other. Those who survive in the end continue this twisted life cycle.

Compared with the evil spider, Pu Tuo has a little more humanity. She enjoys the feeling of spider eggs growing in her body and never regards them as food. She also likes to use ape rot to strengthen and enslave the little ghost spiders.

Today, her original mission was to receive a large amount of orangutan rot and then use spiders to spread the orangutan rot throughout Beicheng. Unexpectedly, her whereabouts were discovered just after she laid two batches of spider eggs. Then the priest of the Salt God felt this and blocked her children with sulfur salt.

However, now that she has enough ape rot in her body, the sulfur salt cannot stop her. She has already given birth to eight powerful corrupted ghost spiders using the ape rot technique. When they get out of the cocoon, Pu Chu will rush out with them, turning all those in the way into rot slaves!

While waiting for the corrupted ghost spider to break out of its shell, Pu Tuo suddenly discovered that someone had broken into her territory. The sense of crisis made her immediately abandon the spider eggs and climb to a high place to escape...

Spiders are creatures with a strong sense of territoriality, and the Ghost Mother Evil Spider will regard all living creatures that enter its territory as prey. In the small closed area, there are dense stars of orangutan rot. Fu Han knew very well that those were the other party's spies, so he also knew that [Psychological Fuzzy] would not work here.

After entering the blocked area, he no longer hid his figure. He quickly rushed towards the place where the primitive cells were densest, but all he saw was the cocoon sac wrapped in spider silk.

Although he did not see the priest, Fu Han sensed that a powerful individual was secretly observing him from a nearby height.

So, he curled his lips, pretended not to know, and slowly moved towards the huge cocoon sac.

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