"The stars will burn forever!"

After repeated thanks from the priest brother, the two left the council hall one after another.

When his consciousness returned to the ice sea, Fu Han recalled the star beasts, then opened the time and space door and returned to the desert, setting off again.

This time Fu Han made a lot of money again and acquired more than ten skills including [Hui Ying Xinhuo]. But he was not busy studying those undead skills carefully. Because Hui's skill of drawing fire caused lingering questions in his mind, about the god of death, the soul of the dead, the underworld fire...

He had never thought about it deeply before, but after coming into contact with the priest's underworld fire, Fu Han suddenly realized that things were not simple. The more he thought about it, the more he had strong doubts about the God of Death and Hui Zhan!

Among the gods that Fu Han knew, it seemed that only the God of Fengyang was a real god. Only it seems to have no pursuit, no yearning, and no need. It even made Fu Han feel that he was a little irresponsible and allowed disease and decay to bring disaster to the world!

He also truly allowed disease and decay. Because in His vision, disease and decay pose no threat to life at all. This is the disease of life, how can it completely destroy life? It is just a ringworm on life. Don't worry about it at all. The world of life can return to its original state by itself.

It is precisely because of this dominant power that the God of Fengyang does not ask for anything from this world. He does not need it! On the contrary, He is the one who is eaten, and He is the one who gives up His power...Not only does He want nothing, but He can also give you everything.

Therefore, only He is the real transcendence, the real God.

Looking at the so-called gods of Fanxing Sect, they all have their own agendas. They are all scheming, using their own powers to devise clever rules in order to get more from them!

Compared to the God of Fertile Soil, he is weak and greedy!

If anything, Fu Han felt that God's behavior was very similar to his copying skills of other planters. In fact, I also asked for a lot, but I just hid it and asked the priest to be grateful...

But Fu Han considers himself to be an ordinary person, so there is nothing wrong with seeking the maximum benefit in transactions, right? But how come that lofty belief is no more than a transaction? How can God be noble compared to me? Are people like me worthy of being called gods? !

Will Death be the exception? I'm afraid it's not that simple.

It is undeniable that the God of Death does have enough respect and kindness for the living. But just like Fu Han promised to copy the skills to the priest brother, those are probably crocodile tears...

Who can survive? Is it necessary for the God of Death to go around the world with his scythe and kill people? Since everyone is going to die, what if we let them live well first?

But what about after death? Accept the glorious burial and let the dead soul return to the embrace of death. And Death will guide them to their resting place...

This was hard for Fu Han to believe.

The God of Death has already slept forever, how can he still provide guidance? There was no such thing as burial before His coming, so where did the souls of the dead go? According to the Star Sect, the gods already existed in other forms before they came. So why is burial carried out after the arrival of death? His previous methods of guiding souls no longer work?

These are obviously issues that cannot be mentioned openly in the land of divine rest. This is blasphemous and will be treated as heresy. Therefore, Fu Han could only rely on Fu Han to find out the answers to these questions.

But now, Fu Han gradually discovered that the answers to these questions pointed in one direction. Burial of Glory is as tricky as the Elemental Core! Hui Burial is the scythe that harvests souls! Death has deceived everyone, including its believers and people.

It's a spine-chilling thought. If it was true, Fu Han had to admit that he was almost fooled! The Death God sect is so good to its people, and there are many priests and heroes of the Death God...but are these all scams?

Thinking of this, Fu Han shook his head and let Yunyun rain a little on his head to cool his mind a little.

In fact, Fu Han knew very well that because the education he received was godless, he habitually put God in the perspective of evil to speculate, which was not objective.

The God of Death may not be as bad as Fu Han imagined. After all, he has indeed made outstanding contributions to the safety of the living. He may be human.

Fu Han asked himself what if he were the god of death and could use his soul to strengthen himself. Then I should choose to point the souls of good people to the stars, and then swallow the souls of bad people into my belly.

Just as Fu Han had speculated before, the old gods are just like me. Since Fu Han can make this choice, it is possible that the God of Death will do the same.

Of course, in this way, his "divinity" will collapse. The academic theory that the Old Gods are just other forms of life is infinitely closer to the truth.

In fact, Fu Han now has a way to learn more about the God of Death. He has obtained the key to the secret door of the God of Death.

What the priest wanted to do, Fu Han could do it more easily. As long as he finds a star beast that can learn how to use Hui to draw fire, and tries the effect of Hui Burial for himself, Fu Han will be one step closer to the truth.

Thinking about it, Fu Han turned his attention to Yueshu Lingju. Look at the black and gold flames lingering on its body. Fu Han thought to himself, maybe you are suitable? Isn’t it all fire anyway?

So Fu Han immediately cast the mark of Hui Yin Xinhuo and gave it to Yueshu Lingju. Then, I saw the mark sinking into the core of the spirit horse, and then disappeared...

Fu Han quickly checked Lingju's information and found that Hui Yinxinhuo was already in Lingju's skill list! Fu Han was stunned... He actually succeeded! ?

This time, he couldn't help it.

After careful consideration, Fu Han felt that the uninhabited desert was the best place to test Hui Burial. After all, it's best not to let anyone know that you can draw fire. Fu Han is already a very good secret priest, there is no need to pretend to be a death priest. Mainly within the Death God Sect, which is not as secretive as the Secret Sect, and the probability of being involved in gangs is very high.

However, apart from the translucent ordinary slimes, it is really difficult to find other living creatures on the sand dunes. As an elemental creature, slime will disappear directly after cooling down, and there is no part that can be used for burial.

Moreover, the Meteor Desert is too vast and has very few resources for survival, so the star beasts are also quite sparsely distributed, and Xiao Zi's sensitive nose is of no use here.

Meteor Desert is not all dunes covered in fine sand. There are also large gravel beaches and heavily weathered low stone hills, where there are sparse drought-tolerant plants. Oases may even form in places with good conditions, and star beasts often live near oases.

For Fu Han, who has vast magical powers, it is not difficult to find and reach the oasis. So, in the evening of that day, Fu Han came to a small pond with a fresh green cactus.

But he didn't expect that someone would arrive one step earlier than him.

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