Fu Han didn't know why, but he always got along well with his elders and always received favors from them. In the college, there are Mrs. Lan, Bachelor Ye and Professor Chu to help. When I arrived in the Kingdom of Death, I had Mr. Li Yanfu to give me guidance. This time I entered Jiangshan Ming Mansion and hit it off with Aunt Xiao.

Aunt Xiao, a top jewelry craftsman, has too many people who want to ask her to make things. However, there are only a handful of people who can ask her to take action. Fu Han cooked a bowl of noodles and got a promise from her. Fu Han came to help as soon as he gathered the materials, which was obviously a kind of luck.

However, even with Aunt Xiao's help, the inscription device that records time and space coordinates is still nowhere to be found. Currently, Fu Han only has one of the lowest level space-time gems, and he still needs to find 9 more...

Fu Han thought about it and figured out that if he wanted to collect nine space-time gems, he could ask other planters to help at the Sun Council. All of them are rich guys, so they should have some ideas. Secondly, you still have to arrange for people from the secret sect to find it, which is nothing more than spending money.

Finally, Aunt Xiao suggested asking all the jewelry workshops and stalls selling materials in Mingfu, maybe there would be some in stock. However, Fu Han decided to find the stronghold of the secret sect first, so that they could complete this kind of work.

So, he bid farewell to Aunt Xiao for the time being and headed towards the jumping staircase leading to the second floor of Ming Mansion.

Craftsmen are people who value efficiency. Once they have set up a workshop on the first floor, they rarely move it out. Moreover, the workshop is passed down from master to apprentice, from generation to generation. For the craftsmen, it is both a memory and a kind of glory.

Therefore, the first floor of Mingfu is a gathering place for time-honored craftsmen. Of course, this does not mean that the craftsmen on the second floor are not good, it just means that there is such a phenomenon.

The second and third floors of Ming Mansion actually have a better environment. There are walls dividing the spaces into pieces. Because they are used by the Titans, these rooms are quite large.

Division of labor and cooperation are the modes that craftsmen are most accustomed to, so they will join together to occupy a room to form a large workshop. The rest are rented by chambers of commerce or used as temples by other sects.

There are only a few sects that can be invited to settle in Ming Mansion. They basically have irreplaceable functions or are absolutely neutral sects. The Disease Sect is not qualified to settle in Ming Mansion. The God of Grace Sect and the God of Craftsman Sect look down on each other, so there is no temple. On the contrary, the God of Justice is quite respected in Ming Mansion and has established a large temple.

In fact, the secret sect is also a neutral sect with important functions. But maybe the craftsmen have too many secrets that cannot be revealed, so the secret sect was not invited to settle in Ming Mansion. But it's just that the temple has not been established, the secret sect is still like that... No matter whether you welcome it or not, the secret will naturally have its stronghold.

Moreover, the Craftsman God Sect is actually not that resistant to the secret sect. They just didn't invite, but they didn't refuse the secret believers to enter Ming Mansion. Otherwise, Fu Han might not be able to come in.

Before coming, Fu Han learned from Liu Qian that the largest hotel on the second floor of Ming Mansion was actually run by spies. It's really not surprising at all. The secret sect likes to do hotel business... maybe it's because there are so many private things in the hotel.

The leaping elevator is a very magical inscription array. The thing used to lift people up and down is not an entity, but some kind of energy field. The most scientific part is that everyone in the escalator will be lifted or lowered individually. This saves you the trouble of waiting for the elevator and is very fast.

After arriving on the second floor, Fu Han asked passers-by about the location of the largest hotel. Then with these uncertainties in mind, I walked into this dimly lit hotel.

Fu Han has a special technique for identifying "one of his own", which is to see if the other person can recognize him. Sure enough, the innkeeper's originally distracted eyes lit up the moment he saw Fu Han.

When Fu Han walked to the counter, the shopkeeper immediately stood up and said with a smile, "Sir, why are you here? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Fu Han also asked with familiarity: "What do you call this lineage?"

The shopkeeper saluted and said: "We are of the Zhao family, sir. My name is Zhao Ji..."

Fu Han nodded and said with a smile: "Then prepare a room for me and go to the room to talk."

Zhao Ji quickly walked out of the counter and led the way forward: "It's been prepared. Come with me, sir."

Indeed, after Zhao Ji learned that Fu Han had arrived at Ming Mansion, he immediately arranged a comfortable guest room for Fu Han. He also thoughtfully prepared a plate of peeled cactus fruits for Fu Han.

You must know that Ming Mansion is still in the desert. The Craftsman God Sect is rich and has no shortage of supplies, but that does not mean that other people have the same treatment.

For example, Fu Han just got vegetable soup and braised beef in the dining car. That was because Aunt Xiao, a master craftsman, stood aside and nodded. Otherwise, if you give me the money, you can only buy some red bean paste cakes to satisfy your hunger, and they are heartbreakingly expensive!

So a plate of peeled and cut cactus fruits with a small dish of honey is actually quite rare!

The reason why Zhao Ji prepared a fruit plate for Fu Han surprised Fu Han. The news that he used his own money to support the mother and daughter in Yanyan City has spread to Craftsman Mountain. Fu Han didn't want to say anything, but it was a secret sect after all, so he really couldn't hide this.

So Zhao Ji said: "The officiant is so kind and gentle, the messenger will remember it in his heart! Just give it a try, sir."

Therefore, Fu Han also had a taste of the secret agents' wishes. Not to mention, it is still very sweet, and it always feels sweeter than the ones at Grand Oasis.

While eating the fruit plate, Fu Han also told Zhao Ji what he wanted to do. Especially when it comes to searching for space-time gems inside and outside Ming Mansion, I specifically emphasized that they should spread the net as hard as they could to find it. Fu Han was not vague about the investigation funds, and gave 100 gold coins with a wave of his hand.

I thought that Zhao Ji would immediately carry the money and go do something, but unexpectedly he said coyly: "Sir, I have some important news, I should tell you about it."

Fu Han raised his eyebrows and asked, "What kind of news?"

"Corruption Sect!"

"Tell me." Since it is a disease sect, Fu Han and Haolai have to listen.

Zhao Ji immediately lowered his voice and whispered into Fu Han's ear, telling the story again.

After all, Ming Mansion is a very important place, but if the Craftsman God Sect doesn't welcome it, others won't come!

Believers of disease and rot are expressly prohibited from entering Ming Mansion. The craftsmen also have inscription arrays to detect diseases. Not only monkey rot, but also people with other infectious diseases cannot enter the gate of Ming Mansion.

However, the Orangutan Sect can insert normal people who are not infected with the Orangutan into Ming Mansion. There is an animal pen on the third floor that is actually the secret stronghold of the Orangutan Sect.

In fact, the secret sect has always known about their existence, and it was natural that they had no problem getting along with them in the past. Moreover, these people are also very peaceful. Apart from receiving funding from the Fu rot sect, they don't see any abnormalities.

Later, the two sects fell out, and Zhao Ji kept staring at them. Who would have known that something really big happened yesterday?

It seems that a very important person from the Fu rot sect was arrested by the defenders of the Artisan God sect and has been locked up in the fourth-floor prison. And last night, two priests of the Fu rot sect did not know how they bypassed the virus detection inscription array and entered Ming Mansion.

The key is that these two people also have the ability to change their appearance and deceive the biometric inscription device. They transformed into the appearance of the warden of Ming Mansion and took the man out! Now they're hiding in that pen!

Fu Han frowned and asked, "Didn't the Craftsman God Sect find out?"

"They already knew that a prisoner had escaped, and they should have been searching. But I don't know how they searched."

"Method?" Fu Han looked at the copper inscription on the wall and said, "I'll probably rely on this thing."

"Sir, should we inform the Artisan God Sect? Or wait until they go out and then snatch people from them!?"

Zhao Ji actually suggested robbing someone, which made Fu Han stunned: "Who is the person they brought out from prison? Have you figured it out?"

Zhao Ji frowned and said: "We have already investigated once, and we are not sure yet! But there is a high probability that that person is the favored one of the God of Thieves!"

Hearing this, Fu Han suddenly stood up and ordered: "Mobilize all the strength of your men and suspend all other affairs! Keep an eye on these people with all your strength, and I must not let them escape!"

"If it is really the Beloved Thief, we must take him back!! This is done, the reward will be twice as much as this!"

Zhao Ji looked happy, bowed and said, "Yes, sir!"

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