Shang Li's method of escaping into the space-time gap and moving quickly is quite flexible but not precise, and has a lot of randomness. It is impossible to return to the previous mountain spring. It's no wonder that in order to find a treasure house, he had to search all over the mountains and plains, and even went hungry. He should be worried that if he returns to the city, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

From this point of view, the Gate of Time and Space still has considerable advantages.

According to the theory of the Fanxing Sect, the ability of the Gate of Time and Space should come from the Star Domain of the God of Time and Space. And Shang Li's ability should belong to the star domain of the God of Thieves. So even though Shang Li could find the treasure house, he and the God of Time and Space were on completely different paths.

Fortunately, there is no need to choose a good place for Shang Li. The terrain is flatter and away from people. Such places are not difficult to find. They are everywhere in Hezhi Mountain. After finding a suitable camping place, the two of them came out of the gap between time and space.

Let Xiao Zi explore for a while, but fortunately there was no sign of star beast activity nearby, so Fu Han started to give Shangli an injection.

This needle-less syringe is easy to operate. Just attach the injection buckle to your body and press the button.

While the blue medicine was injected into Shang Li's body, Fu Han also removed most of the orangutan rot and primitive cells from his body, leaving only a few.

The purpose of taking away the orangutan was to allow Shang Li to have some symptoms so that the orangutan would not surge too easily. Leaving behind a primitive cell was Fu Hanliu's trick. Shang Li had a faint original cell aura left on his body, and Fu Han could sense him.

At least next time, Fu Han won't be fooled by his mimic slime. Of course, Fu Han hopes that there will be no next time, and everyone will form a harmonious alliance for ten years and pin Keira to death in the fractal layer. Ten years later, there is still someone with whom we can celebrate together.

The injection of the medicine only took a few dozen seconds, and soon no trace of the injection could be seen on Shang Li's arm.

Seeing that the blue potion disappeared, Shang Li asked with concern: "How early will the ape rot surge be? Will this medicine be useless?"

Fu Han was about to speak when Shang Li raised his hand and said, "No! It works! I have feelings..."

"This is right..." Fu Han thought in his heart.

Not only did Shang Li react, his reaction was more serious than Fu Han expected. In just ten minutes, this guy's body temperature rose to a scalding level. Fu Han was so frightened that he quickly asked Yunyun to get the dazed Shang Li wet to prevent him from burning up.

Shang Li, whose body temperature had dropped slightly, had finally recovered his ability to think and speak: "Is this the smell of raging orangutan rot?"

Fu Han shook his head and told him: "Probably not. The raging rot should be thousands of times more painful than this. You just have a severe fever."

"Ten million times? That's too exaggerated...I already feel like I'm going to die."

Fu Han still shook his head and said: "It's no exaggeration, I have experienced the surge of ape rot. One second feels as long as the past three years!"

"Don't brag!"

Fu Han curled his lips: "Believe it or not."

After a long time... Shang Li asked: "Then how did my master... survive?"

Fu Han sighed: "I only know that he must be a very amazing person! Very!"

After another long time, Shang Li said: "He is just an ugly, rickety old man with yellow teeth, very wretched!"

Fu Han struck mercilessly: "You're not bad, but you're going to die if you have a fever...tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk."

Shang Li was unable to speak again this time.

However, before he turned over and turned his back, Fu Han caught a glimpse that he was actually crying.

Shang Li was destined to not be able to sleep peacefully that night, and Fu Han got up once to see him. Other than still having a fever, there's nothing wrong with it. Fu Han felt that a person favored by God would not die from a fever, so he went to practice shooting in the dream with peace of mind.

The next morning, Fu Han felt refreshed when he woke up. But when I looked at Shang Li again, I realized that this guy was quite dehydrated, and his mouth was so dry that it cracked. He quickly refilled the kettle for him and repeatedly told him to drink more water.

Shang Li didn't eat anything that day. He said he still felt thirsty after drinking a lot of water. Fortunately, there is enough water to keep him drinking.

At dusk, Shang Li said that the skin all over his body ached. Fu Han opened his sleeves and took a look, and found that its body was already covered with acne blisters... Taking advantage of the situation, Fu Han found that it was the dying orangutan rot in his body, and he wanted to get out of it. Find a new host.

"Well, this is a good sign... He will be cured soon after all." Fu Han comforted him.

Shang Li had no strength at all and said nothing.

During the starry night, the acne blisters on Shang Li's body began to emit the aura of decay. In order to prevent secondary infection, Fu Han could only strip him naked, then get a big leaf and keep fanning him. At this time, Fu Han felt a little regretful. If he had known better, he would have removed more orangutan to avoid such trouble.

When the sun came out again, Shang Li's body was mostly rotten, but the acne blisters on his skin had burst, and he fell asleep weakly.

At this time, the effect of Yun Yun is great. A joyful loving rain can not only wash away the stains on Shang Li's body, but also effectively heal his skin.

When the time came to noon again, Shang Li woke up. This time, apart from feeling weak and weak, the discomfort that lasted for almost two days has basically disappeared.

Shang Li knew that he had survived. He sat up and found that he was naked with clothes covering his body. He immediately asked nervously: "Why am I not wearing any clothes?!"

Fu Han said angrily: "You were covered in rot last night. If I don't help you take off your clothes, I'm afraid you will be ruined!"

Now Shang Li also recalled the torture last night! He felt like tens of thousands of insects were trying to get out of his body, and his whole body was itchy and painful... Later, he took off his clothes to avoid the friction between the fabric and his body, and he felt better.

He quickly looked at the skin on his body and touched his face.

Fu Han said: "I've treated you, don't's not disfigured."

At this point, Shang Li felt at ease. He lay back and said with emotion: "It's really thanks to you, thank you!... When I recover, I will find a treasure house for you. Besides the time and space gems, what else do you want? Something?"

Fu Han suddenly felt a little dazed, and he remembered the old jokes. When a pickpocket at the train station asks, just tell me whose cell phone you like, and he will steal it immediately...

Fu Han had not thought about the question of what he wanted before. Originally, I really just wanted an abandoned treasure house, but unexpectedly, I suddenly had more options to choose from.

However, there is one thing that is a very hard currency in Qixing Land. You can choose it in any situation where you don't know how to choose, and that is - strength!

"Actually, anything is fine. As long as it can improve my strength, I need it."

Shang Li nodded and said: "Yes, your star level is still relatively low. It is indeed more important to improve your strength."

Fu Han felt from the bottom of his heart that considering his age, his star rating was pretty good. Shang Li, who looked less than thirty years old, said this, which really made him feel a little unhappy.

So Fu Han asked: "Then how high is your star rating?"

Shang Li smiled and said, "Of course I am a legend."

Fu Han wanted to scold Shang Li for bragging, but he held back the words. If you think about it, this guy can find the treasure trove and explore it on his own. In the past, the people who owned the treasure house were all famous and important people, and the things they stored were very precious. It is not too much for this guy to become a "legend". After all, he is the one favored by God, so he must have something.

"That's okay... I'll have to rely on you to protect me from now on." Fu Han said half-jokingly.

Shang Li happily sat up and said, "No problem, I'll take you to eat and drink." After saying this, Shang Li's stomach let out a loud whine.

Fu Han sighed and shook his head: "Following you, I'm afraid I'll be hungry for nine meals in three days... come and eat!"

With that said, Fu Han dug out the cassava buried under the charcoal fire...

As the saying goes, illness comes like a mountain falling, and illness goes away like a thread spinning. Although Shang Li was in good spirits after all the apes had been removed, his body was still very weak. After eating two pieces of cassava, I felt drowsy again and wanted to lie down and rest.

Fu Han thought for a while and decided that he should get this guy some meat to eat so that he could recover faster. So he asked, "If I go hunting, do you have the ability to protect yourself?"

Shang Li said: "I can go into the space mezzanine and hide for a while, but you still have to come back to save me."

Fu Han nodded and said, "That's okay, I won't go too far anyway."

But Shang Li stopped Fu Han, and then took out an inscription device the size of a coin from his treasure box.

"This is an inscribed two-tone stone. No matter how far apart they are, a pair of two-tone stones will copy the sound emitted by the other one. The inscription above can temporarily store the sound and amplify the volume. If we need to separate in the future, we can rely on it to communicate."

Fu Han took the double-tone stone and looked through it carefully. It was also a rare good thing. The inscription process is not complicated, but it is too difficult to find pairs of double-tone stones.

"Remember not to let others hear our communication! And don't lose it! This is something my master left for me, and if you lose it, it is equivalent to putting me in danger!"

Hearing this, Fu Han nodded and said, "We should discuss a password."

"This is your specialty, do as you say."

Fu Han was immediately confused. After all, he was a fake priest. Naturally, he didn't understand how to formulate a secret code.

"The secret code...let me think about it. Just rest for now. I'll be back soon."

After fully consuming protein, Shang Li's physical condition quickly improved.

Three days later, Shangli had basically returned to normal. So he said goodbye to Fu Han and went to find a treasure house for Fu Han alone.

Before leaving, he asked Fu Han if he had any precious antiques or anything like that. If there is such a thing, it will make it easier for him to find valuable treasures.

Only then did Fu Han know that Shang Li needed to use comparison objects when searching for the treasure house.

Previously, when looking for the treasure house of the Eye of Dawn, one had to find the remains of the Eye of Dawn. Therefore, without Kaila's cooperation, Shangli would not have been able to find the holy tomb of the God of Fengyang. Shang Li also used this method to help others find the treasure house of his family ancestors.

Fu Han can choose to provide Shang Li with a broken star with [worship effect] as a comparison object. Because it is an ancient broken star, it is an antique in itself. But after Fu Han thought about it, he handed the black gun to Shang Li.

Shang Li was skeptical of Han's choice. In his eyes, this broken gun could not locate the treasure house at all.

But Fu Han insisted. This spear is like a fire stick, although it is too old to be used. But it is actually a god-killing artifact, a secret that only Fu Han knows. Using it as a comparison object, if it can really locate the treasure house, its value must be extraordinary!

As a result, Shang Li could only smack his mouth and walk away with the black gun.

Since they had not agreed on a secret code, the two decided not to communicate with the Double Sound Stone for the time being unless there were special circumstances. They also made an appointment to meet at the "Boneservant Ex-husband" cafe three days later.

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