The beautiful fairy accepted the touch, and Fu Han read its information. It's just a very ordinary level 20 fairy star beast, nothing special about it. So, after imprinting the skill, Fu Han ended the contact.

But when the touch ended, Fu Han seemed to feel a little bit of the goblin's reluctance, and it made a faint sound in Fu Han's mind through the touch connection.

This is also the specialty of fairy star beasts. They can express their emotions in the spiritual realm. Yueshuang Yuexue often does this, so Fu Han didn't think about it carefully.

"Then let's see if your high-level star beast can master this skill."

With that said, Fu Han drew up another blank contract and handed it to the purple star.

The higher the level of the star beast, the more resistant it is to the contract of the low-level beast master. For the first time, it directly rejected Fu Han's touch, leaving Fu Han stunned.

The businessman smiled sheepishly and said: "Haha, it... is a bit rebellious, please wait a moment."

At this time, Fu Han frowned...

It wasn't Fu Han's contract that it refused, it was its master's order. In fact, it’s not surprising that star beasts are a bit rebellious. There are also many mischievous star beasts. But direct disobedience to a master's orders is rare...

There are two possibilities. The merchant's own star level is much lower than his star beast, and the soul connection is even unstable. Or maybe he often abused his star beast... causing it to become disobedient.

In fact, both situations are very dangerous for the beast master, because the rampaging star beast may attack its master. Of course, a beast master who dies from the rampage of his own star beast will not gain sympathy, but will become the victim of thousands of people! All the honors he received during his lifetime will be withdrawn, and all his division commanders will try their best to distance themselves from him.

"Okay, okay, hey... This kid has had a bad temper since he was a child, and I have calmed him down. Haha, let's get started."

Fu Han retracted his thoughts, drew up a touch contract again and handed it over. Sure enough, this time the star beast accepted the contract, so Fu Han saw the message of the star beast:

【Mechanical multi-headed dragon】

Race: Multi-headed dragon family

Evolution Level: Mechanical Transformation Evolution

Attributes: dragon, machine

Race value: unknown

Fu Han was already shocked when he saw this!

He remembered a concept that had been hotly discussed in the alliance business community many years ago - mechanical star beasts! An artificial star beast whose body is made of machinery and driven by artificial intelligence.

About 5 years ago, mechanical beasts were the most hyped topic! Almost every day, Fu Han could see articles and interviews from various media discussing mechanical star beasts. Both opposition and support are heard.

At that time, the mechanical star beast concept stocks were also a hot investment project. There are reports every day that a certain business tycoon or giant has also joined the research on mechanical star beasts. As soon as any news about a company's technological breakthrough in the field of mechanical beasts is announced, the company's stock price will rise by dozens of percentage points, which is very lively.

However, at that time, there were instructors in Zhuxing Academy who reminded everyone not to be fooled and invest in a hot head. Because there is an unavoidable problem in this matter, the core of the star beast cannot be crafted.

Machinery is so easy to make...but how to simulate the soul and core? How can a mechanical star beast be recalled to the core realm like a normal star beast? Even if these problems are does its cost compare with wild star beasts?

Fu Han still remembered his instructor repeatedly emphasizing: "Actually, man-made objects have few advantages when compared with natural creations."

Things were just as the instructor said, but in just half a year, the craze for mechanical star beasts completely subsided. Obviously, this is another capital carnival and a Ponzi scheme.

Unexpectedly... the businessman used the mechanical star beast technology to transform the star beast.

Transforming star beasts was not invented by the Alliance people. Probably, the star beast transformation was born from the day there was a beast master.

For example, the Corruption Sect will use the Ape Rot Technique to transform star beasts. The Death Sect will transform dead star beasts into reborn beasts. Also, the Dark Night Sect is also very good at darkly transforming star beasts. As far as Fu Han knew, even the secret agents of the secret sect liked to ask the priests of the night to help them transform star beasts into vicious beasts, or even directly purchase vicious beast contracts.

There is nothing strange about merchants using mechanical technology to transform star beasts. Mingfu also uses inscription machinery to transform itself, and star beasts are naturally within the scope of their transformation.

Fu Han recalled that businessmen had also asked scholars for inscription knowledge. It is estimated that he will also use the inscription technology on the star beast.

It's just... I don't know what the level of his transformation is.

Fu Han frowned deeply and continued to check the information on the mechanical hydra.

Star Beast Level: Level 87 (Sixth Level Star Glory)

Health: 1000%


Epic characteristic [Body of the multi-headed dragon]: The powerful multi-headed dragon is one of the strongest predators on land. It has an extremely powerful special physique. The vitality of the multi-headed dragon is extremely tenacious and has extremely strong regeneration capabilities.

Like Boya, this mechanical hydra also possesses this powerful epic feature.

Associated characteristic [Flame Gland]: There are flame glands in the head of the hydra, which secrete and store glandular fluid that can ignite flames. The multi-headed dragon sprays glandular fluid from its mouth to form a powerful breath of fire.

Unlike Boya, the Merchant's hydra does not take a multi-colored form, so it only breathes fire.

Transformation characteristics [Inscription Heart Engine v3.2]: The mechanical hydra is equipped with an additional third-generation inscription heart engine, which provides powerful energy for the mechanical transformation of the whole body.

Transformation features [Glandular Hormone Pump]: Automatically inject drugs that stimulate the secretion of glandular fluid into the flame glands of the hydra, so that the flame gland fluid can be replenished quickly.

Seeing this, Fu Han began to understand why the merchant's multi-headed dragon was resisting him.

Fu Han knew the hydra very well. In order to simulate the characteristics of the dragon's body on himself, he had carefully studied Boya's body structure using the original sequence chain.

Therefore, Fu Han knew very well. Because the hydra has super regenerative abilities, its pain perception is very weak. But this does not mean that the hydra has no consciousness. For example, when the body is severely damaged and regenerates, the hydra will feel obvious pain.

And this transformation that stimulates the glands to force the hydra to secrete glandular fluid will make it feel very uncomfortable. And it will also increase the metabolic burden of the hydrangea. In this way, after a fierce battle, the hydrangea's organs will definitely experience many painful symptoms!

The key is that Fu Han believes that this modification will not significantly improve the combat power of the multi-headed dragon.

To put it bluntly, the breath of the multi-headed dragon is quite long-lasting and its destructive power is quite sufficient. As long as it is used to hit the right target at the right time, the glandular fluid will be enough! If you choose the wrong time and target, it will be difficult to defeat the enemy no matter how much you stimulate the glands.

To a certain extent, this transformation can only make up for the beastmaster's decision-making errors. Or satisfy his perverted desire for attack and catharsis!

From this, he has been able to conclude that the merchant is definitely not a competent beast master. Not only does he not understand, but he also doesn’t care!

Thinking of this, Fu Han frowned deeply.

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