After hiding back in the star observation room, Fu Han couldn't wait to start absorbing broken stars for the star beast. Yueshuang Yuexue has super powers, so it would be most suitable for them to absorb Peeping Eye's broken stars. The two little ones failed to master the skill after absorbing 5 Peeping Eyes' broken stars.

However, Fu Han successfully obtained all the skill information, and the star shield skill imprint was completed.

In this way, there are three Peeping Eye Broken Stars left. You can also take them to Lin Nanzhi, saying that you are lucky that the star beast has mastered the skills, and you can sell the extra ones back to this collector.

But Fu Han felt that there was no need to do this. The circulation of goods will make it gain higher value. Taking something to "return" is definitely not as meaningful as keeping it and exchanging it with other people. For example, find the next collector and trade with him for a few more ancient broken stars. At that time, if there is a surplus after imprinting skills, then it can be kept like a matryoshka doll, and the descendants will be endless.

Once a person's consciousness is born, he becomes another person.

This time, Fu Han didn't think of taking the Broken Star from Peeping Eyes to someone else in the council to exchange for it. His consideration is that if someone needs this skill, just copy it directly to him, and at the worst he can charge a fee.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the little tail has no body and cannot use this skill. The priest brother should prefer to use his own undead protection skills. The people who are likely to use this skill are businessmen and scholars.

Businessmen must be excluded. Fu Han would refuse to copy his skills on the grounds that the reward he offered was not attractive.

The only ones left were scholars. Fu Han knew that she would definitely need this skill, and she would even need many more. If nothing else, at least Holy Light Wisdom is very suitable for this skill.

So, maybe Fu Han could contact him directly instead of announcing it in parliament?

No...if there really is a voting process, Fu Han needs them to have a more three-dimensional understanding of the value of the Star Caster's power.

But that’s all for next month.

For now, Fu Han should arrange the skills for his star beasts first. Yueshuangyuexue's race value on the survival side is very low, so she needs this skill very much. There is a problem with Xiao Zi's health limit, so it would be better to learn one.

Fu Han originally wanted to learn one for Yunyun, but found that it was inconsistent with this skill and could not be learned...

After thinking about it for a while, it was probably because the size of the cloud was not fixed and it was too big when it turned into a cloud, so this skill could not work on it.

It doesn't matter much, because Yun Yun's body is actually quite strong, but it lacks star power. Therefore, this skill is not perfectly suitable for it. If you can't learn it, you can't learn it.

After that, Fu Han also briefly tested the effect of this skill.

The Star Shield is invisible, but it emits a glow when attacked. The color of the glow is consistent with the magnitude. Under the same conditions of both offense and defense, the protective effect is perfect.

When resisting energy attacks, less starlight is consumed. However, it consumes a lot of money when resisting physical attacks, and cannot completely resolve the impact.

For attacks from high-level enemies, the starlight shield's consumption of starlight will be outrageous. In other words, Fu Han also needs to be careful when using the divine wood starlight to resist attacks. If the opponent's star level is too high or the attack is too powerful. Then it is possible that one blow will directly consume all the starlight attracted by the sacred tree species. In this way, the star shield may be defeated and cause damage to Han.

Overall, the defensive performance is still not as stable as Saitama's colonial equipment. But Fu Han was not surprised. Qiyu was a powerful emperor-level star beast, and this was just an advanced skill. It's already very good. It's not only convenient, but it won't lose Saitama's combat effectiveness.

When Fu Han was done with this, Lin Nanzhi also brought back some good news. She helped Fu Han catch a wind slime!

Like other sects, the priests of the God of Beauty sect also master their own unique techniques, collectively called "aesthetics." Lin Nanzhi is proficient in singing methods in aesthetics. She can use her singing to attract specific star beasts.

Although this method of attracting star beasts is not effective for all star beasts. But it's easy to lure the nearby wind slimes over with the song "Call of the Wind".

In fact, Lin Nanzhi is very good at catching wind slimes. She said that when she was young, she traveled around with the performance team, and before every performance, she would be arranged to catch a few wind slimes. Then, the person responsible for decorating the stage would tie ribbons to the slimes and let them fly.

On the one hand, it decorates the stage, on the other hand, it also attracts the audience. Someone saw beautiful ribbons tied to the slimes in the sky, and knew that the performance team of the God of Beauty was nearby.

Recalling the past, Lin Nanzhi lamented: "It was still fun when I was young, walking everywhere and shopping everywhere. I have been to all over the world! I was invited to go to the north that time! What a pity..."

Fu Han knew about the "time in the north" that Lin Nanzhi was talking about. He heard it from his instructor in class. That was more than thirty years ago, when Fu Han was not born yet, and the north and the south were in an ambiguous period. The alliance once invited Meishen's performance troupe to perform in Dongdu, and also sent its own performance troupe.

Performance groups from both sides were warmly welcomed on the mainland across the sea. Everything was going well and everything was going well.

However, soon after the alliance's troupe returned, a vicious orangutan rot centered around the troupe members began to spread!

It was obviously done by the Corruption Sect, and they even admitted it, saying it was divine punishment.

Since then, relations between the two parties have dropped to a freezing point, and commodity trade has been completely interrupted. It was also after this incident that a large number of biotechnology companies began to research ways to deal with orangutan rot diseases, and anti-orangutan rot drugs were also developed at that time.

Of course, today is not the time to talk about this matter. Lin Nanzhi just feels that the life in his youth was rich and colorful.

Fu Han is also a good chatterer. He said: "You are still very young now, and you are still performing, and you are still very good at catching slimes!"

Lin Nanzhi laughed and said: "No, it's all a trip by car, and my back hurts. I can't catch a few slimes anymore, look at this one after all the effort."

Wind Slime is a kind of star beast that poses no threat, and even children can hold it in their hands and play with it. There are swirling air currents on its surface. If you press it hard, you will feel obvious airflow repulsion.

The one Lin Nanzhi caught was not too big, only about the size of a basketball. Fu Han pinched it and then said: "There are too few wind slimes in the desert. I searched for several days and couldn't find one. You caught one as soon as you came here, and your style is still as good as before. You will perform again today , let’s tie ribbons to it later and let it fly away.”

Lin Nanzhi was stunned: "Oh? I heard that you arrested him for research. Is it so fast?"

Fu Han smiled and said: "I will try my best to make it fly to the sky with the ribbons before you start the performance... I will go back to the stargazing room first. See you later."

Skill engraving actually takes some time. Just when the skill is imprinted, Fu Han's sensory time will be much longer than the actual time. In the eyes of others, the engraving can be completed in an instant. The main reason why Fu Han hid in the stargazing room was because he didn't want others to know what he had done.

He Chu was very proud. When she learned that she needed some ribbons to decorate the slime, she immediately cut out several pieces of expensive silk.

By the time Fu Han saw the silks, they were already one by one. Looking at the little slime in his hand, Fu Han was stunned for a long time. There are too many ribbons and not enough slimes.

The result was that Liu Qian and He Chu tied the slime into a mummy, and then the ribbons were dragged on for a long time.

You can tell by looking at it, the slime is so choking that it can fly...

Of course, this didn't bother Fu Han at all, he used brute force to throw the wind slime into the sky. Once in the air, the wind slime's wind riding skill comes into play, and it won't fall down.

Ever since, there was another string of eye-catching ribbons in the evening sky of the Grand Oasis. This made Lin Nanzhi very happy, and Liandao said that this trip to the desert was worthwhile.

The performance officially started as night fell.

Wind Slime

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