Infinite Beast Control: The Starting Pet Is A Stone

Chapter 362 Hidden Ancient Characters

One thing Aunt Xiao was right about was that the standards of the Jinlin clan were generally not high. There may be top-notch geniuses, but overall they are not on the same level as Mingfu.

The reason is also simple, that is, many things have been lost due to the private storage of knowledge. Although some fish people have tried hard to make up for it, the level of sharing of knowledge is still not enough.

There is another most critical reason: the number of Jinlin clan is actually not large. Moreover, they are nobles, high in rank and have a good life. There are too many things lost, so if you just pick them up and explain them, you can enjoy yourself comfortably.

For example, Jin Shizhou, the "unsmart" person, picked up integrity. He deserves to be busy all his life and then be written down in the history books.

But Jin Shizhou is only a handful... how can he be like Mingfu? Craftsmen are truly obsessed with improving their skills and knowledge.

Let’s get back to the topic… The Golden Scale Clan is small in number, so there are fewer outstanding ones.

They wanted to prevent the control room from properly deploying starlight, but they also wanted the starlight to flow in the way they had set, so the destruction was not thorough enough.

The work of repairing the matrix control room was completed at noon the next day. This was because Aunt Xiao couldn't stay up late because she was sick. Otherwise, Fu Han might have been able to continue exploring at dawn.

There are no matrix copper bars installed in the entrance hall of the ship tomb ruins. It just means that this layer does not have the ability to provide starlight to the inscription device.

It is equivalent to a room without sockets, unable to power the inscription device that is moved in. However, things like the gate on this floor and the pyroxene lamp installed by the fishman craftsmen can still operate normally.

Jin Shizhou said that there had been lighting here before, but it should not have been left by Titan. The Demon Blood Titan doesn't like bright light and has only installed lighting facilities in a few research rooms that need light. But the Jinlin clan still prefers a light environment, which is more convenient for reading.

In fact, after mastering the control room of the matrix, everyone will have a general understanding of the ruins of the ship tomb. The underwater part of the ruins has about 17 floors, at least it is divided into 17 matrix modules. This is the design when the ruins were built, and the fishmen cannot change it.

At present, all the stars in the Titan Matrix have been supplied to the deepest 17 layers of water. You have to go down and find out what exactly you are doing.

In fact, you can also choose to immediately adjust the energy supply method of the matrix and interrupt the supply of starlight to the 17th floor. No matter what plans the Yongye clan had, they would all come to nothing. This is also the reason why the fishmen set up golem guards on this level.

But everyone discussed it and decided not to change the energy settings yet. Anyway, that Xinghui has been supplied for many years, so one or two more won't make any difference. It's better to go downstairs and take a closer look. Anyway, the control room can turn on the gate as soon as it says it, so there's no need to worry.

Wu Fei and Fu Han were responsible for the exploration, while the captain and first mate were responsible for leading the crew to deal with the possible arrival of the Deep Sea Tribe. This was to prevent Wu Fei and Fu Han from being unable to return in time after going deep into the ruins.

After everyone arranged everything, they started to act separately.

The entrance hall lit up, and the door to the underwater level opened smoothly. This time there are no obstacles or obstacles behind the door, and there are no demons that will attack directly.

This actually did not go against Wu Fei's previous judgment. It's very simple. The energy of the matrix is ​​supplied to the deepest 17 floors, so there should be no obstacles in the first few floors. Even if there is a golem, there will be no starlight, right?

This is one of the reasons why everyone decided not to change the matrix configuration for the time being.

Behind the door was a corridor that spiraled downwards. What surprised Fu Han was that there were some reliefs on the walls of the corridor. They were not narrative reliefs, but some decorative geometric patterns.

"I thought Titans had no interest in art, but I didn't expect that they would also do decoration." Fu Han sighed.

Hearing this, Wu Fei smiled: "To be honest, I thought at first that the Titan clan disdained decoration. Everyone who has been to Ming Mansion will have this impression, because the walls of Ming Mansion are really like that Simplicity. But if you think about a highly developed civilization, how could it not be proficient in art?"

"Actually, the first few floors of Ming Mansion, which can be accessed at will, were originally just warehouse cellars. If you are lucky enough to have been to the meeting room of the Grand Craftsman Committee, you will understand what geometric art is."

As he spoke, Wu Fei carefully studied the reliefs on the wall for a moment, and then sighed: "The fishman may not have thought that even these seemingly decorative reliefs are also important knowledge. Unfortunately, I can't understand them very well. But it’s probably related to the dark elements.”

Fu Han was stunned when he heard this. Fu Han didn't even expect it, let alone the fishman.

So Fu Han also began to look carefully at the strange patterns to see the clues. As a result, the knowledge was not read out, but there was an ancient text hidden in the pattern on the edge.

All the patterns on the edges hide this sentence, which is not easy to spot without looking carefully. The translated meaning is roughly: "The darkness only gives a little power to let people taste it. But even so, the taste is enough to make people intoxicated."

Fu Han pointed out his findings to Wu Fei, who sighed in surprise: "These characters are so ancient, it's rare that you can recognize them! Not bad, I didn't expect you to have such knowledge of ancient literature."

Fu Han smiled ashamedly. When he studied ancient Chinese with Grand Scholar Ye, he was actually only half-assed. On the other hand, the knowledge of ancient literature that was instilled in his head by scholars in the Sun Council was not learned by himself, so Fu Han did not feel proud.

"This makes it certain that this ruins belongs to the Demon-Blooded Titan. To be honest, those golden murlocs are a bit inferior. So it's best not to believe all the information they provide. It's better to verify it."

Fu Han smiled. When he heard what Jin Shizhou said, he really didn't have any doubts in his heart. But the great craftsmen don't have a dime of trust in the Jinlin clan. Food is the original sin.

Passing through the spiraling downward corridor, Wu Fei and Fu Han entered the hall on the underwater floor.

The underwater floor is a complete, undivided hall. The field of view is quite wide. Fortunately, Yueshuangyuexue has a strong luminous ability and can illuminate even the farthest places.

In the center of the hall is the inscription platform, which is slightly more than ten centimeters above the floor. The material of the inscription platform is a piece of some kind of milky white crystal like jade. The inscriptions engraved on it are layered and densely packed. The complexity is staggering!

There are also six golden pillars covered with inscriptions standing on the inscription platform. The material is difficult to distinguish, but Fu Han estimates that it is most likely gold. It's rare that it's still so well preserved.

Jin Shizhou said that the underwater layer of the ruins is a huge and complicated inscription array. The same inscription array is on the top of the second underwater floor. There are also floors and roofs on the seventh and eighth floors. It is said that there is another group deeper, but Jin Shizhou has never seen it.

Jin Shizhou also said that his teacher said that it was the inscription array used to unlock miracles.

The three mountain guests were skeptical about Jin Shizhou's description, such as "complex", "huge" and "miraculous". In private discussions, the same argument is always made, but you still have to see it for yourself.

But now that he really saw it, Wu Fei was indeed shocked. This is the first time Wu Fei has seen such a complex inscription array.

While observing him, he sighed: "Oh my god, the old fish man didn't lie, what a great discovery! Just this, it can drive some great craftsmen into madness. We really have to study this place later, and we must use this to turn them over. Moreover, ...If we can’t defend this place, we’ll let the Ming Mansion garrison take over.”

Fu Han was a little surprised: "Will the Great Craftsman Committee agree to do this?"

"Of course, they didn't rob it before because they didn't have anything they were interested in! Besides, it can be done in the name of protecting relics and treasures. How nice it sounds."

Fu Han was thoughtful and said nothing. You can't own anything just by discovering it. You have to keep it.

Wu Fei and Fu Han exchanged a few words, and Master Cheng's voice immediately came from the communicator: "What's going on? What are you trying to grab?"

Wu Fei and Fu Han looked at each other, and then they both nodded slightly, confirming that there was no threat here.

So Wu Fei said to the communicator: "The super inscription array that Jin Shizhou said does exist. Come and take a look. Let's go to the next level."

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