Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 29 There is one more bug

At night, Fan Mang didn't go to enjoy his newly bought videotape with J. He understood where J's money was spent.

The new apartment was still being renovated, and Fan Mang still returned to the dormitory. He rinsed briefly and lay down on the bed.

Fan Mang,

Sex: Male,

Level: 6,

Health: 116,

Spirit: 6.1,

Strength: 8.1,

Speed: 8.1,

Special abilities: Fighting Mastery LV5, Alien Radar LV1,

Weapons: Wireless Charged Atomic No. 2 Gun, Pistol Proficiency LV3,

Free attribute points 17 points,

Mission: Help J to become an official agent.

There are also six shiny brass treasure chests, all obtained when killing the alien stowaways this time. At the same time, he also completed the task of catching smuggled aliens, but unfortunately this task does not seem to have a high evaluation. He just moved up one level and received four attribute points as a reward.

Maybe it's because many aliens who smuggled in have already run away, so he didn't catch it.

He opened all six bronze treasure chests at one time.

[Get the reward for Latin Dance Mastery LV2]

[Get the reward for Singing Skills Mastery LV2]

[Get a little bit of bonus attribute]

[Get the reward Super Smell LV1]

[Get the reward Super Hearing LV1]

[Get bonus charm value +1]

Fan Mang looked at these awards speechlessly, what use would Latin dance and singing skills do to him? He can't be a star, so he might as well give attribute points, even if it's just a little.

Why are my hands so black today, is it because I played with the cat just now?

Charisma seems to be a hidden attribute, he can't see it on the attribute board, and there is no way to add it, otherwise he wants to top up, maybe some beautiful alien women in the future will fall in love with him at first sight. .

Super sense of smell and super hearing, these are quite practical. He experimented with super hearing, and he could vaguely hear J next door saying words like So big, mixed with some scrambled eggs, and quickly turned it off.

When I activated my super sense of smell again, I suddenly felt a foul smell in the room. Orion's cat litter should be changed, how can I pull so much in one day!

After opening the box, the free attribute point was 18. Fan Mang thought about it for a while, and then he increased his spirit to 10.1, his strength to 10.1, his speed to 10.1, and his pistol proficiency to LV5. It seems that he cannot continue to increase it. .

The alien radar points to LV5, and the radius increases to 1,600 meters. There are still 4 free attribute points left, which are temporarily reserved to see if there is a need to use them selectively.

It is not so simple to complete the task now. Generally, it takes a long time for MIB agents to become regulars. Of course, there are special cases, such as Fan Mang.

But Fan Mang was just an ordinary detective, not an ace detective. He had no right to directly turn J into a regular. It might take a long time to complete this task.

After replacing the cat litter and cat food for the hunter, Fan Mang fell asleep. In a dream, he invited Vivier to his new apartment, accidentally, Vivier's clothes were stained with coffee, and he took a shower in his bathroom. He broke in.

Just as he was about to go further, he was awakened by the sound of banging the door.

He quickly jumped out of bed and went to open the door: "Is there a task?"

J's hand still kept knocking on the door: "F, I'm just here to ask you to have breakfast, and then buy K a retirement gift. You are in good spirits when you wake up in the morning."

J's eyes were down, and his eyebrows twitched. It seemed that Fan Mang didn't release him last night.

"FXXK! It's only what time. If you're fine, please help me to throw away the garbage first." Fan Mang threw the garbage bag at the door to J.

"What is this, it smells so bad, don't you have a toilet in your room!" J regretted coming to call Fan Mang for breakfast.

Ten minutes later, in the restaurant at the headquarters, Fan Mang was drinking hot milk and eating donuts: "J, why don't you eat it? How about I treat you to canned herring?"

J covered his mouth and ran to the side. Fan Mang must have done it on purpose. He washed his hands twice just now, but he still felt a smell.

After breakfast, they came to the office lobby and saw that K was still typing a report in front of the computer. Fan Mang sat in front of the computer bored, looking at some alien information.

"F, this time when K retires, the two of us will be grouped together. We will definitely cooperate and become golden partners." J slid his chair over to chat with Fan Mang. It was too boring to read the information.

"Hey, what's the point of these documents? It's nothing to do. Let's go out on patrol and buy a present for K. Remember, you said you lent me money."

"Okay, I still have a thousand dollars here, enough for us to buy two decent gifts." Fan Mang turned off the computer, and he was not used to sitting in front of the computer boringly, waiting for assignments.

"Does the organization have an opinion on me, why did your bonus come down, buy an apartment and a car, and my bonus will be paid with my salary next month?"

Sitting in the car, J was still complaining that he couldn't do many things without money. He doesn't have the habit of saving, and he was able to overdraft his credit card before, but now he doesn't have a credit card, so he has to use cash to buy everything. Before I knew it, I wouldn't use all the cash to buy videotapes, but the woman in the videotape is really cool!

"Maybe this is for your future consideration. When you retire from MIB, you will have at least the last month's salary and bonus in your pocket."

"Retirement? It will be decades later. I am a gold detective, maybe I can still sit in the seat of Boss Z. Stop, there is Macy's in front, let's go and choose a gift for K, by the way Have a meal nearby at noon."

At Times Square, Fan Mang parked his car in a nearby parking lot. He picked out a box of cigars, and J mysteriously took out a packaged box. He didn't tell Fan Mang what he bought, saying that K would be very pleasantly surprised. .

After lunch, the two were just hanging out. In J's words, patrolling was also part of the job, and they didn't pay for gas anyway.

If there are unruly aliens on the street, they can also solve it immediately. This is the experience he gained as a policeman.

If you sit in the office every day, sooner or later your figure will become the same as that of Boss Z. Where can any girl like it?

"F, did you see that man just now? It's a thief. I've caught him twice before. I'm gone, and the level of the NYPD has plummeted."

J was bragging when he suddenly saw that the thief fell down, someone stepped forward to check, and quickly dispersed in horror.

J instinctively rushed over and saw that the thief's chest was pierced by something, the blood couldn't stop at all, and his pupils had already dilated. Hey, what did Fan do? He seems to be chasing something?

Fan Mang saw the death of the thief just now, and followed J to take a look. The wound made him extremely familiar, like being pierced by a Zerg toe.

That said, there is another Zerg who came to Earth!

He instantly turned on the alien radar, but there was more than one alien around, and there were more than ten little red dots. He chased after the fastest moving one.

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