Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 34 Manhattan I have the final say

When he woke up the next morning, Fan Mang saw Vivier lying in his arms. It was really crazy last night, but fortunately, his physique is different from ordinary people, and the killing Vivier lost his armor and armor.

When he got to the room, without waiting for the orange cat hunter to appear, Vivier took the initiative to push Fan Mang onto the bed, only then did Fan Mang realize that Vivier's figure was more predictable than what he saw.


The hunter jumped into bed, he ate a meal yesterday and was already hungry. And at night, it can always hear some tragic screams, so scared that it hides under the bed and doesn't sleep well.

"Hey, are you awake, are you going to the restaurant for breakfast?" Fan Mang came out of the wash and saw Vivier leaning against the bedside and licking the cat.

"I'm very tired, so I don't eat breakfast. Your body is too strong. I'll take a shower. You can take me to the interview later." This time she had to use some auxiliary moves, otherwise her body would be too soft to get out of bed the next day.

"Are you sure? When you join MIB, you have to say goodbye to the past. If you can't bear me, I can actually pursue you again and use another identity."

Wei Weier ignored Fan Mang's narcissism: "I liked aliens when I was a child, and I always wanted to dissect an alien. Now the opportunity is in front of me, I can't give up."

"As for the relatives and friends in the past, I can still retire, right? And you want me to forget you now, forget everything that happened to us last night? If it's convenient, bring me a glass of milk when you come back from the restaurant, ordinary That's fine."

As soon as Fan Mang arrived at the restaurant, he saw J who was listless: "Hey, did you drink too much yesterday? Did you meet any female colleague?"

"You guys slept together yesterday? So fast? Why can't those girls see my goodness?" J couldn't hide the depression on J's face. Last night he drank and watched the videotape, tossing and turning, unable to sleep alone. sleep.

"Don't worry, you will meet your own good girl. By the way, is K already gone?"

"Well, I personally cleared his memory for him. He said it was a tradition, and he wanted to witness it with you. As for Vivier, has she made a decision?"

Fan Mang swallowed three sandwiches, two doughnuts, gulped down a glass of milk, and stood up with another glass of milk: "I think she will be our colleague."

Vivier's interview went very smoothly. She has professional skills, an interest in aliens, and a passion for work. Moreover, her parents are divorced. She has never lived with her parents since she went to college, and her social relations in the past few years have been relatively simple.

Because she was not a field worker, she didn't even take a code name, she was called Vivier, and she went to collect blood and other information, and cooperated to destroy other information at the same time.

After getting the news, Fan Mangcai took J, who had just come out of Z boss's office, to "patrol" the street together, definitely not just hanging out.

Passing by a newsstand, Fan Mang went down and bought a newspaper. On the headline of the second edition, it was a photo of K holding his girlfriend, and the two smiled happily.

The title is [A man was in a coma for thirty-five years and returned to his girlfriend's arms]

"It looks like they have a sweet smile. The old guy K has a girlfriend, why don't I? I'm so handsome and handsome." J began to be sour again.

The newspaper turned back, and the content was still K.

[The comatose man buys lottery tickets after he wakes up, first wins the Macy's Bestseller Award, and then wins the tens of millions of dollars! 】

The retirement gifts that everyone bought for K, plus some personal belongings on K's original body, covered up the past with the Macy's award. As for the salary and bonuses that K has saved over the years, it has become a lottery for winning the jackpot.

Fan Mang was very doubtful, with MIB's ability, could he be able to adjust the numbers of those Bocai companies, or in other words, he was controlling a Bocai company behind the scenes!

"Millions of dollars?! K saved so much money in MIB!" J glanced at the newspaper,

Can't help smacking.

"If you are single for 35 years, don't smoke, drink less, don't buy videotapes and Playboy magazines, you can save more than him in the future."

"FXXK! You are cursing me. If I live like that, I'd rather die!"

"Well, you decide this kind of thing yourself. By the way, what exactly is your retirement gift to K?" Fan Mang asked curiously.

"It's a secret between me and K. I won't say it. I think K will like it very much." J smiled ripplingly.


Kevin Brown came out of the gaming company, and this lottery actually won the jackpot. Could it be that God compensated him for his coma all these years?

He didn't even know that he had been in a coma for thirty-five years, and that he had a girlfriend who had been waiting for him for so long. But with so much money, he is also full of expectations for the future.

A car parked in front of the house was a Macy's delivery van, and the compartment was filled with the prizes he won this time.

The prizes given by Macy's are quite affordable, from food to use. There's an oven, a computer, a cigar, a watch... what's in this box?

Leather whips, candles, handcuffs... what else is in Macy's prizes? ! Why is there a handwritten letter J in the corner of the box?


"Hey, let's go to have something to eat at noon? Before my salary is paid, you will treat me for lunch." J said naturally.

"Boss Z didn't say anything about your becoming a regular? You killed a Zerg, can't you become a regular in advance?" Fan Mang was a little depressed. He gave J the credit, but still failed to complete the task?

"Today, he told me in the office that when my apprenticeship expires for a month, I will be able to become a regular. Many people will take a year. When I become a regular, I will invite you to dinner."

A month later, Fan Mang breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't too long, and it was too early.

As they were about to enter a restaurant, a pug came running towards them, turning back as they ran.

"Help, F, J, help me, someone is going to kill me!" Frank stuck his tongue out with a look of horror on his face.

"I suggest you complain to the animal protection department about this kind of thing, but you don't have a dog tag, you may be caught and sent to a pet shelter." J said with raised eyebrows.

"I'm not a dog, I'm an alien intelligent race! And it's not an earthman who is chasing me, it's an alien guy. Your MIB is obliged to maintain order and protect our law-abiding aliens."

"And he was chasing me because Eric swallowed their boat money, but the money didn't fall into my pocket, where would I have the money to compensate?"

Just as he was talking, a strong man rushed over and grabbed Frank's neck.

Fan Mang reached out and grabbed the strong man's wrist, and the alien radar told him that the strong man in front of him just disguised the appearance of a human, but was actually an alien.

"Boy, do you know who has the final say here?" The strong man glared at Fan Mang viciously.

Fan Mang squeezed the strong man's wrist: "From today onwards, I will have the final say in Manhattan!"

PS: Thanks for the reward of 5,000 points of the deity \u0026 Feiying, thanks for the dropped puppet, , gourd fairy, too lazy to name, more crazy than crazy for the reward, thank you

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