Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 89: Everyone Asks Fan Mang for Drinks

In the cafeteria of MIB headquarters, Fan Mang looked at the menu, where is Wu Yuan? Where is the alien who was punished to come here and pay for his work?

"Collins, have you seen Wu Yuan?"

"Wu Yuan? Is it the guy who opened the restaurant? Of course he is in his own restaurant, why did he come to our place?"

So Wuyuan Restaurant was not destroyed, and the future has changed. Fan Mang ordered some simple food, sat in the corner of the restaurant, casually flipped through the internal news.

"F, are you free, have a drink with me?" J sat over, "This is your Chinese Erguotou, I heard it tastes very good."

"What's the matter, I think you are not in a good mood, has something happened recently?"

J poured Fan Mang a glass, and drank it himself: "F, if one day, you know how your father died, I mean, my memory was wrong before, and it's not the same as yours. What would you do with someone close to you?"

Fan Mang had a vague guess: "Then, has your father's revenge been avenged? Did the bad guys get the punishment they deserved?"

"Got it. The one who killed my father was Boris the Beast, the assassin of Borodo Planet. He wanted to prevent K from installing Skynet, and my father happened to catch up."

"It turns out that I have known K for a long time. I think I know why when you were recruiting people, you were obviously better than me, but you still recruited me."

J was a little happy and a little sad to know the truth about his father's death. He is still in self-doubt now, is his ability worthy of his current position?

"J, you have to trust K's professionalism. If you are not good enough, he will never give you an interview opportunity. Moreover, Z signed us to join the organization, and our interview results were very good at that time."

"You are better than the agents of many organizations. I have learned a lot from you. Don't doubt yourself. What you have to do is to make yourself better."

"Have you forgotten what you said to me before? You want to become an ace agent, or even the leader of the organization. I also want to be an ace agent. How about we work together as partners? Come on, cheers."

After Fan Mang said a few words of persuasion, he raised his glass once. Every time he did it, he just took a sip. After a while, a bottle of Erguotou was gone, so he brought another bottle and continued to drink with J.

After sending J back to the dormitory, he went out and saw K.

"F, you are a good partner. I am very glad that I chose to recommend you two. Some things, J will tell you."

"Tell me a little bit, I know... not too detailed."

"Come on, have a drink with me. I know your physical fitness, and that little alcohol won't affect you too much."

In the bar of the cafeteria of the headquarters, K took a sip and put down his glass: "F, actually I have been paying attention to J for a long time, the first partner I want is actually J's father, but it's a pity that he didn't even have the chance to interview .”

"Actually, I met J a long time ago, when he was a child..."

K also seems to have a lot to say, and he has held back these words for many years. Now that J has met Griffin and knows this, he no longer hides it.

He secretly took care of J for many years. Otherwise, in that era, in black single-parent families, not many children could grow up physically and mentally, let alone become official apes.

Fortunately, J is also more competitive, which makes him feel much less guilty.

He knew that J had a lot of dissatisfaction with his father, and even suspected that his father was the kind of scumbag who abandoned his family, which was very common in black families at that time.

Finally, J knew everything, not only let go of his prejudice against his father, but was even more proud of his father.

"F, I didn't tell anyone about these things, and I finally told them today. Actually, I also investigated you and your parents."

"I even doubted,

You are an alien. It doesn't matter if you are, there are also alien colleagues in the organization, and there are even ace agents. "

"As long as you really love this job, love the earth, and are willing to protect the earth, that's enough."

Fan Mang felt that K was referring to something, or suspected that he was an alien, but there was no evidence. These words are also pointing at Fan Mang.

"K, together with J, I will become the ace agent and protect the earth."

K looked at Fan Mang: "Then can you tell me, when will you hand in the things you took away from the grocery store at No. 108 Thomson Street?"

Fan Mang blinked his eyes: "What did I take?"

Fan Mang will not return the time jumping device, it is quite useful. Maybe he won't use it to change anything, but it's definitely useful when looking for some truth.

But according to Griffin's theory, time should be restored, so K and the others shouldn't remember it, and K didn't know it in the first place.

"You really didn't take anything?"

"No." Fan Mang said calmly, "What did the boss say I got? Call him over to confront him."

"The guy ran away and left a message in the store saying that if something goes wrong with something you took from him, he won't be responsible."

"K, have you ever thought that it might be fake news, or even maliciously planted? If he comes back, I will definitely grab him and bring him here."

"Okay, maybe it's just a joke. I'm too old to drink too much, let's have a good drink or two next time."

K got up and left, returning to his office. The owner of the electrical grocery store is an alien, he has long known, and has a record in the organization.

The boss has some good alien things in his hands, and the organization has always wanted to get them. But the other party didn't give it, and they didn't have the nerve to use any bad methods.

After all, the earth is still establishing diplomatic relations with many alien planets. Once it gets out, the reputation of the earth will be bad, and MIB will become a laughing stock.

But after cultivating a relationship for many years, when he thought he could make a request to the other party, he actually ran away. An empty shop was left, and nothing useful was found.

There is only one note, which is a reminder to F. He doesn't know exactly what F took and whether he really took it.

Reason told him that he should choose to trust the shop owner, but emotionally, he thought that F would not do so. F is notoriously keen to deal with alien criminals, and even some small actions that violate the rules of ordinary people have not been discovered. Compared with J's way of catching the big and letting go of the small, F is simply a white lotus.

This matter, for the time being, is rotten in the stomach. He believed in his own eyes, and he would never be wrong when looking at people. F is sincerely wanting to join MIB, and is sincerely wanting to protect the earth.

And for some reason, he felt that F seemed much more pleasing to the eye than when he first joined MIB. It's not just him, even Z, who is about to leave, is saying good things about F.

Seems like F is going to be MIB's most charismatic agent.

After the matter of Boris was settled, Skynet was upgraded normally, and Fan Mang also took a break for a while. Every day is exercising, or getting familiar with various alien materials, etc.

A year passed unknowingly, and a bad news came out of the headquarters on this day.

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