“The first rule you need to keep in mind is that the development of the relationship with the girl depends on the frequency of meeting at different times and places, not the length of time. Think about this phrase and remember it well. So, you have to create opportunities to meet at different times and places, preferably to go to her unfamiliar places with her! At this time, she will be particularly dependent on you, and you have to try your best to take care of her and make her feel safe with you! ”

“In this way, you can naturally take her hand and hold her waist.” Lin Feng showed a “you know” smile on his face, “Girls are like this, they will especially remember the people who get through the difficulties with her, especially when she feels the most helpless, when you help her, she will be very grateful.” ”

“And now, you and Rin are both teammates and childhood sweethearts, and she is already silently observing you, already hesitating, whether it is worth pinning her happiness on you. At this time, you should pay attention to appearance and try to be as elegant as possible, preferably to make her feel that you know everything and live a very atmospheric life. ”

“Oooh!” Obito’s face was red as he listened, and he asked anxiously, “And then what?” ”

Lin Feng continued: “Then, of course, you have to seize the opportunity, find an opportunity with a good atmosphere, and kiss her boldly!” At this time, Lin will definitely lose her face, and you must pretend to be repentant and confess your mistake to her. If she forgives you, it means that she has made a secret promise to you! ”

After speaking, Lin Feng looked at Obito, and he felt that Obito had begun to smoke on his head.

After smiling slightly in his heart, Lin Feng continued: “But this trick is indeed risky, but I Lin Aotian can do anything, this one method does not work, there is another method, the next method does not work, there is the next method!” ”

Obito’s eyes were already full of adoration, and he only felt that Lin Feng was right.

“The second is that you need to improve the connotation and sense of humor of your speech. Lin Feng glanced at Obito and sighed heavily, “Alas, forget it, in fact, there is a good way to even if you don’t speak.” ”

What are you! This makes people care more, okay! And what about your sigh full of pity, underestimating me? Are you underestimating me! Why decisively judge that I can’t do it!

Thousands of complaints and depression could not be vented in Obito’s heart, but he was afraid of annoying Lin Feng, his life mentor at the moment, so he had to hold his breath and patiently listen to Lin Feng’s brainwashing.

“A good way not to talk… Every day you prepare a nice breakfast for Lynn and keep silent, no matter how she asks, don’t talk. After a month or two, when Lynn is used to your daily punctual breakfast, she suddenly stops delivering food. ”

Lin Feng paused, and then said: “At this time, Lin’s heart has deep doubts and losses, and at the same time will ask you with interest and questions, so you can take this opportunity to win it with a bang!” ”

“But, but…” Obito scratched his hair in embarrassment, “I can only make boiled eggs…”

“Hey,” Lin Feng snapped

This time, Obito finally couldn’t bear it anymore: “Don’t underestimate me!” If it is the technique of bubble noodles, I am confident that I will not lose to anyone! ”

“You will be fascinated by this, confidence and pride are the most unsaved place…”

Lin Feng was completely paralyzed, but he felt that Obito could go to Naruto to explore the correct instant noodle posture together, and he believed that he would become a peerless good friend no less than Kakashi for Obito and Sasuke for Naruto.

Soon the whole day was spent in Lin Feng’s mouth, and when the sun set, Lin Feng no longer wanted to starve with the soil here: “… Having said all this, in fact, the central theme is only six words: bold, thick-skinned, and careful. ”

He concluded and said: “I won’t explain the specific meaning, you slowly understand it in private.” With your qualifications, I estimate that you can get through the second line of Ren Du in half a year at most, and by then, you will be able to firmly hold the top position in the world of bubble girls!” ”

After hearing this, Obito’s expression was already full of various emotions, and he looked at Lin Feng with a gaze with incomparably rich meaning: “Big brother…!” ”

Lin Feng smiled gratifyingly like an elder entrusted to the next generation: “Actually, as long as you master my six-character mantra, the Puff Girl Realm will eventually return to the world of our Uchiha family.” ”

“So cheer up, you’ll have a career in the puff girl!” In my conservative estimation, within three years, there will be one more face in the statue of the Elite Hall of Fame, and after ten years, you will be named the King of Bubble Girls… Oh no, it’s a bubble! ”

Lin Feng’s full-mouth running train skill had already been practiced to the full level, and after wiping his mouth cheerfully, he dropped Obito and used the teleportation technique to go back to Tsunade and me.

Then there is only the practice of bringing soil, but this is also a good opportunity for Lin Feng to watch third-rate emotional soap opera programs, and he has already thought of bringing snacks to watch happily in the name of “auxiliary observation”.


In order to prevent the rest of the ninjas who were not enough to interfere with the actions of Orochimaru, Danzo had withdrawn all the dark parts that had originally monitored Lin Feng, but the character of Orochimaru alone did not allow Danzo to intervene around him.

Naturally, Tuan Zang wanted to know the details of Lin Feng, and this time he could only know it from the mouth of the big snake pill.

Still in that dark room, Tuan Zang sat on a chair, as if he had never moved.

The figure of the big snake pill slowly appeared in front of Tuan Zang, who opened his eyes and said lightly: “There will be results so soon?” Or have you finally developed the good habit of reporting to me daily as my nominal subordinate? ”


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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