Luo Sha’s face was full of sinister smiles, and Shuimen’s heart also sank: “The same ability as Master?” Trouble… It seems that he can only fight him by engraving the Flying Thunder God Mark on the spot. ”

Luo Sha did not wait for the water gate to react, and then manipulated the golden placer gold to swarm towards the water gate. And the water gate also reacted quickly, and disappeared in place with a golden light, avoiding the placer gold spear.

For a time, two different golden rays converged on the back mountain, and the battle situation was extremely intense.

At this point, the three masters at the top of Konoha have all been dragged down by the Sand Hidden Village, but when it comes to Konoha’s top powerhouses, there is one more person who cannot but say.

It was during the Second Ninja World War that he achieved the name “Konoha White Fang”, and the terrifying silver-white light has always been the banner Mu Shuo Shigeru that rises with the blood of the enemy!

The sounds of the battlefield everywhere obviously caught Shuo Mao’s attention, and he calmly got up from the bed, put on his ninja vest, and picked up the White Fang Blade beside him.

“Shuomao, we have received a task.” A figure suddenly appeared beside Shuo Mao, “This mission is an urgent confidential mission, and you will be the leader of the team.” ”

Shuo Mao frowned slightly: “Jiro, is there only two of us in the execution team?” ”

The man called Jiro was none other than Shuo Shigeru’s former teammate, and he nodded and said, “Yes, with your strength to match the Senjun, it is enough. ”

Shuomao did not speak, but quietly removed the bandage on his face. When the bandage is completely removed, a face with traces of a cross-cut cut is revealed.

“After more than half a year of cultivation, the injuries in my whole body have basically healed,” Shuomao took the lead and flew out of the Japanese room, “Let’s go!” ”

“Father!” Kakashi’s voice came from behind Shuo Shigeru, making him stunned, “I’m Konoha’s Naka Shinobu, and I’m going to come with you too!” ”

“Kakashi…,” Shuomao turned around and said in a soothing tone, “This time I am on an urgent secret mission, and with the current situation, I may need to infiltrate the enemy position alone, and I really can’t take care of your safety at the same time.” ”

Kakashi clenched his fists and whispered, “I can take care of myself, I’m already strong!” ”

Shuomao sighed helplessly, and he stepped forward and touched Kakashi’s silver-white hair: “Kakashi, you just said that you are already a middle ninja, then you can’t play petty anymore.” In this time of crisis, isn’t there something you should do more as a ninja of the village? ”

Kakashi was speechless, he understood that Shuomao was right, Shuomao continued, now the villagers and children should all go to the shelter, this is the time for you! Go ahead! ”

Kakashi nodded, and after one last glance at Shuomao, flew and jumped in the direction of the back mountain.

“Shuomao,” Jiro frowned beside him, “it’s time for us to hurry.” ”

He also understood that it was necessary for Shuomao to persuade Kakashi away, because the less people knew about the content of such a classified mission, the better.

“Now that Kakashi is gone, you start explaining the content of the mission.” Shuomao jumped to the roof and looked away, and then hurried in the direction of the most flaming Mt. Kikyo, “Let’s talk while hurrying!” ”

Jiro also followed closely behind Shuo Mao, and said in the jump: “This time it was revealed that the identity of the enemy was Sand Hidden Village, but although Sand Hidden Village is the closest ninja village to us among the five major ninja villages, it is only relatively speaking, in fact, it is still separated by a long national border. Therefore, if the Sand Hidden Village wants to attack Konoha, there must be an exceptionally important supply line of extraordinary length! ”

Shuomao guessed the content of the mission the moment he heard it: “It seems that the speculation I casually said before has come true, sure enough, this mission requires us to go deep into the enemy line alone to cut off the enemy’s supply line, so we need to meet the characteristics of executing ninjas’ ‘fine and few’.” ”

Jiro nodded and said: “That’s right, Shuomao you are our elite and Konoha’s trump card, this mission is crucial, only success is allowed not failure!” ”

Shuomao’s expression became serious, and his body began to speed up. After a while, they left the border line of Konoha and rushed towards the supply line of Sand Hidden Village at great speed.

Seeing that the supply team was getting closer and closer, Jiro’s eyes had already flashed a hint of joy: “There are not as many ninjas defending the supply line as expected, it seems that Sand Hidden Village is really too careless this time, but this is also our luck.” ”

Shuomao squinted at the guards, which consisted of nearly a hundred sand ninjas. This amount is not much, and it is not too little, but it is obviously too thin for the extremely critical supply lines.

“No, it’s not that simple!” The bad premonition in Shuomao’s heart had become stronger and stronger, and he turned his head and shouted, “Jiro, stay out of here for now!” ”

“What are you talking about, time is already urgent, where is it…”

Jiro replied dissatisfied, but before he could finish his words, countless sturdy steel wires wrapped around Chakra rose out of thin air in layers, tying Jiro strong!


Shuo Mao shouted nervously, and then an old female voice came from the shadows: “Hmph… It seems that your teammates are really careless. But I advise you not to move, those steel wires are wrapped in enough explosive charms, the slightest mistake will kill your teammates. ”

Shuo Mao reached out and clenched the White Fang Blade, staring at the speaker cautiously until she appeared in shape before exclaiming, “Chiyo? It’s you guarding the supply line! ”

It was Chiyo who preemptively attacked, and she had also expected that Shuo Mao would come, but she still did not expect to capture Shuo Mao by capturing Jiro’s trap, after all, Shuo Mao was fast and good at knife skills, completely surpassing Jiro by several levels.

Compared to seeing Chiyo’s surprised Shuo Mao, Chiyo who saw Shuo Mao also felt a momentary surprise: “The injury on your face… How can someone leave that level of injury on your face?! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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