Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 67: Crouch

"How can you do this, you stole Krum's target!" Karkaroff's foaming star splashed and looked at Mo Wen with a bad look, but because of the last conflict, he didn't say anything else. s things.

   Maxim also had a stern face. She looked at Dumbledore, "Dumbledore, your students saved Fleur's goal. This will affect her grades. I need an explanation."

Dumbledore didn’t say anything, but glanced at inexplicably. The latter was just a chuckle. A clear voice rang out from the audience, and the audience heard clearly, "Sorry, Lady Maxim. , I just can't leave any lady in that situation. I'm sorry to interfere with others." He bowed slightly.

   Mo Wen's answer won the audience's applause, but it did not impress the two principals. They quarreled with Dumbledore again.

   On the other side of Autumn, they also woke up leisurely.

   Qiu widened his eyes to look at Mo Wen, with a charming smile, "Modi, are you here to save me?"

   "Hmm." Mo Wen smiled and took her into his arms.

The little girl beside    was a little confused, "What about my sister? Didn't you say that she will come to rescue me? Why can't you see her?"

   And Hermione looked at Mo Wen and Qiu Zhang with a somewhat complicated expression. Seeing that Mo Wen looked at her, he gave a cold snort, don't go too far.

Time passed quickly. One hour passed quickly. Fleur walked out of the lake hysterically. She ran to Mrs. Maxime quickly, "Madam! I was stopped by Grindillo, I'm looking for Until Gabriel, where is she, isn't she dead! —"

   "Sister!" The little girl's sweet voice came over.

   "Gabriel!" Furong rushed over and hugged her, "Thank God, you are all right!"

   "That brother saved me!" Gabriel reached out and pointed at Mo Wen.

Furong blushed, she walked to Mo Wen's side, kissed him, and looked at Qiu who was standing aside, she whispered, "Wait for me in your room at night, and I will repay you well." Then she didn't wait for Mo. Wen reacted and walked to Qiu's side again, whispering something in her ear. Qiu's face also blushed, he glanced at Mo Wen, and finally nodded.

After a while, Krum also walked back with a gloomy face. He tried to talk to Hermione, but the latter obviously didn't know what he was thinking, a little absent-mindedly, "Well," "Oh" to deal with, and his eyes looked at Mo from time to time. Smell here.

   Harry was the last one. He returned with Ron, but his face didn't look good after learning that Mo Wen would rescue the man in less than ten minutes.

   After everyone came back, Dumbledore discussed with the murloc with the spear for a while, who was now shaking at the sight of it.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, after discussion, we have given points to each contestant. Now I announce their scores." Finally, Bagman stood up and said.

"Miss Fleur Delacour made good use of the bubble spell, but she was attacked by Grindillo while she was swimming towards the target. In the end, she failed to rescue the hostages. We gave her 25 points." Fleur looked like Not too sad, but a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Mo Wen secretly, and hurriedly took it back after being discovered.

   "Mr. Krum did not find the place where the target was **** within the stipulated time, so we gave him forty points."

   "Mr. Harry Potter also did not rescue the hostage within the specified time, so we also gave him forty points."

   Harry and Krum had the same gloomy faces, but they both pouted and said nothing.

"Finally," Bagman paused. "Although Mr. Modi Guris rescued three hostages in less than ten minutes, his behavior interfered with several other players, so we gave him 40. Five points."

   "The third mission will begin on the evening of June 24." Bagman continued. "We will notify the participants one month in advance. Thank you for your participation and goodbye."

   The second mission is over, Mo Wen's eyes are shining with inexplicable divine light, and everything is about to begin.


Batty Crouch’s mansion was burning with fire, and a pale middle-aged man was sitting there motionless, like a statue. Almost everyone would think he was dead unless his eyes moved occasionally. Lost.

   Suddenly a face appeared in the burning fireplace, blue hair, handsome face, and most importantly, those eyes turned out to be gold and silver.

   "Hi! Old Batty! How are you doing recently?" Mo Wen greeted with a smile.

   The man moved his eyes and looked at the head emerging from the fireplace with a grim look, "What are you doing! You rescued that rebellious son and forced me to stay at home, now you want to taunt me again!"

"It seems that you are quite energetic! You are still very angry when you scold someone." Mo Wen didn't take it seriously, looking at the old Barty. "Mr. Crouch, I am here this time to invite you to visit. A very meaningful thing, of course, I also hope you bring some friends."

   "Why, I hope I will visit the last match of the Triwizard Tournament, do you add some color to your championship?" Crouch sneered.

   Mo Wen shook his head, "No, the trivial race is not worthy of my bother, I want to talk about another big thing."

   "Really?" Crouch was a little displeased. No one would be happy when the game he worked so hard to promote was said to be a trivial matter. "What else is there, I can't think of it."

   "The resurrection of the Dark Lord!" Mo Wen said lightly.

"What!" Crouch jumped up all of a sudden, "I knew, you lunatics, it would never be a good thing for you to save that rebellious son. How could Old Guris have a son like you! No, I Go tell Dumbledore that only he can stop this!"

   Crouch took out his wand, looked carefully at Mo Wen, and leaned toward the door at the same time.

   "Dumbledore already knows," Mo Wen's words made Crouch stiff, "and Voldemort's resurrection can be said to be caused by him alone, and he even intends to send Harry there."

   "It's impossible!" Crouch stared at Mo Wen, as if he wanted to see the truth in his eyes. "Dumbledore is he crazy?"

   Mowen ignored him, and said to himself: "Last year, Dumbledore sent me to send Wormtail back to Voldemort. I almost watched him resurrect step by step."

   With a bad smile, Mo Wen looked at Crouch and asked, "Do you know what I found in the process?"

Crouch's expression was a little vague, and he did not answer the unfamiliar question. Although he and Dumbledore were not the same, he also understood that Dumbledore was the only one who could compete with the Dark Lord. Now that Dumbledore did this, he could not. Understanding, even a terrible thought flooded his mind, do they want to be together--.

"Hey!" Seeing Crouch's uncooperativeness, Mo Wen was somewhat disappointed, as if he had seen through the other person's thoughts, Mo Wen explained: "It's not what you think, Dumbledore found that he was old and his strength was going downhill. So for the final victory, he plans to resurrect Voldemort while he is still alive, and then arrange everything. He puts hope on the savior Harry."

After hearing Mo Wen's words, Crouch finally came to his senses, "Naughty! Harry is just a child. Even if he escaped from Voldemort once, there will be no second time. Guris, you helped him. Do, know that your father is—"

   "It was killed by Lucius, I know!" The smile on Mo Wen's face disappeared, "I saw it with my own eyes, that night!"

   "Then you have to do this!"

   "Because I want to kill the Dark Lord too!" Mo Wen's face showed a bright smile again, "So I also need to resurrect him first."

   "You!-Who do you think you are?" Crouch pointed at Mo Wen, almost yelling, but he swallowed the words again when he thought of the strength Mo Wen showed when he subdued him.

   "In terms of magic alone, I am confident that I will not lose to Voldemort and Dumbledore, but my experience is not as rich as they are. If it is a life and death fight, I will lose a lot!"

   "Huh!" Crouch took a glance at Mo Wen, and finally you still have a bit of self-knowledge.

   Mo Wen's voice changed immediately, "But when I was resurrecting the Dark Lord, I discovered his weakness, so I am confident that I can defeat him in the end."

   Crouch's brows stretched a So you agreed to Dumbledore's plan, planning to finally solve Voldemort with him? "

   "No," Mo Wen looked at Crouch, and said slowly, "I didn't plan to go along with Dumbledore. My plan is to get rid of both of them when he and Voldemort are both injured!"

   "It's impossible!" Obviously unable to accept this, Crouch shook his head.

"It's impossible that this is not important. The important thing is-when Voldemort rose, part of the pure-blood family chose to follow him. Like the Malfoy family, some chose to follow Dumbledore. We Guris, Longbottom, and Weasley were One of them, but there are still some pure-blood families that belong to neither Dumbledore nor Voldemort. Your Crouch family is one of them," Mo Wen glanced at Crouch, who looked a little dazed. "You pretended to be against Voldemort, while pulling Dumbledore's hind legs behind your back, and when the war came to an end, you were pushed out to fight for the position of Minister, ready to grab the fruits of victory, and it turned out—"

   Crouch gritted his teeth, and it turned out that his son got into trouble, almost letting the behavior of their faction be discovered, and the benefits he had gotten away.

   Mo Wen smiled and said: "I don't believe that there will be a fanatical Death Eater in a resolutely opposed Voldemort family. After such a long battle, you are not blind. How could you not be able to tell."

   "What the **** do you want to say?" Crouch asked coldly.

   "I want to see you, of course, I also have some friends here who want to see you—"

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