Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 78: Mo Wen's revenge and Hermione's love

   The whole class was stunned. No one thought that Guris would dare to attack the professor in the classroom, and it was Snape.

   pulled up Hermione, and walked outside without saying a word.

   People didn't react until Mo Wen's figure disappeared.

   "Cool!" Seamus exclaimed.

   "Wow, is this Guris? He hit Snape!" Lavender also yelled.

   All the Gryffindors in the classroom cheered, and Guris did what they had always wanted to do but dared not do!

  The students of Slytherin were shocked. They couldn't believe that the noble model in their hearts would also attack teachers!


   strode across the corridor, Mo Wen didn't say a word, and Hermione behind him only felt her heart beating, she could feel the suppressed anger under Mo Wen's calm appearance. A kind of sweetness came to her heart.

   With a ‘bang’, the door to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was kicked open. Umbridge, who was teaching the third grade, was surprised.

   "Professor, I think we need to talk!" Mo Wen said coldly, with a terrifying light in his golden and silver eyes.

   Umbridge frowned. She didn't want to provoke Guris, "Well, Mr. Guris, please wait a minute, get out of class will be over soon."

   "Now! Right now! Right now!" Mo Wen stared at her tightly.

   Umbridge felt that he had been insulted and shouted loudly: "Guris, how do you teach you politeness in your family? I am not only a teacher here, but the dignity of the Ministry of Magic——"

"Believe it or not, if you dare to give up a word, I will tell Fudge to step down immediately! Then I will do you again!" Mo Wen interrupted her directly and raised the wand in his hand. Nick, how many people are waiting! Fox, Belby, Vikla...Do you know how many people will support me?"

Every time Mo Wen reported a name, Umbridge’s face paled. These names were not Fudge’s political opponents, or a big influence in the ministry. If they were to unite—she couldn’t imagine it. What are the consequences.

   "Well, Mr. Guris, I think we need to talk." Umbridge stammered, "We are not malicious, maybe some misunderstanding--"

   Mo Wen did not answer her, but led her to a nearby classroom. Hermione and Ginny were waiting inside, and she was taken aback when she saw that Mowen had returned with Umbridge.

  Umbridge saw Hermione here, his face was pale, and hurriedly said: "This is a misunderstanding, Mr. Guris, I don't know she is yours!--"

   A red light flashed, Umbridge hit the wall like Snape, and then continued to hit the surrounding walls with Mo Wen's wand.

   Ear-piercing screams and howls filled the classroom.

  After a while, Umbridge was smashed and his face was bruised and swollen, and his toad-shaped face seemed to be squashed.

   "Drilling heart——" Looking at Umbridge who was limp on the ground, there was a sharp flash in his eyes, and he wanted to cast the Unforgivable Curse when he raised his wand.

   "No!—" Only then did Hermione react from the shock and took Mo Wen's arm.

   "Guris, you can't do this! You will be thrown into Azkaban!"

   "Hermione, you get out of the way, I have to teach this old toad a lesson today!"

   "No, please, don't do this!" With tears in her eyes, Hermione hugged Mo Wen's arm tightly.

   The atmosphere suddenly fell silent, Mo Wen looked at Hermione, who shook his head.

   "Okay," Mo Wen exhaled, then stepped on Umbridge's head and pushed hard, the latter yelled in reflection.

Pointing the wand at her face, Mo Wen lowered his head and said in a cold voice: "You will remember it for me. If you dare to move her next time, I will take your bones out and break them one by one! "

With a wave of the wand, a fiery red mark appeared on Umbridge’s arm. The latter screamed and covered his arm. Through the gap between his fingertips, he could clearly see that it was a word—toad. .

   "Leave a mark for you!"

Seeing Mo Wen threatening Umbridge, tears welled up in Hermione’s eyes. She never thought that Guris, who had always been calm, would do this for her, and she never felt such happiness for a moment. Finding that everything is not important anymore, what about being a lifelong lover with Guris, as long as he loves her is enough. Looking at Hermione's happy smiling face, Ginny on the side showed a look of envy and jealousy.


   At night, Guris’ room was gone, and Hermione pestered him frantically.

"Modi, I love you! I love you! I am willing to be your lover for a lifetime, and I am willing to do everything for you—" The naked body held Mo Wen tightly, Hermione in his ear Whispered.

   Today, Mo Wen, who has always been calm, beat two professors for her in a row. The care and love made her fascinated.

   There was a short silence, and a piece of parchment appeared in Mo Wen's hand, "Are you willing to sign it?"

Looking at the contract in her hand, Hermione just smiled and let go of everything. At this time, her mind was already on Mo Wen, almost without looking at the content of the contract, Hermione signed it directly. it.

   A faint white light flashed, and the second heart contract was established.

  Name: Hermione Granger

   Real name: Hermione Granger

   Career: Wizard

   Race: Human race

   Lineage: Wizard

  Ability: Strength: F-

   Durability: F-

  Agility: F-

   Energy: E-

   Lucky: C+/B+

  Charm: B+/A-

   Intelligence: B/A-

   Resistance: E-

   Treasure: B-

  Intrinsic skills:

  Intelligence: (C+/A): A smart brain makes you different. (Effect-intelligence rises from B- to B+, and learning ability is strengthened.)

  True luck (B/A-): People loved by the often have good luck. (Effect-Permanent, luck increased from C+ to B+, it is easier to get all kinds of help on the plane of birth.)

   Charismatic Extraordinary (B/B): Attractive beauty and good character make you more attractive. (Effect-permanent, the charm is raised from B to A -, it is easier to get good impressions of the opposite sex.)


   Birch Wood Phoenix Wand

  Level: D+

   Category: Treasure for people

   The magic wand crafted by Ollivander can increase the magic power of the user.

   time converter

   Grade: B-

   Analogy: Treasure for people

   Mysterious magical artifacts can make people go back in time, but they cannot change history.

Like Qiu Zhang, Hermione’s contract of heart also brought no small benefits to Mo Wen. First of all, his intelligence attributes increased. Although he did not get a new inherent skill, his inherent skill genius has been upgraded, and there are more. A new treasure.

  Genius (B+/A): Your smart brain makes you stand out from the outside, and at the same time more intelligent. (Effect-permanent residence, improved intelligence, upgrade from B to A-learning efficiency is greatly improved, and there is a certain chance of leapfrogging innovation.)

   Treasure: Crisis perception

   Grade: B

   Category: Treasure for people

   Many times to calmly deal with the sudden crisis, you can always think of the right way. Crisis warning, information guidance.

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