Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 317 Scientific Research Farming


Ponce bridging device.

Could this technology be the solution for Titan driving?

Fu Qinghai bit his pen and fell into deep thought.

During this period, Fu Qinghai lived a very fulfilling life.

Through Jiang Yixia's introduction, Fu Qinghai met Shao Liwen. Just like in the previous operation in the Marvel Comics Universe, Fu Qinghai came up with the formula of plastic steel and stone chalk. The former was cheap titanium alloy and the latter was super concrete.

As soon as two new materials from the Warhammer 40K universe appeared, Shao Liwen, who was originally doubtful about Fu Qinghai's academic level, immediately changed her attitude and actively recruited Dr. Fu Shan to join Shaw Industries. Fu Qinghai expressed his thoughts implicitly and directly. The idea of ​​joining PPDC: Fighting monsters and defending mankind are my lofty ideals...

So Shaw Industries recommended Fu Qinghai to PPDC.

As for Zofia? She's just an addition.

He is just a student of the Hunter Academy, and he is not 100% sure that he will become a driver, so it is not a favor.

After Fu Qinghai transferred from Shaw Industries to the K-Science Department of PPDC, he quickly used his powerful knowledge to conquer Dr. Newton and Dr. Herman - a pair of happy enemies who love and kill each other. Cai Tiantong from the Lawson Command Center also praised Fu Qinghai's technical strength.

Fu Qinghai is also very interested in the technology related to mecha hunters.

Although Fu Qinghai has neither built a Titan nor driven a Titan, he has never eaten pork and seen pigs run away, so he still has some understanding of the Titan Order of the Mechanicum.

After joining PPDC and studying Mecha Hunters in depth for a period of time, Fu Qinghai also learned about Mecha Hunters and was able to compare the similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages between the two.

First, compare size, i.e. body shape.

The largest Titan of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Emperor-class Titan, in different original novels, has a height ranging from 43 meters to 100 meters. There are a total of six height versions, but even the tallest version is only 100 meters.

All Mecha Hunters under PPDC, from the first generation to the sixth generation, are generally in the range of 70 meters to 100 meters in height. In other words, the general height of Mecha Hunters and the highest height of Titan units are in the same level.

This is why Fu Qinghai believes that there is no need to assimilate small Titan units such as Rider and Dog Tai into the Pacific Rim universe. The height and weight of monsters will only be larger than that of Mecha Hunters, not smaller. Knight-level Titans and War Dog-level Titans Titans are simply not qualified to participate in this level of battle.

At the very least, it must be a warlord-level Titan.

(Also translated as "Warlord Titan")

Making things extremely big and making things extremely small are both manifestations of technical strength. From this aspect, PPDC’s technology is really not bad.

You know, by the 41K period, every Emperor-class Titan is a "holy relic" with a name and a surname that cannot be recreated.

After comparing the size, compare the energy, materials, weapons and shields.

In terms of energy, both are similar. The Mechanicus and PPDC both have nuclear fusion reactor technology. In comparison, Mecha Hunter has more types of engines.

In terms of materials, PPDC does not have plastic steel, ceramic steel or fine gold. The shell material of the mecha hunter is mainly titanium alloy. Don’t underestimate titanium alloys. The shell of Iron Man’s Mark series power armor is titanium alloy, and the shell of Spartan’s Thor Hammer series power armor is also titanium alloy.

The difference is that the former is a "gold titanium alloy" and the latter is an "alpha titanium alloy". The potential of titanium alloys is still very high and there is a lot of room for improvement. The real disadvantage of titanium alloy is that it is expensive. The overall performance of plastic steel is actually similar to that of titanium alloy, but the cost is much cheaper than titanium alloy.

In terms of weapons, the overall weapon system of the Mecha Hunter is not as good as that of the Titan, but it is not far behind. Both have long-range plasma weapons and melee chain saw weapons.

In terms of melee weapons, Mecha Hunters are more creative, such as plasma double swords, Tesla fist, sky whip, wind and fire flywheel, rocket elbow, morning star hammer and so on.

But in the area of ​​long-range weapons, Titan destroyed the Mecha Hunter. Volcano cannons and seismic cannons are, to be honest, just super large laser weapons and live ammunition weapons, but their power and range are really unmatched by mecha hunters. One shot can destroy you for ten miles. It's not a joke.

In addition, the related technologies of melt weapons, deflagration weapons and conversion beam weapons are not mastered by PPDC.

However, the related technologies of Mecha Hunter's gravity sling and magnetic rail weapons are not mastered by the Mechanicus.

Weapon technology can be said to have its own advantages and disadvantages.

When it comes to shields, Mecha Hunter is completely blank. There is no energy shield technology in the Pacific Rim universe. Mecha Hunter is running naked.

As for the void shield carried on the Titan, Fu Qinghai evaluated it as one of the most advanced shield technologies among all science fiction IPs. The Warhound-class Titan can be equipped with a void shield, and the void shield is not like the ray shields in Star Wars. The shield "neutralizes" and "cancels" attacks like the particle shield, but directly throws attacks that exceed a certain speed threshold into the subspace.

This is a very clever shield design concept, but unfortunately it can only be used in the Warhammer 40K universe. In a universe without subspace, the void shield will naturally not be effective.

Regardless of energy, materials, weapons, and shields, the biggest difference between Mecha Hunters and Titans lies in positioning.

Among the performance indicators of all mecha hunters, there is an indicator called "fighting style": the judo of "Tango Wolf", the ancient Roman wrestling of "Cherno Alpha", the street fighting of "Danger Wanderer", " "Storm Red" Chinese Kung Fu and Muay Thai... Different fighting styles depend on the design and structure of the mecha itself and the driver's fighting habits.

However, for Titans, they do not have the concept of "fighting". Titans will be equipped with melee weapons. In addition to riding the Thai dog Tai, even the Warmaster-level Titan has a special melee model - the Wall Breaker type.

However, the body structure and joint structure of all Titans are not enough to support them to perform complex actions such as "fighting" - "Storm Red" can somersault.

What is the concept of a 76-meter, 1,722-ton behemoth performing a "somersault"?

The Mechanicum's design positioning of the Titan can be simply summarized as a "bipedal automatic weapons platform." As you can tell from the name, the Titan is a humanoid tank that replaces the tracks and wheels with mechanical bipeds, because the mechanical bipeds are smaller than The tracks are more capable off-road, but that's about it.

Titan's war positioning is to mount a variety of powerful long-range weapons, hold a void shield, form a battle line, slowly advance towards the enemy, and then pour out firepower crazily.

The Adeptus Mechanicus never intended for tanks to "fight".

Including that Mecha Hunters can fight in underwater environments, but Titans cannot, this is also a difference caused by positioning.

However, the Titan design concepts of the Human Empire and the Mechanicus cannot represent the Titan design concepts of the entire Warhammer 40K universe.

There are other Titan units in the Warhammer 40K universe. The Orcs’ ancient giants have different styles and it’s hard to comment. The Tau’s battle suits are not as big as the Titans. However, the Eldar’s Titan units – various giant nether structures. Most of them take the Pacific Rim Mecha Hunter route:

Highly flexible + fast maneuvering + close combat.

Melee combat still makes sense.

At least Void Shield can't protect against melee combat.

The reason why PPDC formed this slightly "weird" mecha design concept has something to do with the special war environment in which humans live - all battles against monsters take place on the earth, not in the "pioneers". Different world".

When fighting a war on one's own turf, you have to consider collateral damage.

Just like the human empire, it will not throw out extermination orders casually.

Analysts have long pointed out that the first wave of monsters that came to the earth through wormholes were all cannon fodder to die. Their purpose was to use the radiation from the nuclear bomb explosion and the pollution from the death of the monsters to transform the earth's environment and make the earth suitable for the survival of the pioneers. Not adapted to human existence.

In other words, every time a mecha hunter kills a monster, he wins at the tactical level, but fails at the strategic level - as long as the monster dies on the earth, sooner or later the earth's environment will be changed.

When the monster "invaders" attacked San Francisco, Cai Tiantong's grandfather was drenched by the blue blood flowing out of the monster, causing respiratory failure and eventually died.

Observing the specific battle process of the protagonist "Dangerous Wanderer" and other mecha hunters, you will find that there are powerful weapons such as "plasma cannon", but they are not used at the beginning, and they have to punch and kick the monsters in close combat. .

They were unwilling to use these weapons until they could not solve the problem, because they wanted the monster to die from internal bleeding caused by the fight, and not die so tragically that it would pollute the earth's environment - scientists have found that the monster can cause damage just by swimming in the sea. A large number of fish died from poisoning.

This kind of war is very difficult to fight.

It's like dancing in shackles.

As long as the wormhole problem cannot be solved in one day, victory at the tactical level will never be able to reverse the failure at the strategic level. Sooner or later, all mankind will be finished.

But Fu Qinghai was not in a hurry.

Dr. Newton and Dr. Herman found a way to travel through the wormhole in reverse by dissecting and studying the monster's corpse. The "nuclear attack on the wormhole" plan has gradually been put on the agenda.

Fu Qinghai won't get involved in this kind of near-death plan. It's rare for him to get in-depth contact with mecha hunter technology. He is very happy to study it now, and he can't get out if he dives into it.

Too lazy to care about the major events of the plot line.

None of the reincarnators in the hostile camp can contact the Pioneer.

How else could they change the plot?


"Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force·Research Report"

Reporters: Dr. Newton Geisler, Dr. Hermann Gottlieb, Dr. Fu Shan.

Report topic: DNA duplication in monster samples

Dr. Newton has reached a clear conclusion: the DNA codes in different monsters are exactly the same.

Across all the organ samples from the different monsters, Dr. Newton found repeated DNA genetic markers. These identical DNA sequences suggest three possibilities:

1. Monsters are all created;

2. Some strands of DNA molecules serve as memory encoders for the species;

3. The monster that passes through the wormhole transmits what it sees and hears on the earth back to the "different world".

Dr. Herman agrees with this conclusion.

The K-Science Ministry believes that the monster is a specially designed weapon, which is very worrying. At the same time, the conclusion tells us that humans are actually in an arms race with monsters - their sizes are increasing and their strength is getting stronger and stronger from generation to generation.

It is foreseeable that the combat skills of monsters in the future will continue to show characteristics we have never seen before. Through the hive mind and DNA-based species memory, each monster will feedback all their experiences to the creator, including the memory of the last moment before death and the specific cause of death.

(Dr. Newton has elaborated on the unprecedented synaesthesia between himself and the monster's brain fragments. Please refer to the related report for details.)

Cunning and ruthless enemies are obviously very good at exploiting this information. We must face the disturbing possibility that future monsters will have counterattack strategies specifically designed to target the mecha's standard combat routines.

It is not uncommon for combat methods to directly attack the operation compartment of the mecha's head. This shows that they have understood that the driver is the core part of the mecha. What new discoveries will they make next? How will they use the new information collected?

We don't know the answer. By asking these questions, we hope to be of benefit to Project Hunter so that the mechs can better prepare themselves for future battles.

"Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force·Research Report"

Reporters: Dr. Newton Geisler, Dr. Hermann Gottlieb, Dr. Fu Shan.

Report topic: The nature of wormholes and possible weaknesses

We studied the bioelectromagnetic signature of the energy released by the wormhole and performed a remote analysis of the physical structure of the wormhole. The conclusion indicates that wormholes may have weaknesses:

Wormholes rely on energy generated by tectonic activity to stay aggregated. Although wormholes are powerful and durable, they are also fragile and easy to attack. It connects the earth to the "other world" on the other side. The other world may be another planet or even a parallel universe. Some people speculate that some kind of energy from the planet is also part of the reason why the wormhole can operate.

In essence, wormholes connect two distant worlds by overlapping space and time. Therefore, in order to use energy to create a passage like a wormhole, one must have super-first-class technology, which is probably far beyond the current capabilities of humans. The amount of energy required is equivalent to the total energy produced by mankind in the past century.

However, destroying wormholes may be much easier than creating them.

Our analysis found that the sudden release of energy inside the wormhole will destabilize its own structure. Once this happens, the original balance of time and space must be readjusted. In other words, the wormhole will collapse and disintegrate, cutting off the passage between the earth and another world, and once again isolating the two time and space.

Tactical nuclear bombs can generate the energy needed to destroy wormholes, and acquiring these weapons is a piece of cake for the PPDC. From the data analysis, the probability of detonating a nuclear bomb inside the wormhole and permanently disintegrating it is more than 96%.

K-Science Ministry recommends taking immediate offensive action and going all out to destroy the wormhole.

"Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force·Research Report"

Reporters: Dr. Newton Geisler, Dr. Hermann Gottlieb, Dr. Fu Shan.

Report topic: Potential trends in monster body size growth

Special note: At the request of the PPDC command department, the K-Science Department hereby reports. Because the conclusions are largely speculative, it is important to consult with this department before taking any measures or strategic actions based on what follows.

It has been observed that the size and aggressiveness of each monster increase in a parabolic pattern. So far, the upward trend of this curve has been relatively gentle and has not yet reached the peak. There are well-known objective laws in the relationship between size, weight and strength. Not even monsters can escape these laws.

In layman's terms, the department believes this means the monster's size will soon reach a critical point, beyond which the monster's skeleton and carapace structure can no longer support the weight of its body. The level 4 monsters that have appeared recently are not the largest. We will see even bigger monsters before the end of the "Nuclear Attack Wormhole" plan, but they will not appear at too high a level.

There is no doubt that the creators of the monsters must be trying to find this critical point as soon as possible. Once they succeed, each monster's size will go straight to its maximum size.

So from the beginning, monsters have shown a trend of getting bigger and stronger, with the purpose of exploring the final critical point. We have also observed that different monsters have many of the same characteristics: electromagnetic pulses, stronger venom, appendages, flying abilities, etc... From this we can conclude that monsters will continue to demonstrate new combat skills.

Needless to say, in the face of these increasingly large monsters, the anti-monster wall will be useless.

It's unclear when the monster reaches its maximum size. Dr. Gottlieb's model of increased frequency of monster appearances also reflects the possibility of accelerating growth in size piece by piece.

Of course, it is also possible that there is no correlation between the increase in monster size and the frequency of traveling through wormholes.

In short, in the near future, all monsters will become twice as large and powerful, and their combat skills will be more advanced, making them more capable of defeating Mecha Hunters. If the PPDC is prepared to take significant action, it must be carried out as soon as possible.

Dizard always felt uncomfortable in the K-Science Lab.

In his memory, the laboratory was an exclusive area for science enthusiasts, and rare things such as chalk dust, Erlenmeyer flasks, and white lab coats could be seen everywhere.

Most of the researchers in the laboratory have eccentric personalities, and the occasional normal person appears out of place.

Compared to the labs in high school, the K-Science lab is definitely even weirder.

Dizard visited the K-Science Laboratory for the first time.

There are stacks of jars and tubes filled with strange substances everywhere, including a few on top of computer monitors. On the screen were pictures of monsters and complex spiral models, which Dizard guessed should be the monster's DNA.

Inflatable monsters and mecha models hung from the ceiling and landed face to face on the experimental table. There was some kind of viscous substance bubbling in the box-shaped water tank. Dizard instinctively avoided it carefully, for fear of getting caught in something.

As in the rumors, Dr. Newton Geisler and Dr. Hermann Gottlieb were arguing with each other all the time to refute each other.

But this time it was different. There was another person sandwiched between the two people - the tall and handsome Dr. Fu Shan. Dr. Fu Shan seemed to be very good at dealing with scientific researchers. He calmed the two doctors down in a few words and started normal research.

"In other words, the monster's skin is a silicate polymer, right?"

Fu Qinghai asked.

"Yes, most definitely."

Dr. Herman said.

The monster was a silicon-based creature rather than a carbon-based creature, which did not surprise Fu Qinghai.

There are few carbon-based organisms that can withstand the bombardment of plasma cannons and still be alive and kicking afterward.

But the two doctors discovered more than that.

"Monsters are not entirely silicon-based organisms. In their cells, the unit that stores genetic material is silicate nucleotides, which are a combination of silicon and carbon."

"DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, but I still call this silicate nucleotide 'DNA' because its basic function is still to code the body structure of living things. In addition, it also plays a role in monsters. Other Functions - Memory Encoding. Inside I found structures that were used purely to store information. These structures did not translate tissue structure or function into genetic code. They were purely memory banks!"

"I see."

Fu Qinghai pointedly pointed out:

"So they have cellular memory."

"Yes, Dr. Fu Shan."

Dr. Herman nodded excitedly.

Fu Qinghai has seen the movie, so he knows what this means. Based on the premise that the monster has cellular memory, the next step is to try to use the Pons bridge device and the monster's secondary brain to conduct a synesthesia experiment to explore the nature of the wormhole.

Then the "nuclear wormhole attack" plan was formulated:

By holding a monster corpse hostage, and using the monster's DNA code, the mecha hunter can pass through the wormhole in reverse, and then blow up the entire wormhole with a nuclear bomb, eliminating the threats of "other worlds" and "pioneers" once and for all.

The three "Research Reports" submitted by Fu Qinghai and two doctors, one after another, are like three battle messages, urging Marshal Panticost to make a decision and implement the "nuclear wormhole attack" as soon as possible plan.

Fu Qinghai thinks this rhythm is very good.

He knows the complete plot and masters advanced technology. In this way, he guides the plot characters step by step and speeds up to the original victorious ending. He does not need to participate in the battle, but can also learn about mecha hunters and monsters, and finally make a fortune. Assimilation points for major plot line events.

Just perfect.

At this moment, the three people who were discussing vigorously noticed the black boy Dizzard who walked into the laboratory.

"Is there a problem?"

Fu Qinghai asked.

Dizard felt that the topic discussed by the three doctors was very profound and important, and he had not dared to interrupt him. It was only at this moment that he spoke in a dignified voice:

"Dr. Fu Shan, Marshal Panticost is looking for you."

"Oh well."

Fu Qinghai nodded.

Lawson Command Center.

Fu Qinghai met Marshal Panticost.

The other party turned around and said calmly:

"Hello, Dr. Fu Shan."

"Hello, Marshal."

"You submitted a report saying that you have a drug that is better than mesarolcin for treating radiation damage. Is that true?"

Panticost asked.


Fu Qinghai nodded and took out two medicines from his arms, a brown glass bottle and a brown infusion bag - Antiradionin and Xiaoradionin, products from Phaeton Foundry World.

The packaging had been removed by Fu Qinghai. Panticost frowned at the two drugs and said hesitantly:

"Why have I never heard of these two drugs before? Have they been approved by the FDA?"

FDA: Food and Drug Administration.

Fu Qinghai shook his head:

"No. These are two drugs I developed personally. They have not been tested in the first phase of clinical trials, but I am very convinced that they are very effective in treating radiation damage."

"The former is taken orally and the latter is injected intravenously. Both have certain side effects, including thirst, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, etc. It is also a diuretic, which is normal."

"Personal development..."

Hearing these four words, Panticost's face became even more suspicious. As we all know, if a drug wants to be launched on the market, phase four clinical trials are absolutely indispensable. Generally, small pharmaceutical companies do not have the ability to develop new drugs, let alone individuals?

Fu Qinghai shrugged:

"I sincerely hope that your health will get better. You can find someone or yourself to test whether the drug works. I am fully responsible for the effect of the drug... I only hope that if the drug really works, you can approve my research on the Pons bridge device. As well as all the Mecha Hunters that were previously sealed and scrapped.”

Fu Qinghai's tone was very confident.

Mesarocin, like Antiradixin and Radionil, is a fictional drug in the Pacific Rim universe, but judging from how Panticost coughs up blood from time to time in the movie, the effect is obviously not as effective as the drugs in the Fallout universe.

Of course he hopes that Pentecost is alive. For the reincarnations in the human camp, it is certainly better for Stark Pentecost to be alive than dead. The male protagonist Raleigh Baker after participating in the "Nuclear Wormhole Attack" plan In the end, he died of radiation poisoning and died on the hospital bed. If he believed in the two drugs provided by Fu Qinghai, he would probably be able to save his life.

Panticost shook his head and laughed:

"I didn't expect there were additional conditions..."

Then he said seriously:

"I have read the three reports submitted by the K-Science Department. Dr. Fu Shan, I want to thank you for your contribution on behalf of PPDC. You don't need any magic medicine to get my approval - you can study Pons bridging. Devices, and are also allowed to go to other sealed Broken Domes to study Mecha Hunters. I still have certain rights to dispose of these assets that once belonged to PPDC."

Fu Qinghai was very happy when he heard this.

The Pons bridge device is the absolute core secret of the Mecha Hunter. Other retired Mecha Hunters are the property of various governments. With Panticost's approval, his research progress can be accelerated.

Before saying goodbye and leaving the Lawson Command Center.

Fu Qinghai turned around and said:

"Marshal, remember to take your medicine, it really helps."

Panticoster smiled:

"OK, thanks."


During this period of time, Fu Qinghai paid no attention to either Jiang Yixia's flirtation or Zofia's coquettishness, and just focused on the research on mecha hunter-related technologies.

woman? How can a woman smell like a mecha?

First, there is the body structure of the Mecha Hunter.

He visited seven sealed Broken Domes one by one: the Anchorage base in Alaska, which was sold to a private buyer; the Lima base in Lima, the capital of Peru, which was sold to the Peruvian government; the Lima base in the Far East, which was transferred to the Russian government under a contract The Vladivostok base; the Los Angeles base located on the west coast of the North American continent and incorporated into the Long Beach Anti-Monster Wall...

He also found the scrapped mecha wreckage of "Cherno Alpha" and "Storm Crimson" in the Xiangjiang base.

He studied various joint structures:

Study the T-16 "Angel Wings" scapular fins to use aerodynamics to maintain the body balance of the mecha in close combat.

Research on exploding steel spikes at the ankles that can be inserted into the ground to provide grip for the body and make it a fixed defensive fortress.

Research the 08FS cooling drain port, which has built-in activated carbon. Seawater is cooled and discharged from the drainage groove, which can provide power for mechas to move in the ocean.

Research on the "Achilles" shock-absorbing device to ensure the balance of the mecha. Magneto-rheological dampers are attached to the ankles. Based on this technology, the mecha can perform somersaults.

Various technologies like this...

Secondly, there is the control technology of the mecha hunter.

That is, the Pons bridge device.

Any such large, anthropomorphic and complex mecha or titan unit involves the transmission, reception and feedback of massive information.

Compared with wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles and even flying vehicles, humanoid vehicles are the most complex ones and require control in all aspects.

In this regard, Warhammer 40K and Pacific Rim's Titans and Mechas both fall into the category of "mental control", which is the so-called "integration of man and machine". The settings of the two are relatively reasonable and combine their respective worldview backgrounds. feature.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, the Mechanicum controls the Titan unit. First, it is controlled by the crew members. Multiple pilots share the control pressure: some are responsible for walking and steering, some are responsible for the weapon system, and some are responsible for the shield system... Secondly, manual labor is required. Intelligence to share the pressure of processing massive information.

The concept of machine soul is very broad. It can refer to the properties and performance of the machine itself, or it can refer to artificial intelligence. But in the Titan unit, the machine soul is artificial intelligence.

It's just a "pseudo-artificial intelligence" that relies on the Thinker Array and steps on the critical line of the Crimson Protocol: The Crimson Protocol does not allow the development of AI that simulates humans, so the Tech-Priest develops AI that simulates animals, and Titan's Artificial intelligence is similar to a ferocious and intelligent beast, possessing certain intelligence but not reaching the human level.

Emotional description in the original novel: The crew members controlling these "god machines" like Titans are like taming a ferocious beast.

The Adeptus Mechanicus in Warhammer 40K has artificial intelligence technology but dare not use it, while the PPDC in Pacific Rim has no artificial intelligence technology at all.

So they found another way and developed the technology of "synaesthesia".

The premise for the emergence of synaesthesia technology is that the human driver’s weak brain and nerves, or simply a weak body, cannot withstand massive and intense nerve signal feedback——

All "mental control" type mecha driving modes are like this. The pain, blow and force feedback experienced by the body all act on the driver's body in the form of electrical signals. This causes the mecha hunter's driver to Two types of injuries are usually suffered:

1. The pressure of processing massive amounts of information can cause your brain to explode, your nostrils to bleed, and you will become a fool.

2. Violent electrical signals stimulate the driver's body through the combat uniform, causing skin burns.

This is why the pilot is still covered in scars despite not having direct physical contact with the monster - the combat suit does not set a pain threshold. The amount of impact and damage the mecha receives depends on how much electrical signal stimulation is fed back to the pilot. , even if the skin is burned.

Compared with the mecha hunter combat suit that inserts a probe into the driver's spine, which is also "mind control", Titan's control method is obviously more sci-fi:

The Cult of Mechanicus uses a brainwave sensing device - many extremely delicate silver metal filaments that are thinner than human hair, crawling along the driver's face, then entering the corners of the eyes, and inserting directly into the brain from the side of the eyeballs. The cortex begins to transmit massive amounts of information and neural signals.

One goes to the spinal nerves, and the other goes to the cerebral cortex.

Obviously the latter is more advanced.

However, the manufacturing technology of this brainwave sensing device, called the "Titan Crown", is said to have been lost.

The Pons bridge device of synaesthesia technology seems to be an alternative to the "Titan Crown".

The most critical thing is that Fu Qinghai can perfectly avoid the above two major defects of the Pons bridge device.

The Space Marines have their own neural interfaces, which can completely modify the mecha hunter's combat suit and connect it to the ready-made neural interfaces. The black carapace is used for this purpose. Ordinary humans cannot bear the stimulation of strong nerve signals. The Space Marines have a strong superhuman physique. , can be easily tolerated.

As for massive information processing, first of all, Fu Qinghai has artificial intelligence Qing Ming. Secondly, although traditional space warriors have not undergone brain enhancement-note that the Sassian meninges are suspended animation survival organs and not brain enhancement organs. However, it is completely new and different. Space Marines have brain-enhancing organs.

M.O.D.O.K.'s Brain!


The plan goes through!

Fu Qinghai enthusiastically began to transform the Mecha Hunter combat uniform.

Many people ignore this: Space Marines are more knowledgeable and skillful than mortals because they live longer and learn longer, not because they are smarter.

In the original comics, Tony Stark had his own brain enhanced, and in the original novel, Belisarius Caul also had his own brain enhanced.

And specifically emphasized that Caul's brain enhancement surgery is illegal - although Fu Qinghai did not know why the Mechanicum defined brain enhancement as illegal.

In short, this is standard behavior for big guys.

Speaking of the control method of mechas, Fu Qinghai also thought of the Japanese mecha science fiction IP, Gundam and EVA. As the ancestors of the mecha concept, their control methods have been criticized - they are actually "push-rod flow" control. Law.

Gundam controls: pedals, triggers, buttons and can driving a mecha be the same as driving a car!

After all, EVA is still "putter + mind control". "Lelouch of the Rebellion" is the most ridiculous. The mecha unit "Gawain" in it has the driver standing on the spot and using a virtual keyboard to control...

These anime writers are really outrageous.

Or maybe there is an inherent gap in the production level and performance capabilities of animation and movies.

No wonder film is the first of the nine arts.

After finishing complaining, Fu Qinghai continued to conduct his research step by step, while urging major plot events to develop in the original direction.

But I didn't expect it.

At this time, an accident happened.

"When the students of the Hunter Academy were allowed to control the training mecha 'Eden Assassin', the mecha suddenly lost control. The students were unable to exit the synaesthesia state and bridge with Pons normally, resulting in many injuries and even deaths at the accident site?"

Fu Qinghai frowned and asked word by word.

The first reaction was that Zofia must be fine, right?

"Yes, I heard that too."

Dr. Herman said.

"The message has been blocked."

Dr. Newton said:

"Let's wait for the results of PPDC's accident investigation to come out. It is said to be related to some kind of 'War Demon God'. Rumor has it."

"God of War Demons, what is that?"

Fu Qinghai asked.

"A monster cult."

Dr. Hermann shrugged and replied:

"You know, Magnesia is a country of cults. It's not surprising that there are weird monster believers."

There was some disapproval in his tone. Hermann Gottlieb was a German, so he could easily belittle the country of Magnesium.

But Fu Qinghai had a vague premonition in his heart.

Why can monster believers attack PPDC?


Thanks to Blue and White King, wyr301303, Tarot Club Fool Gan Lun, Jinyi Night Walk and several book friends for their rewards.

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