The Waaagh force field temporarily lost its convergence nodes, and the Orcs also lost their organization and discipline, but the chaos on the scene did not ease.

On the contrary, the bosozokus and racing gangs of the Red Sun Mechanic Gang began to fight left and right like headless flies, hacking and killing indiscriminately, turning the entire stronghold into a mess.

Fu Qinghai threw his head casually and stepped on the accelerator. The tail of the jet motorcycle spit out a long wake, which made several orc boys scream and then increased the altitude again.

Debris, body parts, and bullets flew across the battlefield.

The range of the orcs' long-range weapons is limited, and after the war boss died, his morale collapsed and he just ran for his life. The only threat to the jetbike now is the vehicle-mounted anti-air firepower from the Khorne Chaos Warband.

The quadruple laser cannons on the side of the Spartan tank and the twin heavy explosive shells above the head have a very limited elevation angle of -32° to +55°, which is nothing to be afraid of.

On the other hand, the Sky Reaper turret on the top of the Mastodon tank is a specialized anti-aircraft weapon. The firepower is continuous and fierce. The hemispherical shooting angle is very large. The bullet chains spilled chase the dense clusters of jet motorcycles in the sky.

The three Mastodon tanks are all shrouded in void shields. There is a heavy explosive bomb on the front of the jet motorcycle. The firepower is not enough to penetrate the void shield, and the thick adamantine armor of the body is completely immune to the bombing of micro-nuclear bombs - besides, The Space Marines did not deliberately launch micro-nuclear bombs at several armored vehicles.

This is the treasure that the Chapter Leader has taken a fancy to.

However, the three turrets of only three Mastodon tanks were unable to defend against more than two hundred jet motorcycles. The motorcycle cavalry in the sky automatically dispersed into several small teams, flying back and forth around the stronghold, and a wave of dive shooting was completed. Rapidly ascending and rising, the three anti-aircraft turrets could not catch up with so many jet motorcycles. For a while, they could only shoot randomly.

Some impatient Chaos Space Marines directly opened the circular hatch on the top of the Mastodon tank, leaned out half of their bodies, picked up their bolt guns, and fired roaringly into the sky.

This is the moment I've been waiting for.

Within the communication channel, several motorcycle teams completed their tactical exchanges. Two jet motorcycles took turns shooting for cover, quickly swooped down, and passed directly through the void shield. Several rounds of heavy explosive shells shattered the Chaos Space Marines who were protruding from the tank. The wingmen quickly climbed up, and the lead aircraft followed closely. The Space Marines riding motorcycles held the power halberd in their hands and poked downwards. , picked out the hanging body from the hatch.

Then an armor-piercing grenade was thrown in.


Flames and black smoke erupted from the hatch.

The Sky Reaper turret went dark.

The brave and skilled motorcycle cavalry were about to do the same thing again, but they flew too low and too slow because of throwing grenades, and were hit by the anti-aircraft fire of another Mastodon tank. Heavy explosive shells and laser cannons were hit on the side of the vehicle. It tore apart the armor and melted the engine. The jet motorcycle instantly lost power and fell over with black smoke.

The jet motorcycle crookedly crashed into the chaotic battle group of Orks and Chaos warbands, and then exploded with a bang. The Space Marines riding the motorcycle had already jumped out, rolled to remove the impact, and then fell to the ground.

The Space Marine quickly stood up and quickly pulled out a pulse bolter from behind. This strange large gun had three coaxial protrusions on the barrel. As soon as it fired, it swept down a circle of greenskins around it. Extremely powerful.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

The sound of heavy treading on the ground came from behind.

The Space Marine just turned around with his gun in hand.

An unmatched Khorne steel bull, carrying its Chaos Space Marine rider, is rushing towards this side with an indomitable momentum. The huge wind pressure close at hand, accompanied by the pungent smell of hot sulfur, has already Coming at you!

The Space Marine's eyes suddenly widened.

He saw with his own eyes in the air that the Orcs' bullets, cannonballs and rockets hit the brass shell without causing any damage, and this terrifying Khorne steel bull only needed to push hard to hit an Orc truck. Together with the four passengers above, it flew upwards, rolled more than ten meters high and was thrown out of the city.

It’s over…

The only thought in his mind.


At that moment, a black shadow fell from the sky.

Smoke and dust spewed out in all directions, and a figure wearing a black-gold power armor stood in front of him. The space warrior slowly opened his mouth wide, and Khan was seen kneeling on one knee, holding a power sword in one hand, and holding down a terror knife in the other. The steel bull's forehead is spiked with spikes.

"But, Khan..."

The Space Marine was speechless with astonishment.

The chin of the Khorne Steel Ox rests on the ground, its four thick hooves are kicking wildly, shoveling up mounds of soil, and its ring-covered nose spurts out hot, smoking, and flaming gas...

Even so, it still couldn't break free from Qingshan Khan's one-handed suppression. The entire huge bull's head was pinned to the ground by one hand, struggling desperately.

What a shocking scene!

Even the rider on the bull's back was stunned.

Fu Qinghai suddenly exerted force, holding down the bull's head with one hand and pushing it away from the ground. With the other hand, he held the power knife and stabbed it into the Khorne Steel Bull's eye. Then he twisted his wrist and stirred the handle of the knife.

The resistance force coming from the arm disappeared.

The heavy Khorne steel bull tilted, and the brass riveted guard plate hit the ground hard, kicking up dust in the sky. The Chaos Space Marine carrying it on his back jumped up, holding the buzzing chain saw ax tightly in his hands. He raised it high above his head and slashed downwards.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!"

Leowin Ukris roared.


Fu Qinghai, who was kneeling on one knee, twisted his waist and spun backwards. The power sword cut a bright and dazzling full moon arc in the air, and cut off the opponent's axe-holding wrist.

"With your blood too."

Fu Qinghai said coldly.

The out-of-control chain saw ax flew down with the two palms held on the ax handle, and was stuck in the ground.

Leowin Ukris, the Chaos Lord of the Fifteen Fangs warband, stood on the corpse of the Khorne Steel Bull, staring blankly at the neatly severed wrists in front of him that were constantly splattering with blood.

"Are you ready to sacrifice your blood to the Blood God?"

The sound from the loudspeaker was as hard as iron.

Fu Qinghai held the knife in one hand and raised his arm. The tip of the knife flashed with a cracking force field arc and pointed directly at the opponent's face.


The Chaos Lord roared.


Then he was beheaded with a knife.

The battle is over.

There was a mess inside and outside the satellite city outpost.

The fleeing green-skinned orcs were encircled and pursued by Attila's barbarian cavalry and Krieg's death cavalry - this was a job they were good at. Except for a few that slipped through the net, the Red Sun Mechanical Repair Gang from the Evil Sun Clan and the Explosive Skull Tribe from the Snakebite Clan were declared completely destroyed today.

The Tiefutu Chapter and the two cavalry units were carefully cleaning the battlefield, looking for those who had not completely died, and quickly rescued their own wounded, while also killing enemy soldiers.

Attila's barbarian cavalry is very busy, cutting heads one by one, whether it is Chaos Space Marines or Orcs - this is Qingshan Khan's special request. These steppe barbarians are very good at and happy to deal with this kind of thing.

Normally, the Human Empire would not accept surrender from Greenskins and Chaos, and of course it was almost impossible for the latter to surrender. Originally, there should be no prisoners in this battle, but according to the Chapter Master's request, there were still living greenskins and Chaos Space Marines in suspended animation who were packed and tied up and brought back to the hive.

Fu Qinghai strolled in the stronghold.

There is no one alive here.

The Chaos Warbands who believe in Khorne do not know what it means to escape and retreat, and will only fight to the end, otherwise they will be spurned and cursed by the Blood God, and the places that have been ravaged by the Khorne Chaos Warband will almost never There are mortals who are still alive.

There is no time to pray and silently pray for these poor mortals who have been turned into neatly stacked skull sacrifices. This is the way this fucking universe is. Just get used to it. Fu Qinghai is checking the condition of the Spartan tank and the Mastodon tank to see if they are intact.

not bad.

Break off and weld the metal spikes with rotten human heads stuck in them, clean the internal space full of thick blood several times, and ask the Mechanicus to do a few electronic exorcisms, and finally you can rejoin the battle group. In the armor sequence.

Fu Qinghai thought about it silently.

The current armored forces of the Chapter include Land Raiders, Rhino troop carriers and Predator tanks (captured from Iron Warriors), Typhon heavy siege tanks (captured from Night Lords), as well as Spartan tanks and Milk Teeth Elephant Tank (captured from World Eaters).

There seem to be many types, but the number of each type of armored vehicle is in single digits.

In fact, it's not bad. It can already form a mixed brigade of armored vehicles.

Just like the Night Lords' Desolation Brigade, a mix of armored vehicles.

Of course, in the eyes of those Space Marine legions that specialize in armored group combat, such as the Iron Warriors, the Night Lords' "Desolate Brigade" is a joke.

In horizontal comparison, what is the concept of the armored vehicles owned by the Iron Buddha Chapter compared to other Space Marine Chapters?

During the 30K period, the most wealthy Ultramarines Legion had more than 2,000 armored vehicles of the same type, which could be used intensively to fight tank battles.

By the 42K period, the Ultramarines had split into sub-groups, and there were more than 500 sub-groups within sub-groups. The same type of armored vehicles, especially non-replicable holy relics like the Mastodon, averaged for each group. There were only four or five cars.

It’s no wonder that the Space Marines were reduced to special units and withdrew from the frontal battlefield - there were so few tanks, how could they fight a decisive battle?

Fu Qinghai is already satisfied with this guy.


Hive city, upper nest area.

It was still that dark and damp prison.

Kalamanda stood quietly in the cell, hanging on the shelf in front of him was a Space Marine with his limbs cut off.

The other person had a pale, swollen, ugly face with dark lips and sunken eyes. He grinned, revealing a ring of filed teeth inside, like a shark's.

There were some condensed blood scabs on the Chaos Space Marine's forehead, where sharp horns once grew, but Kalamanda had pulled them off one by one with pliers.

Just put it on the tray next to it.

"You can't make me surrender, Batboy."

The Chaos Space Marine chuckled:

"You, and your pitiful and pathetic original body, your Eighth Legion's methods are just like scratching an itch."

"I have more pain waiting for you."

Kalamanda was not annoyed at all and said calmly:

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?"

"Haha, keep going, keep going, I like it very much."

The Chaos Space Marine laughed wildly.

His tongue had been split into several strips, and his laughter was muffled, Kalamanda's masterpiece.

Don't worry about the Space Marines biting their tongues to kill themselves, they won't die even if they bite their tongues into pieces.

Kalamanda seemed very patient. He pointed to a kettle next to him and asked:

"Want some water?"

"Oh, no, I am the descendant of Angron. The descendants of Angron only drink blood, not water."

said the Chaos Space Marine.


Kalamanda smiled.

"Oh...I have already sunk my feet into a pool of blood. If I don't move forward in blood, the way back will be equally tiring."

The Chaos Space Marines shook their heads and even began to chant poetry.

Although his words were unclear, his tone was still ups and downs.

"Do you understand, Bat? The gifts of the gods will not come easily. You must sacrifice your blood and heads for it. Enough blood to drown the stars, and countless heads."

Kalamanda looked at him quietly.

The idea is indeed a bit tricky.

It seems it's time to use my psychic abilities.

Captain Night Bat thought to himself.

It wasn't only when Satflan and No. 56 underwent a new, fully alienated transformation that they awakened their psychic talents.

Finally met someone worth taking action on.


Hive World, Spire Area.

Fu Qinghai and Qiao Shida were talking while walking.

"Only seven Khorne Steel Bull bodies were found in the entire satellite city outpost, including the surrounding area."

Fu Qinghai walked quickly and said:

"This is wrong, you know, Old Qiao, it's completely wrong."

"What's wrong with this?"

Qiao Shida turned his head and asked:

"Isn't it normal to find several corpses?"

"The numbers are wrong."

Fu Qinghai explained:

"It's either eight, or eighteen, or eighty-eight. In short, it can't be seven. Seven is the holy number of Nurgle. The number of Khorne's steel bulls cannot be exactly seven."

The two were walking towards the conference room.

Suddenly, Kalamanda stood out from the nearby passage like a ghost and stopped the two of them.

Fu Qinghai and Qiao Shida paused.

"Is there any result?"

Fu Qinghai asked.

Captain Night Bat nodded:

"A Word Bearer, a Dark Apostle, ran away. I don't know when. The sacrifice ceremony in the stronghold, as well as the Khorne Steel Bull, are all his masterpieces."

The Dark Apostles are a special unit after the fall of the Word Bearers Legion. They are similar to the blackened version of the Chaplains of the Chapter. Ari Bas and Cole Farren are both Dark Apostles.


Fu Qinghai snorted coldly:

"I knew it wasn't over."

Then he asked again:

"Then what's their purpose here?"

"Looking for something."

Kalamanda said:

"He can't tell exactly what it is. It was a private communication between the Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers and the Chaos Lord of the Fifteen Fangs. You know it, Khan."

Kalamanda shrugged:

"Chaos... the internal fighting is very serious. Today you kill the boss, and tomorrow you will be the new boss. In short, there are many things that the boss will not tell his subordinates."

Fu Qinghai nodded slowly:

"I see."

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

The spire area of ​​the hive city is located above the clouds. Even if it is night, the endless black sky is still visible.

"What's wrong, Khan?"

Joestar asked.

Fu Qinghai frowned:

"I just seemed to see a light flashing away."

What could that be?

Could it be...the light spear fired?


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