Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 515 A will-o'-the-wisp

After opening a road around the Iron Buddha Terminator, Fu Qinghai and Qiao Shida followed Liu Ming towards the Elmhurst community in Queens, passing through a city full of zombies and various virus-mutated creatures. Their pace was still slow.

"I'm telling you, my two tricks are nothing."

Liu Ming is a bit familiar.

It was chattering all the way.

"Do you know how Chaos Zombies died?"

Liu Ming lowered his voice and sounded mysterious.

"I have no idea."

Fu Qinghai shook his head.

"Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, people hiding in the city told me that day..." Liu Ming described in an exaggerated and vivid tone, "That day, after the chaotic zombies landed, they gradually approached the center of the city, and a giant four-armed mechanical giant suddenly fell from the sky. , just like fucking Ultraman, no, it is more handsome than Ultraman, and it can dismantle the Chaos Zombie with two swords! It shoots out flames from its arms and burns it clean."

"I see."

Fu Qinghai nodded to express understanding.

"When did technology players become so powerful?"

Liu Ming sighed with envy:

"I wish I were this awesome... Looking back now, I have been training in the Shushan sect for almost five years, and I still can't defeat the chaotic zombie of the perfect human being."

"Come on, study hard and practice hard, you can do it."

Fu Qinghai comforted casually.

The Iron Buddha Terminator is responsible for clearing the way and clearing out zombies.

The three of them chatted while walking.

Until, an aerial bomb roared down.


The bomb penetrated the ground and exploded violently.

There was a flash of fire, rising smoke filled the air, and the asphalt road exploded instantly, turning into small and large gravel and shooting like bullets. Liu Ming was shaken by the impact of the explosion and took several steps back. He hurriedly pulled out the sword from behind and swung it to block it. He held the sword in one hand and danced tightly, barely blocking all the fragments. A few Space Marines just raised their hands to cover their helmet eyepieces.


Broken pieces hit the outside of the power armor.

The impact ripples blew away the smoke and dust.

The immobile Space Marines were revealed.

"what's the situation?"

Fu Qinghai frowned and asked:

"Did the US military start bombing again?"

However, no one has yet to answer his question.

Several flying chariots roared past the sky.

Several ugly alien soldiers stepped on it and roared loudly. They had human-like limbs and torsos but had ugly reptilian faces. They had exoskeleton armor directly embedded in their bodies, and were covered in implants and luminous bodies.


Fu Qinghai said in a low voice with a look of bewilderment on his face.

Not to mention that the big event in the plot line is Age of Ultron?

Why are the Chitauri joining in the fun?

The strangely shaped flat hollow chariot looks like some kind of flying skateboard. Three Chitauri soldiers stand on it, one as the driver and two as the gunner.

The Chitauri soldier had a curved arm cannon in his hand, which was continuously firing some kind of energy group similar to a blaster beam. Another soldier was holding a blade-shaped spear.


Qiao Shida turned around and asked.

All the Iron Buddha Terminators also looked at him.

"Are there other battleships in orbital space?"

Fu Qinghai immediately called Suzheng.

"No other warships have been detected so far, Khan."

Lin Yu's voice came from the bridge.

It shows that the enemy did not land from orbit.

Moreover, it is observed that the Chitauri soldiers are obviously equipped with embedded exoskeletons rather than full-coverage power armor. The skin of their limbs and faces are exposed to the air, and the flying tanks are also completely open. This kind of equipment and this kind of vehicle are unlikely to carry out orbital airdrop. The lack of oxygen in space, low temperature and high-speed air friction in the atmosphere will kill them.

Then there is a high probability that it is the method in the movie.

A cross-space portal!

"Deploy the hussars, valiant cavalry, and assault cavalry brigades!"

Fu Qinghai ordered in a deep voice.

"Roger that, the Jetbike Company has departed."

Lin Yu's reply came from Su Zheng.

"Find a place to hide first."

Fu Qinghai said to Joe Star and the Terminator.

Everyone got into a building in an orderly manner.

Liu Ming also ran into the building.

Fu Qinghai stood by the window and looked out.

Dense black dots were flying around in the sky. After the eyepiece compensation field of view automatically enlarged, it was discovered that they were all Chitauri soldiers riding flying chariots, and some kind of slender floating battleship was soaring and undulating, semi-mechanized transformation. A giant reptile that looks like a whale.

Leviathan, Fu Qinghai recognized it.

"Tony Stark's Electronic Soul Backup" contains all the research information on the Chitauri, because at that time the Marvel Cinematic Universe had already passed the timeline of the first "Avengers" and Iron Man had studied the Zetas. Rui people.

This kind of energy weapon similar to explosive weapons commonly used by the Chitauri is described in detail in the Marvel Cinematic Universe short film "Item 47": After the Chitauri failed to invade New York, many weapons were scattered among the people, and a pair of losers A couple picks up a Chitauri energy arm cannon and make a fortune robbing banks using the alien weapon, which can blast through a concrete wall with one shot and is as powerful as a bomb.

These biological flying warships named "Leviathans" are covered with their own bone plates and scaly alien alloy armor, giving them excellent defense capabilities and flexible maneuverability. There are rows of machines underneath Leviathan's body. The fin is equipped with an anti-gravity flight system developed by the Chitauri, allowing it to float freely in the air. There is a large Chitauri cannon installed behind the front jaw, which has a certain ability to dive and impact the position.

In addition to being an aerial flying armor unit, the Leviathan is also a large troop carrier. There are a large number of openings in the scales under its body for Chitauri soldiers to eject and land. Fu Qinghai saw from a distance that Leviathan turned sideways and opened the mechanical fin. A large number of Chitauri soldiers ejected from it and landed on the surrounding high-rise buildings. Sweep the zombies inside layer by layer.

The chaos zombies have been killed by the "Army-breaking Golden Armor", and ordinary zombies are no match for the Chitauri.

Perhaps only the various mutated corpse demons and ancient giants can cause some trouble to the Chitauri army?

Fu Qinghai looked down from a high position.

I found that the guys who summoned the Chitauri to Earth didn't seem to explain the nature of their opponents to this alien army. After the Chitauri shot the corpse demon to pieces with several shots, they stepped over the corpse and continued forward. Unexpectedly, the corpse demon that fell to the ground suddenly began to mutate violently, sprouted various insect structures, got up, and rushed towards them again. In an instant, it was blocked from behind. The attack caught him off guard.

The corpse demon that mutated into a wasp head spewed out a cloud of irritating blinding gas, and the corpse demon that mutated into a cicada head sprayed white slime filaments to entangle them. Unprepared, a Chitauri soldier was killed with a spade. The armor-headed corpse demon picked him up and threw him wildly, and another Chitauri soldier was chopped into two pieces by the corpse demon with mantis hands. A team was declared dead.

A Chitauri flying chariot quickly passed through the sky between the buildings. Suddenly, a long worm tentacle stretched out from the window and grabbed the Chitauri soldier who was controlling the flying chariot at the back of the vehicle and beat him hard. Pulling back into the window, the flying chariot lost control and crashed to the ground. Two Chitauri soldiers jumped out of the vehicle and suddenly found themselves surrounded.

The arms of several zombie demons mutated into huge scorpion shells, and they formed a circle and set up a shield wall to slowly approach the two Chitauri. The Chitauri soldiers raised their blade-like spears, aimed and fired, and fired a blue beam directly. After smashing the black hard shell, the corpse demon behind the shell exploded and fell to the ground. The entire chest was in tatters. After the body was damaged, the corpse demon began to mutate again.

A corpse demon mutated into a carapace like a sea louse, like wearing a biological Kevlar body armor, but the Chitauri soldier killed it again with a blue beam.

The skin of another corpse demon began to swell violently, mutating into a huge, fat and soft fleshy tumor like a beetle larvae. The Chitauri shot it and exploded.


The Chitauri's face was covered in corrosive goo.

The soldier covered his face with his hands and fell to the ground in pain.

Inside the building, three Chitauri soldiers were carefully searching each room with guns, but they didn't realize that a zombie with spider legs was hanging upside down from the ceiling of the corridor above them. It was quietly sizing them up, and then jumped suddenly. Down……

In the sky, four or five Chitauri flying chariots were flying side by side. A corpse demon with mutated locust legs turned around to watch them fly past the window. It bent its legs and flicked hard, and "whooshed" out. Just bumped into a driving soldier...

Many corpse demons had sharp legs like horseshoe crabs. They ran and jumped. They jumped into the air and turned around to perform deadly scissor-leg killing techniques. They also killed several Chitauri.

There were also many zombie demons with moth wings hula-la, which suddenly swarmed towards the Chitauri flying chariot, and were then shot down one by one by the Chitauri soldiers...


Surrounded by many ordinary zombies and mutant zombie demons, the Ogu giant appeared in the street dragging an abandoned car and roared at the Chitauri army.


It was responded to by another roar not to be outdone. Giant creatures half taller than ordinary Chitauri soldiers appeared on the battlefield. They had the same ugly reptilian faces as the Chitauri, and their bodies were also inlaid. There are implants and exoskeletons, but the exposed skin has thick gray-black hair, making it look like some kind of orangutan.

Chitauri great ape!

Iron Man speculates that the violent biological weapons in the Chitauri Legion are genetically modified.

The Chitauri giant roared and rushed out, and the Chitauri soldiers with guns followed behind and fired to cover. The Ogu giant swung out the abandoned car in his hand and smashed into the Chitauri formation.

The alien army and the zombie army suddenly collided.

People on both sides were suddenly on their backs and their horses were flying around.

The Chitauri soldiers wielded sharp-edged spears, shooting and killing. They quickly smashed ordinary zombies into pieces and cut them into pieces of meat, but they were immediately entangled by the zombie demons that rushed towards them.

Chitauri giant apes have about the same height as Terminator armor. Although they are not as big as the Ogu giants, they are mechanically reinforced with exoskeletons and implants. They move quickly and are extremely powerful. Three or four Chitauri giant apes can swarm them. He knocked down and tore an Ogu giant to pieces, but he was not at a disadvantage.

In another alley, a group of Chitauri and two flying chariots surrounded three corpse demons and fired continuously. The dense blue beams soon submerged the corpse demons, and even the walls and the ground were blown out. After the smoke and dust dissipated, the three corpse demons had turned into corpses.

The Chitauri waited quietly for a moment.

It is confirmed that the corpse demon will not be resurrected.

Finally turned around and left.

However, not long after they left, the blood in the corpses on the ground started to spontaneously ignite when it came into contact with the air. The flames covered all the corpses and melted and mixed them. A giant cocoon of flesh and blood quietly swelled up, getting bigger and higher.

The C virus is about to start its second stage of mutation.

Archer, Assault, Moonlight, Split...

More C-virus variants are on the horizon.

In the first stage, because the combination of the virus and the body is not deep enough, the overall appearance of these zombie demons is still similar to that of human beings, but only local limbs have mutated. The burning of the blood releases huge heat, causing the body to completely decompose and reorganize. In the second stage, the virus and the body have been deeply integrated. The mutated zombies born after pupation can no longer recognize the human appearance and become another creature completely, and will also change. Be stronger.

"The fight actually went back and forth..."

Fu Qinghai shook his head and sighed:

"Chitauri, galactic mercenaries, that's it?"

Fu Qinghai had previously deployed a total of three companies on the surface. One of them was a trap team composed entirely of Iron Buddha Terminators, which was Joe Star's first company. In addition, there were three reincarnation societies for deployment. It would take a long time to fight steadily. It took time to completely clear out the entire Isle of Man.

Could it be that the Space Marines are too inefficient?

No, it’s just because the C virus is too difficult to deal with.

For space warriors, these mutated corpse demons are not very strong, but their methods are too strange and fancy, and it is extremely time-consuming to clean them up. But in comparison, a Iron Buddha Terminator can rush into a zombie horde and fight against a thousand, but a group of Chitauri soldiers can fight the zombie army evenly...

People can't help but sigh: comparing people to others makes people angry.

The Chitauri, as one of Thanos' famous servant races, before they surrendered to Thanos, were a famous slave-robbing race in the galaxy, somewhat similar to a combination of the Khorne warband and the Dark Eldar. There are bloody slave battles on the planet, and they also claim to be part of the "cosmic immune system", which specializes in eliminating chaos, disorder and free will.

According to the supplementary setting in Marvel comics, the Chitauri do have a certain level of technology, but it is said that most of their star battleships were stolen from other races. The most iconic Leviathan warship is also a weapon hybrid that the Chitauri used bioengineering to fuse with space sharks. They like to capture and enslave other races and force them to participate in gladiatorial games. In these games, blood inevitably flows and splashes, and the blood quickly freezes in mid-air to form a strange landscape: a seemingly beautiful red snow scene. The Chitauri will then collect these "snowflakes" and feed them to their children. These "snowflakes" are called "war snow" by them, and this is a twisted warrior culture that the Chitauri have cultivated since childhood - It sounds very Khorne.

There is still some quality to be said.

But the combat power is really strong.

They are also biological weapons specially used for war. Compared with the Chitauri, the Space Marines designed by the Emperor are very perfect in all aspects except for lower magic resistance. It can be said that there are almost no obvious shortcomings. One weapon can It can adapt to most war scenarios and can definitely be called mature and excellent.

During the Great Crusade, the Space Marines encountered countless strange alien races and human regimes, which were no less bizarre than the C-Virus mutants. However, they were eventually eliminated and conquered by the Space Marines - although in the process The Space Marines also took heavy casualties.

Just imagine, if Thanos had a legion of Space Marines instead of cannon fodder like the Chitauri Legion, the Obsidian Vanguard, and the garbage star Sakaran mercenaries...then Thanos would be the Galaxy in Marvel. Emperor.

So, the third Thanos?

Fu Qinghai couldn't help but fell into thinking.

"Khan, the jetbike team is in position."

Lin Yu's voice sounded on the communication channel.

Fu Qinghai's thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

"Come closer to me and join us immediately."

Fu Qinghai ordered.

"As you command!"

Lin Yu came with a group of jet motorcycles.

For reasons of safety, Fu Qinghai should wait until both the zombie army and the Chitauri were defeated before taking action. But after casually killing a Chitauri just now, he found that the assimilation point reward for killing a Chitauri was not small, far more than that for killing zombies. Then he couldn't wait any longer and had to take action immediately to harvest these walking assimilation points. Points.

Anyway, after playing the three-band-one combination of Hussar, Valiant Cavalry, and Assault Cavalry, I still have a lot of cards in my hand, including the Armored Brigade that ascends first, and the Dragon Flying Brigade... I don’t panic as I have the cards in my hand. Sooner or later, all the enemy's trump cards will be forced out through tricks. Fu Qinghai must not only pursue the final victory, but also meticulously collect all the points in the harvesting stage.

This is worthy of the price of assimilating Su Zhenghao.

At this moment, Staten Island.

Twelve spellcasters are still casting spells.

The space rift in the sky is getting bigger and bigger.

After the Leviathan battleships flew out one after another.

The Chitauri mothership is also trying to squeeze out.

However, the relationship between the Chitauri leader and the players from the fifth dimension does not seem to be harmonious. I saw a Chitauri wearing an exquisite and gorgeous robe and holding a scepter, condescendingly cursing at the half-elf druid Ahiborn. .


It's all in an alien language that I can't understand.

"Know the language."

Ashborn felt helpless.

I had to cast a universal first-level spell.

"...My soldiers suffered heavy casualties! That gentleman never said before that he would encounter these messy and weird things. They are definitely not the Earth's army, nor are they the Avengers. You must cede more benefits to compensate us, More slaves, got it?”

the Chitauri leader said excitedly.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Alien language sputtered from Ashbern's mouth.

Hands pressed down to comfort the Chitauri leader.

The Chitauri have Chitauri flying tanks and Leviathan biological battleships. They have absolute air superiority over the zombie army. Originally, the Chitauri leader's idea was to quickly occupy the entire city of New York by relying on air mobility.

But then it was discovered that although the zombie army did not have many aerial units, at most they were some moth corpse demons, once the Chitauri soldiers sank into the streets and buildings, they would immediately fall into street fighting and begin to suffer a large number of attrition.

This made him anxious.

Why are the people on earth so difficult to deal with?

Liu Ming stood by the window.

Watching fierce battles continue to break out in the sky and on the ground.

I was very anxious and helpless.

He had no way to contact his club. At this time, an alien army suddenly came to intervene in the battle. The already chaotic New York battlefield became muddy again. Liu Ming wanted to know how the club would deal with such a chaotic situation. , how should I return to my teammates in the community?

He turned to look at Fu Qinghai next to him.

A group of Space Marines stood silently without saying a word.

They should have some means of internal communication.

Liu Ming thought to himself.

"That, Brother Qingshan."

Liu Ming thought for a while and said.


Fu Qinghai turned his head.

"what's your plan?"

Liu Ming asked.

"Join the fight."

Fu Qinghai said bluntly.

"Join the battle? Just the few of us?"

Liu Mingxin said, "Why don't you take action?"

"Us? No, without you, Brother Liu."

Fu Qinghai smiled and said.

At this moment, whistling and firing sounds suddenly came from outside the window.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A strange dull sound.

Several Space Marines suddenly became energetic.

Everyone who is familiar with this sound knows it.

That was the sound of heavy bolters firing.

Several Chitauri flying chariots flying at high speed outside the window exploded into a ball of fire, then broke apart and fell in pieces with black smoke, followed by the sound of engines decelerating.

Liu Ming stood by the window, slowly opening his eyes and mouth. At this moment, densely packed jet motorcycles were floating outside the window, with a Space Marine riding on each motorcycle.

There are also several vacant jet motorcycles.

This jet motorcycle can drive itself!


The leading Space Marine raised his powered Guan Dao in salute.

It was the attendant Lin Yu who led three cavalry brigades.


Fu Qinghai smashed the wall with one punch, and a huge gap appeared on the side of the building. He stepped out of the gap and jumped out to get into his own exclusive car - a specially modified Will-O-Wisp with Slanky's belt... Oh no, a bull-type Seiko. Jetbike.

"Buzz! Dulu, lulu, lulu..."

Fu Qinghai twisted the handle and stepped on the pedal, the car roaring under his crotch. I thought it would be a good time to try out how fast a jetbike equipped with gravity can become, and whether it could be faster than the Primarch's gunnery jetbike.

Joestar and the Guards also got on their motorcycles.

Fu Qinghai picked up the powered sword given by the original body.

Turning to look at Liu Ming by the window:

"Brother Liu, take care."

Liu Ming nodded slowly.

Fu Qinghai turned back and looked forward.

The grip under the gauntlet was gently twisted.

“Boom, boom – whoosh!”

The person and the car disappeared in front of Liu Ming in an instant.

The other Space Marines sped up to catch up.


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