Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 537 Brand New All-Different Space Warrior VS Talos Tyrant

Albania, Tirana.

This city is not prosperous, but it has many deep underground nuclear defense facilities, all of which are products of the era of frontier confrontation during the Cold War. Some even go deep underground for several kilometers, forming a complex underground building complex.

This level of underground bunker.

It can withstand orbital bombing.

Nuclear bunkers need to be maintained. Maintaining these huge heritage left over from the Cold War has become a huge financial burden for the government of this small Eastern European country. The lack of repairs all year round has made some building structures no longer safe and firm.

However, just a few years ago, an international biopharmaceutical company suddenly proposed to take over the entire project. Naturally, the local government was happy to get rid of this financial burden, and by the way, it could earn a lot of rent every year, so it hit it off.

As for usage, they don't care.

The local government might have guessed what this so-called "international biopharmaceutical company" was trying to do by buying the underground bunker, but they didn't even bother to take care of it.

The country's economy is already in decline, and it is located at the junction of Asia and Europe. Arms, drugs, and human trafficking are rampant. What is a mere "illegal medical experiment"?

In fact, Fu Qinghai should have realized long ago that long-term biochemical experiments like perfect humans require a lot of experimental materials. It is of course better to directly use humans as experimental materials than to use experimental animals such as monkeys, rats and dogs. The production of a mature B.O.W. also requires a large number of living people as precursor materials. In any normal country, if a large number of people disappear suddenly, it will definitely cause major social problems. However, some countries have long been used as transit stations and distribution centers for human transactions, and they may be able to use this to deceive people's eyes and ears.

In some Eastern European countries, underground gangs are rampant, and there is a ready-made underground population trading market. The advantages of these traditional industries can be easily exploited by perfect humans. In the past, these industries were mainly used to traffic young white women, and were mostly related to illegal sex trade. Regardless, as long as it is a healthy living person, the number requirement is very high. Therefore, many refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Latin America have also been transferred here in large numbers.

No one knows what the ultimate fate of these people will be.

They're just batch after batch...

One after another disappeared in the depths of the underground nuclear defense facilities.


Today, the weather is fine and sunny.

The streets of the city are deserted, there are few pedestrians, a few outdated newspapers are blown by the breeze, revealing the cigarette butts and wine bottles on the side of the curb, it is a day without waves.

Messy telephone poles, old billboards. A crow was standing on the eaves combing its feathers carefully, and a bald old man in a street shop was dozing with his eyes closed.

New forms of warfare are often beyond the imagination of many people. Just like today, the breeze is warm, the sun is shining brightly, and a few shooting stars can be seen faintly in the sky.

There was no warning, no warning.

In the blue sky, little lights flicker.

Daytime meteors gradually turned into meteor showers.

Draw a long trail all the way towards the ground.


The earth-shattering explosion shook the entire neighborhood.

A huge claw-shaped landing pod.

Inserted obliquely on the street abruptly.

The low concrete building has completely collapsed, and the giant terrifying iron claws are stuck on the ground like ghost hands. A few pairs of scarlet eyepieces are lit up in the smoke and dust, and several giants in black and gold armor walk out of the ruins with guns and look around.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The claw-shaped landing pods were embedded into the ground one after another.

The moment it landed, a large stream of hot molten flames spewed out, and the reinforced concrete turned into lava flowing and collapsing in several criss-crossing fires. The streets were sunken and cracked one after another, and several huge sinkholes appeared, exposing complex underground facilities with black holes.

The storm missile launcher "咻咻咻咻" of the Kraken Raid Claw landing cabin ejected dense concussion missiles, drilled in along the exposed underground facilities, and then continuous explosions and shaking continued to spread along the underground passage.

The concussion missile is a kind of missile specially aimed at fortification bunkers in the missile sequence of the human empire. A large number of powerful charges shake and shake the structural support of the nuclear defense facility.

Amidst the smoke, explosions, and flames, petal-shaped steel hatches could be vaguely opened and dropped rapidly, and burly and heavily armed ceramic steel giants came out one after another.

"Each company enters its respective area of ​​responsibility."

A figure slowly walked out of the smoke and dust:

"Clear the first floor within 15 minutes, destroy the central server within 30 minutes, and shoot directly at any living creatures. We don't want to take prisoners."

This space warrior was also wearing black-gold power armor, but without a helmet, a huge bald head was exposed in the middle of the wide and thick shoulder armor, and his face was cold and serious.

"You... who are you?"

A hunchbacked and bald old man appeared on the side of the street at some point, staring at the space warrior with wide eyes and asking in horror, trembling with a cane in his hand.


The bald warrior raised his hand and shot.

The old man was knocked to the ground on the spot.

This result is unusual in itself!

If an ordinary human being was hit by a bomb, his body would instantly be torn apart and explode into pieces. However, this bald old man just fell to the ground without even rolling and struggling. A large black hole appeared in the part where he was hit by the bomb, like quicksand. The black particles converged and gathered along the fluctuations of the hole...


The old man stood up again.

There were two red lights in his eyes.

He looked coldly at the space fighters in front of him.

"Aha, is this the Terminator T-3000?"

Joestar raised his gun and muttered to himself.

"Da da da da!"

The huge cross-shaped muzzle flame swirls and flashes.

The sound of pulse bolt guns rang out all around.

The old man was instantly pierced by the barrage, and his whole body exploded like a sand sculpture. Countless black and fine sands were thrown up in clusters, and his body was shaking and shaking... The gunfire stopped, and the invisible force once again shattered his body. The quicksand condensed, and the old man's body slowly reshaped.

"Are you surprised?"

The bald old man asked:

"As long as you are willing, you can also possess this power and transform into an undead existence like me."

"Magnetic fluid robot."

Joe Star nodded and said:

"There is indeed no problem with the intelligence. Inform each team to remember to switch between melta weapons or plasma weapons."

Joe Star wasn't surprised.

The intelligence has already clearly informed what type of enemy the Space Marines are about to encounter. There is indeed some difference between the written description and what they saw with their own eyes. The existence of the old man in front of him only proves that the intelligence is indeed accurate, so you can rest assured and boldly follow the original plan. plan for action.

According to the information, the T-3000 can be regarded as an advanced version of the T-1000. Its speed, strength, and ability to restore and reorganize are stronger than the old model. The physical properties of this black sand-like magnetic nanoparticle are stronger than the silver bionic multi-component alloy. The biggest weakness is the fear of electromagnetic pulse attacks, that is, EMP.

In addition, the most powerful thing about T-3000 compared with T-1000 is that Skynet can use T-5000 to infect ordinary humans, and then do not need factories to produce, from the cellular level, transform humans into Terminator T-3000. It is a mechanical virus that quickly produces new terminators.


A mass of rubble exploded on the ground.

The old man bent his legs and waved his fists to shoot.


Joestar raised his hand and punched the Terminator.

The whole body of the old man was blown into quicksand. The ferrofluid Terminator was amazed that the reaction, speed and strength of these biochemically modified soldiers were no less than his own. Then a few blue lights flashed, and the newly reconstructed head disappeared. The black mucus melted by the high-temperature plasma dripped down the body.

Gravel surged up in the body to replenish the head.

Several blue beams of light flashed again and again.

The Terminator T-3000 froze and stagnated.

Finally, it turned into a handful of loose sand and collapsed.


Deep in the underground bunker.

One after another, mushroom clouds rose.

There is also a rain of bullets composed of pulse bombs.

A series of steel gates and elevator shafts were smashed open by space fighters using melta bombs and conversion beams. The giant in black gold armor was smashing through like a raging flood pouring into an ant's nest, breaking through all fragmentary obstacles.

In order to prevent surprises, Fu Qinghai did not notify the local government until the orbital airborne had landed overhead, so the enemy could be said to be completely unprepared, almost stunned by this sudden attack.

Complete organization cannot afford effective resistance.

Too fast, really too fast.

No reconnaissance, no probing.

There is no storm and undercurrent surging.

As soon as it came up, the airborne capsule was smashed down.

Playing cards completely out of routine.

Space Marines are not just floods.

A stream of hot molten iron was poured into the ant nest.

Until the interstellar warriors have all the way to the core area of ​​the underground nuclear defense facility, the perfect human beings will finally react and begin to organize their hands to resist.

However, it was also in this area that the interstellar soldiers encountered the most tenacious resistance since they went deep underground, the offensive was forced to gradually slow down, and the enemy was planning a counterattack.

A Space Marine is advancing with a gun.


Suddenly there was an inhuman roar like a beast.

A steel giant swept across the field of vision.

The Space Marine only had time to raise his arm to block it slightly.


The whole person was thrown out in an instant.

The pulse bolter came out of his hand, and the power pack slammed against the wall. After knocking over a piece of debris, he finally stopped the rolling momentum... Regardless of the numb arms and the severe pain in the chest, the space warrior turned over and sat up and looked up. .

The end of the corner of the passage.

The distorted giant slowly emerged.

With a burly height of nearly four meters, thick gray and white muscles, pieces of tailor-made, thick and solid armor plates are directly embedded on the body through rivets, screws, and hinges, making the visitor's figure even bigger.

The most striking thing is that the giant's huge left arm is so exaggerated that it does not match the proportion of its body. It is completely composed of blue-black strange flesh and brass-colored bone hyperplasia. The entire arm is also wrapped with mechanical reinforcement. body.

The whole person has a feeling of incongruity.

An aura of twisted, violent and insane.

"Find the tyrant! Talos-type tyrant!"

The Space Marine shouted hastily over the comm channel.

Talos (T-A.L.O.S.), the full name is "The Tyrant-Armored Lethal Organic System" (The Tyrant-Armored Lethal Organic System).

The perfect combination of biochemical transformation, mechanical prosthesis and artificial intelligence, the most complete, powerful and practical tyrant under the Umbrella Corporation.

Encounter a Talos-type tyrant here.

It proves that they have broken into the core area.

The intelligence said...the tyrant factory!

The giant at the end of the corridor raised his right arm far away, his oval head was wrapped in metal armor, like an iron-gray football, a thin red laser shot out from the electronic prosthetic eye, this straight red line passed through the dust and clutter The channel where the thing fell, hit the Space Marine directly above the chest.


The space marine rolled violently on its side.

"call out--"

Two missiles flew towards them trailing a large plume of white smoke.

The interstellar warriors rolled and crawled in an attempt to evade with the help of complex passageways. The two missiles circled in mid-air, chasing the signal from the heat source of the interstellar powerpacks all the way. Several fire doors rushed into the room.

"Boom! Boom!"

The high-explosive shaped-energy serial warhead explodes outside.

The steel plate concrete walls are all penetrated by metal jets.

Two charred black deep and narrow holes were left behind.

These are two anti-tank missiles with semi-active laser seekers. Only those with water in their heads would want to hardwire them with power armor. Although the sudden attack caused the enemy to fall into a momentary panic, they were obviously not unprepared, as can be seen from the weapon configuration on the tyrant:

The smallest caliber weapons are all anti-tank missiles.

The imaginary enemy of this Talos-type tyrant...

Be a Space Marine in the beginning!

"Stinger Squad, have you found the Tyrant Factory?"

Joe Star's voice rang through the communication channel.

With some noise, the communication quality is not very stable.

"Yes, sir. Tyrant spotted, firefight in progress!"

While answering, the space warrior lowered his head to check his weaponry. The pulse bolter was missing, along with three fragmentation grenades, an armor-piercing grenade, and a combat knife. It doesn't matter if the long-range weapon is lost. He drew out the chainsword as the main weapon in his right hand, and then grasped the plasma pistol as the secondary weapon in his left hand. He regrouped and stood up again.

"Zizi... Hold on... We'll be there soon."

Joe Star's voice was intermittent.

persist in? What kind of joke are you talking about.

The space marine thought to himself.

I want to kill him!


The motor of the chainsword roared.

The Space Marines pushed through the ruins and rushed out.


1. After being hung on the water for five consecutive days, I was stunned. I felt that my whole body was not right. The blood vessels were full of cephalosporins and various toxins, and I was unconscious.

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