Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 586 Target Asgard

The Large Magellanic Cloud.

The home planet of the Kree Empire, Hara.

A civilized world with highly advanced technology.

At this time, a skyscraper in the city.

"The operation is complete, my lord."

Said the blue-skinned Cree doctor wearing a mask.

Jia Ge slowly sat up from the operating table.

He raised his hand and slowly stroked his face, and the surgeon next to him sent a mirror in due course. Jiage took the mirror and looked at the left side of his face in the mirror. At the same time, he grinned vigorously and made some movements to confirm that the facial nerve was not damaged and became facial paralysis. You must know that his gums were broken at that time, and he could not even speak clearly. Clear and ambiguous.

Fortunately, I didn't feel anything unusual.

Dr. Kerry's surgery is of a high standard.

However, the doctor can heal the scars on his face, but not the wounds in his heart! At this moment, Jia Ge was furious. Thinking back to the inexplicable battle on Saka, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. Loki was snatched away—the other party didn't even bother to kill him! That kind of naked contempt and contempt, Jiage clenched his fingers violently.


The mirror in his hand shattered with a bang.

"My lord, my lord..."

The surrounding doctors and nurses took a few steps back in fright.

I am afraid that the accuser's anger will explode and affect himself.

"Qingshan Khan..."

Jia Ge read in a voice that only he could hear.

He recognized the guy, even though the other guy obviously didn't know him. The famous Qingshan Khan, the enemy and nemesis of the perfect human being... How could it be possible that Jiage had never heard of his name. Even though he knew that guy was very powerful, Jia Ge was not convinced—I was the accuser of the Cree Empire! This is the Marvel Cinematic Universe not the Warhammer 40K Universe!

This is a very strange logic.

Fu Qinghai killed Sugawara Mao, but Sugawara Mao didn't hate Fu Qinghai, but rejoiced because of it - because it meant that his strength was recognized by him.

Fu Qinghai didn't kill the accuser Jiage, but the accuser was even more angry because it was a kind of contempt—you don't deserve me to kill you, so what's the point of leaving you alive?

"You will pay for your arrogance..."

said the Kree accuser through gritted teeth.

"Come on!"

Jia Ge walked out of the room and called to his men:

"I want to meet the Supreme Wisdom!"


The Cree Empire advocates nationalism, imperialism, and militarism, actively expands militarily, and implements dictatorship politically. The ruler is a super artificial intelligence created by the Cree themselves, called "Supreme Intelligence".

It is said that this artificial intelligence program simply provided consulting services for the Kerry Council at the beginning, and then they thought of a way to enhance the ability of high intelligence: Cree people who have made outstanding contributions or outstanding skills in a certain field will think after death. Infused into the Supreme Intelligence.

The Supreme Wisdom was instilled with the Cree people’s knowledge of science, philosophy, military affairs, ideology, etc., gradually accumulated more and more political power, was worshiped by the Cree people, and became the supreme manager of the entire country, actually ruling With the Cree Empire, the living people only serve as his assistants.

The Supreme Intelligence became the god of the Kree.

Jia Ge is very lucky.

He is a blue-skinned Kree.

All the Cree were originally blue, but in order to rapidly expand the population and occupy more territory, the Cree began to intermarry with other races in the universe. After generations of reproduction, a kind of Cree with lighter skin color finally appeared, which is called "pink Cree" and "blue Cree".

The so-called "pink Cree" is not really pink, but closer to the Western European Caucasians on Earth. Captain Marvel's boss is the Pink Cree, and she was brainwashed by the Supreme Intelligence and once thought she was a Pink Cree.

Although the pink Cree look a lot like people on Earth, there are many different details. For example, pink Kree blood is still blue. In addition, their palms are symmetrical, in other words, the little finger of the Cree is exactly the same as the thumb, which is also an important sign to distinguish them.

The Cree Empire has developed to this day, and the pink Crees have become the majority, while the blue Crees have become a minority. But for a racist country, the blue-skinned Crees still firmly occupy the country's ruling class, and they consider themselves to be the purer Crees.

Jag can be a noble accuser.

On the one hand, it is his own ability.

On the other hand, it is also related to skin color.

At this time, inside the tallest building on Hara Star.

The location of the supreme intelligence server, the towering circular dome and the vast stone hall outline a solemn and solemn atmosphere, so that people who come to meet can't help but worship in their hearts, forgetting that this is an artificial intelligence rather than a real god.

"Supreme wisdom!"

Jag the Accuser crouched on the ground very simply.

"Get up, my child."

The majestic voice echoed in the hall.

Jiage Yiyan stood up and kept upright.

"I can see you're angry, boy."

The Supreme Wisdom spoke slowly.

The supreme wisdom seen by everyone is different. The supreme wisdom directly enters the hearts of the Cre people, and maps its projection according to the most revered image in their hearts. At this time, the supreme wisdom in Jiage's eyes is an old man with white beard and hair and serious face, quietly looking down at himself.

"The Kree Empire is facing severe challenges!"

Jiage raised his neck and said loudly.

He told everything about what happened to him on Saka, the Supreme Wisdom had already entered his heart, and it was meaningless to lie. There is no need to add oil and vinegar, Jia Ge knows that the Supreme Intelligence is the embodiment of the will of the Kree Empire to expand, and this artificial intelligence will never allow such provocative behavior to happen.

"What do you want to do, kid?"

The white-haired old man asked after listening.

"Give me the army."

Jiage said without hesitation:

"The accuser squad is not enough to punish these lunatics. I need more warships, more fighter planes, and more soldiers. I will lead the army into the Nine Realms, completely occupy Asgard, and expand the Kerry The territory of the empire, let our glory spread across the galaxy. I beg you to grant me this authority!"


After Jiage finished speaking, he knelt down again.

"Occupy the Nine Realms?"

The old man with white hair thought about it.

He has little interest in revenge for Jia Ge.

But "Occupy the Nine Realms" clearly pricked his interest.

"But as far as I know, Odin..."

The Supreme Wisdom spoke hesitantly.

Although the Nine Realms only have nine planets, the inhabitants of each planet cannot be underestimated. Not to mention the Asa Protoss and the Vanir Protoss, although the population is small, they are physically strong, and they generally know magic.

Even dwarves, dark elves, frost giants and elves of light are not easy to mess with. In addition, Asgard also has a super magic device like the Rainbow Bridge that can destroy stars. Otherwise, why would the Nine Realms stand alone in the universe and completely ignore the Three Great Empires?

"Odin is dead! Supreme Intelligence."

Jiage is categorical and authentic.

"Oh, are you sure?"

The white-haired old man raised his eyebrows and asked:

"When did it happen, why don't I know?"

"Very sure, I swear on everything I have."

Jiage looked at the Supreme Wisdom and said seriously:

"For some time in the past, my team has been active on the border of the empire. According to the accurate information I obtained, Odin died not long ago, and now Asgard has fallen into civil strife. Odin's eldest daughter Hela is with her two My younger brother is fighting for the ruling power of the Immortal Palace, and there is no time for him to care about it. Now is the best time for us to intervene in the affairs of the Nine Realms!"

The Supreme Intelligence was lost in thought again.

Jia Ge knew that the artificial intelligence was calculating at this moment.

After a while, the white-haired old man raised his head:

"Jiage, you have always been a young man I admire very much, but you must know that the reason why I gave you the authority of 'accuser' is not because of your outstanding ability, not because of your blue skin... …but because, you're a reincarnator, you can always bring something from other universes that interests me. I could hand you a Kree army, but don't let me down, okay, kid?"

"I see, Supreme Intelligence."

Jia Ge lowered his body deeply.


Hara star, space port.

Jag stood in the corridor leading to the flagship.

Looking back at the fleet in orbit.

Twelve spindle-shaped pitch-black battleships were neatly arranged in a wedge formation, and the Kerry army was ready to go. Jag the Accuser looked at this scene and couldn't help feeling out of breath. He had never commanded such a large fleet.

Aoyama Khan...

Jia Ge thought to himself.

I admit that your personal strength is very strong, but... this is the Marvel Cinematic Universe! This is one of the three great empires in the universe! I rely on the Cree Empire, and I have as many troops as I want. What do you use to fight me? ridiculous!

Jia Ge stepped onto the command bridge.

"Sir." "Sir."

The Kerry officers around bowed their heads one after another.

Jiage felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

He took a deep breath, then waved his hand:

"Target, Asgard, let's go!"


Sovereign star, the perfect hall.

Ayeshaku sits on the throne.

Disheveled hair, dull face.

The Sovereigns really disappointed her!

Although he is also a Sovereign, the High Priest Ayesha never thought that in the face of a powerful enemy invading the Perfect Hall, those cowardly idiots would directly abandon him as the High Priest and turn around. There is no one who dares to fight, this is simply, this is simply...


Ayesha roared angrily:

"What a bunch of trash!"

High Priest Ayesha suddenly began to doubt herself and the entire Sovereign planet. The Sovereigns have always considered themselves to be the most perfect, elegant, and noble race in the galaxy, but in the face of those god-killing giants in black and gold armor, the Sovereign army fled like a group of chickens.

Is artificial intervention in genetic design...

Has their courage worn out?

"High Priest, High Priest!"

The maid ran in quickly, shouting as she ran:

"The magician Adam has been successfully awakened."

"High Priest."

At this time, the commander-in-chief of the army who had just escaped also walked in. The golden-skinned man knelt on one knee, not daring to look up at the woman on the throne, and said in a low voice:

"The remote-controlled UAV group is ready, the pilot is in place, and the battery can be tracked at any time."

Ayesha lowered her head and glanced at the man.

Thought: Now tell me I'm ready...

Where the fuck were you just now?

"Take me to see the magician Adam."

Ayesha lifted the hem of her skirt and walked down the steps to the throne, speaking indifferently. Walking past the commander-in-chief of the army, he didn't even look at this handsome and tall golden-skinned man.


A huge building in the depths of the Sovereign star.

This has a special fertility pod, unlike the one that gave birth to other Sovereigns. The super biological weapons painstakingly developed by the Sovereigns, the Golden Skin Superman and Adam the Magician, were hatched and born in this device.

When Ayesha came here, the magician Adam had already been awakened from the fertility pod, and he was standing beside the device waiting for Ayesha. This is a young golden-skinned man with a dull expression, not very smart.


Adam the magician saw Ayesha.

Under the reminder of the people next to him, he hurriedly shouted.

High Priest Ayesha frowned upon hearing this.

The title made her feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, Sovereigns have not had children for a long time.

Look at the expression on Magician Adam's face...

Ayesha couldn't help covering her forehead.

It's too silly, it's really too silly.

Although High Priest Ayesha doesn't know what "Down's Syndrome" is, but the expression on the face of the magician Adam, it feels like... an adult's face showed a ignorant expression of an infant, why? Look how silly.

Of course, Ayesha also knew that this was her fault. It would have taken decades for the magician Adam to fully mature, but he awakened him in advance, resulting in his brain not fully developed, and his mind was very immature at this time.


Ayesha suppressed her heart and said softly:

"Mom needs you to do something."

"Mother, tell me!"

Magician Adam said excitedly and seriously.

"There is a villain who stole from mom. Mom wants you to lead the fighter group, find the villain, and get back everything from mom. Of course, there is also the villain, remember, I want him alive, understand? "

Ayesha said seriously.

"I understand, my lord."

Magician Adam said loudly.

"Go ahead, they'll tell you what the bad guy looks like. Again, I'm going to live."

Ayesha waved her hand and urged.


Sovereign star, orbiting space.

A dense formation of small golden fighter jets.

At the same moment, the Sovereign star control center.

The commander-in-chief of the Sovereigns rode on the control seat, turned his head and glanced left and right, surrounded by Sovereign pilots riding on the control seats like him, both men and women, their faces were very ferocious, their eyes He stared at the screen, waiting for his order and then the whole army attacked.

Defeat those shameless thieves.

Wash away the lost dignity and glory of the Sovereigns.

Tell High Priest Ayesha.

We're not a bunch of chickens!

We're just not very good at close combat.

"Target, Asgard, let's go!"

The golden-skinned man turned his head and ordered loudly.


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