Infinity Throne

Chapter 79 Village, see the village again

Relying on their senses, Yi Lin and Pan Zhengyi walked in the thick fog for about an hour and a half.

There may be an error, but it shouldn't be too far off.

After the mental power is improved, the perception in many aspects becomes much sharper.

Along the way, Yi Lin clearly remembered the marks left by her knife.

The marks engraved on each tree were as clear as coordinates in Yi Lin's mind.

It's just like a GPS navigation.

And it doesn’t consume any electricity.


Whoever takes the spiritual route knows.

Another two minutes passed.

The thick fog in front of my eyes lightened slightly.

Yi Lin casually killed a Class C ghost soldier standing in front of him, touched the corpse, and after harvesting the ghost energy and chaos values, Yi Lin quickly walked forward.

Pan Zhengyi held the ancient sword and followed Yi Lin step by step.

In front of me...a small village appeared.


See you again in the village!

Wait, why again?

If it were anyone else, perhaps the first reaction would be to go back to the original place.

But Yi Lin knew very well that he had not lost his way in the thick fog.

He definitely didn't go back.

Of course, we can't completely rule out the possibility that the mist was weird and made him go in a circle.

"Let's see and then talk."

Yi Lin put away the knife.

At the gate of the village, there sat a little boy with a yellow face and thin muscles. The boy was listless, with his head drooped and chewing a wrinkled piece of grass in his mouth.

When the boy at the entrance of the village saw Yi Lin and Pan Zhengyi approaching, he tilted his head and glanced at the two of them in confusion, his eyelids drooping.

It was as if they didn't know the two of them at all.

Suddenly, the child looked at Yi Lin for a long time, his eyes lit up, and he felt a little energetic for no reason. He spat out the withered grass in his mouth and asked, "Excuse me, are you... a ghost hunter?"

Yi Lin's expression froze for a moment.

In an instant, he thought of an extremely terrifying guess.

"Excuse me, are you a ghost hunter?"

Seeing that Yi Lin was silent, the boy refused and repeated it again.

Yi Lin took a breath, and soon her expression calmed down, and she uttered one word: "Yes!"

The child ran into the village happily, running around with joy.

"Great! Great! A ghost hunter is here!"

"Great! Great! A ghost hunter is here!"

"Great! Great! A ghost hunter is here!"

Same scenario.

Same village.

Little boys who look exactly the same.

For a moment, Yi Lin had the illusion of going back in time.

looks familiar?

No no no...

It's just... exactly the same!

Yi Lin suddenly turned around. There was also a stone tablet at the entrance of the village.

But this piece...

But it's different from the previous one.

This stone tablet looks cleaner, and the village name is also complete.

Three words, not one bad one.

"Shadow Village".

The font that was erased by time in the original village was actually...a puppet?

Next to the word "human", there is a "ghost"... puppet?

Yi Lin came directly to the stone tablet without saying a word.

His palm touched it without hesitation.

"It's just an ordinary stone."

Yi Lin made a judgment immediately.

The material is completely different from the stone tablet with missing words.

This is just ordinary stone.

Yi Lin said directly to Pan Zhengyi behind him: "Leave it to you."

Pan Zhengyi curled his lips with disdain, but his eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Hmph, you weakling!"

Pan Zhengyi rushed forward with his sword and struck the stone tablet with one strike.

The stele is divided into two.

The ancient sword was intact and had not been broken.

Yi Lin's expression became more solemn.

Around the village, there are still many lonely graves, many of which look like newly dug pits.

But the pits were empty, with no bodies and no people.

I don’t know what to use for burial.

An old man came out tremblingly, his face was yellow and waxy, but his face was glowing with red.

It's the old village chief!

Yi Lin was sure that the first "old village chief" was dead.

And it is impossible to die.

An old village chief appeared in front of him "again"!

The old village chief who looks exactly the same!

Yi Lin left the place as quickly as possible without talking to the old village chief like before.

In Li Changge's words: there is no plot.

Yi Lin ran all the way to the end of the village, where the one-armed old man's house used to be.

That house with no windows and completely sealed!

Pan Zhengyi strolled around the village leisurely and contentedly.

The door was locked tightly.

It cannot be destroyed by force.

Yi Lin didn't hesitate for half a second. He flipped his palm and a gray card appeared in Yi Lin's hand.

On the card, there is a bright red hammer.

[A mediocre life-saving hammer]


[Explanation] This is an ordinary life-saving hammer, except that it can knock open doors and windows, there is nothing special about it. Number of uses remaining: 3/3.

Yi Lin had no expression on her face and smashed the wooden door to pieces with a hammer.

It can be called a rule-defying prop, an ordinary series of items that can only be used three times, but Yi Lin used it here without hesitation.

There was still that stench inside the house.

Using the light outside the door, Yi Lin glanced at the layout of the house.

The furnishings are exactly the same as the "other" one-armed old man's room.

There was also a candlestick placed in the corner of the room, but there was no fire.

There are countless bone sculptures on the ground.

Yi Lin picked up one of the bone sculptures.

These bone carvings have almost no carving marks, only a rough outline, and I don’t know what the finished product will be like.

"Could it be..."


In Yi Lin's mind, the incomplete puzzle piece seemed to have a key piece filled in.


not enough.

Still a little worse.

Yi Lin felt that she was close to the truth.

The truth about it all.

Yi Lin did not stay in the "second" village for too long, and directly took Pan Zhengyi, who was squatting in the house and playing with bones, and left the village.

Before leaving the village, Yi Lin noticed that this village had a larger population than the "previous" village, and the few hunters seemed to be still alive.

Before he left, he happened to meet the "dead" Zhang Orion, covered in dust and carrying a large bag of wild fruits behind him.

"This one" Zhang Orion obviously didn't recognize Yi Lin and walked directly past Yi Lin.

The village was filled with joy.

Something to eat...

Naturally happy.

He seemed to vaguely hear the children at the entrance of the village shouting everywhere: "Great! Great! Zhang Orion is back with food..."

Yi Lin and Pan Zhengyi plunged into the thick fog again.

This time, Yi Lin adjusted the direction slightly.

He didn't go directly towards Guiwu Mountain, but... circled around Guiwu Mountain.

Time... not much.

Yi Lin speeded up.

When Pan Zhengyi saw this, he seemed to find it very interesting and followed Yi Lin in a sprint of 100 meters.

Yi Lin did not take action against all the ghosts she encountered along the way, leaving them all to Pan Zhengyi to deal with.


The ranking on the ghost energy list still hasn’t changed much.

About 40 minutes passed.

In front of me...

Another village appears!

The third village!

But at the entrance of this village, there is no such child who is always happy and running around.

At the entrance of the village, there is still a stone monument.

Still those three words...

"Shadow Village".

The village was deserted and lifeless.

There is no atmosphere at all.

Countless crows hovered over the village, blocking out the sky and the sun, which was extremely spectacular.

All crows...

Crows everywhere.

When Yi Lin and Pan Zhengyi stepped into the village, countless crows were frightened and flew up, passing over the heads of Yi Lin and Pan Zhengyi.

Yeah yeah yeah——

The crow's cry became the only melody under the sky.

This third village is a dead village with no one.

But Yi Lin was already familiar with the structure of the village and went straight to the one-armed old man's house.

In this uninhabited village, all the houses have their doors open, except for the house of the one-armed old man...

Yi Lin crushed the card and used the killer weapon again...the ordinary life-saving hammer.

the second time……

Yi Lin's expression was calm and she didn't look distressed at all.

After knocking on the door, Yi Lin quickly observed the layout of the house.

The same candlelight, the same smell, the same furnishings...

The ground was still filled with bone sculptures.

Suddenly, Yi Lin's glance froze.

The bone carvings on the ground are slightly different.

These are all carved bone sculptures.

Each bone sculpture is lifelike!

There seemed to be countless pairs of eyes watching Yi Lin in the darkness, densely packed. This strange atmosphere made Yi Lin feel a slight chill down his spine.

The bone carvings are all carved with...

A devil with fangs!

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