Zhou Xuan didn't just rush in randomly, he moved forward according to the route that had been arranged long ago.

Before, Empress Tianxuan sent people here to look for the Yin-Yang Vine, and they discovered the Yin-Yang Vine.

He just encountered the monster guarding the Yin Yang Vine, but was defeated and brutally killed.

Fortunately, when that person was fighting the monster, he sent the news back to Empress Tianxuan.

Now, Zhou Xuan not only knows the specific location of the Yin Yang Vine, but also knows what kind of monster he will face.

He took out the black ball in his arms and threw it out.

"Go to the front to explore the road and report any situation immediately."

The black ball grows fatter and fatter, but also faster and faster. I saw it flapping its wings and flying forward quickly.

It is sometimes too lazy to die, but when it is time to work, it is not lazy at all.

Zhou Xuan followed slowly, not too fast, with a vigilant expression.

In the Yin Yang Valley, there are not only rare and rare plants, but also various ferocious birds and beasts, which can be said to be full of dangers.

After only advancing a certain distance, Zhou Xuan heard a deep roar.

"Moo moo!"

He turned around and saw a bull demon rushing over from the left.

On the left is the Land of the Sun, and most of the monsters bred there have Yang attributes.

The bull demon that rushed toward Zhou Xuan was blazing like a sun.

Wherever the bull demon passed, the earth cracked and became scorched.

The bull demon realm is not bad, it is a calamity demon emperor, the same realm as Zhou Xuan.

In fact, Black Ball had already discovered the bull demon and said that there were two bull demons fighting for a mate.

The bull demon that was charging towards Zhou Xuan now had lost the fight and lost the right to mate.

It lost, and it was angry and angry. It happened to see Zhou Xuan passing by, and wanted to vent it violently.

But when it met Zhou Xuan, it was completely seeking death.

Facing the charging bull demon, Zhou Xuan drew his sword. One sword cut off the bull demon's horns, and one sword cut off the bull demon's limbs, seriously injuring the bull demon.

With a pop, the huge bull demon fell to the ground and woke up instantly.

At this time, all the anger on it was gone, and all it had was fear.

Zhou Xuan slowly walked over, grabbed the huge bull demon, and said solemnly: "You want to vent your anger on me, but you don't know your own capabilities."

In his eyes, this bull demon is both a sign-in object and a delicious meal.

He hasn't eaten steak for several days. Isn't this bull demon just here to deliver the most delicious steak?

As he touched the bull demon, the voice of the unscientific sign-in system sounded in his ears: "Ding, you found the target, do you want to sign in?"

"Sign in."

"Ding, you signed in successfully and got the best artifact - the Pure Yang Pearl."

Zhou Xuan was inevitably surprised when he got the Pure Yang Pearl.

The Pure Yang Pearl contains exquisite pure Yang power, and the power that bursts out is as hot as the sun.

The key is that this is a top-notch artifact, and its power is by no means ordinary.

Zhou Xuan unceremoniously accepted the Pure Yang Pearl, and then pierced the bull demon's chest with his sword, killing the bull demon.

He cut off a steak and packed the rest of the sirloin.

He grilled the steak for a few minutes, then ate it and moved on.

Ahead, the black ball continues to explore its path.

Suddenly, it saw the sound of fighting ahead, and immediately flew over to take a look. When I saw this, I was immediately surprised.

"Quick, your old friend on Earth is in danger." It hurriedly sent a message to Zhou Xuan.

Zhou Xuan had just finished eating his steak when he suddenly received a message from Black Ball. He quickly left the place and dodged forward.

When he went over to take a look, he found that it was Ma Mengqi who was being chased by a monster.

Meeting an old friend in the Yin and Yang Valley, he never expected that he would meet his old friend Ma Mengqi here on earth.

Ma Mengqi is most famous for the scene of him running with a huge horse on his back. It was precisely because of that scene that Zhou Xuan completely remembered Ma Mengqi.

Later, Ma Mengqi and Zhou Xuan became Liu Ruyi's students.

When Zhou Xuan returned to Earth, he took many people with him, including Ma Mengqi.

In the blink of an eye, several hundred years later, Ma Mengqi had reached the early stage of the God King Realm.

Seeing Ma Mengqi, Zhou Xuan was also a little excited.

Back then, he brought many people with him. However, none of them have been seen in hundreds of years.

When he saw Ma Mengqi, it was the first time in these years that he saw an old friend.

He didn't know if other old friends were still alive. Perhaps, some people have died and become history.

The one chasing Ma Mengqi turned out to be a One-Calamity Demon Emperor, a frost giant lizard.

Ma Mengqi's star soul is a koi, and he has always been very lucky and can often turn danger into safety.

Just like now, he was facing the pursuit of the Demon Emperor Frost Giant Lizard. At the critical moment, Zhou Xuan happened to appear.

The black ball dragged the frost giant lizard, and Zhou Xuan swung his sword across it, tearing the frost giant lizard into pieces with one strike.

Ma Mengqi was extremely excited when he saw Zhou Xuan.

He didn't expect to see Zhou Xuan in Yin Yang Valley.

When old friends meet, it is inevitable for the two to reminisce about the past.

After Ma Mengqi arrived in the Mountain and Sea Star Territory, he did not join any forces. He became a casual cultivator and relied on his own efforts to obtain resources.

In hundreds of years, he cultivated from the early stage of True God Realm to the early stage of God King Realm, and his speed was not slow at all.

He has experienced life and death countless times, but he is always lucky and often survives.

In fact, he did not come to this Yin Yang Valley alone.

He came in a team with other casual cultivators, more than a dozen of them, to find Yin-Yang Ganoderma in the Yin-Yang Valley to improve their cultivation.

Among the people who formed the team, there was also an elder from the Demon Suppression Academy on Earth.

However, they obtained Yin Yang Ganoderma lucidum, but they were also attacked by monsters.

They lost half of their personnel, and after killing the chasing monsters, they were ambushed by other monks.

Finally, only three people were left.

Unexpectedly, a frost monitor lizard attacked them.

So far, only Ma Mengqi, who was extremely lucky, has survived, and everyone else has died.

Including the elder of the Demon Suppression Academy whom Zhou Xuan brought up back then, was also killed by the ambushers, leaving not even a body behind.

Ma Mengqi was also injured, but it was not fatal and he was still capable of fighting.

This is the advantage of good luck. Even if you are injured, it is not fatal.

He took out the Yin Yang Ganoderma and said with emotion: "We have suffered too much for it. If it weren't for you, I would have to explain it here. Give you a share of this Yin Yang Ganoderma."

Zhou Xuan glanced at it: "I don't need it. Just put it away. When you get out, you can refine it and improve your cultivation."

Yin-Yang Ganoderma lucidum is also a rare thing, but Zhou Xuan doesn't need it.

Ma Mengqi confirmed again and again: "You really don't want it?"

Zhou Xuan replied firmly: "No."

Ma Mengqi smiled sadly, with some sadness in his eyes, and said, "Then I won't be polite."

This is the cruelty of the cultivation world. For resources, you will often fight until your scalp bleeds and your life is at stake.

He put away the Yin Yang Ganoderma, then looked into the distance and said: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave quickly."

Zhou Xuan asked: "What's wrong? Is there any danger?"

Ma Mengqi explained: "We were ambushed by a group of monks before. They seemed to be powerful people. Finally, a few demon emperors rushed out and we were able to escape. I guess they will come after them after they escape. "

Zhou Xuan shook his head: "You go first, I have something to do in the valley."

His purpose is to dig the Yin-Yang Vine. If he can't get the Yin-Yang Vine, he won't leave.

When Ma Mengqi heard this, he said, "Then I will go with you."

Zhou Xuan shook his head again: "You are not cultivated enough, so following me will only affect my performance. If you leave first, I won't have any scruples."

Ma Mengqi felt that what Zhou Xuan said was reasonable, so he asked: "Where can I find you in the future?"

Zhou Xuan replied: "Go to Yaochi Holy Land."

"Okay." After Ma Mengqi finished speaking, he stopped staying and turned around to leave.

He is self-aware that even a bird raised by Zhou Xuan is more powerful than him. It is better to leave as soon as possible to avoid holding Zhou Xuan back.

After he left, Zhou Xuan and Hei Qiu continued to move forward, and sure enough they encountered the ambushers.

When Zhou Xuan saw it, he immediately sneered. Isn't this his old rival from hundreds of years ago?

The people who ambushed Ma Mengqi and the others were actually Ma Huayuan and Ma Huafeng, one of the three Ma brothers from Fuyao Shenzong.

Ma Huayuan and Ma Huafeng didn't know what they were doing in the Yin Yang Valley, so they suddenly set their sights on Ma Mengqi and the others. When they saw that Ma Mengqi and the others had obtained Yin Yang Ganoderma, they did not hesitate to snatch it.

But their ambush also alerted the nearby Demon Emperor.

As a result, Ma Mengqi and the two escaped, and Ma Huafeng and the others were dragged away.

After Ma Huafeng and the others paid a certain price, they got rid of those demon emperors and planned to continue to hunt down Ma Mengqi and others.

I just didn't expect to meet Zhou Xuan.

"Thief, do you still remember me?" The moment Ma Huafeng saw Zhou Xuan, his eyes were scarlet, like an angry beast.

Back then, he and Ma Huayuan were the God Emperors of One Tribulation. Now, they have all advanced to the Second Tribulation God Emperor, and their combat effectiveness is no longer what it used to be.

Behind the two brothers, there were five or six people, all of whom were members of the Fuyao Shen Sect, including the Yijia Divine Emperor.

They also recognized Zhou Xuan at a glance and knew that Zhou Xuan was the strongest god king in the Yaochi Holy Land.

But they discovered that Zhou Xuan's aura was wrong. It was already the aura of the God Emperor.

Zhou Xuan looked at the two brothers Ma Huafeng and spoke slowly: "I remember, how could I not remember? I was the one who killed your mount back then. I heard that you have been looking for me these years. It just so happens that I’m looking for you too.”

After hearing this, the two brothers Ma Huafeng and Ma Huayuan became furious.

"Thief, thank you for remembering what happened back then. Today, I will avenge my mount and kill you with my own hands."

After Ma Huafeng finished speaking, he took action without hesitation and attacked Zhou Xuan.

Zhou Xuan swung his sword and neutralized Ma Huafeng's attack with one strike, knocking the opponent backwards.

He approached the opponent step by step: "It seems that without Ma Huafei, you can't take revenge."

Ma Huafei is the elder brother of the two of them. He has the highest cultivation level and the strongest fighting ability.

Ma Huafeng was shocked and fell back again and again, with shock and anger in his eyes.

He did not expect that Zhou Xuan's combat power was so strong that he could force him, the Second Tribulation Demon Emperor, back.

The next moment, he said indifferently: "This person is Zhou Xuan, the strongest god king in the Yaochi Holy Land. If we kill him, we will become famous and get rewards from the sect. Everyone, follow me."

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