Ye Cheng brought Fatty Wang and others to stand in front of the forest of steles again. With the experience of the previous two times, he was much calmer this time.

Even Xiao Chen didn't seem so nervous anymore.

Although those miluotus are scary, as long as they are fast enough, it is not too troublesome to find the entrance before all miluotus come out and form a siege.

"Are you all ready?" Ye Cheng looked back at everyone.

After a few days of rest, the spirits of several people improved a lot.


"Hey, little brother, you can rest assured that you will lead the way ahead, and I will leave the rest to the fat man!"

"Ms. Ye, leave it to us!"

Everyone was full of confidence and momentum, and there was no nervousness before.

Miluotuo, the first time I saw it, I thought it was scary, and the second time I saw it, I still felt a little creepy, but after seeing it a lot, it's just like that.

This thing is like a beast, nothing to be afraid of.

Ye Cheng nodded, "Okay, let's start then!"

Saying that, Ye Cheng didn't talk nonsense, and directly entered the range of the Forest of Steles.

The others immediately followed.

As soon as everyone entered the area of ​​the forest of steles, the sky immediately began to gather dark clouds.

For this live broadcast, the relevant departments specially mobilized weather satellites to observe the changes here, just to study and understand how this formation affects the weather changes.

If this point can be studied and studied thoroughly, artificial rainfall will not be so troublesome in the future.

In the areas where water is scarce, directly build these few formations, and activate them when needed, which will save a lot of cost.

Those meteorologists are also observing various climate data here in real time.

When Ye Cheng and the others entered, the staff discovered that there was a mysterious aura emanating from the inside of the formation, which caused the temperature above the formation to drop.

The surrounding water vapor quickly condenses together, forming dark clouds.


Invisibly, a vortex seems to have formed, pulling away all the surrounding water vapor towards here, allowing the dark clouds to gather quickly, forming a thunderstorm.

"It's amazing, it's incredible, how did this happen?"

"After they entered, an inverted funnel seemed to be formed here, and all the surrounding water vapor was sucked in. Coupled with the sudden drop in temperature, a thunderstorm formed in a very short period of time!"

The entire meteorological station was stunned.

They can detect changes in the weather and various data, but they don't know how this formation makes the data change.

After entering the forest of steles, Yecheng is familiar with the road.

This time I didn't even have to do the experiment, and went straight to the right path.

However, when everyone rushed over, they found that the stone wall there was blocked.

Feiying immediately stepped forward, "Ms. Ye, let me blow up this place!"

Ye Cheng frowned slightly.

"Wait a second!"

He went to the stone wall and knocked on it, but the voice from inside proved that this place was not hollow, but solid.

He slapped his forehead suddenly and thought of a question.

"Damn it, I actually forgot this point. The cave inside is moving, and the position of the entrance can't stay the same. I actually ignored this point!" Ye Cheng was a little annoyed! …

When the others heard it, they immediately understood.

"So, the position of the cave entrance is also changing in real time? So what should we do now?" Fatty Wang was depressed.

Xiao Chen was a little anxious, "Well, isn't the way we found useless? Let's leave now!"

Ye Cheng shook his head, "Don't be afraid, even if the location of the entrance is changing, it can't be random. If it changes, it should be among the three paths I speculated before, and one of them must be the entrance!"

Fatty Wang knocked over a miluotuo with an engineering shovel, panting heavily: "Then what are you waiting for, little brother, hurry up and lead the way, let's be next!"


Ye Cheng didn't waste time either, this time was a good start for them, and they saved a lot of ammunition, which must be preserved.

Ye Cheng deduced it in his mind, and then he made a decision, and immediately led people out.

There are more and more miluotuo around, but everyone has already had experience, and they are no longer so panicked. Under the suppression of firepower, they appear to be methodical and moving forward steadily.

"The Zhang family is a bit capable. The arrangement of these things is simply magical, and it is definitely at the level of ancient scientists."

"I'm just curious, how did they achieve this, it's really awesome."

"What's so surprising, they are a family that has existed for 3,000 years. If you don't have this kind of background, wouldn't these 3,000 years be in vain?"

"It makes sense, even if a pig lives for three thousand years, it's likely that it will become fine."

"I hope to be lucky next time and find the entrance directly. Looking at these disgusting Miluotuo, my brain hurts."

"It's hard, don't you think there are quite a few cute ones among these Miluotuo?"

"Damn it, bro, you're so fucking harsh!"


After coming in a few times in a row, even the netizens have become resistant to these miluotuo, and they are not as scared as they were at the beginning. Some people even dare to joke a few words, happy

Dear, this chapter is not finished, there is another page ^0^ Happy.

Even some timid girls are no longer so afraid.

Ye Cheng and the others broke through the encirclement, and finally came to the second entrance.

Ye Cheng leaned against the wall and listened, his face softened a little.

Everyone else was a little nervous.

Although it is said that they are not afraid of those miluotuo, but every charge consumes a lot of energy, if possible, no one wants to do it again.

"That's it, bomb!" Ye Cheng said concisely!

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.

Fatty Wang is eager to try, he really wants to blow it up himself, he is the little prince of dynamite.

Unfortunately, in front of the public camera, it is impossible for him to do this kind of work, which makes him a little depressed.

"Okay!" Feiying stepped forward, took out the explosives and began to fiddle with it.

Others take cover.

Not long after, the explosives were ready, and with Feiying's shout, everyone fell down.

Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion, and the earth shook.

The stone wall was blasted open, and the surrounding Miluotuo were also blown out.

"Quick, go in!"

Ye Cheng yelled, and hurriedly led the crowd to run inside.

Same as last time, after everyone entered the cave, those Mi Luotuo surrounded the cave entrance and did not dare to follow in.

Only then did everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, there was no danger. Moreover, he took one less detour than last time, saved a lot of ammunition, and consumed much less energy than last time.

It can be said that everyone's current state this time is much stronger than before, which is more conducive to their next actions.



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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