Chapter 479 Zhang Qi

The live broadcast of archeology will conduct a live broadcast of the exploration of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, which once again detonated the entire network.

Compared with the Jingjue ancient city of the Royal Palace of Lu, the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang itself has its own heat.

After all, it has been decades since the terracotta warriors and horses were unearthed from the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, and the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang has not been excavated further, which has always been a puzzle in people's minds.

At the beginning, it was said that the technical level was insufficient, but after so many years, any equipment and any means can be realized, but there is still no discovery, which in itself is enough to make people curious.

Now, the live broadcast of archeology and the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang are combined, and the popularity is unprecedented.

Even many people who did not pay attention to the live broadcast of archeology before are now full of expectations for this live broadcast.

"The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang in the fifth phase of the archaeological live broadcast will be opened in two days!"

The news hit the headlines of major social networking sites.

"What else can I say, hang on to the sky and it's over."

"I faintly feel that this live broadcast of archaeology is a bit rushed, and there must be a big discovery."

"I also feel the same way. In the past, the next issue started after a long time interval. This time it is really too fast."

"After seeing Lu Palace, Jingjue Ancient City, Undersea Tomb, and Zhang Family Ancient Building, I think Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum will definitely be even more shocking."

"After all, it is the tomb of the ancestral dragon, so it must be as old as the past."

"Even those studies about Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum are enough to make people have infinite reverie, look forward to, look forward to!"


These two days are definitely quite difficult for netizens. Waiting is always the most painful thing.

Ye Cheng prepared everything, and when he returned home, he wanted to say hello to Queen Jingjue before leaving.

However, when I got home, I found that the Queen Jingjue, who was so enthusiastic yesterday, seemed to be a different person today.

"Today, didn't you make dinner?" Ye Cheng asked, looking at the Queen Jingjue, who was sitting on the sofa leisurely watching TV and eating snacks!

Queen Essence was half lying on the sofa, with one foot on the coffee table and one foot on the other leg, she didn't even look at Ye Cheng or pay attention to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng was a little puzzled, did this woman watch TV too much?

"Ahem!" He coughed hard twice, but the Queen Jingjue looked impatient.

"Knowing that you're back, don't you know how to cook!" Queen Jingjue said angrily!


What's the situation with this Nima.

Ye Cheng is really a little confused.

Yesterday he was enthusiastically serving tea, pouring water, cooking and washing dishes, but today he has become a living person again?

Does this woman change her face so quickly?

Ye Cheng had strange eyes and was depressed in his heart. He finally understood why this woman was so enthusiastic yesterday.

Feelings, this is to prevent myself from coming back to find that my credit card has been maxed out, and just go away.

Yesterday I calmed myself down, knowing that I couldn't do anything to her, but today I gave up the disguise and returned to the arrogant look again.

The more Ye Cheng looked at it, the more angry he was, and he felt the urge to hit someone, but seeing the appearance of the Jingjue Queen, he really couldn't do it.

"This woman is really scheming, otherwise, how could she become a queen!"

Ye Cheng sighed in his heart, too lazy to argue with her.

Anyway, the archaeological team promised to give him two million, and the credit card can be regarded as repaid, so there is no need to worry about money.

However, he was still uneasy, and went straight back to the room to perform an operation to reduce the amount of all his credit cards to 10,000.

In this way, even if the exquisite queen wants to squander again, she can't help it.

"Hmph, I can't cure you anymore!" Ye Cheng sneered in his heart.

It's strange that a modern person can't beat an ancient person.

two days.

Ye Cheng and Queen Jingjue hardly communicate with each other. Although they live under the same roof, they are like strangers.

The Queen Jingjue watched TV every day when she was full, and went to bed after watching TV. Such a boring life, she was incomparable.

This inevitably made Ye Cheng sigh in his heart,

What was the boring daily life of the ancient people like?

No wonder he heard a joke before, why there were so many children in every family in ancient times, because there was really nothing to do at night, only work.

Yecheng received a call from Wang Yan as scheduled, asking him to go to the archaeological team to meet.

Before going out, Ye Cheng looked at the Jingjue Queen who was still watching TV with a smile and said, "I'll keep the card for you, don't worry, don't wrong yourself, I'm leaving!"

Queen Jingjue was a little surprised when she heard this. She thought that Ye Cheng would take away the two cards based on the experience and lessons learned last time.

But now instead of taking it away, and letting her use it casually, she was actually a little moved.

After all, after being in contact with the modern society for so many days, the Queen Jingjue cannot escape the fate of being drunk by chicken soup. One thing is, the man who is willing to spend money for you is the man who really treats you well.

Now, Ye Cheng has left all the cards to her, isn't that just because he is willing to spend money for her.


Ye Cheng came to the archaeological team, everyone was waiting here, everything was ready, only Ye Cheng was left alone, and they could set off.

It was still the same team, although Team Zhang Feiying and the others hadn't completely recovered, but considering that they cooperated better with Ye Cheng, they were still recruited.

Fatty Wang and Li Duoduo were also very happy to see Ye Cheng.

Although the three of them hadn't seen each other for a few days, they were missed very much.

Fatty Wang wanted to go up and give Ye Cheng a big hug, but Ye Cheng avoided him in disgust, which made Fatty Wang look resentful.

"It has faded, the feelings have faded, little brother!" Fatty Wang wailed to the sky.

Ye Cheng didn't even bother to talk to him.

He looked around, but didn't see Xiao Chen, feeling weird.

In the past several times, this kid was his own fault, but now he realizes that people may have known about his cleverness a few times before, but they just didn't expose it.

The clown was himself.

"By the way, Team Zhang, is there any news from the ancient building of the Zhang Family?" Ye Cheng asked Team Zhang!

Team Zhang knew what Ye Cheng was asking, he frowned and said, "It's weird, the special forces were sent from above, and they almost surrounded the whole mountain, but they didn't find the rest of them. Existence, those two people seem to have disappeared out of thin air!"

Ye Cheng nodded, not too surprised.

Ji Cheng has been hidden in history for thousands of years. It would be strange if he was found and caught so easily.

The three caves of the cunning rabbit, not to mention Ji Cheng, has dozens of holes and Ye Cheng believes it.

And the mysterious female corpse.

Being able to follow him without being discovered, of course, is not so easy to be caught.

Wang Yan pulled a middle-aged man from the side to introduce Ye Cheng, "Xiao Ye, this is also a consultant invited by the archaeological team, his name is Zhang Qi, you can call him Uncle Zhang!"

Ye Cheng stared at Zhang Qi, who was about forty years old, tall and thin, with gold-rimmed glasses on his face, and looked refined.

"Hello, take care of me!" Zhang Qi offered to shake hands with Ye Cheng.

I don't know why, facing this Zhang Qi, Ye Cheng felt an indescribable familiarity in his heart, he always felt that he had seen this person somewhere before, and especially those eyes were too familiar.


I like to point out the archaeological team, but I was regarded as a tomb robber.

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