It took the archaeological team a short day to leave, but the actual walking time was not very far.

Walking in this big mountain, the mountain road is rugged and more strenuous than traveling in the desert.

Xiaoqiang shouted: "Bosses, there is a deserted village not far ahead. Let's camp there tonight!"

No one had any opinions.

Although it is not dark yet, you must have a certain amount of time to prepare.

After walking for about an hour, we arrived at the deserted village that Xiaoqiang mentioned.

The village has long been deserted and desolate. The houses are all wooden houses and are now dilapidated. No one lives in those houses.

Who knows if the knot is strong? If it is not strong, a sudden gust of wind will blow while sleeping in it at night, and people will be trapped inside, which will cause trouble.

Everyone started to get busy, setting up tents and cooking.

This small deserted village suddenly became lively.

After eating and drinking, the sky was already darkening. Wang Yan asked everyone to rest early and continue their journey early tomorrow morning.

There are no entertainment items here. Except for Bingbing's Ears satellite live broadcast equipment, other people's mobile phones almost have no signal, so they can only go to bed early.

As for the vigil, Ye Cheng and the others don't need to worry at all now.

Fifteen people from the special department took turns to keep vigil. The arrangement was very good, but it saved their worries.

Nothing strange happened that night.

Before dawn the next day, some people got up and began to move around, cooking and packing. After everyone got up and had a meal, the team continued moving forward.

After walking for another half a day, they arrived at the snow line. It was already sparse and they could see a lot of snow around them.

"Bosses, the temperature will be very low up here. Everyone, please wear cold-proof clothes and keep warm. If you get hypothermia in this damn place, you will be in trouble!" Xiaoqiang reminded!

In fact, without his reminding, almost everyone put on thick clothes and wrapped themselves tightly.

Only Ye Cheng didn't wear any clothes and just wore a jacket.

"I said, little brother, why don't you put on any clothes? You will freeze to death in there!" When Xiaoqiang saw Ye Cheng, he thought Ye Cheng was trying to be cool.

However, we have already entered the snow-capped mountains, so why should we be so cool?

You can really lose your life here.

Ye Cheng smiled, "It's okay, I'm anti-freeze, it doesn't matter!"

Seeing that he didn't take it seriously, Xiaoqiang said angrily: "I said, you young people, what are you thinking about? Do you know how high the temperature will be if you go up higher? It will be at least twenty or thirty degrees below zero. If something happens to you if you dress like this, my money will be deducted!"

Ye Cheng was helpless.

Now that he has the blood of Zhulong, he doesn't care about the temperature at all. This blood is extremely powerful and can ensure that his body temperature is stable at all times and will not change due to the outside temperature.

If this effect cannot be achieved, then the candle dragon bloodline will be extremely weak.

Fatty Wang chuckled and said, "Brother, don't pay attention to him. Don't worry, he's fine. Antifreeze, just continue to lead the way!"

Xiaoqiang frowned, but Ye Cheng was so insistent that he didn't bother to pay attention. He muttered, "I really don't understand young people today. They will feel better after they have passed the snow line!"

With that said, he continued on his way.

Wang Yan and others didn't take it seriously. After all, they knew how special Ye Cheng was.

However, those in the special department looked at Ye Cheng in surprise.

Although they had read some information about Ye Cheng, they had never traveled with Ye Cheng in person, so they didn't know much about it. Seeing that Ye Cheng was so thinly dressed, they felt that Ye Cheng was a little overconfident.

But these are not within their scope of responsibilities, and they will not pay attention to them.

"Hahaha, Ye Shen is different. When people climb snowy mountains, they would like to put all the clothes they can wear on the boat. It's good for him to wear such light clothes."

"Hey, I'm really envious. I'm most afraid of the cold, and I don't like to wear such thick clothes. It would be great if I had Ye Shen's physique."

"Do you feel that the current Ye God is different from the former Ye God? You always feel that he has a more mysterious temperament."

"Don't tell me, I feel the same way. I feel that Ye Shen seems to be a little different, but I can't tell what the difference is."

The archaeological team continued to march, and indeed, as Xiaoqiang said, the temperature began to drop extremely.

And it’s a little windy.

The wind here blows on the face, like a knife blowing on it, and it hurts.

Everyone felt the cold. They felt that they were wearing less clothes and could no longer resist the severe cold here. They could only keep their bodies at a certain temperature by moving around.

Xiaoqiang looked back at Ye Cheng, wanting to see Ye Cheng wearing more clothes due to the cold.

It's a pity that he was disappointed. Ye Cheng acted as if nothing had happened, still wearing thin clothes and not looking cold at all.

"Is this guy so resistant to freezing?"

Xiaoqiang is a little doubtful about life.

Others also looked envious.

After all, the thicker you wear it, the more inconvenient it becomes and walking becomes more strenuous.

It's a pity that they don't have Ye Cheng's ability.

Fatty Wang gasped and shouted: "I said, let's just search aimlessly like this. Isn't this like looking for a needle in a haystack? I said, brother, do you see anything?"

Everyone also looked at Ye Cheng.

They all felt that walking on aimlessly was no solution at all. There was no goal at all, which made people lose their confidence.

Ye Chengdao: "In ancient times, mausoleums were built using local materials. You see, this large forest is obviously more mature than the one next to it. It must have been cut down a hundred years ago. And although we walked hard along the way, there were no particularly difficult obstacles. There must have been major ancient projects near here, and the mountains in this area have been repaired. We are heading in the right direction, we have to go up."

"But, among the dozens of peaks here, which one are we looking for?" Bingbing said!

Ye Cheng replied: "There must be a strange phenomenon where the dragon's head is. The place where the earth veins stops is the dragon's cave. There are many mountains here, but there must be only one earth vein. We are walking along the earth vein now. We are not afraid that I won't be able to see anything. I can't see anything yet. Come on, keep moving forward, there will always be clues!”

With Ye Cheng's endorsement, everyone had some idea of ​​what was going on and continued walking.

After walking for a while, Xiaoqiang, who was leading the way, stopped.

"Bosses, the slope is too steep and the snow is too thick. We can't continue riding horses and have to use snow sledges!"

Everyone could only get off their horses, tie the snow sledge to the back of the horse, put their luggage on it, and let the horse pull it forward. This made everyone feel very fresh. Sitting on the snow sledge felt like sitting on a sled. .

For a moment, everyone was smiling, as if they were traveling.

However, they don't know that as happy as they are now, the road ahead will be difficult.

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