After passing through the thunderstorm area, we encountered many large pits. The large pits were all filled with layers of white bones, as if accumulated over a long period of time. They were stacked one on top of another, making people's hair stand on end.

Moreover, according to Ye Cheng's observation, these large pits were definitely not dug randomly, but were connected with each other to form a huge pattern.

As for the specific pattern, it is unknown, unless you look down from a high altitude, you may be able to see it clearly.

However, Ye Cheng guessed that these corpse pits were probably used for sacrifice.

As for what was being sacrificed, it is not known.

A team of more than a thousand people now has more than a hundred dead, but it has no impact.

A thousand people stood together, and the army was still quite large. They continued to move forward, passing by large pits, and continued to move forward.

After walking for a few more hours, a large canyon appeared in front of us.

The Grand Canyon is bottomless. Looking down from a high position, it is pitch black and filled with an uneasy feeling.

Seeing this canyon, Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes and finally had an exact landmark to compare with.

"There is a mark on this canyon on the map. Following this canyon, you should be at the Kunlun Ruins!" Ye Cheng whispered to Zhang Qiling!

Zhang Qiling nodded and said nothing, but it seemed that he was starting to become wary.

Ye Cheng was a little helpless. Zhang Qiling was good at everything but too boring. If it were Fatty Wang, he would have been like a talkative talker.

These villagers walked along the edge of the canyon and soon found a slope leading down. They stepped on the slope and walked inside.

Ye Cheng is getting more and more confused now. What on earth is the person in the dark trying to do? Why is he dragging these people here?

These are just ordinary people, they shouldn't be able to do anything.

The canyon was indeed very deep. After going down, there was a narrow passage. These people continued to move along the canyon, with some mummies tied to both sides of the canyon.

These corpses were tied to rocks, and their bodies were shriveled and almost turned into fossils. They must have been very old. Every once in a while, there would be a mummy like this, which made people's scalp numb just by looking at them.

"This is no ordinary corpse;

Seems like a sinister person! "Zhang Qiling said a rare word!

"Yin people!"

Ye Cheng frowned. He had heard the legend of Yin people. To be precise, these Yin people were formed after death, when the immortal soul was sealed in the body.

It is said that if the Yin people block the road, there will be a bloody disaster.

But these villagers were in a state of sleepwalking and did not come into contact with these Yin people, so nothing happened.

Since Ye Cheng and Zhang Qiling saw it, they naturally wouldn't go looking for trouble.

The canyon is about three or four meters wide and the temperature is suitable, but the further we go, the cooler the temperature becomes.

This made Ye Cheng very strange.

Logically speaking, this canyon is flat, the altitude is at the same level, and the temperatures should be about the same. However, everything in this canyon goes against this principle.

When things go wrong, there must be monsters. Ye Cheng still understands this, so he becomes vigilant.

Not long after, when I looked up, I could already see a vast expanse of white ahead, as if covered with a layer of snow!

The environment in front was in sharp contrast to the environment behind. Although the temperature was not very high along the way, there was no ice or snow. But it was different in front. At a glance, everything was covered with ice and snow.

Moreover, the space in front is also much wider, and the gap in the middle of the canyon is seven or eight meters wide.

However, the surrounding stone walls are covered with ice and snow, as if you have entered a world of ice and snow!

"How could this be? It's all in the same canyon, how can there be two climates!" Ye Cheng frowned slightly.

He glanced at Zhang Qiling, who also had some doubts in his eyes.

When we arrived at the ice and snow area, we immediately discovered that the whole place was covered with thick ice. It was obvious that starting from here, there should be an underground river below, exposed on the ground, but the upper layer was already frozen solid. .

After walking some distance, the temperature got lower and lower, but even so, the villagers still didn't wake up and were still in a state of sleepwalking!

He had been walking for nearly two days and still hadn't woken up, which made Ye Cheng realize that something was wrong.

Are these people really sleepwalking?

Could it be that it has actually been...

Ye Cheng suddenly thought of a bold possibility.

Is it possible that these people are actually dead long ago, that's why they are like this, and no matter what happens, they will never wake up.

"Damn, why didn't you think about this before?" Ye Chengxin said that she had been misled by her brother before.

The younger brother said that these people would sleepwalk when they got up every day, and he always thought that these people were just sleepwalking.

But sleepwalking cannot last for such a long time.

Unless they are already dead, someone uses a technique similar to Gu Tongjing's corpse control method to control these corpses to walk.

This makes sense.

He came to a person's side and quietly grabbed the person's wrist.

You can feel the cold breath as soon as you touch them, and there is no pulse at all, indicating that these people are really dead.

"As expected!"

He looked at Zhang Qiling and said, "Brother, these people are all dead!"


Zhang Qiling was a little surprised. He probably didn't expect this result. After all, he had been in this village for a few days before.

Watching these people sleepwalking every day has almost become a fixed mindset.

Now it was suddenly said that these people were dead, which surprised him a little.

This was a population of more than a thousand people. Who could have such great means to kill all these people in one night?

This heart is a bit too cruel.

He also tried, but soon his brows furrowed slightly, obviously discovering that these people were really dead!

The two of them looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts, and no one could figure out what was going on.

Why are all the people in a village suddenly and inexplicably dying?

Moreover, it was just in time for Ye Cheng's arrival.

Is it a coincidence or someone did it deliberately?

Neither of them could figure it out, so they could only continue to move forward.

After walking for about another hour, the canyon in front suddenly opened up, and the space suddenly became huge. If you look carefully, you can see that it is still a huge circular space.

The surrounding stone walls are round and integrated, as if they were carved out.

The entire river looks like a huge crystal spread on the ground, as if you have entered a real world of ice and snow!

There is no road ahead. Obviously, the place they are looking for should be here!

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