Internet 2010

: Testimonials

Hello everyone, my name is Zhennan. It is a pleasure to meet you all at the beginning.

Before writing the book, I just stepped into this pit accidentally with the mentality of giving it a try. Before 2010, I also tried to write a few chapters of sci-fi stuff, which proved to be quite difficult to write without thinking about it. It's probably just a blank mind.

After that, I hung up for a while.

Later, it was the beginning of 2010, the story of Lu Zhou.

I am an Internet practitioner myself, well, an ordinary practitioner. At least I am a little familiar with this story myself. And I'm trying to be as reasonable as possible.

Of course, due to the nature of personal work, some paragraphs may appear dry. This, I'm trying to learn and make some corrections.

The pen power is also weak. If you have any dissatisfaction, please forgive me.

Finally, thanks to every reader, I hope you enjoy this story. thanks. See you.

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