Internet 2010

Chapter 171: true lie


Zhong Yuanliang's fingers were still tapping frantically on the keyboard.

According to Sander's internal discussions, Zhou Hongyi's 360 privacy protector seems to have the possibility of intercepting user data. He scolded the penguins on his lips, but secretly they all seemed to be the same.

Since Zhou Hongyi can fix it, why can't they.

The "plug-in" virus was first developed by Sander's members, and then infected a large number of servers through unconventional means. With the results returned by these servers over a thousand degrees, rapid diffusion is achieved.

As soon as the idea was proposed, the Sanders clinched it together.

Who doesn't covet penguin data?

I don't know what Zhou Hongyi is going to do, but for them, there shouldn't be too much gameplay.

Zhong Yuanliang is extracting some codes from the past to reuse. Other members wrote the main body, and once the infected user's personal computer was not regularly patched, the virus would activate Zhong Yuanliang's module.

What does Zhong Yuanliang's code do? Include all privacy.

And when the user has to enter a password and other behaviors? Well, congratulations on being stolen.

As he wrote, he remembered the time when he was in Yuanlai.

According to them now, it is inevitable that they will have to work hard to get these things. What about Internet companies? The cost of doing evil is really low.

More restrained companies will still work within the rules. For some companies, it is not too simple to upload user information without permission.

Browser browsing history, input history, pictures and videos, text messages and emails...

It seems like some things are no big deal. Is that so?

Zhong Yuanliang felt that he was a thief, and these Internet companies were Kong Yiji. Stealing is not stealing, it is borrowing.

For example, a user browses a health care product product page, has a billing email, and has a salary text message. This thing, if you read it yourself, will become useless information.

Big thieves or thieves are nothing more than people who rummage through trash cans.

Imagine going downstairs to throw your trash one day, only to find a rotten person digging through your trash when you're done. Yida packaging, credit card bills, pay stubs were turned over and over.

What a villainous scene that must have been.

Then he asked you, "Do you want Teacher Du? Or do you want a loan? Or financial management?"

Privacy, what a weak word. Zhong Yuanliang thought.

"Can't dig through your trash? Then get out of here and stay out of this Internet building."

It should be called profit first. Who can restrain? Zhong Yuanliang didn't believe this nonsense. Are there still fewer people looking for Sander to buy data?

After typing the last line of code, Zhong Yuanliang was too lazy to think about it, took the key and went out.

After a while, he drove out of Xinghui and crossed the Chengnan Expressway.

As soon as he turned on the car radio, he heard this, Wanderlust. I just can't tell which male singer's voice this is.

"I just grew up taking care of myself.

I don't want to put my head down because of reality.

I thought I was not bad and could learn to be false


Zhong Yuanliang followed the male voice, opening and closing his lips. When the climax of the song was reached, the overwhelming emotions made him feel a little bitter.


Before the traffic lights, he turned off the radio.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the kindergarten. Seeing that it was early, he had to park the car and walk to the gate.

There were many parents waiting outside the gate. In the park, the teacher is making the children line up, sending little red flowers one by one.

Zhong Yuanliang looked around with the bar probe in his hand, and saw his daughter Yaya in the queue.

Ten minutes later, the guard glanced at the time, and then slowly opened the door.

Zhong Yuanliang walked up to the teacher he had just seen, and after confirming with her, he led Yaya to the car outside the park.

"Dad!" Yaya called Zhong Yuanliang happily.


"Are you going to see Mommy later?"


"Okay! I'll give the little red flower to my mother later!"

Zhong Yuanliang glanced at the back seat with his rearview mirror.

"The mother must be very happy. Yaya is awesome."

"Humph, that's it."


When he arrived at the hospital, Zhong Yuanliang carried Yaya to his wife Zhang Wen's ward.

He pushed open the door with one hand and saw Zhang Wen leaning on the bedside reading a magazine.

When his wife saw him, she first smiled. But when he saw that he was holding Yaya again, his face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly took the hat from the bed and put it on.

Ah, what a beautiful person once was. Now, without that hair, the person is thin, and there is no blood on the face.

But this is the wife he loves.

"Why did you bring Yaya?" Zhang Wen, who had put on her hat, blamed Zhong Yuanliang.

Yaya got off Zhong Yuanliang and climbed directly onto the hospital bed, "Mom!"


"When are you going to be home? Dad's cooking is so bad."

Zhong Yuanliang pulled up the stool and sat aside, "It's not that you're shameful. It's just that you don't want Yaya, she's going to come every day."

Zhang Wen's eyes were a little red, "Don't bring her here, she's in the hospital. She's so young, don't leave any bad memories. It's better to take her to play."

She touched the girl's head again, "It's coming soon."

After she finished speaking, she called a nurse again, "Nurse Liang! Help me take my daughter, just for a while. My husband and I have a private chat."

This was to prevaricate her daughter, and Zhang Wen lay down on the bed.


"Well. You said."

"Just leave me alone."


"Ayu told me that the company resigned you."

Zhong Yuanliang only thought, this is a bad thing!

"The first few times you came here, I looked at your appearance, which always made me a little worried. Don't blame Ayu, she told me when I begged her."

Zhong Yuanliang seemed a little discouraged after hearing this.

Zhang Wen reached out and touched Zhong Yuanliang's face, her beard was a little prickly, and the dark circles under her eyes were even more deep. No matter how busy my husband used to be, he would still be neat and tidy, so why is he like this now?

"Don't worry about An Xinzhi. Yaya is still waiting for you to come back."

A line of tears drew Zhang Wen's eyes, "You."

Zhong Yuanliang shook her hand, "I lost my job. I have done some projects for people recently, and the money is enough."

Zhang Wen learned about the loss of data from her colleague A Yu, but thinking about it again, her husband didn't take care of that part.

Plus, the medical bills these days, it shouldn't be a case of losing a job or maintaining it.

But looking at his eyes again, it was like stopping her from going on.

"I'll pay it later, and you'll be more open. If Guangnan is not good, let's go to the capital. If it doesn't work, we'll look for it abroad. Don't think too much."

"Aliang, I'm tired." Zhang Wen turned her head, not daring to look at Zhong Yuanliang again.

"Then you go to bed first, and I'll bring Yaya to dinner and then come back. Don't think too much."

When he left the door, a phone call came in.


"Hello sir, we are Putian..."


Zhong Yuanliang, who hung up the phone, walked to the nurse who was holding Yaya, but Zhang Wen was full of thoughts in his mind, and the half of the wandering story was also reversed.

"How can I see through the lies in the mask?"

"Don't let my heart be scattered like sand..."

:. :

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