
The recruitment advertisement of Xingyuan Group has not been filmed and produced, and it has not been officially released, and it has become a mess.

It aroused the strong interest of countless netizens, and at least tens of millions of netizens expressed their desire to watch it.

It can be said that it became popular before it was broadcast!

Of course, the vast majority of netizens are not necessarily coming for the content that promotes Xingyuan Group. Most of them want to see the beams of light. What kind of effect will be produced, will it be more shocking, beautiful, magical and dreamy than what passers-by have captured, and will bring them greater visual enjoyment.

all in all.

The majority of netizens are looking forward to it very much, urging it every day, hoping to see it right away.

Fortunately, Xingyuan Group performed very well. On September 28, it announced that the filming work had been completed and entered the post-production stage.

On September 30, in just two days, the post-production was all completed, and the promotional video trailer was released.

Office worker Yang Jingyue clicked on the trailer to take a look.

The video content is only 35 seconds short.

First, a handsome man in an ancient white Confucian robe appeared, holding a simple Han sword with a dragon pattern scabbard on a red background, walking on a loess road.

Immediately afterwards, the stars turned and the stars moved, traveling through two thousand years.

A contemporary young man in a Chinese tunic suit also held this Han sword in his hand, with deep eyes and a firm face, walking on a wide concrete road, the tall buildings on both sides blocked the blue sky and sunlight, and the shadows of the buildings shrouded A young man, and directly in front of him, beams of light slanted down, attracting the young man to walk towards it.

The screen went black again.

Lines of text appear and disappear—

"Star Source Group Recruitment Advertisement Video"

"At 7:00 pm on October 1, 2027, the entire network will be officially released"

"Local residents of Suhong City can go to the east bank of Longhu Lake to watch the low-altitude projection screen advertisement on the spot, and the viewing experience is better"

"Stay tuned!"


You're actually trying to trick me, and you won't be able to see it until tomorrow night, can't you post it now?

Simply annoying!

Yang Jingyue was cursing, but after watching the trailer several times, he was even more looking forward to it.



The time has come to October 1st.

Today is the National Day holiday, but the boss requires all employees to work overtime, otherwise they will just leave and quit.

Yang Jingyue didn't listen to this at all, and didn't go to work at the company at all. Instead, he carried a backpack and went straight to the east bank of Longhu Lake, occupying a position with a better view in advance.

Then there is waiting, waiting until seven o'clock in the evening.

During this process, the girlfriend called and proposed to break up again, saying that Yang Jingyue could not give her the life she wanted, and she could not see any hope, and she wanted to find a marriage with better conditions.

"Okay, I agree to break up, I wish you find your happiness."

After speaking, Yang Jingyue hung up the phone and blocked the other party's phone to avoid being harassed.

After a while, I received another call from the boss, asking him in a stern tone if he didn’t want to do it anymore. It’s fine if he was late a few days ago, and he didn’t bother with him. This time, he didn’t even go to the company. If you don't arrive at the company within half an hour, don't go back to the company, he will be fired!

"Okay, I just don't want to do this job anymore, I want to change jobs!" Yang Jingyue said.

"Hehe, do you think it's so easy to find a job with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan? Don't dream, you resigned this time, you will beg me on your knees in a few days, don't be stupid, I will give you one last chance." The boss said coldly the way.

"I'd rather sleep on the street, go back to my hometown to develop, and don't want to continue to be squeezed by you, goodbye!"

Yang Jingyue hung up the phone and also blocked him.

The roots of the ears are completely clean.

He didn't know if he would regret it tomorrow, at least at this moment, he would never regret it, and he could only feel happy.

Starting at three o'clock in the afternoon, a lot of people had already gathered on the east bank of Longhu Lake.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the east bank of Longhu was crowded with more than 300,000 people.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, the entire east bank of Longhu Lake was crowded with people, more than a million people gathered, but there were still more people coming.

At 6:30 in the evening, the sky was already dark and entered the state of night.

There was a buzzing sound.

It caused countless people to look up.

There were more than a dozen large multi-rotor drones hanging a huge white curtain with their joint efforts, coming from north to south until they hovered above the Longhu Lake.

And that rectangular white curtain is very huge, over 300 meters in length and 200 meters in width. Although it is only a thin piece of white cloth, it has an area of ​​more than 60,000 square meters, plus the plumb pendant under the curtain. In order to prevent it from being blown by the wind, the total weight exceeds ten tons, and the multi-rotor drone bears a lot of burden.

Then adjust the angle so that the front of the white curtain is facing the millions of spectators on the east bank of Longhu Lake, keeping a relatively still state.

At 6:50, there was an exclamation.

I saw a long cone-shaped light beam projected obliquely from the high altitude due east, and accurately projected on the giant curtain, but there was an error of tens of meters, so that part of the light hit the lake.

But after several fine adjustments, the projection of the light beams all fell within the low-altitude white curtain.

Then adjust the color display to display yellow, red, blue, white and gray respectively, and the colors combined by these lights. Although it is only a very common adjustment, it still causes bursts of exclamation, because a piece is several times larger than a football field. On the double-fold floating curtain, there are so many different colors like a movie, which is very visually shocking.

Color adjustment is complete.

In the middle of the giant curtain, a countdown number is displayed, and the advertisement will start playing in five minutes.

And the prelude music has already played, and the sound from at least hundreds of bluetooth speakers placed on the shore of Longhu Lake is enough for the residents of the entire Suhong City to hear.









The countdown is finally over.

Yang Jingyue in the crowd widened his eyes, and began to see a beam of colorful light hitting the giant screen, playing a 32K ultra-high-definition picture.

In a rather dark room, a young man in a somewhat decadent state was sitting in front of the computer playing a game, and the sound of the game came.

Then a voice-over sounded:

"Are you like me, addicted to the virtual world, doing nothing all day long, with no direction, no dreams, and full of confusion about the future?"

next scene.

A middle-aged woman pushed open the door and said to the young man who was still playing games: "Son, stop playing games. I asked someone to help you find a job with a monthly salary of 3,000. You can do it first. Now It’s hard to find a job, so try to do it for a while and gain some experience.”

"Okay, Mom."

The young man put down the game and accepted the arrangement.

Afterwards, the young man put on a suit and appeared in the workplace with a very jerky image, but the obese boss made things difficult, the mistakes made at work, the ridicule and ridicule of his colleagues, and the harassment of middle-aged female colleagues made the young man suffer from all kinds of problems. All kinds of severe beatings, and after less than three months, he had to submit a resignation application.

He could only go back to that e-sports-style room, continue to play his games, and continue to live a decadent life.

But among the young students, this one was admitted to the civil service, and the other entered a state-owned enterprise, and it seems that they all have stable and very good jobs.

The young man failed to accomplish anything, and his girlfriend broke up with him unbearably.

These put a lot of pressure on the young man, making it difficult for him to continue playing his games. He was often so anxious that he pulled his hair. He also submitted a lot of job resumes online, but most of them received no news, and fell into a painful entanglement.

At this time, the narrator sounded again:

"I'm actually the same as you. I have also been confused and suffering. Some young people in our era are very successful. They have realized their dreams and become role models that we admire. But after all, there are only a few who are successful. More, Maybe I can only work in a job with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan, bear the difficulties of my boss and colleagues, and overdraw my body, but my dream is getting farther and farther.”

The screen turned again.

The young man who is sleeping in the video dreams that he has traveled to ancient times, wearing a Confucian robe, with a Han sword hanging from his waist, his face is like a crown jade, handsome and unrestrained, like a gentleman from Moshang.

Then the young people communicated with the ancients, and with their erudite culture, broad knowledge, and countless modern scientific means, they flourished in ancient times, conquered countless ancients, made countless ladies admire them, and became famous gentlemen and masters. , and even had quite a few die-hard followers by his side, living a very unrestrained and joyful life.

But when he woke up, everything was nothing, and the young man was very disappointed.

The narration sounded again:

"You know, if you travel to ancient times, young people like us will be called gentlemen and will receive a lot of attention and respect, but in this era, we are branded as otaku, old-fashioned, and depraved generations. Waiting for the label, holding the least resources and rights, but bearing the greatest pressure and obligations, the house cannot be sold, our fault; the birth rate is low, our fault; it is difficult to find a job because we cannot bear hardships... ..."

"If we are the gentlemen of the past, in this era, we refuse to accept all unreasonable rules and oppression, can we survive?"

"If we are gentlemen of ancient times, in this era, we want to preserve our dignity, keep our principles and personality, don't want to bend over, don't bend our knees, don't be humiliated, don't flatter the powerful, and want to walk on that road dignifiedly. Can we keep going on the road?"

"If we are ancient gentlemen, can we use our own hands and abilities to remove those insulting labels, reshape the reputation of gentlemen, and regain the respect and admiration of the world, not only to survive, but also to live a role model Show the world, can we do it?"

The video goes here.

The background music became louder, the drumbeats sounded densely, and the prelude to the epic was about to begin.

The young man in the video began to clenched his fists, his eyes became firm, and he said to the camera: "Do you think I am delusional? Do you think I am doomed to fail? Do you want to stop unrealistic fantasies and be honest? Yes, make a compromise with this reality?"

"No, never!"

"A gentleman will never compromise, even if he is defeated or killed, he must defend the name of a gentleman."

"A gentleman refuses to accept mediocrity, even if this life can only be mediocre, he must show an attitude towards life that is not mediocre!"

"A gentleman can change his own destiny, as long as he holds the sword in his left hand and the light in his right hand, a gentleman can also become famous in the contemporary world!"


The young people in the video started their own businesses and struggled hard.

He didn't play a game again, but frantically typing codes and writing programs on the computer.

He was working crazily, his hair fell out a lot, his eyes were bloodshot, and he faced all the difficulties, as if he was using his life to fight against them, just like the gentleman who traveled to ancient times, pulling out the blood. Sword, fought to the death with cruel thieves, and fell into danger many times.

After overcoming countless difficulties, the thief was finally killed by the sword-wielding gentleman.

The young man's first entrepreneurial project was a success.

The young man's second project was also successful.

Then there are scenes of batches of "Star Force 1" rockets launching into space, and young people continue to lead the company's employees, working overtime and solving technical problems one by one.

Three moons in the sky overhead appeared.

A triangular halo appeared.

Until a golden beam of light descended from the sky and hit the plane on the ground.

The young man finally managed to find the "gentleman's light" and the light that brought success in his career, and finally realized his dream.

The background music exploded to the extreme at the moment.

the end of the video.

A young man in a Chinese tunic suit is walking on a modern street. The shadows of tall buildings on both sides block the blue sky and sunlight, but he holds a Han sword in his hand and walks toward the dense beam of light directly in front of him with powerful steps. Several beams of rainbow light, like unfurling silk of light, passed obliquely above the head. This scene was so dreamy that people couldn't help but exclaim.

There was a rubbing sound.

The young man pulled out the Han sword in his hand, bathed in a bright sea of ​​light, and said slowly:

"A gentleman is like a sword! It can't hurt anyone, but it can cut off the weakness and confusion in your heart, so that you can face all difficulties and challenges bravely."

"A gentleman is like light! It can't give you anything directly, but it can strengthen your direction and feel the happiness and warmth of this life."

"I am Li Xingyang, and I would like to encourage you all!"

At the end of the video, there is also a line of text:

Xingyuan Group officially launched a talent recruitment operation, and sincerely invites all gentlemen to join.

And among millions of people.

After watching the 10-minute commercial video, Yang Jingyue didn't yell 'play it again'. He kept muttering the words 'gentleman, gentleman', tears streaming down his face.

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