Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 164 Elizabeth's Senses

February 24.

Tianhai International Airport.

A Maiyin 787 aircraft landed slowly on the runway.

This plane took off from the city of Langton in the Kingdom of Britain. Most of the passengers on the plane were citizens of the Kingdom of Britain, and there were only a small number of passengers from China.

The plane decelerated to zero and stopped, the bridge truck approached, the plane door opened, and the passengers got out one by one.

A blond, blue-eyed, fair-skinned young foreign woman wearing a purple dress with a very noble and elegant temperament stood at the cabin door and looked at the layout of the modern airport in front of her. The development has indeed surpassed that of our own country by a lot, which cannot be refuted.

Elizabeth Sylvia, 22 years old this year, her father is a trader, her mother is a nobleman of royal blood—that is to say, she also has a very noble noble blood, which makes her very proud, and often Come to a place where high standards are demanded of ourselves.

Therefore, she is a top student who can score full marks in many subjects.

High level of intelligence.

It also has a very high appearance and outstanding temperament.

Since she was a child, she has always been the focus of her classmates and friends, and she has been pursued by many outstanding boys.

But Elizabeth has high vision, strict tutoring, and too much focus on her studies. So far, she has never had a relationship.

And with her pride, in this world, only a handful of the best men can be worthy of her, and her future husband must be tall, handsome, talented, very humorous and romantic, loyal to her like a A knight on a white horse who swears allegiance to the princess.

But such a perfect man does not exist in the British Kingdom. They are either playful scumbags, liars, or addicted to alcohol and drugs, and depraved. Elizabeth gradually feels desperate for them.

Six months ago, her father did not know how to apply for a student visa for her, and asked her to go to a certain university in Huaguo to study as a graduate student. She was sent to Huaguo to develop, and her mother did not object, and was very supportive.

"Go to China?"

Elizabeth froze for a moment, lost in thought.

To be honest, she has heard of and read a lot of related news about the distant Huaguo, but she has never been there, and she has never considered going to Huaguo.

Affected by media and public opinion, her overall view of Huaguo is relatively negative, and she believes that there is no freedom. Although the technology is advanced and the economy is prosperous, it is a place where it is not easy for anyone to survive. Have to work very hard, like ants.

But at her father's strong request, she studied Chinese for three months in a surprise attack, then boarded a Maiyin plane, and came to this magical oriental country alone.

The labyrinthine interior of the terminal.

It took a lot of time to find the exit passage and get my suitcase.

In the pick-up room at the end of the exit passage, a Chinese man in his thirties held a sign that read 'Elizabeth·Sylvia' in his hand. When he saw Elizabeth in a long purple dress, he greeted her in a foreign language. : "Here, here~"

Elizabeth, who was dragging the suitcase, walked towards him and asked, "Hello, are you here to pick me up?"

"Yes, my name is Zhou Bo, your father's business partner, he asked me to pick you up." The young man stretched out his hand and said, "Do you want me to help you with the suitcase?"

"No thanks." Elizabeth declined cautiously.

"Then let's go, my car is parked outside, and a ticket will be posted after a long time." Zhou Bo said.


"By the way, where do you want to stay at night? I can help you book a hotel with a better environment, or stay at my house for a few days. I have a spare room at my house." Zhou Bo asked again.

"Thank you for booking a hotel for me." Elizabeth said immediately, her face becoming more vigilant.

"Okay, no problem." Zhou Bo also heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that his wife might misunderstand, so it would be better to book a hotel.

Outside the airport, by the side of the road, you are about to walk to the side of the Bimengdi car.

Suddenly there was an exclamation from around.

Many people turned their heads to look inside the airport.

I saw a golden beam of light falling straight down from the sky, and then amidst the buzzing sound, a light energy passenger plane 'Xingmeng', fully loaded with passengers and cargo, slowly took off from the special airport platform , blowing a strong air current.

Elizabeth also saw this scene, and her beautiful blue eyes were filled with disbelief.

Really, is this actually true?

It turns out that under the influence of the media, Elizabeth has always been skeptical about the authenticity of some things in Huaguo, especially some high-tech. The purpose of the studio-style deception is to satisfy the self-confidence and pride of the people of the country, and to meet the overly strong expectations of some citizens, so as to maintain the crumbling order.

But unexpectedly, this is not a fake, but the reality in front of her.

This made her a little distraught. Since the things on Huaguo's side are true, the reports from the media in her own country are obviously fake. It may be clear at a glance which side's order is about to crumble.

Difficult to accept.

The huge reversal made her a little unacceptable, and some pride in her heart was shattered to the ground.

When I got in the car, it started smoothly and silently, without any gasoline smell.

Elizabeth thought of her Rolls-Royce sports car, which had very good acceleration performance and plenty of power. The only disadvantage was the high fuel consumption, heavy gasoline smell, and the increasingly expensive gas price. I am reluctant to go on the road every day, but only open it occasionally.

Comparing Zhou Bo's pure electric car, Elizabeth suddenly felt that electric cars have many advantages, especially when almost all the people coming and going on the road are electric cars, the quietness is unimaginable, and the problem of noise pollution has been solved. .

In a four-star hotel in the urban area, Zhou Bo paid for her to book a single room with better conditions. The room rate was 688 per day, which was a bit expensive, but it included three meals a day. Zhou Bo booked her for seven days.

In the clean and tidy single room of the hotel, Elizabeth put the suitcase aside and rested on the space bed for a while to relieve the fatigue of the journey.

After Zhou Bo told her some precautions and left her a phone number, he left the hotel.

Laid down for over an hour.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Elizabeth was startled, sat up awkwardly, and began to feel scared.

Who is knocking?

The man who was his guide had left, and he was alone.

What should she do if it's a villain who is after her, or a human trafficker who takes a fancy to her beauty?

But the doorbell kept ringing.

She could only pick up a kettle, ready to defend herself, while dialing Zhou Bo's phone, crying helplessly: "Zhou, I'm being targeted by bad guys, what should I do?"

"Don't be afraid, just open the door and have a look, just open a crack." Zhou Bo said on the other end of the phone.

"I dare not open, as long as I open the door, I will be finished."

"No, the hotel corridors are monitored, no one is so bold."

"I still don't dare."

"It may be the service staff of the hotel, or it may be the robot that delivered the meal to you. It's meal time, aren't you hungry? Open the door and have a look. If something happens, I will call the police immediately..." Zhou Bo persuaded for a long time.

Elizabeth didn't quite petition at this time, and opened the door a crack.

I leaned my head over to see that no one was at the door, so I opened the door completely, and a cute mechanical voice sounded: "Hello, please take your lunch."

Elizabeth was startled, and when she looked down, it turned out to be a barrel-shaped robot only as high as her knees, with two cute and big eyes displayed on the screen.

This... robot?

This is the first time she has seen such a robot. Although her country is not without it, it has not been promoted to the extent that ordinary hotels have.

And it can speak foreign languages ​​so that it can understand itself.

It opened the space in its stomach and took out the lunch box inside.

Back in the room, although it was a bit cold, the box lunch was very delicious and suited her taste.

After eating, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and then lay down to sleep again. When I woke up, it was already 6 o'clock in the evening. The doorbell rang again, and the robot brought dinner over.

This time she was not overly defensive, and opened the door directly, took dinner, and filled her stomach.

It was already dark.

Elizabeth, who was no longer sleepy, had the idea of ​​going outside for a stroll.

But night often means danger. Even in my own country, few people dare to go shopping outside after eight o'clock in the evening, because the risk of being robbed is very high, especially for young women. If something happens, you will definitely regret it, and you may become a missing person.

Therefore, from childhood to adulthood, no matter how beautiful and charming the night outside is, Elizabeth, who is obedient and feminine, has never gone out alone once.

However, in this strange country, this unfamiliar land, standing by the window of the single room in the hotel, looking at the dense crowd of people on the side of the city road, Elizabeth actually had the urge and idea to go outside to see.

But just to be on the safe side, she still called Zhou Bo and asked if she could go out for a stroll at night.

"No problem, you can go out at 12 o'clock in the evening. In addition, at seven o'clock tonight, there will be an advertising light show on the Huangpu River. The hotel you live in is very close, and you can see it within two steps..." Zhou Bo said on the phone middle way.

"Is there really no danger?" Elizabeth was still suspicious.

"Look at how many people are on the street outside. If there is danger, will so many people take to the street? If these passers-by are potential bad guys, our country would have been messed up long ago. Don't worry, there won't be any dangerous."

"I see."

Elizabeth nodded, but she didn't leave the hotel right away. Instead, she asked some close friends in one of her chat groups: Is it safe in Huaguo at night? Can I go shopping?

"Don't go out, it's really dangerous."

"No matter what country you are in, it is not recommended to go shopping at night."

"You will be targeted by criminals, especially you Elizabeth, your beauty is worth millions of pounds."

"If I were from Hua, and I saw a Western beauty like you, even if I had no criminal record, I wouldn't be able to resist."

"That's right, only gentlemen like us can restrain our instinctive impulse, but they obviously can't."

More than 90% of the friends in the group advised her not to go out, and imagined various scenarios, which made Elizabeth very scared.

Seven o'clock sharp.

A sound of exclamation came from outside.

Elizabeth went to the window to look again. There was a huge screen suspended in the air not far to the east. In the street below, there were countless young men and women rushing towards the river—on that screen, a video was playing Some pictures, but blocked by tall buildings, she could only see less than half of them.

There is also exciting and exciting music.

I don’t know what’s going on, maybe it’s because of the music, or maybe it’s the giant screen, there’s some kind of magic power, Elizabeth mustered up the courage, walked out of the hotel, crossed the zebra crossing on the road, and looked at the screen. In the direction I was in, I came to the riverside where countless people were crowded.

This moment.

It's time for the light show.

Seeing the colorful beams of light falling and sweeping continuously, complementing the lights of many high-rise buildings behind them, and interacting with the music, I have never seen so many people in my life, and I have never seen such a dreamy scene. Elizabeth, who had never experienced this kind of prosperity, really felt that she seemed to have come to a brand new world, a new world that made her soul tremble, and every cell in her body felt novelty and excitement.

"I seem to understand what it means to be a frog at the bottom of a well."

"I understand why my father must send me here."

"This land in the East has already developed to such an extent. When will my country catch up? I love my country very much, but why do I suddenly have the idea of ​​staying here for a long time?"

A drop of tears overflowed from the corner of Elizabeth's eyes, and she fell into a conflicted state of mind. You must know that this was only what she saw and heard on the first day in Huaguo, and she had already been seriously shaken, and some pride in her heart was already shattered. What should she do?

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