Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 215 Screwing is also a high-paying job

May 18.

Tianhai City, a commercial aircraft manufacturing company.

Inside the assembly plant in the high-tech zone.

On the huge pulsating assembly line, one after another of the "Xingmeng" light-energy passenger planes are lined up to complete the assembly process one after another. Not only a large number of labors are used, but also a lot of industrial robots are used. The overall efficiency is very high. high.

Now at the end of the assembly line, every day we can see a brand new and beautiful "Xingmeng" light-energy passenger plane successfully rolled off the assembly line.

After a simple functional test, it is confirmed that there are no major problems.

It will be quickly picked up by the civil aviation companies, and it will be put into use in the market within a week at the earliest, which can be called the speed of light.

Most of the traditional civil aviation airliners have now been phased out, and even those traditional airliners that are 90% in good condition and have not been used for a long time have been idled aside, waiting for the fate of being phased out.

Hundreds of airports in China have also begun vigorous renovation work, and a large number of new aviation berthing ports (abbreviated as airports) have been newly built. Some small and medium-sized airports have even canceled the runways altogether, and only provide take-off and landing services for solar passenger aircraft.

Even the vast majority of passengers have abandoned traditional planes, and only consider taking light-energy passenger planes for long-distance travel, because the latter is safer, cheaper, faster, and more comfortable to ride. They are all quite dangerous. There are only a few engines. Once something happens, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even though the accident rate of traditional airplanes is lower than that of trains and automobiles, once an accident occurs, the fatality rate is 100%, and the probability of surviving is almost zero. Nobody wants to be on the news.

It's just that traditional aircraft are being phased out too quickly.

No matter how large the production capacity of the alternative solar passenger aircraft is, and no matter how high the use intensity of each solar passenger aircraft is, it is impossible to fill the entire civil aviation market at once. After five years, we have to continue to increase production capacity.

As for foreign orders, it has not yet started to receive, otherwise the production capacity will be even more insufficient.

Of course, for COMAC, that can only be described in one word, and I finally realized the feeling of order raining and hand cramping when counting money.

And unlike traditional aircraft with complex structures and more than 100,000 parts, the structure of solar passenger aircraft is very simple, with only about 10,000 main parts, no landing gear, wings, empennage, etc. not tall.

Only the purchase cost of superconducting capacitors and ion motors is relatively high, accounting for more than 60% of the manufacturing cost.

Now the total output of solar passenger aircraft has exceeded 500, the research and development costs have been spread out evenly, and the cost of non-core parts has been decreasing.

Including superconducting capacitors and ion engines, they have also experienced several small price cuts.

Therefore, even though the labor costs here in Tianhai City are relatively high, the high housing prices and high rents will bring greater pressure on business operations.

The market price of a "Xingmeng" light-energy airliner with a market price of nearly 3 billion (originally priced at a little over 2 billion, but various civil aviation companies have increased prices to grab goods, pushing the price up to this level), its manufacturing cost was only In the early billions.

Now it has dropped to around 600 million.

In the future, it will definitely be reduced to less than 500 million.

The profit of each ship is around 2 billion, and will increase slightly in the future.

That is, a profit margin of more than 300%.

It can be described as profiteering.

This is high-end manufacturing, and without a net profit of more than three times, it is embarrassing to call it a high-end industry.

Inside the assembly plant.

Feng Yubin, an ordinary assembler, is still engaged in the work of screwing. Because of his good performance, he became the team leader, took care of several people, and brought a few apprentices. He was obviously much busier than before.

I have to work overtime every day to complete the assembly task of the light energy passenger plane, and I have very little rest time.

As for the income, the leaders of the factory did not break their promises, and raised the wages of the workers three times in a row, each time the increase was no less than 30%. There were also overtime pay and subsidies. The problem.

Plus the team leader's post allowance.

Subsidies for taking apprentices.

Feng Yubin's current monthly income is around 50,000 yuan, which is six to seven times the previous income, and at the end of the year, he can still get a year-end bonus equivalent to six months' salary, that is, eighteen salary.

The total annual income is estimated to be around RMB 800,000, which is close to one million. Of course, the actual income is about RMB 500,000, and he has to pay a lot of taxes. Unless he buys a house, gets married, and has children, his income will increase a lot. Otherwise, you have made a great contribution to the country.

Therefore, Feng Yubin really wanted to find someone to get out of the singles, get married and have children as soon as possible, so as to reduce financial losses.

However, he has to work overtime every day, so how can he spare time to find a partner.

Secondly, although the salary was higher and he was promoted, the pressure was a lot higher, especially the few newcomers he brought in, which repeatedly made him furious and furious, and realized the feeling of the old masters who took him before.

"Why are you guys so stupid? The screws are either missing half a turn, or they are overwhelmed. It is not easy to disassemble and maintain. You must wear gloves to operate, otherwise the sweat will stick to the screws, which will easily rust and cause hidden dangers. ..."

"Don't underestimate the work of screwing, please respect your profession, okay? If it was before, you could just muddle through, pass by, and treat yourself like an old fritter. That's how I came here! I know what you think , but now the company is worthy of you, and the salary of more than 20,000 yuan during the apprenticeship is also worthy of you. There is a future in screwing, and it is a high-paying position that can earn 50,000 to 60,000 yuan a month. If you look down on this job, you are looking down on yourself! If you It’s this work attitude, if you don’t study hard, robots will replace you sooner or later, I’ve seen robots make screws, and they’re not much worse than you, you have to do better than robots to keep this job.”

"In the final analysis, even if it's screwing, you have to have your own core competitiveness!"

Feng Yubin roared angrily, severely criticized several apprentices, and mercilessly pointed out the problems of each of them.

These apprentices lowered their heads, realizing their mistakes, and their work attitudes improved a lot. They put away their contempt and perfunctory, and finally looked like qualified assemblers.

After work.

Several apprentices also invited Feng Yubin to have a supper. After drinking two bottles of wine, they became friends who talked about everything.

"Master, I have a 28-year-old sister who is still single and very beautiful. How about I introduce her to you?"

"Master, my younger sister is 20 years old this year, and she will be an intern in her senior year next year. As long as there is a way to get my younger sister to work at COMAC, Master, my younger sister will definitely like you."

"My cousin is the real big beauty. Although she is divorced, she has never had a child. She is almost the same as someone who is not married. Master, I will show you the photo of my cousin. You will definitely be satisfied, and it will not be difficult to win her. As long as you buy a house in Tianhai City and add her name to the real estate certificate, my cousin will be yours, master."

"Go, go, don't introduce me, none of them are reliable."

Feng Yubin waved his hand, shook his head and said, "You don't need to worry about my affairs. I've chatted with you a few times on Weichat. There's an Ermao girl I really like. She's 19 years old this year. She's a model, but her private life is not messy. I'm going to see her when I'm on vacation."

"Yes, master, foreign girls are pretty good."

"It's too expensive to find a girl from a foreign country, and I can't afford it. Foreign girls are very virtuous and don't spend money indiscriminately."

"Master, why don't you consider girls from the island country? In recent years, many girls from the island country have come to us to develop, and there are also many girls from the Bang country. As long as you mention the word marriage, they will immediately be willing to go home with you. There is a fastest three-year-old girl on the Internet." The video of going to get married in minutes broke the defenses of many local leftover women."

"That's all right, all right, don't worry about my finding a partner, and care more about yourself, and think about learning the screwdriver skills well, and when you pass the vocational skills assessment and become a regular worker, your salary will increase a lot, not to mention. You can work until retirement. It is not impossible to buy a house and settle down in Tianhai City. As for the partner, after the job stabilizes, you can find whatever you want. Now young women all over the world are running to us. I am afraid that you will pick flowers. Eye."

Feng Yubin took a sip of beer and said to them.

"It's the master."

"I'll do my best."

"I must be the one with the best skills in driving screws."

Several apprentices expressed their opinions one after another, which made Feng Yubin quite gratified. (end of this chapter)

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