Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 256 Sun Temple

Under the influence of huge energy sources of hundreds of billions of kilowatts.

Strong materials are continuously produced.

The production capacity quickly climbed from tens of tons to hundreds of tons per day to tens of thousands of tons per day. The average synthesis cost of strong materials per kilogram also gradually dropped from millions of yuan to a few thousand yuan, and it was still There is some room for decline.

As for the sales market, there is no need to worry at all. The strong material's properties such as high temperature resistance and impact resistance made it the most favored super material by the military. Massive orders were immediately placed for the production of the latest star warships. Take the lead.

Then the demand in the civilian market is also very huge, and many people today have a lot of savings. Billionaires abound. For strong materials that can improve their own safety, whether it is used in cars, spaceships, houses, or As long as the surface of any object can increase their sense of security, it doesn't matter if they spend hundreds or tens of millions. Compared with their own lives, it is just a small amount of money.

Even Li Xingyang, the boss of Xingyuan Group, immediately covered the surfaces of his vehicles, planes, spaceships and other means of transportation with a layer of powerful material that could not even be blasted by cannons and could withstand the shock wave of a nuclear bomb. Even the bodyguards responsible for protecting him are each equipped with a set of mechas made of powerful materials. The protective capabilities are so strong that they are almost foolproof.

But even so thoughtful.

For more stability.

Li Xingyang also spent a lot of financial and material resources and spent more than half a year building a sun temple in space, in an orbit about three million kilometers away from the Blue Star. Its outer shell is entirely made of five millimeter thick strong materials. It is composed of a diameter of 20 kilometers, and the internal circular palace area exceeds 300 square kilometers. Under the operation of a high-power gravity production device, it can generate 0.35G microgravity, allowing people to function normally in the palace. Work and life are not much different from life on the surface of the Blue Star.

In addition, the internal layout and facilities of the Sun Temple are extremely luxurious, with high-end robots, powerful artificial intelligence control systems, air quality management, hygienic cleaning, green layout, and even large tracts of forests, pastures, orchards and gardens. , and a lake with an area of ​​30 square kilometers, with an average water depth of more than 30 meters. There are hundreds of species of fish, shrimps and crabs in it. You can fish, swim, sail a yacht and relax by the lake.

There is also a highly automated vertical agriculture factory with an internal area of ​​about 1,000 acres. After being distributed vertically on 100 floors, it is equivalent to 100,000 acres of land. The fruits and vegetables produced are enough to feed a population of 100,000 people. However, with Li Xingyang as the core, The current total number of core members + sub-core members + peripheral members of the Sun Family does not exceed 300. Therefore, this vertical agriculture factory only needs to activate 1% of its production capacity to meet daily food needs.

There is also the most important military protection capability, which is naturally the top priority. For this reason, Li Xingyang rented ten S-class main starships on the grounds of borrowing from the Sun Empire, and protected them around the Sun Temple at all times. It can respond to possible emergencies at any time and is sufficient to deal with military forces other than the Chinese space fleet. It can be regarded as the second-ranked space military presence.

What's more, the Sun Temple itself also has quite strong military defense capabilities. A giant 'artificial small sun' device is installed inside, which generates a surge of energy, allowing the Sun Temple to activate its own power when encountering a crisis that is difficult to deal with. The power system can escape danger at a faster speed, and the survivability has been improved to an extreme.


It can only be described with two words: ‘stable’.


2040, October.

Li Xingyang, nicknamed the 'Sun Emperor', officially took his family and dependents on a luxurious space cruise ship, as well as a large amount of luggage and supplies, and left the blue star where he had lived for a long time. The land of my hometown entered space, which immediately aroused a lot of public response. There were mixed reviews on the Internet, some praised and said good things, some expressed reluctance, and some criticized and abused, but most of them were neutral. Attitude.

"I didn't expect that Brother Xing, the Emperor of the Sun, would leave us after all."

"Don't let this guy run away. When he goes to space, the sun will really be monopolized by the Sun family. In the future, if you are short of money, you will raise the electricity bill. If you are not short of money, you will keep the price low to stifle your competitors and let some Talented and capable people cannot get ahead, which makes this society more and more solidified. I think the Sun Family must be eliminated before our world will become better, otherwise it will only get worse!"

"What exactly did Brother Xing do to make you so prejudiced against him? The current price of space energy from Xingyuan Group is only 5 cents per unit. It is precisely because of this price that we have been able to enjoy wages in the past ten years In the good times when prices rise but remain unchanged, this is the benefit brought by cheap energy. As a result, some people are not grateful, let it go, they still have to find faults, and let Xing Ge take out more benefits and allow more companies To carve up solar energy, there is no denying that this kind of competition will bring some benefits to consumers and make some entrepreneurs more successful, but it will not necessarily bring worse results and make our space more useless. It may be better to let the Xingyuan Group family control the situation, or even a fierce conflict."

"As long as the energy price of 5 cents per kilowatt hour can remain like this, I have no problem with whoever monopolizes the sun. Anyway, no matter what profession you are in, 5 cents of electricity can create at least 5 yuan or even 50 yuan of value. Commodities that can be produced on a large-scale industrial basis will never dare to increase their prices too much. They will only become cheaper and cheaper. The country can also start printing money crazily according to the power generation capacity of space energy, even if the annual deficit exceeds 30 %, it will not cause severe inflation, and the near-infinite energy has a supporting role, which has brought huge benefits to everyone, and we should all be grateful to Brother Xing."

"Yes, the huge contribution made by Xingyuan Group has been far underestimated. Without the huge and cheap energy provided by Xingyuan Group, our wages would have increased tenfold, but prices might have increased twentyfold. It is simply impossible to live a life of great material abundance today, and some people are born in blessings and don’t know how to be blessed.”

"Husband, please don't leave me. Why did you abandon me so cruelly? Can you please not leave and stay on this planet?"

"Husband Xingyang, you are my spiritual support in this world. If you leave, how will I live in the future?"

"Can you take me to the Temple of the Sun with you? Even if it means being an ordinary maid, a cook, or a nanny, as long as I can meet my male god, I will do anything!"

October 12th.

The luxury space cruise ship arrived next to the Temple of the Sun.

Through a reserved gap less than two hundred meters in diameter.

Switch to a smaller commuter craft.

Li Xingyang led a group of family members into the Temple of the Sun. There were also special robots responsible for handling luggage and items. Although there were a lot of various items, it would only take two or three days at most to place them all.

But even if everything is arranged extremely properly and perfectly.

Li Xingyang could still hear a lot of complaints and complaints.

"The environment in this Sun Palace is quite good, with all the necessary facilities. The environment is also very good, comparable to a small city. However, there are only about 300 of us in total, living in such a In a large palace, the population density is only one per square kilometer. Children cannot go to schools with many classmates. I usually can't find my best friends to chat or eat. I have lost almost all social activities and can only use our family. Internal communication, but humans are social animals and are far away from social attributes. Building a solar empire here, even if our family is very powerful and has a lot of resources, is not interesting, let alone fun, right? "

Xu Rong couldn't help but complain, and her heart was full of opinions. Although she knew that men have men's considerations, and what he did was definitely correct, she still couldn't help but complain.

"After moving here, there will definitely be a lot of inconveniences, but..."

Li Xingyang, who was walking next to her, had to turn his head, looked at her and said: "Times are gradually changing. Our family's reputation, under the deliberate guidance of certain media, has been deteriorating in recent years. , this shows that some forces have begun to make plans to deal with our family. Although it is only a guide at the level of public opinion and will not bring much harm, over time, sooner or later there will be a process of quantitative change to qualitative change. We must take precautions in advance in order to never fail."

"However, the overall image of our family is still very positive, and there are many people who support us. In addition, it has directly or indirectly created tens of millions of high-paying jobs. This is related to tens of millions of families. This She is the fundamental supporter of our family and has a large number of business partners with whom we have a very good relationship. Not to mention, the Sun Empire established by your sister now has influence covering the entire Philippine continent and has millions of people. Elite Legion... We already have so many good cards in our hands, why should we worry about being targeted? I think your worries are a bit too sensitive, and there is really no need."

Xu Rong shook her head repeatedly, still not agreeing with the decision to move her family to this Sun Temple, even though it was very luxurious and magnificent, like a palace.

"You don't understand. From last year to this year, there have been three signs that the situation is about to change. First, some material companies have made breakthroughs in the field of superconductivity, synthesizing superconducting materials with excellent performance, breaking the Xingyuan Group has a technological monopoly. Two, I have received news that several space energy companies are already being established and will soon compete with Xingyuan Group. Although these energy companies are targeting 'artificial sun' nuclear fusion energy, But as long as the power generation is large enough, the average cost of electricity per kilowatt hour can be reduced to less than 5 cents. The energy price of Xingyuan Group does not have obvious advantages unless I reduce the price of space energy to 3 cents. Only at a profit-free price per degree can we defeat these upcoming competitors.”

Li Xingyang waved his hand and said: "Forget it, I don't want to explain so much. Anyway, many times are changing. We must make adjustments in advance. If we wait until we are targeted and restricted before taking response actions, it will obviously be too late. Compared with the long-term future of the family, you have fewer friends and best friends, and your children have fewer teachers and classmates, which are relatively small losses. The purpose is to safeguard greater interests and consider things from an overall perspective."

Hear this.

Xu Rong had no choice but to fall silent and stop expressing her views.


After settling down smoothly in the Sun Temple.

After only living there for three or five days, everyone's ideas have changed a lot.

Suddenly I felt that this Sun Palace seemed pretty good, a little bit too much.

For example, the environment is beautiful, the air has a special fragrance of grass and trees, there is no air pollution, and there are very few viruses and bacteria. The air is extremely fresh and makes people energetic. No matter what you do, just take a few deep breaths and you will feel your whole body. Full of energy.

Secondly, although the internal area is huge and the population density is high, it also means that everyone can have a huge living space. Everyone can choose to live in a large room of several hundred square meters and sleep on a three- to four-meter-wide bed. There are also dedicated e-sports rooms for playing virtual games, as well as dedicated fitness rooms. Everyone has their own swimming pool, etc.

Finally, there are inconveniences, which are far less common than imagined.

Xu Rong complained that she had lost her circle of friends and could not chat or shop with her best friends. But now she can enter the virtual world and continue to play, go shopping, and shop with a few good friends in the virtual shopping street. When chatting and chatting, the network delay is basically zero. After all, using two-way quantum communication technology, signal delays can be eliminated, so there is no inconvenience.

There are also problems with a few children going to school. They can also use the virtual world classroom to study. They can study with the original teacher. The classmates can still see each other and there is almost no delay, so that the children will not be completely separated from the social life they once had. Circle, you will not lose the opportunity to communicate with them.

Including Li Xingyang's parents, they gradually lost their opinions, and instead adapted to and liked the life living here.

Zhang Huiying once said with emotion: "My body is a bit old. When you are over sixty, some parts of your body will have problems. It hurts here or there. The occupational diseases caused by teaching for many years are still there, but here After living in a microgravity environment for a period of time, I did another cycle of recuperation. Now I feel that my physical condition is in great shape. I can run for more than ten miles without any problem. I can continue to keep in touch with old friends, and it is very quiet here. It’s comfortable and undisturbed, and it’s indeed a great place to retire.”

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