Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 262 Prelude to Interstellar Immigration

The time has come.

The time for interstellar migration between stars has actually been ripe for a long time.

More than ten years ago, Xingyuan Group had already produced the super 'ring accelerator', which can provide huge energy to drive large interstellar spaceships, accelerating to 0.5 times the speed of light, and then can rely on it without continuing to illuminate it. It usually takes no more than a hundred years for its own power system to reach a star that is more than ten to dozens of light years away.

Coupled with advanced life-extending medical technology, human lifespan can be extended to more than 300 years.

Quantum communication technology can also ensure stable communication over long distances.

There is also hibernation cabin technology that allows astronauts and spacecraft crew members to enter a low-consumption hibernation state without causing too much loss.

Moreover, at a speed of 0.5 times the speed of light, time will have a slowing down effect. If the speed is faster, time will go slower. The crew may actually only use more than thirty years to complete the journey, which takes fifty A journey that takes years to complete is the so-called time dilation effect.

To sum up.

As early as ten years ago, immigrating to nearby stars for development has been considered a very potential outlet. After all, there are hundreds of stars around the sun, which are also suitable for human development. Even if there are no living planets, Without the evolution of intelligent civilization, we can only see lifeless and barren planets, but it still means unimaginable huge benefits.

First of all, the energy of an entire star is an unimaginable super benefit. You can learn from the development path of Xingyuan Group, monopolize stars, and obtain a massive amount of energy that is impossible to use up. You can do whatever you want without worrying about insufficient energy. .

Then there is the development of various planetary resources and the collection of various beneficial elements. Whether they are heavy elements or light elements, as long as they are useful resources, they can be collected and utilized.

The last step is to build a space city, transform the planet in the livable zone, release the population bomb, and establish a brand new civilization. You can develop however you want and do whatever you want. Anyway, this is your territory. How you arrange and plan it is completely up to you. will.

Even if it is to establish an authoritative feudal monarchy, there is no problem. Anyway, it will not be subject to the supervision and control of a third party. It can be done whatever you want. At most, it will bear some pressure from public opinion.

However, there is such a big and good opportunity, but no company or institution has invested resources to try it. If there is such a good opportunity, they will not seize it. They would rather stay in the solar system and continue to involute than open up the pattern and look far ahead. Some always criticize the Xingyuan Group, but do not intend to become the second Xingyuan Group.

The fundamental reason is that in the current solar system, the human population is too small, the resources are too abundant, the quality of life is getting higher and higher, and technology is becoming more and more developed. It is another golden development period of the exponential curve, which lasts for ten years. , there are also many opportunities to make a fortune. Compared with spending more than ten years or decades, running slowly on the road, enduring endless loneliness, taking a lot of risks, and developing in other stars, This is not a very cost-effective investment.

It is better to wait for the technological level to improve further.

Wait until medical technology becomes more advanced.

If the interstellar spacecraft can run faster, it can save more time.

Only then is the time ripe to set sail and go to the surrounding stars to develop and look for opportunities.

That is to say, the real time has come, and cross-stellar immigration has finally become a cost-effective thing worth taking the risk.

After all, the level of science and technology in all aspects has indeed improved a lot.

Advances in the medical field are advancing by leaps and bounds, and there is little hope of breaking through natural limitations and achieving immortality.

Not to mention, in the field of power systems, an ion engine with a larger thrust-to-thrust-weight ratio has been successfully developed, which can drive the spacecraft to a faster speed, consume the least amount of working fluid, and have a longer endurance.

Moreover, after more than ten or twenty years, some companies have already achieved breakthroughs in Xingyuan Group's core secret technologies, such as superconducting material technology, reflective material technology, etc., and solved the problem of stuck necks. Under the restrictions of Xingyuan Group, even if it is to build a similar space energy facility, it can be easily accomplished. It can copy the successful path of Xingyuan Group and achieve a monopoly on space energy.

As for the benefits, needless to say, they cannot be measured in terms of money. They are equivalent to wealth that will not be exhausted for billions of years. No matter which force goes to a new star, it means infinite wealth and massive resources. Think about it. It doesn't matter how you become a master, you will only live a more enjoyable life than Xingyuan Group.

So when the opportunity matures in this regard.

The forces or companies that are eager to copy the success of Xingyuan Group, some have invested their old capital, and some have cooperated. They are all gearing up, eager to try, and plan to have a good fight.

Especially within the thirty light-years around the solar system, the hundreds of star systems containing heavy elements have been divided up by various forces, and then resources and manpower were organized to create giant immigration spaceships one after another, bringing all of them with them. With a population bomb of hundreds of millions of people, as soon as it reaches its destination, it will start to create a large number of people, establish a complete industrial system (or use the most advanced 3D printer), and build a solar system with distinct branches, just like the spread of seeds. , spreading the fire of human civilization to more and more places.

This is also a great good thing for human civilization. It adds a lot of insurance. Even if we encounter challenges from other interstellar civilizations in the future, we don’t have to worry about falling into the crisis of civilization extinction.

Of course, for Xingyuan Group, this is a great thing.

After all, those interest groups with resources and capabilities have gone to places more than ten or dozens of light years away to make new cakes and seek greater interests. In the solar system, they continue to target the Star Source Group. The power will be reduced a lot, and they will no longer deliberately target the Xingyuan Group, which is equivalent to a much reduced number of opponents.

It's just that the Xingyuan Group itself doesn't think about just guarding its own one-third of an acre and living an honest life. The Xingyuan Group will also invest resources and manpower to build large-scale immigration spaceships and travel dozens of light years away. , the development of stars hundreds of light-years away, and also developed a device that can sensitively sense the material of 'star core crystal', thereby directly finding more sites suitable for human development, even if it takes a lot of time on the way a long time.

February 9, 2048.

Space Port, Horizon Port, inside Berth 1.

The immigrant spaceship 'Infinity', which is ten kilometers long, more than one kilometer wide and high, very large in size and weighs more than 100 billion tons, is about to leave and set sail, becoming the first ship of human civilization to embark on a long voyage. interstellar immigration spacecraft.

It carries one million pioneering volunteers and passengers, as well as the genetic material that can create hundreds of millions of people (i.e., the population bomb), as well as the most advanced technological backup and industrial equipment of human civilization, all placed in this spacecraft. There are even twenty 'superpowers' personnel inside to help maintain order on the spacecraft and avoid unexpected situations.

all in all.

All preparations can only be described as ‘extremely perfect and very thorough’.

Xia Hui, male, 28 years old, is an ordinary crew member on the Infinite Pioneer and one of the immigrant pioneers. He left his family and gave up some good development opportunities. In the virtual game, he approached women he liked. My friend said goodbye, and without any hesitation, he embarked on this long journey with great determination. He became an inconspicuous little character recorded in the history of human civilization, but he could still be considered a participant in major historical events.

Why can't he think about leaving the solar system, breaking away from the big family of human civilization, running to a place more than ten light years away, and opening up a new living space? The current human civilization is in a golden period of development, with abundant resources, numerous opportunities, and benefits. It is perfect, has abundant entertainment activities, and every day is extremely exciting. Not many people would not want to go to other completely deserted stars to develop.

Xia Hui, is there something wrong with his head? Did he suddenly have a short circuit?

You must know that the destination of the 'Infinity Pioneer' is the BU124 star 14 light-years away. Even if it flies at an average speed of 0.7 times the speed of light, it will take twenty years to reach the destination, and the interior of the spacecraft will take about eighteen years. , that is, nearly twenty years have been spent on a long journey. Although there are millions of companions and colleagues, they have lived in a relatively closed and small space for a long time, and there are not many rich entertainment activities. Even if they download a large number of It would take a hundred years for an ordinary person to finish watching games, movies, novels and musical works. But without the addition of new works, they can only use the inventory. Over time, they will become out of touch with human civilization, will obviously fall behind and become a small minority. A group like 'hillbillies'.

After all, human civilization is developing at a rapid pace, and it has not yet reached a bottleneck. It is impossible to imagine what it will be like in twenty years, and what kind of god-level technology will be invented.

Of course, Xia Hui was very aware of these shortcomings, but he still took the initiative to apply and became one of the pioneering volunteers.

The most fundamental reason is still trapped by love.

He was originally a professional virtual game player, with a strength close to that of a hardcore player, and a pretty good sense of operation. He was doing pretty well, such as guiding newbies, helping with leveling, grabbing first kills and buying equipment, etc. He earned a hundred dollars a year. There is no problem in reaching 10,000, and he still has a certain reputation. He can occasionally rank among the top 100 players on the server and the top 20 in terms of operational skills. It can be said that he has quite good potential in gaming.

But he shouldn't have been attracted to a wealthy girl from a wealthy family and actually fell in love with him. The other person admired him very much, initiated the pursuit, and was willing to be with him, a master of the game. Xia Hui once They are about to fall, almost confirm their relationship, and become a couple in the game.


He comes from an ordinary family and is just an ordinary poor boy.

That wealthy lady is, in reality, the most doted daughter of a certain billionaire. She is beautiful and has the look of a goddess. How could she possibly allow her daughter to be with an ordinary person from the common people, even a boyfriend in a virtual game? .

The relationship between the two encountered great resistance.

Xia Hui also wanted to overcome many obstacles. As long as there is love, there is no miracle that cannot be created.

But soon he was on the assassination list with a bounty, and was assassinated by a large number of masters. He was exploded more than a dozen times. He lost most of his good equipment and his level dropped by more than ten levels. He couldn't return to his original state within two or three months. grade.

There are also several young men beside Miss Qianjin. They are not only very graceful, but also very powerful. They spend a lot of money at every turn. They have many ways to please girls, and even the sure-fire tricks of scumbags. Although Miss Qianjin remains unmoved. , it is better to put your concerned eyes on Xia Hui, fight for him, make a big fuss with his family, and even propose to elope with Xia Hui, so that the two of them can live a happy life.


After a long struggle.

Xia Hui still chose to leave silently, no longer disturb him, quit the game completely, announced his permanent retirement, and would never play any virtual online games again. He wanted to return to reality, which caused heated discussions on the Internet and made countless players feel indignant and regretful. Learn There are also many people who quit the game like him. Just like a player commented, "I once thought that the virtual world would not be as cruel, realistic, and unfair as the real world. Now I find that I was wrong. In the game, there is money. People still do whatever they want, they still have family views, and a poor boy is still a poor boy. Don't even think about changing your destiny, let alone being with a rich lady. The virtual world is not a fairy tale, and you need to be well-matched here. Since the rules here are basically the same as in reality, I think it’s better to return to reality.” This comment attracted millions of likes, caused the server to lose more than 100,000 players, and triggered widespread reflection.

Xia Hui, who has returned to reality, actually has no clear direction of development and doesn't know what to do. In addition, he has tens of millions in savings and several thousand yuan in monthly welfare subsidies. Even if you don’t do it, you can still live a very moist life.

It's just that this kind of life of lying down is too boring, and I can't stand it even if I lie down for two or three days in a row.

His parents asked him to go on a blind date to find someone to marry. Once, they brought three fair-skinned and beautiful women in front of him and asked him to choose. If he likes the one, he will accept it. If he likes them all, he will accept them all. Anyway, these three All the beauties are from foreign countries. As long as they are pregnant with a child, they can get a green card from China relatively quickly. In order to stay, they are willing to contribute to the birth rate. As for marriage certificates, they are basically not needed now. , the proportion of traditional families is no longer large, and it will only become more atomized in the future.

Faced with the temptation of beautiful women, Xia Hui was almost moved, but he still only accepted one. After letting her have an offspring, Xia Hui applied to become a pioneer volunteer and specially participated in training for more than half a year. He wanted to go to other places. Stellar development expands greater living space for human civilization.

Because this is a more meaningful thing in his eyes, he also wants to prove his worth.

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