Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 276 Ancient Planet

one year later.

The ‘Star Dauntless’ exploration spacecraft.

It cost tens of billions of funds to build a special spacecraft for interstellar exploration that gathered all the most advanced technologies of the Star Source Group.

Empty weight is 35,800 tons.

The full load is 59,700 tons, nearly 60,000 tons.

It can accommodate 38 crew members and is highly automated and intelligent.

The surface is covered with a 3 mm thick layer of 'strong material', and its defense is comparable to that of an S-class main space battleship. Conventional weapon attacks cannot cause the slightest damage to it.

The power system is a small fusion reactor with a maximum output of 150 million KW, which can fully meet the energy needs of the spacecraft. It is enough for the ion engine to burst out with very surging power and accelerate to an extremely exaggerated level.

As for the endurance, due to the small crew and sufficient supplies, it can last for more than fifty years if the supplies cannot be recycled. If the supplies can be recycled, as long as the fusion reactor does not shut down, it can still produce energy, then the spacecraft can continue sailing for more than a hundred years without any problems.

In addition, it also has a certain self-defense capability. It is equipped with a high-power laser weapon. In addition, it is very flexible and has terrifying defense. It is no problem to deal with those A-class star warships for a long time. If it encounters a powerful opponent, , even if you can't defeat it, you can easily escape.

Finally, there is the industrial technology capability. It is equipped with a fairly advanced small and medium-sized 3D printer. Although its functions are not as good as those of giant, full-featured 3D printers, 30-nanometer process chips and some industrial products that are not too complex are relatively Outdated car engines, etc., can be printed quickly and can meet the needs of most scenes.


Li Lefan was very satisfied with this advanced exploration spacecraft, and was very moved. He even had a strong sense of belonging to the Sun Family. He wanted to make some achievements and repay the family well. Of course, he has no repayment now. If you don't have the ability, you can only continue to work hard to find some high-value stellar resources and dedicate them to the family. Only in this way can you offset some of the debts in your heart.

this day.

Near the giant star gate.

The time to set off is coming.

Li Lefan and his thirty-seven teammates were ready to set off.

After saying goodbye to parents and relatives.

The star gate begins to charge with energy.

The wormhole vortex begins to appear, and the curvature of space-time has reached its highest level.

"Set off!"

Li Lefan gave the order and the flight officer pressed the accelerator button.

Buzz buzz~

The plasma engine ejected azure blue tail flames. Under the powerful thrust, the 'Starry Dreadnought' moved towards the center of the star gate. Soon it entered the twisted space-time channel and was accelerated to a speed far exceeding the speed of light. The teleported The target is a well-developed immigrant galaxy 24 light-years away. The entire transmission process took four or five hours to arrive near a planet with abundant water resources, called the Garden. Star' means as beautiful as a garden.

But Li Lefan's team did not stay here for too long. They stayed here for seven or eight days, did a little shopping at the Garden Star, and bought some local products and souvenirs.

And replenished a large amount of working fluid, water and other materials.

The Starry Sky Dreadnought set off again, passing through the giant stargate set near the star, and headed straight for a medium-bright star 35 light-years away.

That's right.

35 light-years. With the size and mass of the Starry Sky Dauntless, after the star gate is opened for transmission, the spacecraft can only be sent as far as 35 light-years away.

Coupled with the last star gate transmission, after arriving at the destination, the distance from the home star is fifty light years, which is considered to be a very, very far distance.

Moreover, the target star contains a lot of heavy elements, the heating power of the star is slightly greater than that of the sun, and its lifespan has reached the middle to late stages, with about three billion years left.

As for the most precious 'star core crystal' resource, the special detector made a very strong 'didi' sound, which means that the reserve of star core crystal material in the star system is at least one million cubic meters, or even more. If the resources can be mined, the energy facilities can be built, and the star gate can be successfully constructed, then it will be a huge achievement. It will definitely bring huge benefits to the family and the group, and receive countless praises and rewards.


Therefore, Li Lefan is looking forward to the star named "Nanmen NB63 Star" very much, determined to win it, and must make very beautiful results.

The faster-than-light transmission was completed quickly.

It stands to reason.

The 'Starry Sky Fearless' has already teleported into the interior of the star, and will immediately be able to see a relatively large main sequence star, just like the previous star it arrived at.

But the observers immediately noticed something was wrong.


The surrounding environment is very dark and cold, with not much light visible, giving people a very nervous and depressing feeling.

The navigation officer in charge of navigation, Wang Ziheng, exclaimed: "There is an error in the transmission position. We are now in an empty interstellar space. The nearest star is 3 light years away, and the destination star is 25 light years away." Besides, we yawed a little too much."

"Captain, what should we do? The endurance of our spacecraft is limited. Unless we maintain the lowest consumption mode and slowly reach the nearest star at 0.2 times the speed of light, we will arrive in about 16 years. If we choose other stars, it will take more time. It's very possible. It's possible in thirty to fifty years. The supplies on our spacecraft may not be enough. I suggest we take a more prudent approach and go to the nearest star to replenish supplies before deciding on the next step of the flight." Official Zhang Sicong said.

"Captain, it's up to you to decide, how do you think we should go?"

other crew members asked.

"Just go to the nearest star for a while."

Li Lefan had no choice but to accept the good news and said: "But more than ten years is too long. We have to find a way to speed up the spacecraft and strive to reach the nearest star within three to five years. We don't have much time to delay on the way."

"It will arrive in three to five years. This means that the speed of the spacecraft must be at least 0.8 times the speed of light, but the working fluid that needs to be consumed is very scary. If we do not plan properly, we will not even have the working fluid for deceleration, and it will directly become out of control. Space junk will kill us all."

"Slow down, let's go slower. We can afford the time. It's not a particularly long time. Captain, you really can't be too hasty, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

All the crew members persuaded him.

"No need to say more."

Li Lefan waved his hand and said: "I am a superpower in the space system. I can create a high-curvature space-time environment in front of the spacecraft. You just need to continue to accelerate the spacecraft to form a curvature driving phenomenon. Scientists say this can obviously It’s no problem to speed up the spacecraft and achieve super-light speed, as long as I can persist long enough.”

"Okay, then I have no objection. I support the captain's plan."

"Curvature travel can indeed reduce the working fluid consumption of the spacecraft and achieve a good acceleration effect."

"I also agree. The fear and powerlessness brought about by this black and dark interstellar space is too strong. I don't want to be stuck in this environment for a long time."

"It's great to have a space-based superpower on the ship. It's very helpful and saves a lot of time on the road. If the level is higher and the ability is stronger, it would be even better."

All the crew members said one after another.

As the captain, Li Lefan left his captain's throne and had to walk to the head of the spacecraft, and then activated his ability to distort the surrounding invisible time and space, generating some kind of inertia that could accelerate the spacecraft forward, like going down a steep slope. power, and is not affected by the light speed barrier effect. As long as the ability is strong enough, there is no problem in achieving super-light speed navigation for a long time.

That is, the most powerful space superpower is a humanoid super-light curvature engine.

After years of hard work, Li Lefan's mental conversion rate can reach 135%, which is considered a very powerful genius.

The amount of mental power has also increased dozens of times.

Therefore, Li Lefan lasted for a total of 38 seconds on the first humanoid curvature engine, which increased the speed of the Starry Sky Fearless by more than 5,000 kilometers per second. Although the time was short, the effect was pretty good.

The next step is to replenish energy to the ‘star core crystal’.

Li Lefan also entered a state of meditation and rest to restore his brain's mental strength.

The acceleration was continued the next day, and the duration was increased to 41 seconds, an increase of 3 seconds. This is a very obvious and good improvement.

On the third day, the duration was 43 seconds.

On the fourth day, the duration is 44 seconds.

The fifth day...

Li Lefan uses his ability to accelerate the spacecraft every day. He finds that this has a very good training effect. The time he can persist every day can be slightly extended, and growth is achieved bit by bit. This feeling is very good. Use In less than half a year, the spacecraft accelerated to 0.9 times the speed of light, and occasionally even entered a state of super-light speed when he turned on the curvature navigation state.

If we continue at this rate, in three years, or at most three years, we will be able to reach the nearby star, and then replenish a large amount of required supplies to facilitate the journey to the next stop.

But Li Lefan felt that this speed was still too slow.

Only by entering a state of super-light speed for a long time can he quickly reach the target location, quickly complete supplies, and then quickly go to the next star position. He is not very satisfied with the current speed and he is not willing to spend too much time on the journey. above.


Crazy acceleration!

Li Lefan continued to operate, using his abilities to the extreme every day, creating space-time distortions with increasingly larger curvature coefficients, allowing the spacecraft to achieve 3 times the speed of light, 5 times the speed of light, or even higher speeds in a short period of time. Although the duration is short, as long as the curvature of space disappears, it will quickly return to the sub-light speed state.

this day.

Li Lefan consumed almost all his mental power to create a space-time distortion with a curvature of 1000 in front of the spacecraft. In theory, it can accelerate the spacecraft to thousands of times the speed of light, but because of its short duration, it would be good to accelerate to a hundred times the speed of light. .

Only this time something unexpected happened.

Maybe it's because the curvature is too high.

When the spacecraft "Starry Sky Dreadnought" broke through a hundred times the speed of light, it seemed as if it hit something. The spacecraft shook violently, and then quickly returned to the sub-light speed state.

After observing some real parameters on the console, the navigation officer Wang Ziheng found an orange star about 10,000 astronomical units in front of the spacecraft. If the spacecraft did not brake and slow down as soon as possible, the spacecraft would collide with it. If it passes by, the supply plan will end in failure.

"What's going on? The nearest star is at least 1 light-year away. How come it suddenly ran in front of us?"

"slow down!"

"Captain, we must slow down immediately, otherwise we will have to find the next star to resupply."

"I don't know why, but our spacecraft jumped a considerable distance and came within 10,000 astronomical units of the star in front. At our speed, it will collide with the star in 80,000 minutes. Passing by, the time left for us is only about 1,300 hours. Unless we carry out extreme deceleration, consume all the working fluids, and discard some useless items, we can successfully decelerate to zero and not miss this opportunity. A star." Flight Officer Zhang Sicong said.

"Then let's do extreme deceleration. No matter what, as long as there are stars, it's worth our stay for a while."

Li Lefan nodded and agreed to their suggestions.

So in the following time.

The Starry Sky Fearless began to brake and decelerate frantically.

The reverse thrust power of the plasma engine is almost increased to the extreme, producing reverse acceleration exceeding 5G.

If the crew members were not in very good physical condition and had undergone very rigorous training, they would not have been able to withstand such an overload for long.

The remaining working fluid on the ship is also being consumed in large quantities.

The remaining 80%.

The remaining 60%.

The remaining 30%.

Less than 10% of the working fluid reserve remains.

Only 5% of the working fluid remains.

At this time, the speed of the spacecraft finally dropped to less than 0.1 times the speed of light, about 30,000 kilometers per second. Considering that there was not much working fluid left, it could only enter the stage of slow deceleration to reduce the consumption of working fluid and avoid The deceleration has not yet been completed, but the working medium has been consumed. Even if the fusion reactor of the spacecraft can still provide surging energy, the working medium is gone, and the power is directly lost, which will simply be the end.

But even so.

Jingwei, the spacecraft's artificial intelligence, said that when the spacecraft decelerates, there is a high probability that the working medium reserve will be less than 0.1%, and there is a certain probability that it will completely lose power. It is recommended that some of the less commonly used materials and equipment on the spacecraft be put directly into the work. In the quality cabin, it is used as an additional working fluid, which is more secure.

Of course, this approach will definitely bring some inconvenience to life, causing the internal facilities to be less comfortable and complete.

"Forget it, there is no need to dismantle the equipment and facilities. I have a solution. I will apply a reverse distortion of deceleration time and space to the spacecraft, which should have a certain deceleration effect."

Captain Li Lefan said.


Under his operation, the spacecraft successfully completed the deceleration, with 1% of the working fluid reserve left, and was on the verge of danger, but there was no danger. There happened to be a huge gaseous planet next to the spacecraft, which could replenish a large amount of working fluid.

In the process of replenishing the working medium, multiple detectors were launched to observe the star system. In the habitable zone orbit, Li Lefan and others made an extremely shocking discovery. (End of chapter)

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