Interstellar Tattered Queen

One thousand two hundred and ninety-two

Louis, who had a negative 50 points, felt a great sense of crisis in his heart. He didn't dare to stop at all, and he didn't dare to relax in the slightest. Immediately, he began to integrate personnel.

As a regiment leader, including himself, Louis is in charge of 100 people, but among the 100 people, 5 people have been transferred away by Commander Charles because of their outstanding combat effectiveness and little fame.

Accordingly, Louis' regiment, including himself, numbered only 95 men.

The 95 people are mainly divided into 3 parts: the first one is responsible for the regular defense of the station, which is related to the safety and success of the station. Louis arranged the most people, a total of 70 people. The second team is in charge of reconnaissance. You don't need many scouts, but fewer and better is the key, so only 15 people were selected. The third team is dedicated to diplomacy, that is, to negotiate and cooperate with several nearby regiments to jointly prevent and control and fight. This third team is led by Louis himself to negotiate. He doesn't need many people. So only brought 4 people.

In the entire big team, there are still 5 people left. Of course, these 5 people are not idlers. They were carefully selected by Louis and secretly formed a secret team called the 'Killing Jiyou' team.

cough cough...

Although the name is a bit unsightly, it is very simple and rude. From the name alone, you can tell what this team is for.

The members of this team were all bold and careful, and they were secretly arranged by Louis into the enemy camp as soon as Louis completed the team integration.

In Louis' mind, whether it is his own camp or the enemy's camp, the personnel are in a period of chaos, and they should be able to fish in troubled waters in a short period of time. Taking advantage of the chaos, they can go into the enemy camp, find Jiyou, and solve it quietly. Everything will be fine.

To solve Jiyou is to solve a serious problem of Louis' confidant.


It's a pity that after these five people entered the enemy camp, three of them haven't come back yet. Louis thinks it's more ominous than good.

There were 2 people left, one came back from the enemy camp, and said that he did not find a person named Ji You in the area he was looking for. Louis thought that Ji You was of course very cunning, and knew that he was going to deal with her, so he didn't dare to reveal it. real name.

After thinking about it, Louis sent this person out again.

The other person got the good news and said that he had found Ji You's trace. She was in a small team in the enemy camp and had already usurped the throne and became the squad leader. Side to sneak attack.

Upon hearing the news,

The man didn't bother to inquire further, and hurried back to report the news.

When Louis heard this, he was silent for a moment, screaming in his heart that it was terrible!

Since he could send people to lurk in Ji You's camp, couldn't Ji You send people to lurk on his side?

even! She doesn't need to send anyone at all, she can lurk here by herself!

When he realized that the situation was bad, Louis hurriedly dispatched other scouts under his command to inquire about Ji You in his own camp, but found nothing, but he knew that the seventh division of a certain regiment of his own had taken the initiative to attack the enemy In the end, half of them died, and Louis felt that something was wrong, so he immediately led the team himself and rushed to the station where the accident happened.

In no mood--

Ji You has already gone to the building.

The field of competition is very vast, and the distance between groups is very long, which also limits the communication between contestants, especially the communication between other teams and other groups... This is why the communication system is so important.

Because the distance was too far, Louis couldn't get the news in time. Ji You happened to make a time difference, and when Louis noticed and arrived, all the staff withdrew.


Louis was in a very bad mood. He had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and he always felt that his troubles might be even bigger.

The long night began. There was no lighting equipment, and the surroundings were pitch black. A little bit of wind and grass would easily make people nervous. Louis led a small team of 10 people to the station of the 7th Division of the 6th Battalion and 6th Regiment. A piece of ruins, obviously there has been a chaotic battle before, Louis frowned, exploring in the dark...

In front, a teammate said: "Report to the leader, we found a discarded arrow."

Louis said: "Take it here."

The teammate handed the arrow over, Louis took it, looked at it in the hazy night, and found that the arrow had been cut in half, judging from the cut, it should have been split with a knife, and the person who split it had at least an A-level physique The above people, and the strength of the arm is very strong, can cause such an incision...

"There should be more, search carefully." Louis frowned, and after explaining a sentence, he then ordered: "Check the surrounding terrain. This ground is a bit strange. It should be a trap that was set in advance."

As soon as he finished speaking, a teammate said: "Commander, dozens of broken arrows were found here."

Louis walked over in a hurry and found that all the broken arrows fell into a groove-like earth pit, surrounded by sand and stones...Louis heart sank, and said, "A lot of people should have died here."

The teammates were taken aback.

Louis said calmly: "At least dozens."

Teammates: "???"

Louis' tone was low and slow: "People from our camp."

Teammates: "!!!"

A boy said: "Head, is it impossible? Dozens of people died here, why can't other people find out?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that he seemed to have said something stupid. To be able to gather dozens of people must have included all the teams around him. Otherwise, how could there be dozens of people?

Therefore, there should be no one in the surrounding resident.

Louis said: "Look at the terrain. There should be many traps set up in this area. These people were dragged into the traps before being killed in an ambush." ​​As he spoke, Louis felt a slight slip under his feet, as if the sand was flowing away , his expression changed, and he shouted: "Everyone get out!"


Where a group of people stood, there was originally a movable pedal buried at the bottom. As long as the number of people reaches a certain number, the pedal will roll over immediately!

Louis realized that something was wrong and reacted the fastest. He jumped lightly and landed on the ground.

The other students followed closely behind Louis, and only two students were unlucky enough not to run away. They were all buried alive in the soil, and there were even handfuls of sharp arrows sticking out under the soil layer!

After hearing only two loud yells, Louis secretly yelled "Oops" and hurried to rescue, but it was useless at all.

"Isn't it an abandoned trap?"

"Why is it still effective?"

"what happened?"

"They died?"

Louis didn't say a word, he watched the protective masks emerging from the two teammates, at this moment, Louis was in a bad mood!

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