Interstellar Tattered Queen

1919th sound east hit west

Latest URL: "What's going on?"

"Thunder, little rain?"

"Why is there only sound?"

"It's not right."

"Could it be a misfire? Impossible. In interstellar warfare, it is absolutely impossible for the shell to misfire suddenly, unless the enemy fires a fake shell."

"Fake shells?!!!"

As soon as this idea came up, the red-eyed people felt bad, but before they had time to react, they saw a spark flashing from Yue Qiguang's black gun barrel mouth.

next second.

This particle cannon is extremely fast, and all the mechs on the scene want to capture the trajectory of the fired artillery fire, and then intercept it in time.

However, its speed was so fast that it almost escaped the scanning of all monitors, and its whereabouts were erratic, so it was impossible for people to know its ultimate purpose.

The particle cannon is nowhere to be found.

Immediately afterwards.

Surrounded by the red people, Yue Qiguang didn't panic at all. After firing two particle cannons in succession, he quickly fired around.




No. 123 heavy armor, everyone has raised their vigilance.

at this time--




One after another, explosions suddenly erupted in the starry sky, and each sound became louder and more frightening.

Moreover, this time is a little different from the previous squib, not only the sound is loud, but the moment these whistling particle cannons explode,

In the starry sky full of flames, dazzling fireworks bloomed one after another.


One, two, three... In the starry sky, countless stars suddenly appeared, blooming with brilliant light. In a short time, the entire pitch-black starry sky was adorned with radiance, dazzling people's eyes. The detector was also temporarily shut down by the strong light at this moment.




In the dazzling light and the deafening roar, the No. 3 heavy armor, as the target of Yue Qiguang's targeted attacks, almost thought that his protective cover was broken, but he sent someone to check and found that there was no It was broken, so I was a little relieved.

Then, after careful investigation by the investigators, everyone found out that this guy had made such a big fight, and it turned out that he really set off a fake cannon in front of everyone!

The shells he fired, everyone thought they were all high-energy particle cannons, turned out to be just looking at scaring people, without any lethality at all, and their effects were equivalent to firecrackers and fireworks in ancient times.

Firecrackers and fireworks are just for fun, to listen to the sound and watch the excitement.


Realizing this, the faces of the Red Race people present all turned black.


"I was deceived by this big fool."

"He made this kind of battle just to scare us."

"Did he think we were frightened?"

On the No. 3 heavy armor, all the red-eyed people had black lines on their faces, and then crazily complained. The leader listened to the complaints of the people beside him, but instead of following the trend, he lowered his eyes and contacted the No. 12 heavy armor , urging them to move quickly, don't dawdle...

The enemy set off a few 'firecrackers' casually, scaring their own side into a sweat. What if, among these 'firecrackers', there are hidden weapons with real lethality?

This, I dare not gamble, nor can I gamble.

The enemy must be dealt with as soon as possible.

The leader, Red Eyes, after urging his teammates, quickly ordered to reorganize the team, so that everyone put away their contempt and took the enemy seriously again.


For some reason, it inexplicably produced a great sense of crisis! what happened? How come there is a feeling of being watched?

The leader with red eyes hurriedly turned to the monitor, took a closer look, and found nothing abnormal, and the battlefield is currently under control.

Immediately afterwards, it turned its head suddenly, wanting to inspect its surroundings, but found that there was nothing abnormal around it, and everything was in order, and it looked like nothing would happen.


How did it happen?

Why does my heart still feel hairy?

It looked carefully again, but still found nothing. At this moment, its sight suddenly caught a glimpse of the monitor next to it, and its sight suddenly froze.


I saw that a very fine particle cannon suddenly bombarded in the direction of the No. 1 heavy armor, and the No. 1 heavy armor didn't seem to notice it at all. The red eyes on the No. 3 heavy armor tensed up. I also saw the No. 1 heavy armor with the protective cover on, and felt that there was a protective cover, and it should be able to resist it.

The most powerful weapon of these enemies is the high-energy particle cannon, which has great lethality, but if you want to break the protective shield of the heavy armor, you have to fire at least 10 or more. The enemy only fired one, so it shouldn't be. There are big problems.

Thinking about it this way, I saw that particle cannon hit the protective cover of No. 1 heavy armor, and then, not even a splash came out, and there was no sound.

— Another Squib.

The red eyes on the No. 3 heavy armor suddenly felt very speechless.

These Yuan Xing people really have a lot of tricks, and sometimes it is really impossible to judge their real purpose based on experience, but as long as they are vigilant, they will not be tricked.

Therefore, the person in charge of No. 3 Heavy Armor immediately sent this news to No. 1 Heavy Armor to let them pay attention.

However, as soon as it sent the message, it saw that the 'squib' did not explode, but was tightly attached to the protective cover of the No. 1 heavy armor. Immediately afterwards, there was a scene that surprised it!

That squib went through the shield!

That's right!

passed through.

"How is it possible?" The eyeballs of this red-eyed man were about to protrude, and in the next second, a huge roar erupted in everyone's ears.

"Firecrackers are set off again."

"It's dazzling."

"The enemy is so boring, just let them go, that's all."


Muttering in his mouth, the next second, the eyeballs of the red eyes also stared out, and saw the largest, loudest, and most dazzling firework in the sky filled with fireworks, and in an instant, It turned into a huge cloud of smoke, and countless fragments splashed out when the fireworks exploded.




The fragments hit the heavy armor and light armor next door, setting off bursts of fireworks, which also swept in the dozen or so nearest light armor.


"No. 1 heavy armor exploded!"

"No. 1 heavy armor is gone."

"Why did the No. 1 heavy armor suddenly blow up? The protection is so tight..."

When many red eyes were confused, the red team also became confused because of this sudden change.

The person in charge of No. 23 above the heavy armor hurriedly came forward to maintain order, trying to calm down all the red people, but the effect was not satisfactory.

On xn3848, in the cockpit, why bother to raise the corners of his lips, and said: "Yue Qiguang's move made a lot of noise, it's done well."

Sheng Qingyan squinted her eyes, and said, "The compression cannon that I re-issued accurately later was also done well."

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