Interstellar Tattered Queen

Two thousand six hundred and eighty eighth to explore the meaning

After Chu Jiaojiao finished speaking, Sheng Qingyan suddenly opened her eyelids, and said, "Although what Jiaojiao said is very reasonable, and what other people said is also well-founded, but they think it's not that simple, so let's say blue green ·The puppet manufacturing technology controlled by Shi, the spiritual silk tool man, and the soul power bullets produced in batches... These technologies are not simple. According to the red people, they can directly dominate if they are taken out. The entire Skystone Plane has been destroyed, but why didn’t the blue, green, and stone dominate it as soon as possible? Why did it hide it until now?”

After Sheng Qingyan spoke, everyone else turned their heads. Even Ji You listened carefully to what he said. Although his tone was so unscrupulous and harsh, everyone listened very attentively.

Sheng Qingyan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, her whole person was like a cat, and her tone of voice was lazy and laid-back, "Not to mention the spiritual thread tools and mass-produced tools that Qing·Green·Shi took the initiative to expose at the beginning of the fusion crisis of the planes. Soul power bombs these two things..."

"Just talk about the technique of refining the whole family into puppets..." Sheng Qingyan opened her eyes, looked at everyone, and asked, "If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, who would know such a secret in this world?" thing?"

The feat of turning the whole family into puppets obviously couldn't be accomplished overnight, it must have taken a long time to complete.

Moreover, Qing·Green·Shi kept this matter under wraps, and never let it out. This also shows that the most important thing for Cyan Green Stone is this technology and this matter. Even, this is the most important hole card that Cyan Green Stone has reserved for itself.


Who is this hole card used against?

Obviously, it's not the natives of the Tianshi plane.

There is only one answer:


Or rather, it was Him.

Hearing this, everyone was silent for a while, and the corner of Ji You's mouth curled up into a smile. Most of the time, his hot eyes were out of tune, but if he was serious, he was bolder than Chu Jiaojiao, and more careful than Shen Changqing... that's it The guy is too lazy to move.

"Well then—" Sheng Qingyan looked at everyone and said, "The question is, how did it master this technology?"

Chu Jiaojiao said with certainty: "It's definitely not him. How could a murderer hand a knife to the victim?"

Yue Qiguang said: "The words are not rough. Dad also thinks it's not him."

Chu Jiaojiao: "..."

Chu Jiaojiao pointed at herself, and asked suspiciously: "My words are rough?" And what's the reason for you, the second-best guy in the world, to point at yourself and say that you are rough?

Yue Qiguang: "Cough... don't change the topic, now is the time to discuss the real business."

Chu Jiaojiao was a little skeptical about life, did she dare to ask the wrong question?

At this moment, Ji You said: "I also thought of the hot-eyed speculation, which is why I said that I am not sure when Qing·Lv·Shi's spirit was tampered with."

If it had been tampered with early in the morning, then Qing·Green·Shi would not be able to produce this series of things.

If it was done later, then Qing·Lu·Shi died too unjustly, and the enemy was too powerful, even though Qing·Lu·Shi had made so much effort, the opponent would kill Qing ·Green·Stone was made into a monster puppet.

Why Bi, who had been thinking silently, suddenly said: "Then there is only one possibility: before Qing·Lv·Shi was completely controlled by Him, from what channel did he learn about these technologies in advance. Existence like the orthodox, made those out of necessity.”

"However, from what channel did it obtain these technologies..." He Bi was silent for a while, and then said: "I have an immature guess, I suspect that it should be mastered by some of the ancestors of Qing·Green·Shi. These technologies, Ji You, don’t you have those two spiritual silk tools? They seem to be from the Qing tribe and the other from the Green tribe.”

Ji You: "???"

Why bother to say: "Ask them.


Ji You sighed, and said, "I'll invite them out to ask, but don't put your hopes up, because these two guys actually lack memory and can't remember many things." They have gone through a long period of inhuman experiments, Most things are forgotten, and only some obsessions can be remembered.

She has 100 spiritual silk tools in her hands, but so far only two of them, Qing Da Shi and Green Light Shi, have slowly regained their self-awareness.

Other people, even if they are continuously nourished by soul power, are still muddled.


The green, green, and stone are dead, and the instigator behind it, 'He', is also dead. Although it's not sure if this 'He' is another puppet, at least in this new plane, 'He' is dead. And how did "He" control the blue, green, and stones, and how did the technologies controlled by the blue, green, and stones come about... It's actually meaningless for them to pursue these now, but——

Those enemies on the higher planes have such weird attack methods, they control a person both physically and mentally without making a sound. What if these things happen to humans?

Where should the future of mankind be?

The young, slightly immature boys and girls present at the scene were full of solemn expressions at this time. They may be young, but they have all become the reserve soldiers of the Alliance soldiers... At this moment, they are also representing human beings to enter the space cracks to explore, naturally , the more things from other planes are explored, the more meaningful it is for them.


Both the blue big stone and the green light stone were released by Jiyou from the black box. The two happily flew around Jiyou, thinking that they had left safely, but they found out why they were still in Tianshi Plane?


It's a new plane.

Both of them were a little confused.


Hearing Ji You's question, both of them showed a blank look on their faces. Obviously, they didn't know that there was such a big inside story about Qing·Lu·Shi.

That person who is extremely cruel, who commits all kinds of crimes, does not use any means to achieve his goals, and even kills his close friends and relatives, what is the reason behind doing these things?

Qing·Da·Shi was a little dizzy. It hated Qing·Green·Shi and wanted to cut it into pieces. Back then, it trusted the other party so much and regarded it as a lifelong best friend. It even made a lot of sacrifices for it. Act against one's will, what's the result? Cyan Green Stone is just to use it, throw it into the laboratory, and make it into an experimental body.

It has forgotten many things, but its hatred for Qing·Lu·Shi cannot be forgotten, Qing·Da·Shi gritted his teeth and said: "I only know one thing, its real purpose in creating us experimental subjects is to detect those Is the method of synthesizing lifelines handed down by the tribe wrong?"

. :

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