Interstellar Tattered Queen

Two thousand six hundred and ninety-nine internal changes

Chapter 2699 Internal changes

Ji You blurted out and was about to call someone, but he stopped being cautious. Ji You also immediately began to follow the source of the sound, looking for which silk thread was transmitting the sound.

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.


The waiting time was not too long, less than a minute, that weak voice re-entered Ji You's ears.

"Your Excellency Long Aotian."

"It's me."

"Number 1373."

The other party's voice already had a crying tone, and he didn't know whether it was crying with joy or sad.

Ji You was slightly taken aback: "No. 1373, is that you?"

There was obvious surprise in her tone, obviously she was really shocked by the other party's sudden appearance.

However, only Ji You knew that she had already guessed the identity of the other party, but she was unwilling to take the initiative to express her position just to be on the safe side. It was also at the moment when No. 1373 spoke again, Ji You identified a specific thread.


Ji You grabbed the silk thread, mobilized a large amount of soul energy, and injected it into it. In the next second, the silk thread trembled slightly, and then the voice of No. 1373 became clear and clear.

At this moment, No. 1373 covered his eyes, wishing he could burst into tears: "Your Excellency Long Aotian, you are finally back, I thought I would never see you again."


In an instant, Ji You's ears were filled with No. 1373's howling like a pig, and Ji You hurriedly interrupted it: "No. 1373, didn't I ask you to guard a point in the cultivation base?"

No. 1373 howled for a while, and his expression became terrified. It opened its mouth, but it could only make an intermittent hoarse sound.

Ji You: "What's wrong?"

This is--

Scared by what?

Although Ji You couldn't see the state of No. 1373 at this time, he could sense the slightest emotion leaked from it through the silk thread in his hand.

1373 tightly covered his eyes and said, "All...all..."

Ji You didn't say anything to urge her.




"Everyone here, all living beings, even those cocoons that haven't hatched... are all dead."


"I almost died too." The tone of No. 1373 has been very uneasy. It is obvious that recalling that scene again is too stressful for it, so its voice is still trembling: "If it weren't for me Hiding in the area set by you, Your Excellency Long Aotian, guarded by your powerful energy, I will die too."

Ji You: "Huh?"

No. 1373 obviously doesn't want to recall it anymore, but it knows that His Excellency Long Aotian must know what happened inside, so he told that scene in detail.

It turned out that after Ji You and the others left, the interior of the black ship was not stable. The main reason was that His Royal Highness suddenly disappeared, which led to the death of several high-ranking families. Some of the more clever juveniles sensed that something was wrong. Therefore, this group of people gathered together, and gathered a large group of people with good strength, planning to escape from the cultivation base.

Disabled juveniles like No. 1373 are of course not among those invited. No. 1373 is not unusual, because it feels that only by following His Excellency Long Aotian can it have a future and hope.

Therefore, it stayed where Jiyou asked it to stay, did not dare to leave, and had no intention of leaving at all.

As a result, before No. 1373 saw those people leave with his own eyes, something happened that caught everyone off guard.

A huge roar suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the entire hive, the entire catalytic chamber, the entire hall...everything inside the black ship was instantly reduced to dust.

Really, in an instant, everything you see, whether it is a person or an object, becomes ruins.

No. 1373 was stunned.

It didn't believe in evil, thought it was wrong, and wanted to go out to see the situation, but saw that half of its legs were blown away, so scared that it didn't dare to have any thoughts anymore, so it just dared to stay where it was. Dare to move.

It was also lucky. It listened to Ji You honestly and did not dare to run around or move around. Therefore, at the moment when the explosion happened, the position where it was standing was the only place that was not affected. Even so, Ji You used With a lot of energy, the formation that was just arranged was also dented a small piece by the blast. Just this little dent caused half of No. 1373's leg to disappear.

After that, No. 1373 didn't dare to move any more, just nestled there, waiting for Ji You and others to come back. During the waiting period, the interior of the entire black ship was still in ruins, without any sign of recovery.

This is very abnormal.

Because all the facilities in the black ship, a large cub breeding base, are automatically repaired by the system program. As long as there is no problem with the main control program, it can be restored to its original state after a period of time.

However, there is no problem with the exterior of the black ship. The exterior fuselage is still intact, but all the internal facilities have been turned into ruins. What does this mean? It means that the person who caused all these tragedies wanted to blow up the internal program instead of destroying the outer shell?

No. 1373 couldn't figure it out at all.

It waited, waited, finally waited until there was a sudden change inside the black ship, and the ruins suddenly began to be repaired bit by bit, but the progress was very slow, and the other party seemed to have no idea of ​​the original layout of these facilities. Everything was messed up, and it was a bit bad, which made the progress of the repair very difficult.

Even so, No. 1373 was not sure that this person was Ji You.


The location of the honeycomb and the catalytic chamber suddenly exploded again, blowing up a little of the facilities that had been built with great difficulty.

At that moment, No. 1373 almost cried to death, thinking that the terrible explosion was coming again.

However, that terrible explosion didn't strike, instead, the energy thread above the hiding position of No. 1373 was suddenly pulled.

This little change immediately boosted No. 1373's spirit, because this is the energy thread it used to communicate with His Excellency Long Aotian.

So, it tentatively called Jiyou.

What follows is what Ji You sees.

After listening to No. 1373's narration, Ji You fell silent for a moment and asked, "Do you still remember when the explosion happened?"

No. 1373 thought for a while, and said: "I can only determine the approximate time." Because it was too frightened at that time, it was a little trance, and its thinking was a little confused, so it couldn't be accurate to an exact number.


No. 1373 gave an approximate figure.

After Ji You heard the words, she was surprised, but not too surprised, because the explosion inside the black ship happened to be the time when the group of them joined forces to get rid of that "Him".

As soon as the 'Him' happened, all the people and living things in the black ship died, and all the internal facilities were destroyed?

Was it manipulated by 'He', or was it an accident?

Say good night to everyone in advance. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Happy new year. Happy new year.

After leaving the relatives, the author decided to update on a stable day. Recently, I feel that my body has recovered and my spirit is much better, so I will work hard to update. I love you all. In the new year, I hope everyone will work hard with me.

. :

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