Interstellar Tattered Queen

Chapter 29 - Master is not online

  Chapter 29 Master is not online

In the interstellar era, all logistics are transported at the speed of light. As long as the planets in the speed of light are laid and loaded, the rapid movement of objects between planets can be achieved. The items in Jiyou’s shop will be dedicated before they are put on the shelves. The robot contacting Star Express is responsible for packing and storing the things at the transit station of Lightspeed Express. The transit station is connected with StarNet. As long as someone places an order to purchase, the transit stands up to send the goods. The process is fully automatic and there is no manual labor. There is no danger of losing the operation process.

  Here, after Ah Da and his fans bought the Grass Seed Fruit Necklace, they did not take it seriously until the lightspeed express delivery network delivered the express to a few people, who suddenly remembered that there was such a thing.

  Ada’s shipment was collected by a domestic robot. After receiving it, the robot reminded him that there was a new shipment. He was in business at the time and thought it was just a small grass seed fruit pendant, and did not care.

  So, after such a delay, Ah Da had no intention of unpacking the package until the evening.

  After disassembling, what you see is a crystal clear bead. The bead is obviously crafted and polished to be very round and luster. What is called Ada Surprise again and again is the exquisite pattern carved on it.

  The tender green branches and leaves, the blooming flowers, if it weren’t known to be fake, at first glance it would really make people misunderstand that there is a real blooming flower growing in the beads.

  This craft is really amazing.

  It took Ada Duan for a while before he was willing to let it go.


  His eyes constricted suddenly and stopped on the lanyard of the pendant. This lanyard is made of iron pear wood fiber thread. Obviously, this is not a good iron pear wood, but discarded leftovers. The people who made it are very clever. She used these leftovers and re-woven them in Together, look carefully—

  This woven pattern should be a flat knot?

  King Kong knot?

   Skylark knot?


Do not!

   is wrong.

   Most of the rope body is made of four-strand braids, with a mandala knot in the middle to connect the beads, and then—


  This person’s knitting idea is really wonderful!

  The exquisite lanyard and the beautiful beads are cleverly combined. This original mediocre grass seed fruit pendant becomes fashionable, generous and beautiful in an instant!

it’s beautiful!

  Originally, Ah Da wanted to put it in the storage room as one of his own collections, but after receiving the real object, because the pendant was so beautiful, he couldn’t help hanging it on his neck and took a look—

  Don’t say it, it’s really pretty.

  Originally, I was a big man wearing such a pendant. I thought he would be silly, but in fact it looked very harmonious, not only harmonious, Ah Da felt that his whole person had become more profound.


  In that case, just wear it like this.

  Ada Xindao.

So, Ah Da wore the pendant and slept directly for one night. When he woke up the next day, he felt refreshed, not only in good spirits, but also in physical exhaustion. As a star network anchor, he often Day and night are reversed, Ah Da’s life schedule is very irregular. He used to stay up late, and the next day he not only felt mentally exhausted, but his body was as heavy as iron—basically, he had to supplement several natural food and nutritious meals before he recovered.

   But today, I don’t know how, I don’t feel tired at all.

  At first, Ah Da didn’t figure out what the reason was. He thought it was the ginseng from the Blue Star Changbai Mountain that he bought at a huge price the day before yesterday. This ginseng is a very expensive natural ingredient and has a great tonic effect on the human body.

  If this is the reason for this ginseng, then it is not surprising.

  Ada had breakfast, took a short rest, and then went to the training room for physical training.

  About two hours later, Ah Da left the training room with exhaustion all over his body. Immediately, he collapsed on the sofa, his whole body was like a dead fish, and he didn’t want to move.

  One second.

  Two seconds.

  Three seconds.


Ten minutes later, Ah Da felt that the whole person was much more relaxed, so he stood up and moved his muscles and bones. At this time, he already felt a little strange. If it was the usual heavy training, he would have to rest for at least half an hour. To recover.

but now?

ten minutes?

   Seemingly unbelieving, Ah Da specifically glanced at the retro wall clock on the wall: it was indeed ten minutes.

  Ada scratched his head, very confused.

  Next, he began to organize today’s live broadcast content. Don’t watch his live broadcast, it seems that he is just walking around on the star network. It seems that everything is a coincidence. In fact, every step, he has been stepped and calculated in advance.


  Under the world, where are there so many things to pick up and miss?


  Ada is not completely cheating. He picked up the items he missed and bought them live every day. They were indeed bought back. These items were not arranged in advance. Instead, he sent some of his assistants to step on them in advance. After watching them, he was sure that there were missing items to pick up. Just set off to go.

  Nowadays, the live broadcast industry is developed. If your live broadcast content has no special features, you will not be able to make a splash. Therefore, Ah Da felt that it was impossible for him to do this.

   However, I accidentally broke into the Jiyou pomelo shop and bought these grass seed fruits. It was indeed a mistake.

  Ada looked at the report sent by the assistant, frowning for a while: these things are not surprising at all, and they have no extra value. As today’s live broadcast content, there is no attraction at all.

  Ada propped his head with both hands, kneading his scalp.

one time.


   three times.


  The more you knead, the more comfortable it is.

  Not only the head is relaxed, but the whole person is not consciously letting go.

  Time quietly flows away…

  Ada retracted his hand and glanced inadvertently:


  Why do I still wear this grass seed fruit pendant?

  A-da thought for a moment, thinking that he went to bed very late last night, and didn’t remember for a while to take it off, so she fell asleep wearing the pendant, and after waking up, she forgot about it. Thinking of meeting with a famous Horcrux maker today, don’t wear this stuff, or it will look so unpretentious! If one is not good and leaves a bad impression on other masters, it will be even harder to do what you want.

  After that, Ah Da took off the necklace and put it on the table.

   Freshened, dressed, and slightly dressed up before he left for the meeting place.

When Ah Da rushed to the main star’s Dodge Research Institute with a straight suit and graceful posture, the lobby of the Dodge Research Institute was very quiet. There was a reception desk in the front hall. He walked to the reception desk, facing the reception staff in the front hall, and said with a smile: “You Okay, I have an appointment with Master Mickey Dodge, and the appointment time is 1:10 noon.”

  ”Are you Mr. Cheng Yu? Excuse me, Master Dodge is temporarily unavailable for the appointment.” The reception staff in the front hall were very kind in attitude and tone, but what they said made Ah Da’s heart cold.

   Thank you: 100 book coins rewarded by stars! I’m so happy to receive a tip for the first time^_^! mwah! Love you,



  (End of this chapter)

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