Interstellar Tattered Queen

Eight hundred and ninety-seven: dream catcher

Ji You asked, "You are sure the hands have grown? Are there any other discomforts? Or adverse reactions?"

You shook her head with a sweet smile, "No, my body used to be empty and I couldn't touch it. Then my heart grew out, and only the heart has a sense of reality. Now my right hand is also real flesh and blood."

After death, You, who was sucked into the space of iron sheets, has always been in the state of soul. You thought that he would always be in this state...

I don't want to, the iron sheet that came with my sister will also make me grow into a body.


You are very happy, very grateful, and looking forward to the day, will I have a chance to return to the human world?

If she could go back, she hoped to walk around the Lanyuexing Military Academy with her sister.

Learn together, train together, and...

My sister will become the best mecha fighter, and I will become the best material master!

After graduation, she can also join the Sixth Army with her sister and fight side by side.

If the plague of a certain star beast is completely subsided, then she also wants to travel the universe with her sister, so that every livable planet in the universe will leave her and her sister's footprints.


She has many, many, many ideas about her future life!


Here, after communicating with You, when Ji You heard the change in You, it was as if she had been pumped, and she was full of motivation all of a sudden, she clapped her hands fiercely, and said to the six spiritual threads, "Work, everyone is here to work!" , the goal is to feed the iron flakes!"

Six strands...

Six threads are so difficult!

"None of my Ji You's mental threads are cowards!" Ji You waved his hands domineeringly, "From now on, I won't allow you to make another difficult word!"

Six strands...

Ji You said domineeringly, "Anyone who dares to do it, will deduct his food for a year!"

Six strands...

Liu Tiaosi is very wronged, why our Sisi is a sweetheart, it is all a lie! Liar!

The owner is a big liar!

Master, you are eccentric! eccentric!

With pomelo, forget silk!


Hearing Liu Tiaosi's accusation, Ji You chuckled, "Don't be sad, just do it!"

Liutiao was listless, with his tail drooping and his head drooping.

Hmph, the master avoids the important and ignores the trivial, and does not directly answer partial questions.

Ji You thought for a while, and said, "Think about it, if the pomelo is healed, the iron sheet will definitely not need too much energy. After that, won't all the energy be yours?"

The fourth child turned his head away, we are no longer easy to deceive Sisi, just painting us big cakes won't work.

Jiyou "..."

Ji You saw that these guys didn't see the rabbits anymore, so she immediately took out 6 jelly beans, and said generously, "One by one! There are still more after work!"

The six silks rushed over in unison, one by one, they picked up the jelly beans and ate them. After eating, they screamed for work!


I love working the most!


The previous words have long been thrown out of the sky.

Ji You, who ate 2 intermediate Horcruxes, did not improve his mental power, but his previously sluggish spirit suddenly became more energetic. So, Ji You settled down and continued to make Horcruxes.

This time, Ji You intends to challenge a new difficulty. In the past, when she carved the formation map of the Horcruxes she made, whether it was the first grass seed fruit or the discarded accompanying stone, the formation map was always carved on a relatively wide plane.

This time, Jiyou found some silk thread left over from the materials class. It was the root of a plant that grows underground. This plant is called hemp, which is a common material used to make protective clothing.

The roots of Xu Ma are very soft and tough, and it is difficult to break them. They are slightly different from the silk threads of Iron Pear Wood. They are not sharp and are not suitable for making weapons. However, its soft, conformable and tough texture is very suitable for making clothes, especially protective clothing and other protective products.

Jiyou chose it because the roots of the hemp are very thin, like silk, and it is very difficult to carve the formation map, which requires great patience and meticulous techniques.

to be successful.

What is it made into?

Ji You stared at these threads, lost in thought.


Hand Strap?


No, the silk is too thin, and it won't look good when weaved. In addition, as a craftsman, Ji You doesn't want to repeat the previous designs all the time, she likes to constantly develop new ideas.

After a while, Ji You had a flash of inspiration, "Yes!"

These soft silks are perfect for weaving a dream catcher.

The dream catcher originated from the Indian culture in the ancient earth period. It is said that it is hung on the head of the bed. It can catch good dreams and block bad dreams. It represents good blessings.

Ji You stretched out her hands, wrapped a few strands of silk thread around her fingers, and began to weave.

As Ji You started to do it, she devoted herself wholeheartedly, and the soft light shone down, making her whole demeanor very peaceful and gentle...

The white fingers kept flying...

Gradually, each strand of silk gradually gained an outline, and in the circular support, the beard and hemp strands were gradually woven into a net.

Then, Ji You took out the peak eagle feathers he had collected and decorated them on the lower end of the dream catcher.

Shake it lightly, the feathers specially colored by Jiyou are colorful, and slowly sway with the wind, as if countless angels are dancing...

very beautiful!

Very delicate!

Next, Jiyou began to carve the formation map. A dream catcher needs 9999 silk threads. In order for the formation map to successfully generate a mental power circulation system, that is, Jiyou must carve on 9999 silk threads. Don't miss it either.

Otherwise, the web will not form.

Putting aside all distracting thoughts, Ji You held her breath and concentrated, took out the slender carving knife and pen and began to make the formation diagram.

a thread.

two wires.

Three strands.


9998 entries!

Ji You's forehead was already covered with fine and dense sweat, and his face began to turn pale, and there was no trace of blood on his originally ruddy lips...

The last one!

Success or failure depends on one stroke. The fourth and fifth children who were in charge of making the horcruxes all tensed up and concentrated on it.

The moment Ji You put pen to paper


An overwhelming momentum, following the formation of the formation diagram, surged towards Jiyou!


Ji You felt a shock all over her body, and saw that this aura began to spread and spread in all directions...

The entire dream catcher is full of brilliance and beauty!

Ji You opened her mouth wide in shock, froze her hands, and did not dare to move. All six mental threads also stiffened her body, waiting for the announcement of the final result.

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.


A little bit of time passed, and the surroundings of the dream catcher were still shining with colorful streamers.

This is


what level of horcrux is this

Ji You suddenly tightened her face, and stretched her finger towards the dream catcher

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