Interstellar Tattered Queen

Nine hundred and ninety nine evil wolf!

Chu Jiaojiao reluctantly let go of Ji You's hand, but she didn't leave, but followed Ji You every step of the way. Ji You raised her eyes, and glanced at the absent-minded Sheng Qingyan, and Shen Changqing, who had a stern face but didn't know where her mind was wandering, her eyes were dull, and her face was flushed suddenly. Ji You raised her hand, rubbed between her brows, and said loudly: " And you two!"

Sheng Qingyan and Shen Changqing turned their heads together and said, "I got it/I got it~"

Ji You said: "Remember, both of you, when you enter the door later, don't think about finding treasures or swallowing them alone, we are a team! We are a whole! Wanting to steal or eat alone is not allowed, and it is absolutely not allowed Yes! Find the treasures later, and hand them over to me, and I will keep them for you!"

Shen Changqing and Sheng Qingyan: "..."

Ji You said loudly: "Did you hear that?"

Shen Changqing and Sheng Qingyan were a little displeased, but they still nodded: "Understood."


"It's good if you hear it." Ji You said with a dark face: "In short, follow my instructions later, and no one is allowed to move around, you know?"

Sheng Qingyan raised her eyelids, glanced at Ji You, and said with disgust, "You're so long-winded, are you going or not?"

Ji You waved: "Go!"


Sheng Qingyan still looked like she was doing nothing and was bored, Shen Changqing was still a little distracted, Chu Jiaojiao followed Ji You step by step, happy and seemed to be enjoying herself very much.

Ji You stretched out her hand and rubbed her fingers on the button of the electronic lock.

a 6.


The prompt is correct.

Ji You's fingers trembled, and she pressed the second button.



The prompt is correct.

Ji You held her breath, and her fingers trembled for no reason, but she tried her best to maintain her composure, and entered five 6s in a row, all of which were correct, leaving only the last number.


Do not lose?

Ji You hesitated for a moment,

He immediately made a decision: lose!

As soon as she stretched out her fingers, she was suddenly stopped by Chu Jiaojiao, who said with a troubled look on her face: "Student Ji You, why don't we wait a little longer, or find a place to rest for a while, after recharging our energy, then action?"

As soon as the words fell, Ji You's expression changed——

In a certain hidden corner, a few mental fluctuations suddenly flickered for a moment, like a streetlight that suddenly failed. Looks like it's sold out.

next second.

Sheng Qingyan said a little dissatisfied: "What are you waiting for? I have to wait for you, anyway, I don't want to wait, I want to break through the door right now, no matter whether there is a big man or a scourge inside the door, I just want to enter, enter the door , enter the door..."

After Sheng Qingyan said some willful words, she pouted and stared at Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao, as if she was ready to mess with the two girls at any time——

Ji You raised her hand and rubbed between her eyebrows: "Shut up!"

At the same time, Ji You felt that those mental fluctuations calmed down a little.

After finishing speaking, Ji You acted even more chicly. She raised her hand and directly pressed the sixth 6!


"The door is about to open, please be prepared - non-involved people, please evacuate quickly, please evacuate quickly!"

This door even prompts, which is quite humane.

Immediately afterwards, the door slowly, slowly, opened from the inside——

As soon as it catches the eye.

Ji You and Qiqi's expressions changed.

Ji You: "It's over, there are no treasures, only five burly men holding guns."

Obviously, Shen Changqing, Sheng Qingyan, and Chu Jiaojiao also had despair on their faces——

All this was just for a moment, Ji You didn't even finish her sentence, when a strong wind hit her face, Ji You hurriedly backed away, and in an emergency, she yelled: "Wait, I have something to discuss! "

No one answered.

All around, there was a burst of knives and swords, the rumbling and clanging of guns and cannons.

Ying Tu was like a gust of wind, quickly stopped Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao, and calmly led them to a place closer to Sheng Qingyan. Out of the corner of Ji You's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Sheng Qingyan and the two entangled together. Faintly about to fall into a disadvantage, she was anxious and said directly: "I have money!"

Ying Tu held up a big knife and chopped it down——

"I pay for my life!"

"10 billion! Buy your life! Let us go." Ji You hurriedly said, Yingtu's focus has been on the battle between the eagle sword and the eagle sword and the pussy, but it has only paid less than 10% for the dwarf and the tomboy force. As for the yelling of the little dwarf, he ignored it.

at this time--

Yingtu made a ruthless move, and when he was about to throw a knife at Sheng Qingyan, a diamond dagger suddenly flew out from the oblique ground and hit his own blade. Isn't this——

Intergraph's movements suddenly stopped!


The high-level Horcrux fell to the ground and shattered into several pieces in an instant.

Intergraph's heart twitched violently——

Depend on!

His advanced Horcrux!

The skirmish between masters took place in an instant, and at this moment, Ji You and Chu Jiaojiao jumped up, and the two of them raised their knives and slammed them down on the slightly distracted Yingtu——





Yingtu heard his four younger brothers trembling, calling out to him with great panic. He was taken aback, and when he felt very strange, he suddenly felt a severe crisis. On his neck, three sharp knives were slashing at him. down!

Three... three knives? ? ? ?




Yingtu's eyes widened suddenly, but!

His eyes would never close again, and he would never be able to figure it out.

In a flash—

His head was separated from his body.

Yingtu, the leader of the team, was killed in the blink of an eye before they had time to confront each other. It was beyond everyone's expectations. Suddenly, Eagle Three Spears, Eagle Hammer, Eagle Broadsword, and Eagle Sword were a little unbelievable. The four of them After being stunned for a moment, they all retreated and were about to run away——


an arrow!


two arrows—


Three arrows!


As if after precise calculation, taking advantage of the momentary panic of the enemy, Sheng Qingyan, who had just escaped from the siege, raised her hand and shot out one, two, three, four...

In an instant, densely packed arrows shot towards the eagle three times and four people went away!




Eagle Three Guns and four people hurriedly dodged the flying arrows. At this moment, Ji You, Chu Jiaojiao, and Shen Changqing, who had just killed Yingtu, turned around and rushed over!

When Ying Sanqiang and the other four saw it, they were shocked, flustered, and confused, and seemed to lose their sanity for a short while. They took a step back subconsciously, and then faced a group of fierce fire attacks.




They didn't have those fancy moves of the academic school, and every attack they landed was a fatal blow. These little bastards didn't have a trace of jerky or hesitation in their moves, and their moves were fatal! Recruit ferocious! The trick is fierce!

Depend on!

This is not a docile, weak bastard at all!

This is the wolf!

This is a wolf that is more vicious than interstellar pirates!

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