In the light curtain, Eriki's successful escape is worthy of joy, but the subsequent playback also attracts attention.

The light screen didn't stop at all, it switched pictures without stopping, and then continued to play.

【Late at night, a wooden van was parked on the side street at the back entrance of National University of Tokyo.】

【This kind of human-powered cart is called"ラメ屋车" in Neon, and it is specially designed for selling ramen in the streets. 】

oh! A ramen shop, right?

Many people nodded casually. Maybe the broadcaster this time was eating ramen, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

But in the eyes of one person, this shocked him to the point where he even started to curse.

"I*! Light screen he*%? Why play Lao Tzu? I have been retired for decades, and I%*Fuckyou" this person is the owner of the ramen shop!

"Hahahahaha! Why are you so angry! Angre smiled, not surprised at all,"With your status, isn't it natural for you to be broadcast?""

The boss ignored him, but packed up his things, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Seeing this, Angers asked curiously

"What's wrong? What's important?"

"I want to run away!"

The boss replied casually, and then the call was connected,"Hello? quick! Book me a plane ticket to Faguo, the sooner the better!"

Ange's expression was speechless.

"is this necessary?"


The boss hung up the phone and continued to pack his things, but there were no valuables, just a few CDs...........Hey, I understand everything.

Seeing this, Angers shook his head

"Let’s sit down and watch it first. The plane won’t take off for a while anyway, so why not enjoy the exposure moment of the great movie king on"723"?"

"is it possible? The boss rolled his eyes,"Is that the unlucky guy you're talking about about to be exposed? I'm the one?"!"

The light curtain continues to play

【"Master Yue, won’t Zhenyu close the stall?"A student took off the cover and took a look at the pouring rain outside.】

【Master Yue is quite old. His white hair is neatly parted. He wears the white linen work clothes unique to ramen chefs and has a black towel tied on his forehead. He looks like he has been working with ramen all his life.】

【Afterwards, Master Yue had a casual chat with this customer who seemed to come here often.】

【It’s basically about a girl named Asuna, and by the way, the student’s name is Kiritani.】

【A black sports car appeared at the end of the long street, gliding in the standing water like a black panther chasing its prey on a rainy night.】

【The car door opened, and the high-end custom-made leather shoes stepped on the rain without hesitation. This was an old man with white hair. He was wearing a black suit and a rose-red bow tie. 】

Fuck! Principal Angers?!

Everyone looked shocked, wondering how this person could have the leisure to go to a place like that to eat...........Hand-Pulled Noodle?

But someone remembered

"that person..........Could it be that he is Master Yue?"Chu Zihang rubbed his chin and thought.

"Which person?"Lu Mingfei was curious.

"No, you don’t remember?"Xia Mi, who had been eavesdropping (crossed out) and accidentally overheard their conversation, showed a look of contempt.

"Before, when Inuyama He died, he told Anger the person he asked him to find."

After saying this, Lu Mingfei also remembered

"Are you sure it's Master Yue? how do i feel...........This is such a naughty old man!"

It can only be said that this is not a conflict.

The ramen boss, Master Yue, was speechless when he saw this.

"Madre, that bastard Angers is still here!"

I found it in reality, and I also found it in the light curtain. The common point between these two times seems to be...........Inuyama He?

Sure enough, you still have to take the time to kill that brat!

【When Master Yue saw Angers, he sent Tonggu away first, and then packed his things without paying any attention to Angers thoughts.】

【"Come to a bowl of noodles. I came here immediately after getting the news from you. I didn’t even eat midnight snack. said Angers】

【"Are you deaf? I said I was closed"】

【"But I'm not prepared to pay, so you won't be in business."】

【"Angers you have been a bastard your whole life! Master Yue was so angry that he asked,"What kind of noodles should I eat?""】

【"Just the one you're good at"】

【"It’s like I used to be your royal ramen chef!"Master Yue angrily threw the noodles into the soup pot.]

Sure enough, he came to see Master Yue!

However, everyone could feel that the two people seemed to be old friends who had known each other for many years, and the bickering pattern was too familiar..

But in this way, Master Yue’s identity will be much more important. After all, Angers’ long-standing friends are not ordinary.

Thinking of this, people quickly looked back at the light curtain.

【"We haven’t seen each other for more than sixty years. Can you be more polite?"Master Yue said】

【"Who is rude? Ahe was just a mere family owner. He sent someone to pick me up at the airport, brought dozens of bodyguards with him, drove a whole fleet of Mercedes-Benz, and blocked the entry and exit hall."】

【"The reception was held at the most luxurious club in Shibuya. Dozens of girls covered in gold powder danced for me, and various idol girls poured me wine and lit cigarettes."】

【Angre smiled and said,"Well, you, the Supreme Underworld, just treat me to a bowl of noodles. This is too shabby a treat, okay?"]

The Underworld..........Supreme?!

Everyone's eyes widened instantly.

Neon has the shadow of the underworld everywhere. People are already very clear about this, but the underworld supreme...........Isn't that the Sheqiba family?

Who is Master Yue?

"The Supreme Underworld? Such a cool name?"Lu Mingfei was full of doubts about Master Yue, an ordinary-looking guy.

Is it possible that all the awesome people in this world are actually losers and losers in private? They are usually idiots, but at critical moments they are awesome. ? the other side

"Is he the emperor? But there seems to be no relevant record."

Yuan Zhisheng had to admit that he didn't know who it was at all, and about the so-called underworld supreme..........what does that mean?

【"He was the supreme leader of the underworld back then, but now he is just a ramen chef. They have been in the underworld for 60 years, and I have been dating for 60 years. Can they compare?"】

【Master Yue said angrily,"There are no women, do you want to watch the CD?"】

【He pointed to the 14-inch color TV set above the soup pot, and then pointed to the old CDs on the shelf.】

【"Um? is her? Isn't this too old-school? Even I know she's gone. Angers raised his eyebrows when he saw the woman printed on the disc.】

【"The outdated gangster supreme has seen the outdated neon female star. Isn’t it a good match?"Master Yue sighed,"You can really find me."】

【"This place has not changed much. The entire neon mafia never imagined that sixty years ago you liked to hang out on this street, and sixty years later you actually still live here, but you have become a ramen chef."】

【Angers raised his cover and looked at the small street in the rain】

【Walking a few dozen steps out of the small street, you will see brightly lit high-rise buildings. However, the small street is still the same as it used to be. There are old Japanese houses on both sides of the road, with sycamores and cherry trees planted in front of the houses. There is a sense of dilapidation in the quietness.】

【"I am a person abandoned by the times, so I should live in a shabby old place. But unlike you, you are still charming and suave."Master Yue added an extra piece of barbecued pork to the noodles and placed it in front of Ange.】

【"In fact, it's not like no one knows that you are still alive. Ahe knows, but he has never harassed you, right? It was he who asked me to come to you, and it took me a lot of effort"】

【"A real estate agency spent several days finding the title deed archives for this small street and told me that the title of this street has not changed in more than 60 years."】

【"The owner of the land is Uesugoshi, who has been in arrears in land taxes for decades."Ange ladles out the milky white soup.】

【"It was not taken away by the government only because Ahe helped you pay the land tax privately, otherwise you wouldn’t even have the right to sell ramen on this street."】

【"Who wants him to mind his own business?"Master Yue frowned,"It doesn't matter if this land is not mine, I can still sell my ramen from the cart."】

【"This is a street worth $1.2 billion. You set up a ramen stand on a piece of land worth $1.2 billion, so stop pretending to be poor."】

【"I am so poor that I have supported myself by selling ramen noodles for these years. The only valuable thing I have is this piece of land, but if I sell it, it will be developed into a skyscraper."】

【"These old houses will be demolished and the old trees will be moved away. There will be no place for old people like me to live."】

【Master Yue cleared the table while talking. More than sixty years of ramen career have turned this once big shot into a ramen master and a skilled waiter.】

【"Since it was Inuyama Ga who leaked the news to you, why didn't he come with you?"】

【"Ah He died, and the day before yesterday was his funeral. When he died, he was shot dozens or hundreds of times. It is said that two kilograms of bullets were burned out when he was cremated."Ange said calmly】

【Master Yue's hand wiping the table paused for a second, and then he continued to wipe the table hard. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Why did you come to me? I'm of no use to you. People like me are just trash left over from the old days..........."】

【"There is no need for an emperor in the new era, right?"Ange said slowly】

【"Yes, things like the emperor should die that year."Uesugoshi, a shadow flashed across the eyes of this former neon mafia emperor.]


Everyone was extremely keen to capture the most important information from the long speech of the two old guys in the light curtain.

If they remembered correctly, Uesugi, Yuan, and Tachibana were the top three of the eight Sheqi families, and their status was much higher than the bottom five. so..........

Is Master Yue also a noble"emperor"?

It’s not surprising that people would guess like this. After all, there are all kinds of mysteries surrounding Uesugoshi. It’s a reasonable guess to think that he is the same"emperor" as Minamoto.

Kassel Academy underground

"Once the supreme gangster, now the ramen chef.........."There was an inexplicable meaning in Fingel's eyes,"Hahaha, strange guy."

He instinctively felt that the old man in the light screen who was extremely skilled in making ramen was a presence that should not be underestimated.

The EVA next to her has a strange look on her face

"Uesugoshi, the name..........."She hesitated for a moment, but finally didn't say anything.

After all, Fingel didn’t ask, right? []

Kassel Student Union

"Master Koshi's surname is Uesugi, so he is from the Uesugi Eri clan?"Caesar rubbed his chin and thought.

It's absolutely impossible for him to have the same surname by chance. And judging from the title of"Yakuza Supreme" and his identity, it's not impossible that Uesugoshi was once the head of the Snakeki Eight Family, or even The possibility is extremely high.

But why did Uesugoshi say that he was from the old era? He also made ramen incognito for sixty years...........There is a secret!

Kassel Bell Tower, tons, tons, tons~

The vice-principal took a sip of wine first, and then said with a half-smile:"Why are the living old guys popping up one after another? Why are they all just like Xiaoqiang?"

Mader, it's all wrong I have no sense of existence anymore!

Neon Peninsula Hotel

Lu Mingfei thought about it for a long time but couldn't think of anything, so he reached out and hit Chu Zihang.

"Why! Senior brother, can you see anything?"

"The information is not enough, you still need to continue to look at the light curtain"

"Any guesses?"

"Etsu Uesugi is Eri Uesugi's father"


Lu Mingfei took a sip of water and squirted it out, but he didn't care about it. Instead, he turned to look at Chu Zihang with shock on his face.

"No, no, is this, really?!"

"Just a guess."

Chu Zihang's face was calm, with a"reasonable guess is not illegal" expression, as if the shocking words just now were not said by him.

Seeing this, Lu Mingfei decided to brainstorm.

So he crossed his arms and stepped back. Damn, I closed my eyes and sank my consciousness into the channel where the discussion was going on.

【chat channel】

【Red-haired Witch: Is this 4.3? Is it a big secret in the city? Who would have thought that the identity of a ramen chef could be so mysterious!】

【Kirito: Yes! I never thought that Master Yue was actually a hidden boss, and the whole street belonged to him!】

【The righteous turtle: It seems that you are not simple either】

【Crow: Young Master knows..........Forget it, it's useless to ask. I guess the young master can't know.】

【Dictado: You know your young master very deeply. How can a turtle who just wants to crawl back into the puddle care about this? Asking about sunscreen oil is pretty much the same.】

【Murasame: You also know Minamoto Chisei quite well.】

【The righteous turtle:............】


【Lu Mingfei: Ahem! Everyone, please tell me what you think. Let’s brainstorm and pull out Master Yue’s pants!】

【Ramen Pastor: Are you polite?!】

【Prophet: First of all, I think Uesugoshi's identity is not simple. Secondly, he has a big secret. Finally, you will know if you continue to look at the light curtain.】

【Knight of the Lake: If you say it, you haven’t said it yet...........Um?! Master Yue? Ramen Pastor】

【The righteous turtle: Master Yue? Ramen Pastor】

【Lu Mingfei: Master Yue is better! Ramen Pastor】

【Flame Dragon Slayer: Wow! It turns out that your Ramen Pastor is Master Yue! Hello! Hello Ramen Pastor! Ramen Pastor】

【Ramen Pastor: Just one time is enough!】

【Cambridge Folding Knife: Hahahaha~ It seems that you get along well with my students. How are they? Are they very energetic?】

【Ramen Pastor: When did you become blind? 】.

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