"Eriyi, brother, leave for a moment."

After Yuan Zhisheng finished speaking, he turned around and left. He had just contacted Tachibana Masamune and made an appointment to meet.

Regarding the matter of Deadpool, the conclusion has now been reached, so Yuan Zhisheng will naturally go to have a relationship with Tachibana Masamune. It ended.

At the same time, the light curtain continued to play

【Minamoto became excited after hearing that Deadpool fetal serum could be used to alleviate Eri's bloodline problem.】

【"Since you have mastered such technology, why don't you use it on young girls? He is also a ghost, and Eri is also a ghost."】

【"What works for Eri should also work for young girls! Why do we keep killing people now that we have the serum?"]

Seeing this, many people were stunned for a moment.

Minamoto's sudden excitement made people understand that Minamoto's daughter might have faced the same situation as Eriki.

And the"person involved" mentioned in the light screen was also stunned. For a moment, and then laughed a few times

"It seems like brother still can’t forget me? What a joy! I thought..........When you have a sister, you forget about your brother!"

The light curtain continues to play

【"There is one last paragraph to my story. After listening to it, you will know why I failed to save the young girl."Tachibana Masamune said in a low voice】

【"After entering the Executive Bureau, I discovered that it is not that easy to obtain the asylum of the Sheqi Eight Families."】

【"However, I have received relatively complete drug training in the KGB, which has given me a lot of convenience. My status in the Executive Directorate is getting higher and higher, and it is more and more convenient for me to study ghosts.……"】

【Yuan Zhisheng suddenly remembered something, and his voice suddenly turned cold:"Dad, you didn't deliberately develop evolutionary drugs to distribute to ghosts for the purpose of doing research, did you?"】

【"No, but someone is doing it. When I first joined the executive bureau, there were only thirteen people in the bureau, and there were only a dozen deadpools that we needed to deal with every year."】

【"But"Zero One Three" gradually ran out of people, and the number of Deadpools increased sharply. I realized that this was wrong. I analyzed the corpses of several Deadpools in succession, and finally analyzed a genetic medicine to purify the bloodline."】

【"Wasn't Molotov cocktail invented by Takazo Koyama?"Yuan Zhisheng still remembers that perverted doctor】

【"Molotov cocktail is just one type of genetic medicine. It has many variants. Among these variants, Molotov cocktail is by no means the strongest. The strongest one is called swan blood."】

【"The ingredients of that drug match the information left by Herzog, which means someone has exactly the same information as me."】

【"I used these materials to research containment potions, but he used these materials to create evolution potions."】

【"This is also derived from the serum of Deadpool's fetus. In the big explosion that destroyed Nameless Port, I was not the only survivor, there was another person who also escaped!"]

And, another person?!

At this moment, some people swallowed subconsciously and felt an inexplicable chill.

Who can survive?

Herzog was killed by Bondarev himself, except Reina The tower was taken away by Zero. Didn’t everyone else die in the final madness?

It couldn’t be Zero who was doing this, right?

【chat channel】

【Lu Mingfei: My brain is going to explode.】

【Flame Dragon Slayer: Huh? quick! Look in the mirror and say"Don't die" to yourself. It might be too late!】

【Lu Mingfei: It hasn’t exploded yet!】

【Murasame: Quantum superposition? I'm in a state where my brain is fried, but not fried...........just kidding】



【Red-haired witch:.........Well, in short, the most urgent task now is to find out who is the person who survived Black Swan Port besides Tachibana Masamune.】

【Soon to be tenured professor: Easy, I have a great memory, I remember two other people who also survived】

【Discipline Committee: You don’t want to talk about Renata and Zero, do you? Okay, I get it, no need to answer!】

【Handsome Cowboy: Don’t go off topic and discuss it seriously】

【Lu Mingfei: There is no information!】

【Cambridge Jackknife: Well, haven't you noticed? In addition to Tachibana Masamune, that other person also has Herzog’s research materials. 】

Why? This is indeed the case!

Many people's eyes lit up.

But then they realized that even if they knew this, it could only mean that the man was related to Herzog, and might even have done research with Herzog.

Or maybe that person only obtained Herzog's research information by chance, and there is no way to identify the specific identity information.

After all, it can’t be Herzog himself, right?

The light curtain continues to play

【Tachibana Masamune said,"I heard that a new leader has emerged among the fierce ghosts, and the evolutionary medicines are all from the hands of the fierce ghosts."】

【"I realized that another survivor might be hiding among the Demons, and I decided to take the risk to assassinate him. To do this, I sneaked into the Osaka headquarters of the Demons."】

【"I met him, he was wearing a Noh mask"】

Noh mask..........King general?!

Everyone's eyes widened instantly.

General Wang is the leader of the fierce ghosts. Is he also one of the survivors who escaped from Black Swan Port?

"King general? It's that bastard!"

Fingel scratched his head.

He actually hated that kind of guy, especially the theory of"human cannibalism" mentioned by General Wang, which was even more disgusting.

But at present, it seems that as a person who also came out of Black Swan Port Man, Tachibana Masamune became the head of the Snake Qi Eight Families, while the other person became the king of the fierce ghosts.... what is this? The sense of déjà vu of an eternal rival!

On the other side, Neon


When Sakurai Kogure saw this, her beautiful eyes moved.

She had never understood that cold guy. Among the fierce ghosts, the person who had the most connection with her was the person sitting in front of her at this time.

Ha, ha ha ha~

Kazama Liuli showed a meaningful smile.

Through this period of playback, he has discovered something about the king, something quite interesting.

General Wang, as someone who came out of Black Swan Port, I wonder if you still remember the name from back then!

The appearance of the king's general attracted everyone's attention.

But Wang Jiang has always been wearing a mask and can't see anything. He was already mysterious and now he is even more mysterious.

【"I threw an incendiary bomb directly at him, which could generate a high temperature of several thousand degrees in the process, and even steel could be melted."Tachibana Masamune said】

【"But that man...he walked out of the fire!"】

【"All his clothes, including his Noh mask, were burned, and black bone spurs pierced his hard skin. He was a monster!"】

【Yuan Zhisheng shuddered slowly:"He was also... corroded by dragon blood!"】

【"Yes, this explains why he spared no effort to create an evolutionary medicine. Only a successful evolutionary medicine can save him."Tachibana Masamune took a deep breath to calm himself down.】

【"I escaped. I controlled the bomb I had planted in advance to detonate it, jumped out of the window, and trapped him in the ruins of a twelve-story building."】

【"Is he dead?"Yuan Zhisheng asked】

【"No, there is no doubt not, because after that more and more powerful evolution medicines were quietly circulated among the ghosts."Tachibana Masamune said in a deep voice】

【"I was recognized by the king, and I had to kill him. For this reason, I became the master of the Orange family step by step."】

【"I still have you and the young girl, you are, the young girl is, you have a chance to compete with the king. I am waiting for you to grow up, waiting for you to awaken.……"】

【"But I was wrong again. Herzog lied to me about you and the child. You brothers were used for comparison in the experiment. You are a pair of mirror images. The dragon genes you carry are exactly opposite."】

【"Mirror body?"This is the first time Yuan Zhisheng has heard this name.】

【"The dragon genes isolated by Herzog are the same as human genes, a double helix"】

【"He hypothesized that one of the double helices would produce stable hybrids, while the other would carry the strongest bloodthirsty gene"】

【"But he didn't know which helix contained the bloodthirsty gene, so he used two helices to create hybrids."】

【"The bloodthirsty gene is either in your genetic sequence or in the child's genetic sequence. You are contrasting each other, one is a successful product and the other is destined to fail."】

【"Just like the people inside and outside the mirror, there is a noble emperor outside the mirror, but what is reflected in the mirror is a ferocious ghost. This is the so-called mirror body"】

At this moment, the two people were stunned


"I........."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Are my daughter/brother's mirror image?"×2

This incident is enough to shake their hearts, because it seems to directly indicate that their identities are genetically determined.

Whether it is blood or ending.

The light curtain continues to play

【"No wonder the young girl changed later."Yuan Zhisheng said softly,"Because the ghost awakened in his body, my brother disappeared, leaving only the ghost occupying his body."】

【He closed his eyes slightly. After so many years, he still refused to recall that hideous moonlit night...that night when the person closest to him in his life turned into a ghost.】

【The light outside the window illuminated his profile, and his face was as hard as lapis lazuli.】

【"The story is over"】

【"You understand everything now, because of my greed, many people died and my hands were full of blood."Tachibana Masamune said faintly】

【"According to family rules, I should commit hara-kiri to atone for my sins. After I commit seppuku atonement, Zhisheng, you can also give an explanation to the family. But before I die, I have one more request. I hope you, Zhisheng, can agree to it."】

【Tachibana Masamune straightened up and pulled out the sword. A biting cold light flowed on the blade. He looked at Yuan Zhisheng without saying a word, his eyes magnanimous and stubborn.】

【"Yes, if people who commit such a big mistake are not punished, then how can I, the patriarch, be worthy of these innocent clan members?"】

【Yuan Zhisheng looked at the corpses covered with white sheets and said,"Let's talk about it."........"】

【Masamune Tachibana unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his still strong belly,"About Eri Yi"】[]

【"If she can be used in the battle against the king, that would be the best. If she loses control completely, then please personally chop off her head."】

【"But before that day comes..........Please make her happy!"】

【"I understand, they are all reasonable requests."Yuan Zhisheng threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his toes, then pulled out the imperial sword.】

【Tachibana Masamune took a long breath, looked up at the roof and chanted softly:"My heart has been sick for a long time, and my soul is wandering in the dry fields in my dreams.""】

【Minamoto kicked the knife and walked behind Tachibana Masamune. He raised the sacred sword above his head. Tachibana Masamune raised the knife and stabbed it on the left side of his lower abdomen...........】

It’s over!

Many people couldn't help but sigh.

No matter what Tachibana Masamune's purpose was, those dead attendants had killed countless clan members, and it was impossible to pretend that nothing happened, both in public and private matters.

All of this must be started from scratch.

However, what Yuan Zhisheng did next surprised everyone.

【The imperial sword slashed down with a large arc. Tachibana Masamune's blood spattered and he fell to the ground tremblingly.】

【The sword was stuck on the ground, and all five fingers of Tachibana Masamune's right hand that held the sword fell off, so he could not insert the sword into his stomach.】

【Yuan Zhisheng put the knife back into its sheath expressionlessly, took out a handkerchief from his arms and tied it tightly along the base of his severed finger to stop the bleeding.】

【His sword skills were extremely good. He cut off Tachibana Masamune's five fingers with one stroke, but left a short finger root to stop the bleeding. 】

Cut off your finger?!!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then understood

"After all, Yuan Zhisheng still couldn't kill the old man, but he cut off his finger..........Is this more painful than death?"

People can't say anything or comment on what happened in the light curtain, because how to deal with the matter is completely decided by Minamoto.

Since he broke off Tachibana Masamune's finger, he showed this with his actions. Words to describe it.

Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped!

【"Do you want me to suffer five times the punishment of amputating my fingers instead?"Tachibana Masamune gasped and smiled bitterly. He linked his fingers to his heart, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak completely.】

【"In this world, people who make mistakes will always be punished. If I don't punish you, I won't be able to see those tribesmen lying under the shroud. But what's the point of killing you?"Yuan Zhisheng said softly】

【"Dad, if you want to atone for your sins, your life is not enough. You should stay and watch me kill the general. I can't promise you to take care of Eri. All I can do is play video games with her."】

【"In fact, for so many years, I have just been a knife in your hand. Dad, I have never objected to whoever you want to chop."】

【"Now if you say you want to kill the king general, I will kill the king general. It doesn’t matter if the hand holding the sword is gone, I still have the sword!"]

Finally, the light curtain stopped on Yuan Zhisheng's face.

That somewhat feminine face was extremely hard at this moment, with sharp edges in his narrow eyes.


Yuan Zhisheng opened the door and walked in , the first thing he saw was the old man standing in front, facing him.

But Yuan Zhisheng stopped after taking the first step 5.3. He lowered his eyes and looked at Tachibana Masamune's hand.

"I'm pretty cheeky, right? Just go down the steps."Tachibana Masamune's face was pale, and he was still breathing in air-conditioning when he spoke. The severe pain coming from his hand made his expression distorted.

"I took action when I saw the light screen playing the scene of Jiao Sheng cutting off my fingers, but my sword skills are indeed no better than yours!"

I saw that the five fingers on Tachibana Masamune's right hand were gone, but compared with the neat cuts in the light curtain, they were a bit uneven.

He had just cut off the fingers by himself before Yuan Zhisheng came in, using the light The sword that Makuza was about to commit seppuku!


Minamoto took a deep breath.

He continued to walk, walked up to Tachibana Masamune, and then pulled out the sword that he had specially brought with him when he came here. long knife

"Stretch out your hands!"

Tachibana Masamune raised his right hand without hesitation.

Without even a moment's hesitation, with an arc of light flashing, crimson splattered, the hand that was still bleeding fell to the ground.

In an instant, the severe pain that came from it made Tachibana Masamune He fell directly to the ground, holding his right arm with his left hand, and his face was as pale as paper.

But his willpower was amazing, and he actually held it back without making a sound.

Yuan Zhisheng looked down at the old man, his face expressionless

"Dad, we've discussed before whether a person can be judged for his future sins."

"Now I understand that sin does not distinguish between light and reality. Wrong is wrong, there is no room for redemption, and the pain needs to be repaid."

Tachibana Masamune understood that cutting off his five fingers was due to the crime in the light curtain, and cutting off his right hand was a crime in reality!

He took a forced breath, and then showed a wry smile,"You are right, Zhisheng. From now on, you are the head of the Sheqiba family!"

Yuan Zhisheng didn't say anything, turned and left.

Dad, I just want to cut off your right hand. Don't, don't let me draw the knife again, don't let me cut off your head!"

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