The video continues.

Just when the form is in a good state.

One by one, the striped swordsmen began to die.

After investigation, they learned that opening the markings was just an overdraft of life.

The swordsmen who opened the stripes generally did not live to be twenty-five years old.

Ji Guo Yan Sheng was even more sad, realizing that he had already opened the markings, I am afraid that there would be no chance to catch up with Ji Guo Yuanyi.

It was also at this time that the Ghost King Wu Misery came to the door.

He tells Jikoku Iwakatsu that as long as he turns into a ghost, everything will be solved.

After becoming a ghost, he had endless time to practice his sword skills.

Ji Guoyan was moved.

He killed the lord and, as a surrender, obtained the blood of the unmistakable as he wished, and became a ghost.

It wasn’t until decades later, on the night of a blood moon, that he met his brother.

The one who was already full of gray hair and aged did not look like a successor.

Looking at his brother who had turned into an evil ghost in front of him, Ji Kunichi’s thoughts also returned to the past.

At the age of seven, he left home and ran across the endless prairie.

It wasn’t until I met a beautiful girl that I stopped.

The two orphans lived together, and their relationship became better and better.

Ten years later, the two were married.

But one night, just as Ji Guoyi was out, when he came home, he found that his wife and the child in her womb had been killed.

Since then, he has become a ghost hunter and taught other ghost hunters breathing, deriving the five basic breathing methods of Yan, wind, water, thunder, rock, and so on.

The ghost hunters grew in strength and killed a large number of evil ghosts.

But it is clear that this is only a symptom rather than a cure.

He inquired about the news and finally met the ancestor of the ghost in a bamboo forest.

No misery.

Naruto World.

Sasuke froze directly, his legs trembling, his forehead full of cold sweat.

Naruto on the side was not much better, and there was some fear on his face, and he took two steps back.

Wu Miserably looks are actually very handsome.

But the whole body exudes a tyrannical vitality.

Like magma that has just erupted from a volcanic crater.

Trying to devour everything he encounters with a terrifying heat.

Both Naruto and Sasuke smelled an extremely dangerous breath in this man.

“I’m afraid this guy’s lives are uncountable.”

Kakashi leaned under a big tree with his hands around his chest, “But Naruto and Sasuke, sooner or later they will encounter such troublesome guys in the future.” ”

“Now is also a matter of adapting in advance.”

The video continues.

“I’m no longer interested in swordsmen who can use the breathing method.”

Wu Miser’s arms turned into a long whip of sharp blades and attacked towards the edge of the country.


At the moment when Ji Guoyuan dodged on one side, the bamboo forest behind him was split in half.

Ji Guoyuanyi looked indifferent, his eyes penetrated the miserable flesh and saw five brains and seven hearts.

He pressed one hand on the hilt of the knife and pulled out the Sun Wheel Knife.


Countless flame-burning sword rays split, and no misery was unloaded into eight pieces.

Naruto World.

Naruto and Sasuke looked sluggish.

Is this the end?

That mighty ghost king was killed in a second?

Although it is known that the successor to the national edge is very strong.

But this is a bit too outrageous.

One punch world.

The atomic samurai opened his mouth, and the toothpick fell to the ground without noticing.

His swordplay is characterized by his speed.

Very fast.

Countless knives can be chopped out in just a split second, slicing enemies to pieces.

In the extreme state, it can cut enemies into cell-sized debris.

This is also the origin of his atomic samurai nickname.

But just after inheriting the knife of the national edge, even he couldn’t see clearly.

At this moment, the atomic samurai had in his mind the idea of desperately looking for the successor to the kingdom.

If you can duel with such a swordplay master, even if you die at the hands of the other party, it is also dead and have no regrets.

The video continues.

Wu Misery barely supported his neck with a broken hand, looking at the flesh that had not regenerated, and his face was blinded.

Ji Guoyuan came to the face of Wu Misery and asked with a cold look, “What have you taken your life as?” ”

Wu Misery did not answer, but stared viciously at Ji Guoyuanyi.

Just when Ji Guoyuan was ready to kill Wu Mischief.


With a cracking sound, no tragic explosion was made.

The body turned into countless pieces of flesh and flew in all directions.

Following the edge of the country, a long knife turned into an illusion, splitting countless sword rays and slashing more than 1,500 pieces of broken flesh.

But more than three hundred pieces of minced meat escaped.

Yaso, Claude, Jin Shanshan, and Tong Di were all stunned.

More than fifteen hundred knives were cut out in an instant.

And each knife accurately chops the minced meat.

This swing speed, this precision.

It’s unbelievable.

Pirate World.

Sauron was dumbfounded.

Not so shocking.

This is also too strong to be true.

In the blink of an eye, more than fifteen hundred knives could be chopped out.

Desperate, really desperate.

Can this kind of strong monster really catch up?

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