35 crowned troops, a total of 35 crowned troops.

These 35 title-level troops alone can attack any major city in the temple by surprise and capture it quickly in a short period of time.

This is an extremely terrifying force.

As for Lin Jin, he obtained this power just like that.

It can be said that in the battle between the Holy Temple and the orcs, it is not both sides that really take advantage, but Lin Jin!

He didn't actually give much, but what he got was unimaginable.

Experience, soul, and even so many corpses, he has not left behind anything

"Angel of Death!"

Lin Jin looked at the 15 Death Angels in front of him, with light shining in his deep eyes.

He added 15 more Death Angels, and there were only 75 Death Angels left before the next stage.

It is worth mentioning that although they are all Death Angels are also a little different.

One is a death angel holding a pair of sickle-moon scimitars, just like Erica. The archangel transformed into a death angel holding a black giant sword, and his skills have also changed.

However, all soldiers are called the Angel of Death.

On the side, Erica is respectfully guarding Lin Jin. Her empty eyes have become bright, with dark pupils in the middle, and the gray-white wings on her back are slowly moving. It was slowly stained with black, adding an aura of dark nobility.

Lin Jin could feel that after the death angel in front of her was resurrected, Erica's pupils became more dynamic and the feathers on her body became softer and smoother.

She was in He continued to increase his strength.

Except for the Angel of Death, all the others who were resurrected were soul-grabbing death scythes. A total of 20 soul-grabbing death scythes were resurrected. The dark silver armor and the huge shining scythe in their hands made people feel It was as if the god of death was coming.

Lin Jin was also very satisfied with the Soul-Snatching Death Scythe.

The Soul-Snatching Death Scythe not only has strong combat power, but can also fight in the air, is extremely fast, and has strong balancing ability.

Moreover, it is also impressive!

The only one The flaw may be the attribute value of the Soul-grabbing Death Scythe.

The basic attribute value of the Soul-grabbing Death Scythe is not strong!

In fact, this is also the flaw of all undead.

However, Lin Jin also has the legendary knight Uther on his side. The undead knights under his guidance can exert more powerful power to make up for the shortcomings caused by attributes.

Similarly, Lin Jin also has the undead natural disaster title bonus, which can also make up for this part of the shortcomings.

Lin Jin is constantly leveling up. , Uther is also constantly spawning monsters and upgrading. His strategic level is not as high as Lin Jin, but it is also improving steadily.

With the entire island as a leveling ground, it is impossible for his strength to be weak.

Moreover, Lin Jin There is still time!

With the orcs rushing in front, he will have more time to develop!

After resurrecting the troops, Lin Jin left all the troops behind, rode the Black Dragon King, and left here.

The City of Eternal Night was restored again in deathly silence


The next day, news about the defeat of the Crow Principality also spread to all directions, and for a while, the entire Holy Empire was boiling.

The orcs rebelled and captured the city of Fokriwa. This was already very shocking news before.

But everyone felt that this was already the limit of the orcs, and even the fact that the orcs could do this made them look at them with suspicion.

But now, after the Crow Principality's army was defeated, their worldview was shattered.

This is simply a fantasy.

The opponent is just a weak and dirty orc, how can he defeat such a powerful Crow Principality.

But the facts were in front of them, and they couldn't tolerate disbelief. The defeated legion was in an extremely miserable state. Inside the main hall of Crowding City The atmosphere in the entire main hall was unprecedentedly solemn, and everyone's faces looked gloomy. The Crow Principality has really become the biggest joke in the history of the entire Holy Empire. Everyone in the streets is talking about this war, and every word they say is like a slap in the face of the Crow Principality. Fortunately, they released the news appropriately and highlighted the dark elves. Orcs and Dark Elves team up! This topic exploded in an instant and finally overcame the hot topics of public discussion. It would be an absolute shame to just lose to the orcs. But it would be understandable if they were defeated by the coalition of orcs and dark elves. It has to be said that the world is cruel. No one will consider what kind of military force the Crow Principality is facing. They only know that the opponent is a group of weak orcs. Since the opponent is a weak orc, defeat would be a shame!

"Now that the face of the Crow Principality has been lost, the only thing we have to do now is to regain the lost glory and dignity of the Crow Principality and completely crush these filthy orcs as soon as possible!"

"This time I will not only defeat them, but also massacre them and make their race completely disappear within the scope of the Crow Principality!"

King Ronis's gloomy eyes flashed with a cold aura.

Last night, he couldn't sleep all night. When he thought that he had become the shame and laughing stock of the entire Holy Empire, his heart almost went crazy.

Early this morning, he summoned everyone The nobles and the holy knights are preparing to discuss the next attack plan.

He still has a chance to save it!

After all, the Crow Principality has a big business. Despite the defeat, Roland still saved more than half of the first-ranked troops!

As long as he is given a week or two , he will be able to recover.

Of course, he cannot wait for a week or two, because every day that passes, the shame will be nailed to him.

"King Ronis, the orcs and the dark elves cooperate, and their strength cannot be underestimated. Moreover, the enemy has more crown-ranked troops than we do. We also need more and stronger power."

A nobleman said respectfully

"Viscount Hart, I wonder if your Wolf Principality is willing to assist. Of course, in addition to the hiring fee, I will also pay you additional fees. If your unit is killed in battle, we will also be responsible for compensation."

Ronis glanced at Viscount Hart.

The Crow Principality must not be able to hide it. In this case, he simply hired people from Viscount Hart.

The Wolf Principality also has a large number of high-level towns, and their standing supplies The number of troops with the highest rank is also limited. In this case, it is better to hire from the Wolf Principality.

The Crow Principality is engaged in slave trading and is the largest slave market in the entire Holy Empire. On the contrary, it knows this aspect well.

He also knows clearly about the Evil Wolf. The Wolf Principality's nature, as long as a sufficient price is paid, can not only shut up the Wolf Principality, but also allow them to support their troops again.

Again, this is a time of peace.

At the end of the peace, the number of legions in each principality is very rich, This kind of exchanging troops for money and resources is definitely a sure-fire deal.

"Of course, our Wolf Principality will be very happy to help you."

Viscount Hart lowered his head and said with a smile.

There is really no room for rejection.

"King, there are a lot of orc legions, and the black dragons are also very difficult to deal with. Why don't we hire some golden dragons! This can also cause a greater blow to the orc army."

Another person said.

The Golden Dragon is a neutral unit, but among the neutral units, the Golden Dragon obviously prefers the Holy Light.

So as long as you pay a certain amount of gold, you can definitely get the help of the Golden Dragon.

Within the territory of the Crow Principality, there are also There are several wild golden dragon lairs, and they have always been connected.

"OK, go hire the golden dragon!"

King Ronis almost didn't hesitate.

The Crow Principality has abundant funds, and it doesn't care about money now. Even if he uses money to kill them, he will kill these orcs.

"One more thing, King."A person stood up and said with a subtle expression:"When we withdrew, many people sacrificed to cover us and sacrificed for the Holy Light. Now we also lack brave soldiers."

He said it very tactfully.

In fact, everyone present knew what he meant.

When they withdrew, they directly sold 200,000 players and used their flesh and blood to block the orcs.

This battle After that, I am afraid that not many people will accept employment and continue to help the Crow Principality.

But they still lack a large amount of cannon fodder.

Cannon fodder may seem unimportant, but it is useless if it is lacking!

If there is no cannon fodder, the enemy can carry out more changes. More tactics pose a greater threat.

Although the Temple also has a large number of mid- and low-level troops, those troops cannot be called cannon fodder.

Among the low-level troops in all camps, the low-level troops in the Temple are the most expensive..So relatively speaking, it is obviously cheaper to hire players using the employment method.

"The Holy Light will remember their sacrifice, the Crow Principality will remember their sacrifice, and their sacrifice is valuable. Ronis nodded, affirming the sacrifice of those cannon fodders, and then continued:"Double the hiring fee, there will be more people willing to sacrifice their lives for the Holy Light!""

Those hired players are nothing. Even if you sell them, you only need to raise a little bit of chips, and they will come over eagerly and beg for mercy.

Ronis didn't take this to heart at all.


Everyone nodded respectfully.


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