Crowding City

News about the advance of the orc army quickly spread throughout Crowding City.

At this time, the huge Crowding City was boiling!

"Give me the order to summon the legions from all nearby cities, summon all the holy knights, and ask them to support Crowding City!"

King Ronis said with a cold expression.

Crowding City is the main city of the Crow Principality. This city is the soul of the Crow Principality. No matter what happens, this city will never give up.

Moreover, Ronis himself is also tied to Set in the high-end town of Crowding City.

The city is still alive, but the people are destroyed!

In an instant, orders began to spread around, each town received the news, and a large number of legions began to march towards Crowding City.

Now Crowding The principality no longer cares about so much, they must defend this city!

Crowding City Church

Pope Marlow also learned about the orcs' attack on Crowding City, which made him look much heavier.

"This group of dirty, uncivilized orcs actually dared to attack Crowding City!"

Pope Marlowe narrowed his eyes.

If the orcs attack other places, then forget it, but this is the main city of the Crow Principality, and it is also the headquarters of the church in the Crow Principality.

Attacking this city is equivalent to attacking Ma Pope Marlow’s church.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

At this time, Pope Marlow really couldn’t tolerate it anymore

"Instruct all the clergy in the city to prepare for the war. The city is still alive, but the people will be destroyed!"Pope Marlowe commanded in a deep voice.


A paladin next to him immediately responded.

"Call all the Priestesses and go to the altar of heaven with me. On behalf of the Principality of Crow, I want to ask for the help of the angels!"

Pope Marlowe continued.

The Altar of Heaven, which is a special building in the Crowding City Church, is where angels listen to prayers and can also directly pass people's requests to angels.

But under normal circumstances, angels do not Will respond to people, only when there is a huge crisis in the church and the principality, angels can appear. The altar of heaven is in front of a noble and gorgeous altar, and the priestesses all kneel down one after another, and Pope Marlowe also comes to the goddess The official knelt down at the front.

White robes were spread on the silver ground. There were solemn voices at the altar, like the magnificent music of angels.

"Great and holy angels, the Crow Principality has reached the point of life and death, we implore your help!"

Pope Marlowe lowered his head and said with a pious look.

All the female priests also began to pray.

The altar of heaven, which is connected to the divine realm of angels, can directly contact heaven. The current Holy Empire was also the original one. Created with the help of angels, who are the true overlords behind the Holy Empire


Realm of God

In an extremely solemn hall, several angels gathered together. On the high throne, there was a figure wearing exquisite and gorgeous angel armor.

A gorgeous long sword appeared in his hand, and the blade was shining with gleaming light.

"Lord Michael, the Principality of Crow is under attack by the orcs and is asking for our help."

An angel knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and reported

"The orcs are actually capable of attacking the Holy Empire. Has the previous war not subsided yet? Michael raised his brows and asked calmly.

Angels have never paid much attention to matters in the human world. For them, these are just trivial matters. No matter how big things happen, as long as the Holy Empire still exists, then There is no problem.

When the orc rebellion broke out, the angel already knew about it.

It’s just that Michael didn’t pay attention all the time. Only at this time did he seem to suddenly remember

"There is no pause. The orc attacks became more and more fierce. After the Holy Emperor was assassinated, the reinforcements from various countries withdrew from the Crow Principality, leaving only the reinforcements from the Buck Principality and the Wolf Principality."

"As the dwarves declared war on the Principality of Stag, the reinforcements from the Principality of Stag also withdrew. Then the dark elves also declared war on the Principality of Crow, and the dark elves everywhere rebelled!"

"Now, the entire Crow Principality is completely at a disadvantage, and the Holy Empire is also in war."

The angel's respectful report

"The group of demons in hell are restless, and the night of the lunar eclipse is coming. These outbreaks of war will only further deepen the arrival of the dark tide. I did not expect that such a thing would happen at this time."

Michael narrowed his eyes slightly.

After recuperating for such a long time, all forces are now beginning to be turbulent, and the angel's biggest enemies are now also active closely.

Just suppressing the demon's seal will take a long time. The power of angels is not small.

The darkness and resentment that are surging every day are deepening the power of hell, and the situation is not optimistic.

But at this critical moment, I did not expect that such a big mistake would happen in the Principality of Crow.

"How many people in the Crow Principality can we support now? Michael asked calmly

"In order for angels from heaven to enter the mortal world, a large-scale sacrificial ceremony and a large amount of gold and gems are required, but this kind of recruitment beyond the laws of the military lair requires a greater price.

"The gold and gems provided by the Crow Principality are enough for 50 angels to join the war!"

"Then support their 50 elite angel warriors!"



On the other side

, just as this side began to intensively gather strength, the vast army of orcs began to rush over crazily, like black clouds pressing down on the country.

"finally reached!"

In the sky, on the back of the Black Dragon King, Lin Jin looked at the extremely majestic and sacred city in front of him, his eyes flashing with light.

This is the holy land of the Crow Principality, and ordinary players are not qualified to enter this main city.

Just the city wall in front, They are all ten meters high and extremely strong, and there are already dense legions on top of the city wall. In the open space in front of the city wall, densely packed Templar legions have gathered. All silver armors appear bright in the dark night.

As for the sky, except for the sky full of In addition to the royal griffons, there are also shining radiant spirits. This creature composed of elements emits light and illuminates the entire city.

Scattered around these royal griffons and radiant spirits is a The Archangels and Hao Angels were majestic and high up.

Around there, there seemed to be a steady stream of legions coming in, all of which were support legions from all over.

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