The next day

Holy Flame City

, the main city of the Crow Principality, has now gathered a large number of legions.

In front of the main city, there is a mighty heavy cavalry. All the heavy cavalry are wearing bronze heavy armor, the edges of the heavy armor are inlaid with thick dark golden light. They wear helmets on their heads. The helmets are like those of ancient Rome. Red helmet crown with horse hair.

At a glance, the red horse mane is connected into one piece, like a blazing flame.

For heavy cavalry, this threshold is much lower than that of Paladins and Sun Crusaders.

There are three thousand heavy cavalry assembled here, more than two thousand of which are trained soldiers.

In the martial Wolf Principality, there are many people who practice martial arts. They are all willing to improve their martial arts. If they are unable to restrain a chicken, they will be laughed at.

In addition to the heavy cavalry, there were also a large number of silverback wolves scattered around.

All silverbacks are extremely large, and they look majestic into the distance.

As for the city wall, in addition to the racks of powerful crossbows, there is also a famous marksman holding a hard crossbow.

These are not ordinary marksmen. The crossbows in their hands are the highest craftsmanship of the empire. They have become very powerful because of the addition of rare resources.

Crossbows are already known for their destructive power, and the crossbows of these marksmen have increased their destructive power to the extreme.

But they saw that all the sharpshooters had loaded their crossbows, and the sharp arrows were shining with a faint light.

In addition to these sharpshooters on the city wall, there are also a group of criminals wearing masks, wearing silver personal armor, with red cloaks fluttering behind them, holding swords in their left hands and shields in their right hands.

These are also the 10th-level special units of the Wolf Principality - the Sin-killing Officers.

Iona, the peerless knight who belongs to the Wolf Principality.

They rely on their own agility and swordsmanship to fight, and they also have strong battlefield command capabilities. Although they are a branch of the military, they are extremely good at discovering the flaws of the enemy's legion on the battlefield and breaking through the enemy's legion.

I have to say that the foundation of the Wolf Principality is indeed too strong.

The strength of the Wolf Principality, which is dominated by military power, far exceeds the imagination of other principalities.

What's even more frightening is that King Varian has been hiding the strength of the Wolf Principality. No one knows how powerful the Wolf Principality is.

He is a truly ambitious and powerful king.

Just as the formation here is waiting, a silver-white light group in the distance is also approaching here quickly. Behind this silver-white light group, there is a dazzling golden light group.


Varian looked into the distance with his eyes. When he saw the distant legion, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Not only him, but also the other heroes of the Wolf Principality. They all showed solemn and alert expressions.

The Wolf Principality They have completely broken up with the Church of Light, and both sides have completely turned into enemies.

Now, those who have arrived are no longer the allies of the Wolf Principality, but the real enemies.

Every soldier and hero has also tightened his grip. Weapons.

They obviously knew this and were ready to fight.

As they watched, an angel pierced the sky and flew towards here quickly, while the golden ones were galloping behind. The torrent of iron cavalry also swept across the sky and stopped above the Holy Flame City.

The two sides echoed from a distance.

Here, the Great Pope standing at the Golden Dragon King also looked down at the legion below. The military formation was waiting for him, and his face became much more solemn..

The strength of the Wolf Principality really made his eyes shine.

The three thousand heavy cavalry in front of them were very powerful in combat.

Coupled with so many legions, if they wanted to conquer the Holy Flame City, they would be extremely difficult. Trouble.

There are more than 50,000 legions assembled here, and they only have 8,000 people. No matter how powerful the Angels and the Sun Crusaders are, they will not be able to defeat the enemy in a while.

"Great Pope, I know that you are very ambitious, but I didn’t expect that your Church of Light would be able to control the Holy Empire in such a short period of time! This king really made me look down upon!"

King Varian was not afraid, but instead took the lead in shouting with a cheerful face.

You know, the power in front of him is enough to conquer the Holy Flame City, but he can still be so calm and calm, this is not the case What others can do

"Each other, King Varian's plans are not small! Among all the holy empires, the only one that the Church of Light cannot penetrate is the Wolf Principality!"

"Now it seems that I have indeed underestimated the Wolf Principality!"

The Archpope also shouted coldly

"Haha, the Wolf Principality has the most warriors who are not afraid of death!"

King Varian followed the words of the Great Pope and said with a smile.




With King Varian's words, there was an uproar in the world. All the soldiers raised their troops uniformly and shouted loudly. The overwhelming fighting spirit rose into the sky.

Although they were not strong in combat, But the momentum they displayed showed their steely will.

"With all your military strength, do you dare to make enemies of angels?"

Ulie glanced at the legions on the ground, and his arrogant eyes still showed no signs of trouble.

In his opinion, this was just the roar of a group of losers.

The power of angels is many times stronger than these legions, and here is the only one. Angels can easily sweep through fifty thousand enemies.

"With just our military strength, what will happen to the angels!"

King Varian's face turned cold. He suddenly pulled out the sword from behind and put his backhand directly in front of him.


The moment the sword collided with the ground, there was a crisp sound.

Then, on both sides of the city wall, The sound of armor shaking was also heard, followed by a man wearing silver heavy armor, holding double blades.Soldiers with swords also came from both sides.

He is an outstanding swordsman.

A majestic and outstanding swordsman stepped neatly onto the city wall. They all came to King Varian's side and surrounded him heavily.


But all the outstanding swordsmen let out an angry roar, and the double-edged giant swords in their hands suddenly stood beside them. A strong aura swept over them crazily. The outstanding swordsmen all formed a line. A steel city wall.

At a glance, there are as many as a thousand outstanding swordsmen here.

The moment the outstanding swordsmen came out, Uriel's eyes finally changed color, and his expression became much more serious.

The Great Pope's eyes flashed, It’s unbelievable.

The Excellent Swordsman is a crown-ranked unit. The buildings in the Wolf Principality are still mainly for recruiting angels. When did they have so many crown-ranked units?

Where did they get so many resources and gold.

Although This is already the main force of the Wolf Principality, and the Great Pope has only mobilized these top forces. Logically speaking, the strength of the Holy Empire is still far stronger than that of the Wolf Principality.

However, it is impossible for the Holy Empire to summon the main force at this stage. Fighting against the Wolf Principality.

This force alone can make him defeat the enemy.

"Great Pope, Archangel Uriel, the Wolf Principality does not welcome you, and you cannot defeat the Wolf Principality. If you want to defeat the Wolf Principality one day, you must at least recruit more legions!"

Varian said lightly.

A majestic and contemptuous voice also spread.

"Haha, why do you need more legions? Angels can eradicate you today! Uriel snorted coldly, a cold look flashed across his eyes, and he raised the giant cross sword in his hand, pointing the sword directly at Varian.

All the angels entered the fighting state in an instant!_Please read the underlined version of the novel. download floo

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