In three days, Lin Jin defeated all the towns, medium and large towns in the Holy Light Empire and occupied them all.

Among them, Emperor Amilcar of the Holy Light Empire and his loyal subordinates also withdrew from the Holy Light Empire and disappeared.

After defeating all the enemy towns here, the remaining aftermath was entirely left to Letitia.

Letitia's vampire army has increased by 200,000 in just a few days, reaching more than 500,000, and the number is still increasing crazily.

You must know that the minimum vampire legion is level 7. They are already the core combat power and the mainstay of any legion. Moreover, they also have the ability to suck blood, which can be called the nemesis of life.

In every battle, vampires can exert strong fighting power.

The combat power of the vampires led by Letitia is even more exaggerated.

In addition, in order to cultivate vampire kings and high-level vampires, Letitia also asked high-level vampires to kill villages alone to fully cultivate their power.

In front of these defenseless people, a high-level vampire alone is enough to destroy the village.

Every village has completely entered a bloody era.

On the other side, Lin Jin also led the remaining main army back to the Evernight Empire.

After his return, he immediately took over the battle of the Unicorn Principality

"How is the battle going?"

Lin Jin sat on the throne and immediately checked the battle situation here. The current situation really did not allow him to slack off at all.

Although he defeated the Undersea Empire and the United Kingdom of Kalko in a short period of time, and even defeated He defeated the Holy Light Empire, but his enemies were still endless and never cut off.

The continuous wars made his heart become colder and colder. This feeling of being an enemy of the world made the killing in his heart Crazy increase

"Master, this is the battle situation during this period. Since the Badu Alliance marched, the Evernight Empire has lost more than 3 million legions. Currently, 21 towns have been captured, and one-third of the territory of the Unicorn Principality has been captured!"

Elven Queen Jenova handed a series of war documents to Lin Jin.

There were war reports on each battlefield every day, including the time of the battle between the two armies, the scale of the battle, and the casualties of the war.

Lin Jin's Holy Empire The territory is still very large, and his construction is relatively complete, and since the beginning of the integration of reality, he has been raising troops in all aspects.

Only Lin Jin knows the number of undead legions in the entire Eternal Night Empire.

This part of the legion usually also They are all hidden in specially built buildings in various towns, which are equivalent to independent spaces. They will only be used when they are really needed.

During this battle, after refreshing every week, Lin Jin will also recruit all the legions. The numbers are all full.

It is precisely because of this that he can continue to fight with other forces.

Of course, the same is true for other forces.

They can have so many troops because they continue to recruit troops.

However, there are more than 3 million Legion, this is still a very large and exaggerated number.

This loss is not insignificant.

While checking the battle report, Lin Jin's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and he saw some other information in the battle report.

Massacre of the city!

Although Lin Jin had already issued a retreat order and asked the people of the Unicorn Principality to evacuate quickly. However, it was still difficult for such a large crowd to retreat.

Some of the beast trainers from the Intega Kingdom even specially sniped at the retreating towns. and villages, killing at least hundreds of thousands of people.

Among them, these people were regarded as food for wild beasts.

After seeing the news, Lin Jin's eyes were instantly filled with murderous intent, and the atmosphere in the entire hall became solemn. From the perspective of the history of this world, this is not the first time that this has happened, especially to the Intega Kingdom. This empire of beast trainers has always been like this, raising beasts with flesh and blood. Among them, the ultimate Hydra, Dark Hydras, lizards, dragon flies and other creatures also need flesh and blood to feed them.

Among all the empires, the Intega Kingdom also committed the most massacres after the city was broken.

After seeing some of the information at the end, Lin Jin also I saw news about many border towns and villages being attacked by sneak attacks.

The enemy found the weak points of the Evernight Empire and carried out sneak attacks, thereby creating panic in the Evernight Empire and making Lin Jin run for his life.

As mentioned before, even if it is a war, it must It is precisely because of this that you must keep a certain amount of troops.

Once the enemy has a way to bypass your surveillance range, the towns behind will become the target of the enemy's attack.

"It seems that he was really too kind to Intega last time! Lin

Jin said to himself, and put down the document in his hand.

However, if you want to attack the enemy, you must mobilize enough strength.

There are too many enemy troops here, whether they are champion troops or The high-level troops are all extremely powerful, and there are two divine beasts among them.

In addition to the rotten dark hydra that was transferred earlier, there is also a radiant Holy Spirit that belongs to the Holy Sunset Empire! It belongs to the newly transferred divine beast.

In addition, the enemy's title The number of soldiers has reached at least 8,000, and the legions that have been subsequently supported have totaled more than four million.

It will indeed take a lot of effort to completely eliminate this part of the army.

Lin Jin not only has to defeat them, but also has to preserve a certain amount of strength. Strength

"What's going on in the Irollan Forest now? Have you detected any news about demons? Lin

Jin asked again.

King Aktanan and Hell, Lin Jin has never forgotten.

For him, this is the biggest threat, no less than the Badu Alliance.

"Recently, a large number of undead have emerged in the Land of Bones. The undead army of King Aktanan has also launched an attack on the Elf Forest. According to statistics, the undead army of the Sand Golden Tower Empire stretches thousands of miles and is countless in number."

"As for the direction of Hell, people have been sent to search, but there has been no movement in Hell. It is said that a small country has also been invaded by Hell, and everyone believes in the Chaos Dragon God and the Demon King!"

Jenova then reported.

She also gave several fragments of the crystal ball, mainly the undead army of King Aktanan.

Linked to the land of bones in the underworld, it seems that King Aktanan has also obtained Reinforcements from the underworld?

What Lin Jin didn't want to happen happened after all.

According to the current strength of the Ilolan Forest, King Aktanan may not be able to shake it. The reason why they dare to attack the Irolan Forest now must be because Received strong support.

He was originally a force in the underworld. You can imagine where the strong support came from.

Underworld, hell!

These two are the real enemies. Do these people have to fight against me?

Lin Jin's eyes flashed , I don’t know what I’m thinking in my heart.


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